
Karma Corpse System Omniversal

Who doesn't want power to change their destiny? Join our Main character's adventure towards greatness through death. All characters and stories used are created, produced, and owned by other people except the OC, please support the official release. This is my first try at a story so any corrections/advice is appreciated.

Goldenswiftreader · Livros e literatura
Classificações insuficientes
24 Chs

Chapter 21: The 100 Fold

'System, I noticed that my latest Perk gave me telepathy resistance, will I be getting the ability itself?'

[User will be restricted from the use of telepathy and any of the mind invasive and altering powers, it is much too easy for system users to abuse. User can gain the resistance skills and the use of communication abilities, like mind speak and to be able to share memories or emotions.]

'Yikes, so what happened to cause this ability to be blocked?'

[Previous system users abused these types of abilities for crimes so heinous that they have been expunged from existence. No further details available, except a warning that if future users ever gain said power, that their Karma would drop by one every second they have it, until either the system is removed or the user deletes the power.]

'Harsh, but fair. Wait I can delete my powers or skills?'

[Access denied user's access level to low, reach higher tier to gain access.]

'Alright, guess I better get back to it.'

-On Earth the Camp-

Bellamy was woken up from a dream about the birth of his sister by voices shouting, "It's a grounder! He's carrying Octavia!" Hearing her name he woke up fully and disentangled himself once again from the figures of Bree and Roma. He hurriedly slung on pants and a shirt, grabbing his dagger and his handgun, he made his way to the gate in a rush. Along the way he was joined by Clarke and Wells, as they made their way to the gate they saw a growing crowd of armed delinquents. Bellamy shouted, "Let me through." As he moved his way through as the crowd he recalled the time he spent caring for his sister as she was growing up in secret. Once he made it through the crowd he saw a black man, with brown eyes, a shaved head that had some tribal tattoos along the back of his neck, and whose build was lean muscular and intimidating a f0ck.

After spending a moment looking at him, Bellamy saw his sister draped in his arms unconscious, face smeared in blood, before he could fly into a rage, Clarke moved forward and demanded, "Let me see her, I'm this camp's physician." Bellamy realized that if the mysterious grounder meant harm, he would have taken Octavia somewhere else. He breathed in and bellowed, "Make way, we need to get my sister to the medical area." When the delinquents just stood and stared at him in he shouted, "Did I stutter? I said move it, Octavia is injured and this grounder is currently bringing her back to us. Let's go, people." Having said that, as the crowd parted for them to head to the dropship, Wells went ahead to prep Clarke's tools and warn Raven and Finn to get decent because they had an injured person and a mysterious guest.

As Clarke was examining Octavia's injuries, she asked the stranger, "What happened, how did this happen?" The reply she received was, "Heyo, ai dig au dison smak daun, ai lid in hir, sis au." (Greetings, I found this person collapsed, I brought her here, help her.) Clarke started in confusion and said, "No idea what you said, do you know any English, it's the only language we know. The dark stranger nodded as they walked and quietly said, "Yes, I know the warrior tongue, are you all warriors then?" Clarke shook her head and said, "Not really, some of us fight, most of us are builders, fixers, and farmers. I'm the current healer of our group." As he glanced at her in fascination, they made it to the dropship.

Upon entering Clarke pointed to a bed and said, "Lay her there please. Thank you for bringing her here my name is Clarke Griffin." The stranger tenderly lays her down and steps back, making room for Clarke as he replied quietly, "Lincoln kom Trikru." Bellamy who had been amazingly silent, while waiting for Clarke to check Octavia's condition firmly said, "Well Lincoln kom Trikru, what brings you here, and what happened to my sister?" Lincoln calmly gazed into the increasingly angry eyes of Bellamy and said, "You do, I saw her fall and brought her to her people for care." Wells who had been assisting Clarke by passing her wet cloths to clean the wounded spot, the tools to care for the wound, and bandages for wrapping them, looked up and said, "What do you mean us?"

