
Karma Corpse System Omniversal

Who doesn't want power to change their destiny? Join our Main character's adventure towards greatness through death. All characters and stories used are created, produced, and owned by other people except the OC, please support the official release. This is my first try at a story so any corrections/advice is appreciated.

Goldenswiftreader · Livros e literatura
Classificações insuficientes
24 Chs

Chapter 20 The 100 Crease

'Wells survived? What happened?'

[Actions of Bellamy became positive through the user's interference. The positive decisions accumulated and led to the saving of those that would have died. User will be able to review changed storyline once in the Relaxation Room.]

'I can review previous storylines?'

[Only the non-tutorial worlds and only in the Relaxation Room. Will show play-by-play of the main characters actions user wasn't able to interact with.]

'Seems kinda invasive, wouldn't that negate some Karma?'

[It is a review no privacy will be violated. No loss of Karma will occur.]

'Speaking of no privacy, why would the dimension punish the Transcendents for interfering?'


'I'm getting the impression that my user access is too low to ask what balance means, so I'm going to give up for now and continue working.'


-On Earth the Camp-

It had been four days since the acid fog swept through the camp and things had been going pretty steady. The protective fence was coming along nicely and the 100 were getting better at hunting and using their makeshift tools. The only problem was that the communication array that Monty had built was spotty at best, apparently some of the more delicate parts had been damaged by the acid fog. Bellamy asked Monty with concern, "How's it looking?" Monty having cracked open a case in the back of the box, looked up, sighed, and said, "The acid did some damage to a few of the relays and a couple circuit boards are showing signs of failing, other than that things look alright. I can harvest a couple of parts from the dropship's internal structure, but that would be it. We have no other spare parts due to counting on what Mount Weather has, I can try to use some of the wristbands for parts."

Bellamy paused in thought, thinking about the ramifications, and said, "We'll try the ship parts first, also I'm thinking that we should move the more delicate parts of the array into the dropship so this doesn't happen again. I don't know how often the acid fog occurs, but we should prepare for this to be a common occurrence. Hopefully they start sending people down soon to assist us, thank you Monty for the good work." Monty nodded and began to plan out the rerouting of materials to maintain contact with thew Ark.

Clarke in the meantime had been avoiding talking with her mother since she had found out about who had actually gotten her father killed. Clarke was examining Murphy's wound once more and checking to see if there were any abnormalities, finding none she said, "Alright Murphy it looks like all you need is to take it easy for a little longer and then you'll be pretty much back to normal. Let me know if anything feels wrong, okay." Murphy smiling at the news replied. "Sounds great doc, I'll take it easy while everyone works on staying alive. Seriously though, as much as getting speared sucked, it opened my eyes to life, and seeing as I'll be leaving your tender care soon, I have something to say..." He paused, took a deep breath, grimaced at the twinge of pain, sighed and continued, "Thank you for saving my life, I know what kind of person I am and what I would have done if things had gone different. With my new chance at life, I want to be a better person and I feel that I can become a better person hanging around you."

Realizing that what he said sounded like a confession of love and seeing Clarke's expression, Murphy hurriedly continued, "That's not what I meant, I'm screwing this up aren't I?... Should've asked Wells for friend advice." He got up, blushing in embarrassment, after mumbling the last bit and began to roughly put on his jacket, in an attempt to leave quickly, he was stopped by Clarke, who had grabbed his arm while unsuccessfully trying to hold back a giggling fit, at his fumbled friendship attempt, she said, "Wells already told me about your concerns and my reply is yes, you can hang out with me, although I still need to do periodic checkups of my first patient on the ground." Murphy, still embarrassed said, "Ouch, and here I was hoping to charm you with my keen wit instead of having to use the friendship wing man, that is Wells."

Finn walked into the room hearing the last part remarked, "Wells can be great like that, terrible with first impressions though." Murphy nodded, while Clarke feeling the need to defend her friend, desperately thought of a good story to use, came up blank, smiled sadly, and replied, "That's not his fault and you guys know it. I mean when we were kids it was hard for him to make real friends because everyone was only being friendly to get favors from his dad." Murphy chuckled, "Yep that sure had to suck, being friends with the amazing you, because he had no other choice, right." Clarke, frowned then chuckled, "Nice insulting compliment, bet that made you lots of friends on the Ark?" Murphy smirked, "You have no idea, anyway, Finn what brings you here?"

