
recurring dreams

" it's pitch black and i am walking to find a way out, all I could find till the end of my sight is nothing but darkness, softly i started hearing somebody's footsteps behind my back too scared to turn arround i quickened my pase, suddenly felt the one following me was trying to hold me from behind i jolted two steps front and quickly turned back but there was nothing, my heartbeat started raising, without being aware i already started to slow run, my foot suddenly froze when I heard the soft giggles as if mocking me, slowing I could hear whispers saying you can't run away from me you are mine, always be mine...that voice gave me chills to the bones and my fear didn't allow me to turn back or open my eyes. once again something was trying to hold me, and that feeling pushed me without realising i started running again but this time I could see a small beem of light too scared to notice where its coming from, after running some time I noticed the light is emitted from me and it freaked me out and i started rubbing my hands and arm to stop the light, while it kept pouring out turning the pitch black area into white endless space, and in front of me was floting apparition of a female with a very calm smile, i was lost in the tranquility around her when I came back to my senses I asked her who are you, where am I?

with a soft smile she answered i am you , the time it has come and soon many things will unfold themselves don't be overwhelmed, believe your intuition and instincts now it's time to wake up. everything was so confusing and before I could ask her anything i was awake, opening my eyes adjusting to the surroundings. when a familiar seeling which has lone small fan squeaking as if begging me i am exhausted, now that u r awake let me have some rest. with a smile i got up and turned of the fan. checked my mobile for time, keeping my cloths ready entered the washroom, finished my bath and after dressing up moved to the right corner of my, where my beautiful kitchen, prepared my self a coffee and a nice lite breakfast, set the table, looking at the clear sky from the widow, savouring the breakfast. finishing the breakfast cleaned the dishes and rushed to collect by bag and keys, before locking the door had one final look at my home, with huge satisfaction I walked out locking the door.