Before Lincoln could respond, Murphy strode in and said, "He means we're in his countries borders and he probably wants to know if more of us are coming." Lincoln nodded at Murphy's words and said, "I have been tasked by my leader to find out your intentions, can we have peace or will it be war, the biggest issue is will there be more of you? The second fire from the sky tells us there will be." Bellamy who had the time to cool down somewhat, spoke, "We don't want war, but your people didn't exactly give us a good first impression." Murphy winced at those words, rubbed his injuries and asked, "Yeah, what was that about?" Lincoln looked coolly at him and said, "That was to protect you from the Mountain Men, any who go further are taken to a fate worse then death. You are most lucky to have survived."

Murphy was about to retort, when Clarke spoke up, "Octavia is going to be alright, the bump to her head seems to have only knocked her out. The cut was shallow, so I've patched it up, her leg wound was a little more serious, so I had to apply some stitches, she'll need to avoid walking for a couple of days for it to heal. Thank you for bringing her here Lincoln, can you tell us what exactly your leader wants to know?" Lincoln turns his intense gaze towards the still unconscious Octavia and responds, "Will more of you be coming? Your intentions, can we trade with you, ally with you, or will blood be shed?"

Finn and Raven, who had been sleeping together in the upper section of the dropship, made their way down while the was going on. Finn replied cheerily, "Peace, definitely peace, I for one prefer loving over fighting." Raven chuckling punched him in the arm, turning serious she then said, "Jacapo told me that we'd be sending the rest of the dropships and some sort of makeshift crash-ship. Since the Ark is failing, we're all coming down, which after me coming down is 2,558. There will at least be seven more of these fine vessels coming down, alongside 2 more of the type I rode in on. The last one I'm told will be huge, not sure where it's going to land safely, but I'm confident in Jacapo's skills." Upon hearing those numbers everyone blanched at the realization of the task that needed to be done.

Murphy murmured, "Glad it's someone else's problem, all we need to do is negotiate with someone whose idea of saving a life is spear chucking. Oops maybe not quiet as safe as I was thinking." Lincoln who had barely flinched at the numbers given, stoically said, "Where do you intend to land these vessels? Conflict will be assured if you land more unannounced, especially if you destroy farmland or villages." As Bellamy reddened, Raven replied, "That's one of the reasons I was sent down actually, we have a way to communicate with our leaders on the Ark, it got damaged in that weird Acid fog incident, and thus I was sent down with some supplies to repair it. Jacapo told me to get coordinates of where we could and couldn't land the ships."

Bellamy frowning said, "You didn't tell us that." Raven laughed and replied, "I just got here, what did you expect a full debriefing? This is Earth not the Ark, lighten up Bellamy, I would have told you guys in the morning, I just needed to catch up with someone important to me and get some much needed rest." She then wrapped her arms around Finn and kissed him passionately. Clarke blushing at the display of affection, coughed and said, "Lincoln, who do we need to talk to to get permission to land on Earth? As Raven said, the people of the Ark are coming down, and we need a place that we can go."

As Lincoln ponders what best to do, Finn spots a foghorn tied to his waste and realizes that this Grounder might have blown it to save their lives. Finn blurted out in surprise, "It was you! You were the one who blew that horn, you tried to warn us." Hearing that Wells, who had been standing behind Clarke, spoke in a thoughtful tone, "That means you've been spying on us for some time, while I'm grateful that your warning signal saved our lives, that brings anything you say into suspicion." With these sudden revelations Bellamy's temper briefly flared before the dawning realization that this would be the second time his sister would have been saved by this person.

As the group started to bicker Bellamy took a deep breath, and then shouted harshly, "Quiet!" Once everyone stopped talking he glared at Lincoln, walked up and extended his hand, "On be half of the 100 if not the Ark yet, I, Bellamy Blake wish to thank Lincoln kom Trikru for saving us from the Acid Fog and my sister once more from her fall." As Lincoln took his hand and shook it firmly, Bellamy continued, staring firmly at all the people in the dropship, "If he had wanted to kill anybody, they'd be dead already, this man has done us the courtesy of coming to us in the open, the least we can do is hear him out."

Murphy feeling intimidated and still hurting from being speared remarked snarkily, "Sure why don't we share resources as well?" Clarke smiled at that and remarked, "That's a great idea, I imagine that since the apocalypse technology use in all it's forms may have been lost. We can totally trade the advantages of our medicines and technology." Murphy, while thankful that his sarcasm had been misunderstood, couldn't help continuing his streak, and said, "Yeah, and in exchange we can share stories of how our ancestors survived as well." Lincoln nodded and said, "It has been said that the cowards who fled Praimfaiya, by going into the sky leaving us on the ground to die, would come back and steal what we have rebuilt. If you intend to bring peace, be prepared to face hardships."