Finn smiled, pulled out a pencil, handed it to Clarke, and said, "I got you something, I found it exploring the woods." Clarke grasped the pencil and asked, "Where did you get this?" Finn grinned and said, "The art supply store." Murphy interested as well, asked, "Anything else in this store?" Finn shrugged and said, "We can go shopping when you're able to leave camp and help carry stuff." Murphy paled a little at the thought of leaving the safety of campsite, gulped, grimaced, and said firmly, "How's tomorrow sound? I want to see if I can walk around the camp unassisted today, if that's okay?" Finn impressed, clapped Murphy on his shoulder, saying, "You got it champ, in the meantime let's give princess some alone time with prince charming. They need to discuss important parental stuff, you know the things that keep the camp functioning?" Murphy grimacing replied, "Sounds awful, let's go before we get roped into it." Laughing at their immaturity Clarke watched them leave the tent.

-On the Ark-

Councilor Abby was not having a good time, it seemed that Clarke was avoiding her, any messages she sent out were met with either silence or the words, "She doesn't want to talk right now." If things weren't bad enough, the communication array had apparently been damaged by acid fog. Seriously acid fog! They couldn't question anyone about this phenomenon because that would reveal the fact that they had sent people to Earth, she had to know more, waiting any longer wasn't an option she could stomach anymore, so she hurried to meet Jacapo, to check his progress on the pods.

Walking into the quarantine room in Mecha station Abby saw Raven working on one of the pods with Jacapo handing her parts as she smoothly went from point to point in the ancient looking device. As Raven tightened a last part, she whooped in delight, and proudly announced, "And done, in record time I might add, all we need is to set these bad boys up, fuel them, load them with whatever, and they're ready for launch." Before a grinning Jacapo could congratulate Raven, Councilor Abby spoke instead, "Amazing, Jacapo, you were right in saying that Raven is the best and I have to say this is marvelous work. How soon can these be prepped for launch?"

Raven, who hadn't noticed the addition to the room, dropped her wrench in surprise, Jacapo caught it before it could hit her foot, and Raven exclaimed, "Woah! Knock first, that could have ended badly..." Before Raven could go into a rant, Jacapo said, "Councilor Abby, a pleasure to see you, we were just about to celebrate the fact that Raven here beat the time limit of refurbishing three escape pods into working condition. I would have to state that as ready as we appear, it will take a few days to double check for leakages, hull integrity, and such. After all each one of these pods, were considered ancient relics for a reason." Hearing that Abby's face fell at the time she'd have to wait, Raven seeing that asked worriedly, "Is there something wrong on the ground?" Abby shook her head and replied, "Not exactly, it's just that the communication array that was setup down there was damaged, making the signal spotty. I feel that something is about to go wrong and we need to send someone down to help."

Raven grinned, patted Abby on the back, and said, "Don't worry I'm being sent down in the first one of these with tools and some first aid supplies. With me down there I'll have that communication array fixed in no time and we'll be ready to receive the rest of you guys soon." Abby, who was somewhat reassured, smiled awkwardly and said, "Would it hurt if I came with?" Jacapo replied consolingly, "No it wouldn't, but you should probably wait to go with Kane for one big reason." Abby arching an eyebrow replied, "What reason to delay meeting my daughter, would be good enough?" Jacapo winced and replied, "Simple enough, I need to make sure the dropship I send near the 100 doesn't land on a grounder village, or accidentally hurt one of the 100. With how fast a landing is, we need to make sure that the coordinates I program are safe, having Raven down there, communication should go smoothly and we'll be sure of the safety in our landings. I hate to say it, but if you go with Raven that's less materials I can send with her to repair any damages."

Abby sighed in frustration and looking deeply in Raven's eyes said, "I'm counting on you, so please land safely and be prepared, I hear the weather down there isn't like what we expected." Raven smirked, "No problems there, I'm not only the best mechanic, but I'm also the safest mechanic in this station. I'll have the communication array fixed and we'll all meet later on the ground." Hearing her words the other two murmured, "May we meet again upon the ground." Having finished the ritual lines they separated to finish their preparations.

-On Earth the Camp-

It was the next day and true to his word Murphy was walking with Finn, Clarke, and Wells to survey the so called Art Supply Store. The journey had been pretty peaceful and filled with terrible jokes meant to distract Murphy from his pain and bring the group closer together. Once there it was revealed to be a bomb shelter. Clarke surveyed the area, seeing some interesting things said, "Some of this stuff could be useful." Finn disappointed at her lack of amazement said, "Like what? There's no weapons. All the food expired, like, ninety years ago." Wells laughed and said, "Yeah, but we could repurpose. Share with the group. You can share this with the group if you'd like."

