
Chapter 21 – A Brother's Madness (4)

(Asgard – Royal Training Yards -2010)

With Loki's departure Kal knew what he should have done, he really only had two options. Either he could trust Loki, throw his friends into cells for plotting against the king and keep everyone else in line until his brother got back from Jotunheim. Or he could gather his friends, call in the army he was mustering, seize the palace and replace Loki so that he could sort out the mess that was going on. However, Kal was currently doing neither of those things, after Loki had departed Kal removed his war gear and simply did nothing except retreat to a familiar place of refuge, the old royal Training yard.

A place that Kal had not been in a very, very long time.

Kal was sat on the same bench he had often shared with his brothers and their friends whilst growing up, looking at the now emptied yard, he could almost hear the sounds of the games they use to play. He could hear Thor declaring victory, Sif panting as she trained, Loki's laugh, the Warrior's Three competing and even his old, departed friend Haldor speaking to him.

The last memory caused Kal to sigh and dispel the memories, those days were gone now and seemed so distant that they might have actually happened to someone else. Thor was banished, Loki had seized power, Sif and the Warriors Three were all but plotting a coup and Haldor was long dead, the main reason why he and others avoided this place now, too many memories.

Kal's reminiscing caused him to oblivious to the fact that he was no longer alone in the training yard, he didn't even notice the intruder until they were sat down next to him. He turned to face them and saw a very familiar face.

"Please leave I am in no mood for company." Kal sighed as he turned his gaze back to the empty field before them.

"Well, that is too bad, as I am in the mood for company" The Lady Sigyn spoke softly her voice as elegant and regal as ever.

Where the years had made Kal tall and powerful, they had simply made Sigyn more beautiful and elegant she was truly a goddess now. She had grown in power too, she radiated it a refined elegance and grace that made her the object of much admiration as well as desire, with there being few men in Asgard that did not desire her hand. However, the years had changed much between them, the awkwardness of their forced courtship and his mother's suggestions had long since been abandoned and whilst many whispered about the two, Sigyn and Kal were merely good friends now.

"Sigyn please, I am trying to think," Kal stated wishing for peace and solitude whilst he decided on what he was going to do.

"Really, it looks to me like you are hiding." Sigyn voice was blunt with her honesty, a trait she had long developed when dealing with Kal, which most times he appreciated as it kept him focused and alert.

However, today was not one of these times, he gave her a quick glare hoping it would convince her of his desire to be alone but it did nothing to dislodge her friendly kind smile or remove her from his presence. Despite his clear annoyance at her statement, he made no further response to Sigyn's blunt honesty, which she guessed meant he knew she was right.

"So what makes Kal Odinson, the great leader of men, fierce warrior prince, the bane of Dark Dragons and Evil men across the cosmos hide?" Sigyn asked rhetorically, a playful smirk on her face.

"I am not hiding," Kal responded his voice attempting to sound imposing, although even to his ear his response sounded weak and childlike.

"My guess would be ….." Sigyn stretched out her since whilst she pretended to think, tapping a finger on her chin, "…..Family"

Kal's response was to flick his eyes to her before darting them back away, an act she saw and took as confirmation of her guess.

"I can't say I blame you, I'm an only child but I am guessing if I had brothers like yours, I would hide too. I mean why bother, with making tough choices when you can just hide and hope for the best." Sigyn spoke softly and gave Kal a knowing smile, as played with her words as if they were toys.

Kal glared at Sigyn with a look of fury as he knew what she was trying to do, however as he met her eyes she simply raised her eyebrows slightly daring him to challenge her, which resulted in all the fury going out of him. He suddenly felt exhausted, all the energy leaving his body as he knew he had no good response to Sigyn's challenge, the only ones coming to mind were weak and childlike.

What exactly could he argue with? She was right, Kal was hiding, not because he was afraid, no it was because he honestly had no idea what he should do.

"I really miss Haldor at times like these," Kal whispered a heavy sigh escaping his lips. "He always knew just what to say. Always saw things clearly." Kal stood up in frustration rubbing his eyes as his frustration grew, a headache started to form.

He took several strides from the bench holding his face in one hand that rubbed his eyes at the same time, whilst the other he placed across his chest, a look of pure tiredness and resignation on his face. Which caused Sigyn to just leaned forward keeping a friendly smile on her face as she watched her old friend struggle with the decision he had to make.

"I miss him too, but Haldor is gone Kal. Do you not have anyone else to talk to but the dead?" Sigyn asked her voice quiet and neutral, as she pressed for Kal to talk to her.

"Apart from you, …. no." Kal sighed as he turned back to look at Sigyn, removing his hand from his face to gesture at the absurdity of it all before bringing it back down across his chest.