Wells startled at Lincoln's words, asked curiously, "What do you mean ran away? From what I understood it was chaos back then and there was no time to do anything to save anyone." Lincoln turned his intense gaze from Octavia's sleeping form and said, "If you want to know more, we must first have peace, who among you will represent the Sky people?" Bellamy looked at Octavia tenderly, remembering all the time he spent helping his sister, his big mistake that led to her capture and the death of his mother. Firming his resolve he was about to talk when Clarke spoke up, "I will speak for the 100, for now, once Raven has communications back up we can negotiate further. What we need right now isn't warriors, but healers."

As Clarke's words ended Octavia groaned and wincing in pain attempted to sit up, reaching to touch the bandage on her head. Lincoln reacted first and crouched next to her staring deeply into her eyes, with burning intensity. Octavia feeling the bandage and the sudden ache in her knee, groggily remarked, "I seem to be prone to injury, I need to work on my reflexes...." Finally noticing Lincoln she gazed into his burning eyes and gasped, "Did you help me?" As he nodded her heart throbbed at the intensity of his gaze, taking it as a challenge, she began to stare with increasingly matching intensity. Bellamy seeing that something was happening felt his protective instincts urge him to act, letting it happen, he moved in between the two and said heartily, "O... I'm glad you're up, you had everyone worried for a bit there. I'm told you're going to need to spend some time off your leg so it can heal properly. Can you do that?"

Tearing her gaze from Lincoln with some difficulty she turned to Bellamy and said, "As long as I'm not being locked up again, I can rest a bit, but I need to know what's happening, no hiding things from me, alright?" Bellamy smiled wanly, replied, "I'll try my best O, you're my sister, my responsibility, I can't, no I won't lose you. I'll do everything in my power to protect you, which is why we're in discussions with Lincoln here. He brought you here after you fell, has told us that the grounders are troubled by our arrival, and from what Raven has said, things are about to get tricky. There's a time limit and we need to try to make peace before a war breaks out."

Hearing Bellamy's words, Octavia grabbed his arm and exclaimed, "I want to help." Bellamy grasped her arm gently and said, "Once you're better, I doubt this opening negotiation will happen right now. Lincoln here, has been sent to learn from us and open talks." Lincoln stoically nodded, Octavia turned to him and murmured quietly, "Lincoln, huh, My name is Octavia, thank you for saving me, I would love to get to know you better." Murphy smirking replied, "We all would, after all he's the first grounder we've met that isn't trying to kill us." Wells frowning slightly, said darkly, "That could change if the talks fail."

As the atmosphere darkened, Finn cheerily exclaimed, "All the more reason for us to do our best, right? Raven, how soon can you get communication back up, and Lincoln how soon do you need to report in before things go south?" Raven grinned cheekily and replied, "With the parts we scavenged from my pod, the supplies I brought, the parts from the Art Supply Store, and the work Monty has done I'll have us talking with them within six hours, sooner if Monty is recovered enough to help." Lincoln pondered a moment and replied, "I have been told to report in three days time, but can arrive a little later." Clarke sighed in relief and said, "Then we can get details of what is negotiable confirmed with the Chancellor and my words would have legitimate power."

Lincoln turned to Octavia, his stare intensifying once more and said quietly, "I will stay and work hard to convey to your Chancellor the concern of Trikru and if things go well, you will meet the Heda in peace."

-On the Ark-

Chancellor Jaha had called for general meeting meeting and was feeling both confident and nervous of the news he had to deliver. He turned to Councilor Kane and murmured, "Today we make history, hopefully all the sacrifices that were made to get us here will be justified." Kane nodded grimly and replied, "They were necessary for the survival of the whole. I wish things could have gone differently, when we had to make the hard decisions, but this..." He took a deep breath and looked at the gathering group, "This will be easy, we have hope and a place to go to."