Murphy getting bored with the argument had wandered off to examine the goods when he found a picture of a smiling family, on picking it up Finn, eager to change the subject asked, "What'd you find?" Clarke looking closer said, "Well… Looks like they never made it here. No. I figure the bombs took them by surprise." Murphy putting the picture down, sighed, and said, "All this preparation. What a waste." Clarke shaking her head after surveying the place said, "I don't know. Maybe they were lucky. They couldn't have lived more than a few years down here, then when they ran out of food or lost their minds, they would've opened the doors and been dead within a few days. Back then, maybe sooner."

Pausing a moment they shared a moment of silence contemplating the sad fate of the unknown family, with a shrug Murphy said, "Since that's a possibility we'll never know I say we gather what materials can be salvaged and mark this location as a possible storage area for future use." They agreed and began to scavenge the usable materials to take back to camp. Picking up a remote control car, Wells remarked, "I heard from my father before the signal cut out that he's sending their best mechanic down in a refurbished escape pod, anyone here have an idea who that would be? I can't believe that it would be Jacapo, he's needed to keep the Ark in the sky and send down the dropships safely."

Finn paused in picking up some coloring utensils, grinned, and said, "I bet I know who it is." Clarke sensing something juicy said, "Really? I'm guessing the person being sent is someone, Spacewalker here knows personally." Murphy smirked and said, "She's visited him every chance she could get, while he's been locked up. I'd reveal who she is, but a gentleman shouldn't kiss and tell." Clarke laughing threw some clothing onto his head and remarked, "If you're a gentleman then Wells here is a flying unicorn who leaks rainbows out of his b0tt." Wells in mock offense said, "Only the finest rainbow farts for milady." Having spent some time having fun they did a once over and carried the best materials back to camp promising to go back at a later date.

-On the Ark-

Chancellor Jaha turned to Jacapo smiling thinly and said, "Seems your little side project is complete a lot faster then the main project why is that, I wonder?" Jacapo laughed and said, "It's a lot easier to secretly work on smaller objects than bigger, less people and things to sneak around and such." Chancellor Jaha sighed and said, "How true, fortunately we can soon release our findings and begin the exodus to the surface. Incidentally how goes the plans for modifying some of the Ark?" Jacapo replied, "I figured out which stations to use as materials to use for parts, Prison Station will be the core, Arrow, Flint, and Orchid Stations will be used for parts and the two space shuttles will be used for maneuvering the parts and pieces."

Chancellor Jaha sighed and said, "You're sure you can't repair the air scrubbers?" Jacapo sighed as well and replied, "Of course I can fix the scrubbers, I even have the leeway to do it, but it would be a temporary fix, you've seen the list of things needing repair. It's as Jake Griffin reported, a cascade failure, as I repair things more failures will popup, until system wide failure is assured. I'm still applying the patch of course, every bit of time we gain is time that can be used to save more people." Councilor Kane walked in and said, "Well said Sinclair, Chancellor I believe it's time to announce Project Exodus, so we can begin to start publicly moving people to send to Earth. Councilor Abby hasn't found any issues with the 100, and from what Jacapo said the sooner we send people down the more time he'll have to make a way down for those who remain on the Ark."

After pausing in contemplation Chancellor Jaha nodded and said, "I'll announce preparations at the next Council meeting tomorrow. Kane I need you to keep security tight until then and Jacapo, send down that genius mechanic of yours with the supplies to the 100, let's make sure their ready for the influx of people." As Kane nodded and began to walk away, Jaha stopped him and added, "Make sure to let Abby know that we are about to start, she's been looking fit to burst lately and I'd hate for her to do something rash before our safety is assured." Councilor Kane grinned and replied, "Abby will be thrilled at the news, see you at the meeting Chancellor." With that he left to inform Abby and tighten security. Jacapo nodded and said, "Any changes in what should be sent down with her?" When Jaha shook his head no, Jacapo made his way to Raven.

