
Episode 14

(The episode opens with Rishi in a basement with a couch, a game system, tables, bed, stairs, and windows)

(Rishi: a 12-year-old boy who has short blue hair, white skin, freckles, wearing a black shirt with a dinosaur on it, blue jeans, and white shoes with wings)

(Rishi draws circle has a star that has four triangle around it)

(Rishi grabs a spellbook)

Rishi (looks at the spellbook): deen fo emit ni pleh ruoy ksa I, ahsinaK

(The circle glows and blasts Rishi off and hits a chair with his back)

Rishi: Oww!

(A 13-year-old girl who has long black hair, brown skin, one red eye, one blue eye, wearing a red dress and heels; has a long python tail with a hook-end named Kanisha appears from the circle)

Kanisha (smiles): Hi

Rishi: Hi

(Kanisha walks to Rishi and touches his head, her eyes glow)

Rishi (feels his head): Thank you

Kanisha: No problem and your request

Rishi: Right, I want to be a warlock.

Kanisha: magic wand or by the powers of your hands

(Rishi blush as he looks at Kanisha)

Kanisha: Hello?

Rishi: Hands please

Kanisha: Good, stand in the circle.

(Rishi walks in the circle)

(Kanisha touches the ground and the circle glows)

(Rishi's body is glowing)

(The circle stops glowing)

Rishi: Did it work?

Kanisha: Try something

(A flower appears in Kanisha's hand, while Rishi's hands are glowing)

Kanisha (smells the flower): How lovely

Rishi: I have magic (a magician hat appears on top of his head)

Kanisha: Nice hat

Rishi: I know it's cheesy, but it's the first time I thought of

Kanisha: It's okay, don't tell anyone but I am a little bit cheesy (winks) myself

Rishi: Then, would it be cheesy to ask if I could request one more thing?

Kanisha: A little, ask away

Rishi: Could you teach me how to use my powers?

Kanisha: Sure, what do you want to try first?

Rishi: Uh, levitating

Kanisha: Okay, (eyes glowing)

(The tables are levitating)

Rishi: There is no way, I can levitate tables

Kanisha: You can start small, like me, just look at me and imagine lifting me

Rishi: I'll try my best.

(Rishi's hand glow and Kanisha is levitating from the ground slowly)

Kanisha (levitating, while kicking her feet): Good job

Rishi: Thank you, you are really light

Kanisha (levitating, while kicking her feet): Thank you, it's apart of being immortal, my body never changes

Rishi: Unless you want to

Kanisha (levitating, while standing): Bingo, anything else you want to try

Rishi: Flying

Kanisha: Oh fun, we should go outside

Rishi: Sure, but please don't let me get lost in the sky

Kanisha: Of course, if you request it

Rishi: I feel like a rich person ordering you around

Kanisha: Not exactly, think of as a genie or a fairy

Rishi: Young for either

Kanisha: Awww, thanks, you are such a flatter, but you know I am older than I look

Rishi: How old are you

Kanisha: Is that a request

Rishi: We should go outside

(The screen shows Rishi and Kanisha outside)

Kanisha: You can fly with or without wings, it's your choice

Rishi: With wings (wings appear on his back with his fingers glowing)

Kanisha: Okay, then I better give you an example

(Angel wings appears behind Kanisha)

(Kanisha flies off)

(Rishi watches Kanisha flying like a bird)

Rishi: Wow!

(Kanisha lands on the ground)

Kanisha: Ready to give it a go?

Rishi (looks at the sky): Looks cool, but scary

Kanisha: It's cool and I can catch you

Rishi: I guess I could give it a go

(Rishi flies off)

(Rishi flies wobbly)

Kanisha: Poor thing, I have to help him

(Kanisha flies off)

(Rishi is flying in circles)

(Kanisha grabs Rishi's hand and stops him)

Rishi: Thank you, thank goodness I didn't cause that much of chaos

Kanisha: The only thing you could hit is clouds

Rishi: That makes me feel better

(Kanisha shows Rishi how fly with wings)

(Rishi follows Kanisha in flying)

Rishi (flying): I am a fast learner

Kanisha (flying): Not bad, newbie, not let's try (makes the wings disappear) without wings

Rishi (flying): I don't know

Kanisha (flying): Whoa! Breathe, you can hold my hand while you are flying

Rishi (flying): Are you sure?

(Kanisha holds Rishi's hand and he starts flying with no wings)

Rishi (flying): I am doing it

Kanisha (flying): Come on, try without my hand

Rishi (flying): Fine (let's go of Kanisha's hand and flies)

Kanisha (flying): Good job

Rishi (flying): Thank you

Kanisha (flying): So, what else do you want to do?

(The episode ends with Kanisha and Rishi using their powers)