As Diana Sydney sauntered in greeting various people warmly, Jaha stood up and began to speak, "You are the station reps of the Ark and I have incredibly grave and incredibly good news to report. The grave news is that, I have been lying to you for the past year or so, it was a lie by omission, but a lie nonetheless. I kept the fact of the Ark's oxygen crisis from you and then I lied about sending the 100 to the ground, but you can tell your stations that the deception ends here. You now know the whole truth but there is one truth that stands above all the rest, Earth is survivable. The danger the 100 faced for the rest of us shows that we can finally make it to the ground. Mankind is going home."

As the representatives gasped at the revelations and began to talk amongst themselves. Cuyler Ridley, a white man with reddish brown hair, brown eyes, a mustache, and a fuzzy beard, he is 5'9" and weighs 205 lbs, stood up and exclaimed, "How do we know that's everything? How do we know you're not still hiding something?" Jaha sighed and replied, "This afternoon I declassified the minutes of all council meetings." Ridley scoffed, "Is that supposed to make us feel better? You could falsify anything in those records." Jaha feeling irritated and said, "If you must know one of the 100 I sent down there was my son, and further accusations of the Council or my honesty will have repercussions. This is meant to be joyous news."

Before Ridley could argue further, Diana Sydney interrupted, "I didn't know that. I'm sorry. My friends please, Chancellor Jaha has sacrificed as much as any of us, his son was sent down to find out if Earth is survivable or not. Let's hear what else he has to say before we cast judgement." Ridley speaking softly, while stepping back into the group, "Ma'am, we can't trust them, I'm sorry." Jaha moved closer to where Diana was standing and said, "Then trust her, it was my and the Council's decision to choose who would lead the people on the ground as we transition from the Ark to the Earth. Diana Sydney, will you take up the mantle of leadership once more, and become the first Chancellor of Earth?" As she nodded silently with a gentle smile, the crowd erupted into applause.

As the crowd quiets down, Jaha continued, "Now, as I'm pretty sure that everyone knows that the dropships we have are not enough to take everyone on the Ark down." As the crowd begins to clamor, about which station should get priority seating, Jaha exclaimed, "Our Chief Engineer has figured out a solution to help the population that stays behind to make it down safely. We'll be using parts of the Ark itself to land the rest of us. He'll be handling the logistics with assistance from the rest of us. Before that he's been modifying each dropship to handle more people. Diana and Commander Shumway will be picking who will be going on their dropship. Councilor Kane and Abby will have various families who are skilled in fields other than engineering on theirs. We'll hold the launch after Unity Day. The other dropships will be ready to launch later, once all the modifications are done, as each group of people is sent down, the time for those of us on the Ark will be extended. Further details will be released to those staying behind, thank you for your patience and may we meet once more upon the ground."

Everyone repeated the saying and representatives from the non-engineering stations began to make their way to Diana and Abby, each one requesting to either join their dropship or ask what to expect when they reach the surface. Jaha then turned to Councilor Kane and said, "Marcus, I believe that you should meet with your mother to discuss the return of the last tree of the Ark to return to Earth, it would be a momentous occasion for all and send a message of hope to those of us still on the Ark." Councilor Kane nodded stiffly, turned and left.

As Kane made his way to his mother he thought about all the decisions he had made and the fact that he could no longer justify them began to haunt him. He had barely been able to speak with Callie Cartwig his girlfriend, when he realized that if things had gone slightly wrong he might have had to float her, just to maintain the order that he thought protected the Ark. When he made it to his mother's sanctum, where the tree resided when not on display for prayer, he grabbed the watering can and began to care for the tree feeling momentary peace in his actions.

Vera Kane, appeared to be in her late 50's/early 60's, with hair that was still dark-brown, and she has brown eyes, seeing Marcus' actions she remarked softly, "You haven't done that in years." As she approached closer, she continued, "It's healing don't you agree?" Upon hearing her words, Marcus put down the watering can and having lost his hold on calmness, began to cry, "I don't know who I am anymore." Vera calmly hugged and murmured, "You're my son." Marcus still sobbing, replied, "I've done some terrible things." Vera Kane hugged him harder and said, "God will forgive you, Marcus the question is will you be able to forgive yourself."