"All my friends on Asgard have clearly made a choice, the one other person I trust to help me is a few galaxies away, Thor is banished which is the problem, I can't talk to Loki as he is the other side of the problem, and I will not disturb my mother given the state my father is in." Kal vented in frustration, his voice growing louder and more forceful as he went on, each word causing the pain in his head to grow.

He kicked a stone for good measure, hoping it would alleviate some of his stress, it did not, but the stone was sent crashing into the far wall of the training yard shattering on impact. Kal paid it no heed as his mind was else and he slowly turned around looked down at Sigyn who was gently smiling at him.

"Thor's banishment has caused issues he is well-liked." Sigyn stated softly, her whole demeanour staying the same as she just watched Kal.

"Thor is dangerous!" Kal suddenly snapped his right hand exploring forth from his chest to cut the air with a forceful gesture.

Sigyn for her part just leaned back to sit up straight so that she could watch Kal clearly as he started to pace back and forth in front of her. He started to vent his pent up frustrations and although he was clearly addressing her, he seemed to be talking to himself more than anyone else.

"Somehow everyone seems to be forgetting that fact, there was IS a reason Odin banished him." Kal's anger was becoming apparent as heat entered his voice. "He is stubborn, vain, arrogant, ignores all council, does whatever he wants, hardly ever does his duties AND when he does, he is like a, a, a Bilgesnipe. Rushing through everything without a care for the damage he does. LEAVING ME TO CLEAN UP THE MESS!" Kal stopped his pacing and turned fully to face Sigyn as he finished his short tirade a look of pure anger on his face"Loki is not wrong about that."

Sigyn tilted her head slightly to the side as she observed Kal's struggle. "So, if that is the case what is the issue then?"

Kal heaved out a heavy breath before he collapsed back onto a bench his head falling into his hands. "…Because …. I know something is not right, and Loki is in the middle of it like he alwayss is."

Sigyn gently placed a comforting hand on Kal's back and patted her old friend as he struggled to decide what to do, Kal breathed slightly easier and gave Sigyn a thankful smile for the small comfort.

"Why did we never work?" Kal chuckled sightly as he observed the tenderness with which Sigyn always treated him, wanting a slight break from his current gloomy thoughts.

"Because you are blind, self-sabotaging, overly dutiful, idiot prince, with major commitment issues. And I am self-righteous, humourless, respectful lady, who is also a stuck-up bitch" Sigyn stated with a blank expression on her face.

Kal blinked for a few moments before a triad of laughter fell from his mouth as he could not help but laughed at Sigyn's truthful joke about the two of them, a peal of laughter she joined in with a few chuckles of her own. As Kal regained his breath from the much-needed respite, the joy slowly left his face as the reality they were discussing returned to him.

"I feel like I am being forced to choose, and I do not know what to do," Kal stated a few moments after the last vestiges of laughter left him.

"What would Haldor suggest if he was here?" Sigyn asked a slight solemn now in her voice following her own respite.

"To do what is best for Asgard, but I am divided on what that is. It all depends on who do I believe, who do I trust more." Kal sighed at the impossible decision facing him, Loki or Thor, how does a man choose between brothers.

"So, who is more trustworthy?" Sigyn asked, pressing the issue Kal was clearly avoiding.

"Don't. I don't need anyone else undermining my confidence in Loki than I already have." Kal stated bluntly, rising to naturally defend his brother, however, his heart didn't seem in his defence like it use to be.

Sigyn was quiet for a few moments as she silently looked at Kal before a brief smile came onto her face and she suddenly stood up to leave. An act taking him completely him by surprise causing him to look up at her in shock.

"Where are you going?" He asked in disbelief.

Sigyn sighed a gentle smile on her face as turned around and she looked down at her old friend. "Kal, your reaction means you already know what you believe, you are just trying to convince yourself that you don't. My advice is either believe and act or wilfully ignore it and do nothing."

"It's not that simple," Kal sighed, shaking his head Sigyn didn't understand the feeling, the weight that was pressing down on him.

"Yes, it is" Sigyn stated in a forceful tone that was unlike her, catching Kal by surprise. "The question is longer what you believe but what type of man are you Kal Odinson?"

Kal just looked up at her as she stared down with a quizzical look on her face an eyebrow raised at Kal daring him to challenge her. The Sigyn before him was suddenly no longer his old friend or the girl he had once avoided but a fully grown woman and Lady of Asgard, a goddess who demanded only truth and duty from any son of Asgard.

"Are you a man that acts? When he knows something is wrong no matter the difficulty and hardships it may cause you. Or are you one that leaves such matters to others because the choice is too hard?" Sigyn asked rising to her fall height, and despite Kal still being almost as tall as her even sitting down, he suddenly felt small.