A little while later at the escape pod launching bay Raven was dressed in a spare repaired space suit packing the last few of her personal tools into the pod when Jacapo walked up to her and asked, "You have everything packed?" Raven turned and replied, "Just putting the last few touches now, is it finally time?" Jacapo nodded and replied, "Yes, it's go time, the Chancellor wants you to go now, to help the 100, and prepare them for the incoming people. You ready to go?" Raven grinned and said, "I was born ready." Jacapo smiled and hugged her, "Be safe, well at least as safe as you can be, and may we meet again upon the ground." Raven hugged him back, murmuring, "May we meet again upon the ground." Once done hugging, Jacapo helped Raven double check the pod and once done she got into the pod, initiated the launch sequence, waved at him, and blasted off towards Earth.

Jacapo watched her receding pod until he could no longer visually see her thinking of the coming trials that awaited her. He hoped the changes he made and would make would save her from so much of the pain that was coming her way. Shaking his head Jacapo sighed and headed to his next set of tasks, dreading the dance of words he'd need for his next meeting.

At the mess hall Jacapo met up with Diana Sydney and updated her on the latest changes, hearing them she sighed, "Sinclair, I don't care about the little details, I want to know when I can start preparing to head to the surface." Jacapo smirked and replied, "I was just getting to that, tomorrow Thelonius Jaha will announce to the Council about Project Exodus." Diana smiled and said, "Now we're getting somewhere, I'll be looking forward to the so called safety of the ground, thank you for your time Sinclair, you're dismissed." With a nod Jacapo said, "Until later Chancellor Sydney." With a wave of her hand Jacapo left, keeping his expression neutral he made his way to the next task, thinking, 'Getting her off the Ark is a top priority, the way things are going she could leave an explosive behind, even with all the support I've been giving her.' With those thoughts he began to think of possible sabotage locations to check for repairs and planned new repair crew schedule rotations to prevent that possibility.

-On Earth the Woods-

Finn, Murphy, Clarke, and Wells were making another foray to the Art Supply Store to grab the last of the useful supplies. Monty was in the process of rerouting the more fragile materials into the dropship so they hadn't received the update that help was being sent in the form of Raven, her tools and some basic supplies. So after horsing around a bit they had pulled the supplies and were heading back when they saw something coming down. Finn said, "A shooting star. You should make a wish." Murphy asked, "Why?" Finn laughing said, "It's a thing people used to do a long time ago. I read about it." Clarke with her usual seriousness replied, "But it's just a rock burning up in the atmosphere, why would that make your wish come true?" Finn sighed dramatically, "Where's your romantic spirit?" Before Clarke could reply sarcastically, Wells broke in, "That's not a shooting star." They hurried to the camp, which was the direction the falling object was falling towards.

At the camp one delinquent said, "Check it out." Another one called, "Bellamy, get out here." and pointed him in the direction of the falling object. Bellamy had been enjoying what he considered the only great perk of leadership a hedonistic fling. He got out of the makeshift tent followed by a disheveled Bree, a young woman with a slim build and long blonde hair, and equally disheveled Roma Bragg, a taller young woman with an equally slim build, long dark brown hair and brown eyes. While they stared at the smoking sky trail, Jones in a fit of exuberance shouted, "They're coming to help us. Now we can kick some grounder ass." As the others shouted in agreement Roma grouched, "Please tell me they brought down some shampoo." She the headed back into the tent with Bree to freshen up and get dressed.

Bellamy hurriedly got dressed and went to check on Monty's progress, as he headed towards the dropship Octavia caught up with him and said, "So what was that? It's way to small to be a dropship, what do you think it was?" Bellamy slowed down and said, "I'm not sure, but I imagine it's the asked for supplies from the Ark. I just wanted to check Monty's repair progress and get confirmation of what that was. Either way we'll be checking it shortly, in fact why don't you get a couple people ready to go? Once I'm through we should head there immediately." Octavia nodded, smiling, she turned and ran off to pick up Charlotte and a couple other people to take.

As Bellamy walked into the dropship Monty stood up, dusted himself off and turned around, saying, "For the last time Jasper I can't help you with project booze until I finish with the reroute.. Oh." Bellamy smiled and said, "Well that answers my question about the communication device. Why don't you take a break, we're expecting some supplies and a guest." Monty sighed in relief and asked, "You don't need me to come with?" Bellamy chuckled, wrapped an arm around Monty and said, "You work on our technology and our food, we can get other people for the grunt work. Get some shuteye, have a little fun and you can tackle this work in the morning alright?" After Monty nodded in agreement, they both exited the dropship, Monty to a tent, and Bellamy to meet with the search group.