After calming down Kane obtained his mother's permission to take the tree down and even convinced her to come down with him. Once done he made his way to the Council chamber where Diana Sydney was being sworn in as the Chancellor of Earth, "I, Diana Sydney, solemnly swear to uphold the oath to protect and defend the laws and people of the Ark, upon the Earth." After Jaha congratulated her, the council began to applaud as she made her way to a new seat marked with the symbol of Earth. Thelonius Jaha continued, "As the former chancellor, no one knows more about Project Exodus than you do. The good news is that we are going to the ground the bad news is that it will be harder for a good majority of us to head down." Diana frowned slightly and said, "It's a problem we were supposed to have a hundred years to fix."

Jaha smiled in response and said, "When the plan was first setup they didn't have Jacapo to figure the steps out, it's quite simple really. If the Ark is no longer fit to sustain us, it can be used to take us home, but first we'll be making use of the dropships to send people down to prepare the way for the rest of us. Also with Jacapo's modifications we'll be able to send more people per dropship so instead of the smaller number of 700 people, it will be 980. Diana as Chancellor of Earth will get a contingent of security personnel to be handpicked by Commander Shumway. Diana will also be able to pick any personnel to take with her barring anyone from engineering, since they will be needed to make the modifications on the dropships and the Ark."

-On Earth the Camp-

There had been a brief pause when a hurricane blew through causing some damage to the array and some of the makeshift tents, but with Raven there the repairs took almost no time to complete and communication was quickly reestablished between the Camp and the Ark. Jaha expressed great interest in establishing a peaceful resolution with the grounders and agreed to trade their technological expertise for an area to settle. Diana begrudgingly gave Clarke the temporary power to negotiate on behalf of the Ark until she would land and take over, since from Lincoln's reaction there would be war if the next dropship didn't land where Trikru wanted them to go. Once Clarke had the necassary permissions Lincoln left the meeting to spend more time with Octavia.

As soon as he was gone Clarke brought up the issues of current supplies, saying, "Until some of our technological experts and supplies come down we can't trade much with the grounders for supplies. We're doing everything we can to prepare here. We're gathering nuts and berries, curing meats, digging for roots, but the truth is, we'll freeze before we starve." Kane responded, "There's good news on that front. According to civil defense plans from before the war, there's an old emergency aid depot not far from the landing site. Here are the coordinates." Jaha added, "In addition to supplies, it could provide shelter for the hundred and for the citizens coming down from the Ark." Wells asked, "And what makes you think it's intact?"

Kane looking at the plans said, "It was designed to withstand nuclear warfare." Bellamy said, "All right. It's worth a shot." Diana asked, "Will this location be near where the grounders agree to let us settle?" Clarke replied, "Depends on how negotiations go, based on how intense Lincoln is, one wrong step and we could have a war." Bellamy added grimly, "With an untold amount of grounders who've lived here the whole time, they'll have the home-field advantage if it comes to a fight." Thelonius Jaha spoke up, "All the more reason to make sure this succeeds. I'm told by Jacapo that once the majority of the population from the Ark is on the ground he will send as much technology down as he can to help."

After they digested the news that the comfort of their advanced technology might make it down as well everyone else, relaxed a bit. Thelonius continued, "Even if everything goes without a hitch, the hundred would die from exposure before relief arrives. I'd like a moment with Clarke alone, please, and I know there's a line of parents waiting to talk to their kids. Clarke, we all are very proud of what you've done down there."

Once everyone filed away, Thelonius said softly, "Your mother...' Clarke cut him off curtly, "I don't want to talk about my mother." Thelonius began in a pleading tone, "Please, Clarke. It's time to forgive. Let me schedule a time for you and Abby to sit down..." Clarke once more cut him off, but even angrier, "Look. I know you both think that betraying my dad, killing him, was an unavoidable tragedy, but I don't see it that way, and I never will. So just tell me who's next and let someone who actually wants to talk to their parents have a turn." She then left the dropship without giving the Chancellor a chance to continue.

As she makes her way out she lets Atom know that the communication line is open for family use. As she makes her way to Bellamy she sees Jasper and Monty who are busy sorting, cracking, and eating nuts. Lincoln who had been searching for Octavia had stopped to see them acting childish with the scavenged food. He stepped forward and said, "Jobi nuts, they go bad, they cause visions, but it wears off." Jasper whoops in joy, "Are you saying we have found some recreational, party time food?" Monty replied worriedly, "That means it can be fatal if eaten in high amounts, we're gonna have to go through all the bags to sort them out and store them separately."

