

Kassius the god of nothing, or that's what the others like him believe, finds dungeon that gives him meaning for his meaningless godhood, although it felt too early to be gaining it. If the gods who shunned him hadn't broken their word their fates wouldn't have come so obvious for there is no better motivation than betrayal. Now that there is no one left to worship him as a god what will Kassius become, will he succeed taking revenge or will he find a reason to let his betrayers live.

Mikro_Kissa · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
5 Chs


The flames in my eye sockets went wide as I took in the view, I was now in a beautiful cathedral that was built inside of a cave. Wooden row seats were placed one after another on a shining marble floor, multiple white stone pillars were standing through out the whole cathedral and they were engraved with precision. The ceiling was made out of marble and it held many different pictures of the same goddess.

In all of the pictures Jemin the goddess of nature either sat, stood or knelt next to different trees and flowers, Although they were beautiful, they also felt wrong. The reason for them feeling wrong was that in all of the pictures, Jemin wasn't serene but furious, like someone had done something to her nature.

Deciding to start moving around the cathedral, I quickly found some form of robe laying on the ground. The robe wasn't anything special, it was green in color and it was long, obviously its length was long for human standards, but for me it was enough long to go for a shirt. Putting the robe wasn't hard since it was loose enough, but the sleeves were too way too short for me only reaching my elbows.

Having put the green robe on it was time to keep going, there was nothing much to look at after the initial surprise of the cathedral was gone, until I saw wooden stairs leading to an upper level that was hidden behind a white stone wall. Rushing for the stairs in excitement and then up the stairs even more excited, and the excitement vanished as quickly as it came, there was nothing there.

Wondering what was the purpose for the stairs if there was nothing there, not even a balcony area for the cathedral. Moving I traced the wall with my hand, it felt smooth and hollow. 'Another hidden room or a full on cathedral?' I thought to myself as i pushed the wall, but nothing happened. Pushing against the wall with more and more strength it cracked, the whole wall cracked.

Looking at the crack and deciding that maybe breaking it more wasn't the wisest idea, i decided to try and use my old powers. I placed my left hand on the cracked wall and concentrated but nothing happened, 'why isn't it disappearing?' I wondered. It took me a whole second before I realized, I no longer had those powers that I always had, they were simply gone.

The realization hit me hard, I couldn't conceal myself anymore nor could I make objects disappear with a simple touch, they were gone, completely gone. I was angry, I had grown up with those powers and loved them dearly, they were a part of my being.

In my anger I hit the wall with a fist, the golden flames burst out of my hand and the wall was disintegrated. Shocked i stared at the wall, or the wall that was there just a moment ago, there was nothing left of it anymore.

As the dust cleared, I finally could see what was behind the wall. A large mirror stood there, in the middle of a small marble walled room. The mirrors surface waved oddly, like it wasn't a solid surface, but some kind of liquid instead.

The mirrors chassis was made out of gold and on it were engravings of different runes. I had some expertise over runes and their meaning, but I never really understood them. Only one of the runes i understood properly since it was the rune of connection, the rune was a hexagon in shape and inside it were three lines that connected into each other in the middle of the hexagon.

'I'll come back to this when I'm done, I at least need some pants before I leave.' I thought to myself before turning around and leaving through the open wall that I had disintegrated.

I walked down the stairs and head for the altar, which was placed in the middle of the cathedral. Once there I took a moment to look around, to search my surroundings. Nothing caught my eye, there was nothing else to see here.

'There must be something here, this can't be it.' I thought to myself as i circled the altar.

Time passed as i simply walked in circles inside the cathedral, my hope of finding something else, something that was hidden even better, diminished. Deciding that I had enough, I sat down on a wooden row seat, the seat was cool and awful to sit in. With a sigh I closed my metaphorical eyes and simply sat there, where will I have to go next. By now I had made the connection of the weird mirror to being a portal to somewhere, but where, I needed to know. Although I was more frustrated at the fact that I couldn't find trousers for myself, I still stood up headed for the mirror.

The mirrors surface waved in front of me while its golden chassis stood to only made it feel more mysterious. Placing a hand on the mirrors waving surface I felt a deep coldness come into my hand, although a bit concerning I still chose to push my hand through. My hand sank inside the mirror and I followed as the world shifted, it felt as if I was walking through a thick grey fog.

As the colors shifted to grey and then back, I had stepped into another marble floored room, only this one feeling more like a palace than a cathedral. My footsteps echoed inside the room, and like the last one there was nothing else but a huge mirror with a golden chassis inside.

This time though the marble wall in front of the mirror opened, the marble wall didn't produce any sound. Looking at the marble wall which was now open, I steadied my breathing and went through. Silently hoping that there wouldn't be anyone who could see me with only the hooded green robe on.

To my surprise I was now in a large open area with many balconies, on them humans were going about their daily lives as if nothing had happened. Until someone noticed the wall that was now opened like a door on hinges.

I made sure to pull the hood of my robe, or shirt as it was too small on me to call a robe, onto my head. I always had my hair short but over the years my hair had grown slightly over my ears and it mostly covered my face on the sides.

A loud yell came from the balcony to my right, "WHO GOES THERE!"

I guess i looked small from the humans perspective, since he didn't start screaming nor was the human scared. Ignoring the humans loud yell that drew the attention of everyone inside the open area, I made my way to large double doors that would take me outside or at least that's what I guessed.

"GUARDS GET THIS MAN OUT OF HERE!" The same human yelled and several sets of heavy steps resounded from under the balconies.

Although curious to see the guards and what they'd do when they saw me, I kept going, not paying them any attention, until.

"EVERYBODY OUT, QUICKLY!" One of the guards announced from the top of his lungs. The guards seemed to have noticed that I wasn't a human. I turned my head to see these guards, but there was only one, one very tall human and muscular human.

The guards height was almost to my chest, he had brown hair that was disheveled, almost like he had just woken up. The guard wore a brown leather armor and his trousers were padded with leather. He had a green cape on his back that nearly touched his ankles.

Looking at the guard, I tilted my head and asked, "you wouldn't mind borrowing me your trousers?" I tried to keep a light hearted smile on my face.

The guard didn't seem to like my question as he brought his hands infront of himself, and making them into fists. I then noticed that he was wearing gauntlets that had metal spikes protruding out of them.

'Is he serious?' I asked myself as I tried to keep myself from laughing. Then with a sigh I asked, "are you sure this is what you want? I for one would much prefer if you'd just let me be on my way."

Then the guard finally opened his mouth, "you sure talk a lot of shit for a dead man."

'He really thinks I'm a human.' I thought to myself while outwardly laughing at his comment.

The guard seemed to have had enough as he lunged for me with a speed that, didn't impress any gods but for a human, was incredible.

His lunge was cut short as I grabbed his wrist and neck, and easily lifted him off the ground. At that moment when I lifted him a spark of realization ignited in his grey eyes. "I, I apolo..." His words were cut short as I let go of his neck, but still having my hand wrapped around his wrist.

I lowered myself enough to see his eyes clearly, he coughed and made eye contact with the symbol on the strip of cloth.

"So about those trousers you have."