
Chapter 7: Issei's Sacred gear

A/N: Fixed this chap with A.I do tell if it's to your Liking because if it is, I'll try and edit all the next chapters that release.

In exchange, power stones and Comments will be good.

That's all for now, Enjoy the chapter! Ciao!



Name: Awakening the Dragon Within.


Info:Issei Hyoudo, The worlds chosen has found out that he has been turned into a devil, you have also pointed out the thing Inside of him, so why not help him awaken it?

Rewards:Silver Token(3), Random Rare material, Permanent AdVent Deck blueprint Shard(1/10)

Penalty:None(No consequences if you don't do it)


"Hooh? That's new. So, if I'm lucky, I can acquire blueprints now?" Gabriel mumbled, genuinely surprised by one of the quest's potential rewards.

Curious, he pondered, "Is it limited to the Transformation belt I currently possess? Well, there's only one way to find out." Gabriel accessed the system menu, tapping on the [Help] button. He then entered the keywords "Permanent Blueprint Shards, Quest Rewards."

After a moment, a result appeared, and he selected it, spending the next minute engrossed in its contents. He finished just as Issei gathered his thoughts.

"So, in essence, I can obtain permanent blueprints for a Driver or transformation item I currently possess in each world I visit. It's a random selection, though, with a high chance of duplicates, which then convert into Blueprint shards," Gabriel mused quietly, finding the concept rather intriguing.

"Huh... quite neat," he whispered, shifting his attention back to Issei, who had concluded his thoughts and was about to speak.

"So, I guess I'm a demon now. I can work with that, as long as my parents stay safe," Issei reflected.

In response to his words, Rias smiled warmly, assuring him, "Certainly, no need to worry about your family. They will be securely guarded."

"And, welcome to the family, Issei-kun," she added graciously, standing up and guiding him to the sofa beside Kiba.

Akeno and Kiba joined in extending their welcomes, causing Issei to blush as he scratched the back of his head.

Observing Issei fitting in well with the others, Rias smiled, envisioning the expansion and success of his Peerage in the Rating Games.

With a final smile, Rias opened her eyes and said, "Now, I'm sure you have a lot of questions. Feel free to ask, and we'll do our best to provide answers."

Issei gazed seriously at her, locking eyes before posing a crucial question, "If... Gabriel-Kun isn't a devil, then what is he?"

"Pfft... Bwahahahaha!"

Gabriel burst into laughter at Issei's unexpected question, catching everyone off guard. Even Koneko, who was sipping tea, widened her eyes in surprise.

"Well! To answer your question... I am a human," Gabriel finally revealed.

Issei, puzzled, asked, "That's it?" to which Gabriel simply nodded, echoing Issei's words, "That's it."

Issei couldn't fathom how a human could be in the company of devils, seemingly as friends. Devils, after all, were commonly portrayed as malevolent beings by the Churches.

Noticing Issei's confusion, Gabriel chuckled again before explaining, "Being human doesn't mean we can't step into the supernatural side. The biblical god even granted us a gift, unique to humans. And, don't get me wrong, even those without this gift can enter the supernatural world by learning magic."

"Figures, since devils and Gods exist, that must mean angels and magic exist as well," Issei muttered, suddenly catching onto a crucial word that Gabriel had said.

"Wait! There's a gift that God has placed inside of me?"

"Bing-Pong! You're correct! It's probably the reason why that fallen, Yuuma, tried to kill you."

Gabriel's last remark momentarily sobered Issei, but his eagerness to unveil the nature of the gift prevailed. He turned to Gabriel and asked eagerly, "Do you know what is inside of me?! And how do I bring it out?"

"Chill. Throughout history, mankind has often unleashed their latent potential in life-and-death experiences."


"But! Since you're technically a devil now, there is one idea I could think of. However, after you've awakened, you must train with me. It would be a shame if you died even with that gift. So, do you agree?"

Having said what he needed to convey, Gabriel awaited Issei's response, which came not long after.

"Please teach me!"

"Alrighty then! Rias, I might need your help on this one. I'm not that well-versed, or rather, I have no experience dealing with demonic energy at all. So, if you will, please teach Issei how to guide his demonic energy. Although his is a minuscule amount compared to normal, it's enough for this."

Meanwhile, Rias, delighted to see Gabriel aiding her and her peerage, perked up upon hearing her name mentioned. Naturally, she was more than willing to comply with Gabriel's request. Firstly, it was her peerage member that she was assisting, and secondly, even if it wasn't, she was ready to help Gabriel as a token of gratitude for the assistance she had received.

"Of course! Issei is part of my peerage, after all. I would be happy to help him."