Clarke nodded, turned to Lincoln and said, "Thank you for letting us know about the nuts, could you help Monty real quick to check if anything else the others brought is detrimental?" As Lincoln was about to reply in the negative, Octavia walked up and said, "As boring as that sounds I've got to earn my keep and learn more survival skills, count me in on the sorting job." Lincoln immediately gave a quiet affirmation and began to assist her in identifying the good food from the bad.

With the winter stores now guaranteed to be safer Clarke then continued to Bellamy and said, "Let's check that aid station for supplies and viability of shelter." Bellamy nodded and said, "Alright we'll gather the usual group and make our way there. How long will this trip take?" Clarke replied, "All day, so we'll need some food supplies as well as some camping gear. Just to let you know that mixed into the new rations is a hallucinogenic nut, known as the Jobi nut, Monty, Jasper, Octavia, and Lincoln are resorting them so ask which ones are safe to take for the trip alright?" Bellamy laughed and proceeded to gather the small group of people to go.

The assembled group was Finn, Murphy, Wells, Bellamy, Charlotte, and Clarke, Raven was unable to come because she was working on applying protection to the vulnerable parts of the communication array, and Octavia was busy sorting the rations with Lincoln. Bellamy kept telling himself that he would give Lincoln the benefit of the doubt, but if he hurt Octavia, Bellamy would crush him. They then left at a brisk pace, everyone knowing that Clarke was using this trip to get some space from her mother.

Finn took the opportunity that Clarke was in the lead, turned to Wells and asked, "Will Clarke ever forgive her mother?" Wells shrugged and said, "Clarke is pretty stubborn, she held a grudge against me for over a year when she thought I was responsible for causing Jake's death." Charlotte said sadly, "Poor Clarke, I know how awful it is to be angry all the time, let's help her feel better." Everyone else nodded in agreement and shared some ideas, until Murphy spoke up and said, "What she needs right now is us to treat her the same as always, anything else and she'll react badly." With those words they ceased their conversation and caught up with Clarke to continue the trip.

-Hours Later at the Wilderness-

Reaching the coordinates they see ruins and a large body of water. Clarke said, "The depot is supposed to be around here somewhere. There's got to be a door." They spread out searching all over for some time, as Bellamy starts to get frustrated, Clarke gave a shout, "Over here. I found a door." She attempts to open the door by herself, but fails, grunting she said, "Ugh! I think it's rusted shut." Once everyone works together using some rope and a makeshift pry-bar, they succeed in opening the rusted door. Glancing down Bellamy asks doubtfully, "Really think this place hasn't been touched since the war?" Entering the shadows she replied, "A girl can dream. Come on."

The group noticed a skeleton with ragged clothing on it on the stairs, Murphy gagging said, "Hell of a place to die." As the six explore the depot they quickly realize that the place is ruined and uninhabitable. Clarke sadly sighed, "So much for living down here, this place is disgusting. Damn it." They realize that the 100 and people of the Ark can't live down there. Bellamy finds a box of glow sticks and begins lighting them, Clarke not finding much, said, "They must have distributed most of the supplies before the last bombs went off. Hey, I found blankets." While Clarke is happy they found something, Bellamy isn't, he replies sarcastically, "Excited about a couple of blankets?"

Wells seeing that Bellamy is getting frustrated replied, "Well, it's something, not every trip will produce results, before you fly off the handle we should continue the search. Who knows, maybe we'll find more flares." Bellamy opens up a metal barrel only to find it full of grease. Angry, Bellamy shouts, "How about a canteen or a med kit or a decent fricking tent? Argh!" He then kicks the barrel over, after the barrel topples over, Bellamy discovers a bunch of assault rifles and ammunition that were inside, he exclaims, "Oh my god." Everyone who had been spread out comes closer to view what he found.

Bellamy spoke to the group, "This changes everything. No more running from spears. Also whatever the Mountain Men are." Finn firmly said, "This is a dangerous direction you're taking us Bellamy." Clarke speaks up and said, "Look. I'm not gonna fight on bringing these guns back to camp. I know we need them, but don't expect me to like it." Wells spoke up in support of Bellamy and said, "Right now the grounders have us over a barrel in these negotiations, this is a precaution if things go south. Also whatever it is they fear, we need a way to fight it." Murphy's voice broke the stalemate, when he said, "Lincoln seems like a cool guy, but there's no way I'm going to give the grounders an opportunity to spear me again, let's search this place for more weapons and take them back to camp." Finn sighed and said, "Fine, but we need to talk about how we're gonna keep guns around camp, where are we gonna keep them, and who has access."