As Bellamy walked up, Octavia said, "It looks like it cleared the ridge so it's probably near the lake." He looked at the party of Mbege, Jasper, Charlotte, and Octavia, paused and said, "Everyone for a hundred miles saw this thing come down, while I may want us to get to it first, we should make our way there safely. Alright?" Everyone watching gave a whoop in confirmation, he then turned to the others and said, "While we go check it out, you guys take it easy, and protect our base." With that they left with the delinquents cheering.

As Bellamy's group left camp Clarke's group walked up and seeing them heading away she called out for them to wait so she could join them. Bellamy sighed at the delay, but realized that having their only medic come was a good idea. Clarke's group handed off the materials they had gathered from the Art Supply Store to Atom and his assistants to sort through, they joined Bellamy's group and made their way to the landing site.

-Escape pod, the Woods-

The pod had landed roughly knocking Raven out, the radio while buzzing with static, occasionally Jacapo's voice could be heard saying , "Raven can you hear me.....Please respond...." Hearing the sounds the search party had found the downed pod pretty quickly. Bellamy opens the door and seeing that the person in the pod appears to be passed out calls Clarke over. As Clarke removes the helmet Raven wakes up, touches for her head, sees the blood and said, "Aahh. Crap. That's not good." Clarke examining the wound closely remarks, "It's not so bad, a bit of care and you'll be good as new especially if you brought any first aid supplies."

Raven a bit dazed, nods, smiles and looking at Clarke said, "Hi, I made it?" Seeing Clarke smiling and nodding, Raven hurriedly got out of her seat, exited the pod, took a deep breath, twirled, and exclaimed, "Aaah. I dreamed it would smell like this. Is this rain?" While Clarke nodded once more murmuring, "Welcome home." Finn ran to her, embracing her while calling her name. Raven cried out his name and hugging him back she murmured, "You had me worried, leaving me behind." As he looked closer at her his smile froze and he said worriedly, "You're bleeding." Still happy to see him Raven kissed him, laughed and declared, "I don't care." Finn holding her head in his hands said, "How did you get here?"

Raven sobered up and said, "You know that big scrapheap? The one on K deck?" Finn in shock said, "You built that from scrap?" Raven stood back rolling her eyes at him, "I kind of rebuilt it." As Finn began to laugh she continued, "Please, like that's hard. It just needed a couple parts and some love." Finn shook his head and remarked, "You're insane." Raven turns serious and states sternly, "I'd do more for you and worse. Just like you would for me." As she moves towards the pod she staggers, Finn catches her, leads her to a rock, takes off his jacket and puts it around her, and asked for Clarke's help

As Clarke pulls out some makeshift bandages from the bag and begins to apply them, Bellamy feeling that they have given enough space for the lovebirds walks up to the radio that appears to be on a loop, turns it off, and turns to Raven asking, "Seeing as the sweet welcome is complete, I'll have to be blunt and ask what you've brought down to assist us with?" Raven glances at Finn, who nods lightly, she replied, "I've brought the best mechanic from the Ark, my personal tools, some medical supplies, and the parts we can harvest from this pod." Bellamy smiled at her words turned to the others and stated brightly, "Well hallelujah, we now can have Monty concentrate more on food, have clearer communication with the Ark, and actually have something for Clarke to use when people get hurt."

As the rest cheered Bellamy turned back to Raven and asked, "What is the essential things for us to grab first before we head back to camp. I intend to take the whole thing of course, but as you can see there's not enough of us here, to carry the whole thing back, and I'd like to get everyone to the safety of our camp." As everyone nodded in agreement Raven got up with the support of Finn and proceeded to point out what needed to be taken now and what could be taken later. Once they were packed down with what they could carry they made their way back to camp.

When they arrived at camp the delinquents held a celebration for their new arrival and the first tangential sign that the Ark was now on their side. As the camp celebrated Octavia decided to sneak off to enjoy the feeling of freedom by spending some time with the glowing butterflies. As she made her way to the spot she was startled by a noise in the bushes. Feeling frightened she was momentarily disorientated, turned towards a different direction and hurried back to what she thought was the way back to camp. She begins to hurry and loses her footing as she tries to climb down a hill. She tumbles down it instead, hitting her head on a rock and knocking herself out. The figure that had accidentally startled her made its way to pick her up.