"Great! Now, Issei, stand up, and Rias, follow him."

Following Gabriel's instructions, the two stood face to face. However, Issei, true to his nature, couldn't resist glancing towards Rias's bosom, much to Gabriel's irritation. Not for the reasons you might think, but because of Issei's ungentlemanly behavior.

'I really need to straighten him out; his actions are so vulgar,' Gabriel thought, sighing before turning his attention to the duo. Surprisingly, Rias seemed unfazed by Issei's constant gaze. This reminded Gabriel of their future plans for Issei's empowerment. So before they embarrassed themselves in the future due to Issei's inadequacy and lack of strength, Gabriel resolved to help Issei become strong.

"Alright! Issei, focus! Save your perverted actions for later!" Gabriel commanded with a stern voice. Issei straightened his back, eyes looking forward instead of downward as he exclaimed, "Yes, sir!"

"Good. Now, turn your back to Rias, Issei."

Issei complied, and now Rias was looking towards Issei's back.

"Mhm, good. Now, Rias, guide a tiny bit of your demonic energy inside Issei and circulate it all around his body. Of course, avoid using your family magic; we wouldn't want Issei's vessels to be destroyed."

Issei shuddered upon hearing Gabriel's words but relaxed afterward, trusting the red-haired devil.

Upon hearing Gabriel's instructions, Rias did as she was told. She used a fraction of her mana, guiding it inside Issei's body, circulating it so Issei could feel the magic moving within him.

Issei experienced a warm sensation circulating throughout his entire body—from his head to his fingertips and down to his toes.

"Issei, remember that feeling. It will immensely help you with awakening your gift," Gabriel advised.

Issei closed his eyes, trying to memorize the sensation as Gabriel instructed. The warm energy moved from his heart, circulating through his arms, torso, head, legs, toes, and back towards his heart once again.

Gabriel nodded, mentally praising Issei for doing well before saying, "Alright, that's enough, Rias."

"Un, alright," Rias responded.

Afterward, Rias returned to her seat, leaving Issei standing, still circulating the demonic energy without noticing her absence.

"Good! Now, Issei, I want you to feel your whole body using your demonic energy. Locate which part has the most clustered energy in your body."

Issei followed Gabriel's instructions, searching as his energy circulated throughout his body. He soon noticed a certain part that felt like it was full of the energy he had been circulating.

"I found it! It's in my left hand."

"Good! Now, I want you to imagine what motivates you—your goals and dreams. What is it that you truly desire?"

There was only one thing that occupied Issei's mind upon hearing Gabriel's question: 'Oppai! Oppai! I wanna touch them! Those big bosoms, the bigger, the better! Like Rias's.'

Gabriel, noticing Issei's focus on his goals and desires, smiled before exclaiming, "NOW! Guide your demonic energy towards the energy cluster that you found within your body while exclaiming your dream!"


Issei shouted, leaving everyone in the room flabbergasted, except for Gabriel, who had a certain idea of what Issei would shout.

A bright light suddenly flashed from Issei's left hand, causing them all to close their eyes. When they opened them again after the light subsided, a red, armored bracer with yellow accents and a green jewel on top of the palm area was revealed.

(Img. Here)

At first glance, it resembled the Twice-Critical, prompting a sigh from Rias before she shook her head, realizing her initial reaction.

"Congratulations, Issei. You have finally awakened your Sacred Gear, Twice-Critical."

All of them, except for Gabriel, remained unaware of the true potential of Issei's Sacred Gear. Gabriel had no intention of divulging that information, opting instead to train Issei so he could unlock the true potential of his Sacred Gear.

For now, congratulating Issei took precedence.

"Congrats, Issei, for finally awakening your Sacred Gear!" Gabriel congratulated, feigning ignorance about the true identity of Issei's Sacred Gear.

The rest of Rias's peerage followed suit, starting with Akeno, offering her friendly yet reserved congratulations. Kiba followed with a straightforward "Congrats," and Koneko nodded while muttering, "Congrats."

However, Gabriel wasn't content to leave Issei's Sacred Gear as it was. Firstly, the quest hadn't been completed, as technically Issei's Sacred Gear wasn't fully awakened yet. Secondly, Gabriel had planned to train Issei from day one to improve, rather than relying on questionable and indecent power-ups.

Why? Because Gabriel knows that he alone can't protect this world, especially to complete the main quest. Issei being the world's champion is crucial for its protection and development.

Plus, he can look forward to some good fights with Issei in the future if he gets stronger faster!

Continuing after they finished congratulating Issei, Gabriel declared, "Now that your Sacred Gear is awakened, time to fulfill what we've talked about—training! Of course, only later at a later time, as we still have class right now."