After everyone acknowledges Finn's words, Bellamy then insisted on teaching everyone there how to shoot, since they wouldn't be returning to camp till tomorrow. Wells takes charge in teaching Clarke how to shoot and when he fixes Clarke's stance, Wells notices how close he is to her and gets flustered, but after shaking his head, he continues guiding Clarke's aim. With Wells' guidance Clarke aims her gun, pulls the trigger, and fires off a round on the side of the target, with an exclamation of joy she shouted, "That was amazing. Ha! Am I horrible for feeling that?" Murphy grinned sadly at her words and said, "Only if you feel that good when you take someone's life."

Clarke's mood drops and she attempts to put the gun down when Bellamy said, "Try again." Clarke said, "No. We shouldn't waste the ammunition." Wells said gently , "You need to practice." Meanwhile Bellamy took one of the other rifles and decides to demonstrate instead, "We're lucky the rifles were packed in grease. The fact that they survived means we're not sitting ducks anymore." After Bellamy pulls the trigger, he notices that some of the bullets are duds, calling out he said, "Clarke's right unfortunately, we'll need to conserve until we sort through them."

Finn smiling sadly said, "More than likely Monty and Raven will be the ones who can figure out which bullets are good and which aren't, in fact Raven can probably repair the duds with Jasper's help since he's the chem wizard." As the others stare in shock at his sudden change in stance, Finn flatly states, "Look, I may disagree with your plans, but if you're going to insist on this, it's best to do this right. Now let's comb this place one more time, I don't plan on coming back here again." They spend a few hours searching and discover an additional two barrels of guns and a barrel full of ammo. They then spent the time packing the guns and ammo so that they could make the trip in one go.

-Later Back at the Camp-

Monty, Jasper, Octavia, and Lincoln had finished resorting the rations, but soon after Monty and Jasper began to become quite loopy. With Lincoln's assistance, Octavia was able to lay them to rest, afterwards they spent some time sharing the silence. Octavia then asked Lincoln if there was a space they could share that was away from the Camp. Lincoln nodded and they proceeded to his cave where they proceed to get to know each other better.

The next day after waking up in each others arms, Lincoln promises that not only will he protect her he will teach her to be able protect herself. After a brief make out session they make it back to Camp right after Clarke's group brought the guns and had handed the ammunition to Raven to be examined. Lincoln seeing the guns said to Clarke, "It is good that you aren't grounders for the Mountain men would come to punish you for having these weapons. Do not bring these to the meeting once I arrange it, or else the negotiations will fail immediately." Bellamy hearing this said, "You are going to have to tell us about these Mountain men at some point, every time you mention them, it feels like you're talking about the boogeyman."

Lincoln stared in confusion then replied, "Whatever this boogeyman is, it holds nothing to the horror that is the Mountain men. I'll tell you more when we have real peace. For now we have two more days for me to explain some of our ways and you to explain some of yours, that way when you come to negotiate, it will be more likely to succeed." Murphy joked, "Wow, I think that's the most we've ever heard from you. What changed?" Lincoln turned his head to look at Octavia, "There's someone I must protect, and by helping you, I achieve that." Octavia blushes deeply and said, "Then we better get started." Bellamy glared, sighed, and said, "Guess we'd better."

-On the Ark-

[Ding For indirectly preventing the deaths of John Mbege, Diggs, Roma, Dax, and Commander Shumway +3 Charisma and Luck, +20 Karma. For indirectly preventing the torture of Lincoln and the stabbing of Finn, +2 Strength, Dexterity, Constitution, and Luck, +25 Karma. For changing the pathway of the story noticeably +1 in all stats, gain the memories and skills of Mishima Shogo from Metro Survive, gain skills, Mechanical Engineering I and Structural Engineering I, increase skills Cleaning and Maintenance. +10 Karma. Reached an unlocking point, further reward granted for preventing the culling of 320 people on the Ark, and indirectly preventing the burning down of the unknown grounder village, gain the knowledge and skills of "Minnie" May Hopkins from Gunsmith Cats gain skills Basic Explosives H, Bedroom Arts I, Lockpick I, and Radio Engineering I, Increase skills Acting, Car Mechanics, and Surgery. Karma already awarded. Further rewards will become available as the story develops.]