-On the Ark-

[Ding for indirectly preventing the suicide of Charlotte +1 Charisma and Luck, +10 Karma. For indirectly preventing the love triangle of Finn, Clarke, and Raven that led to some bad decisions +1 Charisma and Luck, +10 Karma. For indirectly changing Bellamy's interactions in a positive manner and preventing him sabotaging communications with the Ark +2 Charisma, Wisdom, and Luck, +10 Karma. Further rewards will become available as the story develops.]

[User increased Wisdom stat above 99H gains two perks since it covers perception and willpower; Awareness, increases the area user's basic senses cover and gives the user the ability Lesser Identify, it can only be used while sneaking, shows additional stats of any hostile character, creature or robot examined. Stats included are their health status, equipped weapon, and if applicable, its available ammunition. The other perk is Iron Will, user's will is now stronger than normal, gain skill Telepathy Resistance I.]

[Lesser Identify combines with Diagnose F and evolves into Minor Identify F can only be used outside of combat, shows additional stats of any neutral or hostile character, creature or robot examined. Stats included are their health status (any ailment user has knowledge of that target is suffering and the best method to handle the ailment that is available to user.), equipped weapon, and if applicable, its available ammunition. Minor Identify F is limited in this Dimension to once a day.]

'Interesting, Status'

User 01010111

Age 46 Level 47 (exp 1100/47000)

Condition: Normal


Strength 60H>61H

Dexterity 88H>89H

Constitution 112G>113G

Intelligence 102G>103G

Wisdom 98H>100G

Charisma 69H>73H

Luck 39H>43H


Acting E+, Astronaut H, Basic Blades I, Basic Languages A, Basic Science F, Body Language B, Camping H+, Car Mechanics F, Cleaning E, Cold Resistance D, Cooking E, CQC D+, Disease Resistance H+, Dive B, Driving E+, Enhanced Hearing C+, Enhanced Smell B+, Enhanced Swimming A, Enhanced Touch E+, Enhanced Vision D+, Fatigue Resistance I, Fire Resistance H+, Heat Resistance F+, Investigation I+, Night Vision G+, Maintenance D, Mathematics D+, Medicine C+, Mining F+, Parallel Thinking E+, Poison Resistance G, Rad Resistance H, Sailing G, Shooting E+, Stealth D, Surgery E, Taming H+, Teaching G, Teamwork I, Tracking I+, Volleyball F+, Woodcraft G, Writing G+, New Skills (Telepathy Resistance I)


Ambidextrous, Awareness, Bodyguard, Chief Engineer, Contortionist, Entomorph: (Fall Armyworm), Explorer's Map, Fashion Sense, Iron Will, Lachrymose Leech, Leadership, Medusoid Mycelium, Memory Palace+, Mentor, Plantamorph: (Birch, Elm, Evergreen, Maple), Pupa, Secret Smasher, Snow Gnat, Stoic, Toughness, Uncommon Physical Growth, Zoomorph: (Anchovy, Bass, Blue Wildebeest, Camel, Carp, Chicken, Cod, Crow, Cow, Crab, Deer, Eel, Goat, Goose, Hare, Horse, Impala, Kangaroo, Llama, Lobster, Mackerel, Mole, Mouse, Mussel, Nile Tilapia, Octopus, Oyster, Pig, Pigeon, Pollock, Possom, Prawn, Rabbit, Raccoon, Rat, Red Mullet, Reindeer, Salmon, Sardine, Seagull, Sheep, Shrimp, Squid, Trout, Tuna, Turkey, Vole, Zebra), World Compass

Sealed(Nightblood, Flame Implant)

Corpse Absorption Progress

Ant (.08932), Aphid (.01257), Bedbug (.00174), Bee (.00605), Centipede (.00115), Cockroach (.01725), Dandelion (.00127), Earwigs (.00186), Flea (.00146), Fly (.11812), Ivy (.169), Jellyfish (.00122), Lice (.00155), Mosquito (.08904), Moth (.00669), Pill Bug (.00689), Slug (.01504), Spider (.00259), Wasp (.01411), Worm (.00265)

Abilities:Tutorial Pocket(100 Karma Coupon)

Limited(Minor Identify F)

Sealed (Flight G+, Ink Squirt, Mild Poison Bite, Rally, Photosynthesis)

Achievements: A Sailors Life For Me, Family Man, For The Family!, Fungicide, Globetrotter, Guardian Angel, Happily Ever After, No Stone Unturned, Survivor

Karma: 558 Total Positive

Take the time to visit the older people in your life and spend some time with them. You never know when they will be gone.

Goldenswiftreadercreators' thoughts