"Looks like I was right; we need to go back now."

After saying those words, Gabriel stood up, patting Koneko one more time before beckoning Issei to follow him. He bid farewell to the rest before leaving with Issei towards their room to finish the remainder of the class.



//A few hours later//

*Ding* *Dong* *Ding*

Once more, the sound of the school bell rang for the last time today, signifying the end of class.

Students got ready, either to head home or attend their clubs.

Gabriel and Issei were among those without a club, preparing to go home.

Gabriel, having discussed Issei's training plans, intended to bring him to his home, with his parents' permission, of course.

Before heading home, there were still some things they, or more specifically, Issei needed to take care of.


"Hey, you two, can we talk for a minute?" Issei asked Matsuda and Motohama, who were both preparing to go their separate ways.

The two looked at each other before turning back to Issei and nodded, saying, "Actually, we wanted to talk to you too about something."


Issei smiled, pleased to see them agreeing to a conversation. Without wasting time, he led his two friends away to talk.

Meanwhile, Gabriel smiled lightly, observing that the two were willing to engage with Issei. He stood up as well, not to follow the three, but to bid farewell to his friends, Ange, Aika, and the others.


Issei led the two towards the rooftop where, upon arriving, he did not hesitate to bow and said, "I'm sorry! for making you two jealous!"

"N-no... actually, it's us who should be apologizing to you, Issei, not the other way around," Motohama replied, followed by Matsuda's words.

"Yeah, Motohama is right. Just because you scored big time with Rias doesn't mean we should be jealous. Instead, as friends, we should have been celebrating your success."

Issei was relieved upon hearing the two's words but got confused about what they were talking about, so he asked, "Wait... what do you mean by scoring it big with Rias?"

"Eh?.. Aren't you and Rias dating?" Matsuda asked, confused, and was followed by Motohama.

"Yeah! You two were even acting all lovey-dovey while you walked, with Rias hugging your arms and all."

"No... you guys must be confused. While it is true that I would like nothing more than to date Rias and get suffocated by her big bosoms all day, like what I was daydreaming for this whole day, we aren't dating. Heck, we only knew each other yesterday. Besides, if it was a girlfriend you are talking about, it was Y-... never mind. The thing is, I never had a girlfriend," Issei explained to the two, making them stunned.

"So... you mean we were jealous for nothing?!?!"

"What the heck?!?"

The two exclaimed one after another, flabbergasted upon the realization of their mistakes regarding Issei and Rias's relationship.

Of course, Issei had left out some details about waking up with Rias beside him completely nude, which fueled his daydreams throughout the day.

Back to the two, after the realization that both of them were wrong, the two laughed and said.

"Of course, they weren't dating... I can't believe we had such an absurd idea, Issei and Rias dating?"

"Right... pfft"

"Oi!" Hearing them say those mean words irked Issei for a bit before he joined them in laughing, and they spent a few more minutes on the rooftop, making conversations—primarily about girls and breasts, but their topic strayed towards Gabriel.

"Speaking of which, you and Cruzz-san seem to be getting along well! Mind telling us why? Of course, you don't have to tell if it's not okay with you," Motohama asked, followed by Matsuda.

"Yeah! Plus, you even went somewhere with Cruzz-san and Yuuto Kiba this afternoon! For some reason, it made some of the girls in the classroom have nosebleeds."

"Mhm! Especially Aika-san! She almost passed out!"

"Uh, yeah, about that, this afternoon, I was called by Gremory-san, inviting me to join her 'club.' So she sent Yuuto-san to get me. And as for Gabriel, he's friends with Rias and the club members, so he just went with us to chat with the members."

"And besides, Gabriel-san isn't that bad."

"Right...." The two looked at Issei skeptically, recalling Gabriel's actions in the early morning.

Suddenly, Issei's phone rang, prompting him to check it. He realized it was almost 4 pm, and a lot of time had passed.

"Oh crap! I gotta go!"

Issei exclaimed before standing up and bidding goodbye to his two friends. He then rushed towards the classroom.

Upon arriving there, He saw Gabriel playing a Certain servant-based gacha game in his phone.

"Yo! Sorry it took long!"

Gabriel looked towards Issei as he heard his voice before replying "Its all good, Your friends are just as important as strength, and besides we can just extend the training time"

"Right, so do we go now?" Issei asked.

"Wait a bit, I need to draw this, hopefully I get Nero"

A few minutes later, Gabriel and Issei was seen walking on the road, their destination?

Issei's house, and why? To get Issei change and also retrieve some change of clothes.