[Basic Science F absorbs Mechanical Engineering I, Radio Engineering I, and Structural Engineering I. Basic Science F>E+]

'Neat, Status'

User 01010111

Age 46 Level 47 (exp 2100/47000)

Condition: Normal


Strength 61H>64H

Dexterity 89H>92H

Constitution 113G>116G

Intelligence 103G>107G

Wisdom 100G>104G

Charisma 73H>77H

Luck 43H>49H


Acting E+>D, Astronaut H, Basic Blades I, Basic Languages A, Basic Science F>E+, Body Language B, Camping H+, Car Mechanics F+, Cleaning E+, Cold Resistance D, Cooking E, CQC D+, Disease Resistance H+, Dive B, Driving E+, Enhanced Hearing C+, Enhanced Smell B+, Enhanced Swimming A, Enhanced Touch E+, Enhanced Vision D+, Fatigue Resistance I, Fire Resistance H+, Heat Resistance F+, Investigation I+, Night Vision G+, Maintenance D+, Mathematics D+, Medicine C+, Mining F+, Parallel Thinking E+, Poison Resistance G, Rad Resistance H, Sailing G, Shooting E+, Stealth D, Surgery E+, Taming H+, Teaching G, Teamwork I, Telepathy Resistance I, Tracking I+, Volleyball F+, Woodcraft G, Writing G+, New Skills (Basic Explosives H, Bedroom Arts I, Lockpick I)


Ambidextrous, Awareness, Bodyguard, Chief Engineer, Contortionist, Entomorph: (Fall Armyworm), Explorer's Map, Fashion Sense, Iron Will, Lachrymose Leech, Leadership, Medusoid Mycelium, Memory Palace+, Mentor, Plantamorph: (Birch, Elm, Evergreen, Maple), Pupa, Secret Smasher, Snow Gnat, Stoic, Toughness, Uncommon Physical Growth, Zoomorph: (Anchovy, Bass, Blue Wildebeest, Camel, Carp, Chicken, Cod, Crow, Cow, Crab, Deer, Eel, Goat, Goose, Hare, Horse, Impala, Kangaroo, Llama, Lobster, Mackerel, Mole, Mouse, Mussel, Nile Tilapia, Octopus, Oyster, Pig, Pigeon, Pollock, Possom, Prawn, Rabbit, Raccoon, Rat, Red Mullet, Reindeer, Salmon, Sardine, Seagull, Sheep, Shrimp, Squid, Trout, Tuna, Turkey, Vole, Zebra), World Compass

Sealed(Nightblood, Flame Implant)

Corpse Absorption Progress

Ant (.08932), Aphid (.01257), Bedbug (.00174), Bee (.00605), Centipede (.00115), Cockroach (.01725), Dandelion (.00127), Earwigs (.00186), Flea (.00146), Fly (.11812), Ivy (.169), Jellyfish (.00122), Lice (.00155), Mosquito (.08904), Moth (.00669), Pill Bug (.00689), Slug (.01504), Spider (.00259), Wasp (.01411), Worm (.00265)

Abilities:Tutorial Pocket(100 Karma Coupon)

Limited(Minor Identify F)

Sealed (Flight G+, Ink Squirt, Mild Poison Bite, Rally, Photosynthesis)

Achievements: A Sailors Life For Me, Family Man, For The Family!, Fungicide, Globetrotter, Guardian Angel, Happily Ever After, No Stone Unturned, Survivor

Karma: 613 Total Positive

Can you guess how many episodes I may have smashed together? Also I know dialogue episodes are a bit boring, but that's kinda how the peaceful route goes, sure there will definetly be drama, misunderstandings, and occassional violence, but when there is proper communication and less pressure in a given situation the mc's will be able to react better preventing needless tradgedy. Think of any scene that could have gone better if they had just had a bit more time to talk it out.

Goldenswiftreadercreators' thoughts