Sigyn gave him one last commanding look, which he knew he could not ignore, even if she did not hear him answer her, she knew Kal would no longer ignore the questions he had been avoided, he would choose. Satisfied that her work was done she, turned elegantly and left, leaving Kal with a choice to make.

Kal sat there for a few moments thinking on her words, his vision turned slowly to his right and for a moment he could see Haldor, his greatest friend next to him again. The phantom Haldor did not speak merely smiled at Kal and gave him a single nod that spoke volumes before he disappeared back into Kal's memories.

Kal let out a heavy breath as he felt the weight that had been crushing him suddenly vanish as he rose back straightened as he knew what he had to do now.

(Asgard – Entrance Hall to the Palace - 2010)

"My prince, Lo- The king has returned from Jotunhiem and wishes to see you" A servant spoke to Kal but he ignored them as he pushed forward towards General Tyr who was arriving back at the palace.

"General Tyr" Kal called, grabbing the attention of the military commander, who straightened as Kal approached.

"My prince," Tyr gave a bow of his head as Kal came up to him. "I have heard a disturbing rumour about the royal council being dismissed?"

"I know I will explain all later but for now General, I need you to return to the army immediately, get it ready to move at a moment's notice," Kal ordered looking the old warrior directly in the eyes, indicating that he was deadly serious.

"What is happening is Jotunheim? I heard Loki went to seek peace has there been ill news" General Tyr looked alarmed fearing that war was truly about to begin, a prospect that the old warrior did not look forward to having already survived more than one war.

Kal looked over his shoulders quickly in case they were being watched whilst he also pulled Tyr to one side to better hide what he was about to say to Tyr.

"No there has been no word from Loki, but I need you to get the army ready to seal off the city and take control of the palace." Kal's words immediately caused Tyr's eyes to widen at the treasonous order.

"What?" Tyr whispered he too now looking to see if anyone was listening in on them, as their topic of discussion was incredibly dangerous. "Kal what is going on?"

"I will explain everything and I have good reasons, I need you to trust me this is for the good of Asgard." Kal placed his hand on the General's shoulder to steady both their nerves, as he looked the General square in the eyes.

Tyr was silent for a few moments staring into Kal's eyes before he slowly nodded deciding to trust his prince and the Son of Odin, Kal had never failed him before. "Very well, it will take a few hours to get ready but after that, once I get your signal, I can seal off the city and Palace in less than an hour. What will you do in the meantime?"

"I need to find Sif and the Warriors Three, then I will speak with Loki hopefully I can avoid the need to do anything drastic," Kal said heavily, whilst he had a pensive look on his face as the full weight of what was about to happen came crashing down on him.

"Lady Sif and the Warriors Three have already left the palace, my prince, I saw them on my way here I believe they are heading down the Bifrost towards Heimdall," Tyr reported, recounting what he had seen earlier, he had taken note of their departure because it was something very unusual and odd.

"They are?" Kal asked, which Tyr confirmed with a nod, Kal raised his head and using his great sight saw his friends approaching the spire of the Himinbjorg, he released a heavy breathe as he knew what they were up to, Sif could not wait on him so had decided they would bring Thor back themselves regardless of the consequences. "Very well I will head to Heimdall first, get the men ready but do not move until I send word, is that understood? We do not want this to escalate."

"Yes my prince," Tyr then gave a short bow of his head before departing the palace back towards the army that was gathered just outside the city, a slightly worried but determined look on his face.

As Tyr departed Kal felt the intense weight of indecision briefly return to him as doubt started to creep back into his head, he briefly contemplated donning his war-gear again and grabbing Gram, to storm the throne room and arrest Loki openly. That idea had merit he knew that even though most of the nobles would deplore such a seizure of power, he would still be able to get most onboard when it was done, and Kal knew the army would be on his side. He was beloved almost more than Thor by the warriors of Asgard and knew they would support him over Loki when it came down to it. However, he pushed both his doubt and desire to rush what was about to happen with a military coup of his mind, electing to instead go unarmed to the bridge and draw Loki out to him, best he thought to do this peacefully and away from the palace.

Kal knew his brother, he could talk Loki down from whatever scheme his brother had been cooking up and if not well Loki wasn't one for armed conflict or backing a losing play, his brother would fold when he saw the strength Kal could bring to bear if Loki pushed the matter to a fight.

Kal swiftly took to the skies before anything else could distract him, as departed he briefly caught sight of Loki standing on one of the palace balconies overlooking the city. However, Kal lost sight of him quickly as he flew off towards the spire of the Himinbjorg in the distance, the journey was swift and he landed softly as not to alert his friends to his presence.

As he approached, he could see Sif and the others armed and armoured standing before Heimdall, who was glaring down at them from his high platform evident disbelief and rage present on his face as he spoke.

"You would defy the commands of Loki, our king? Betray the trust Kal has placed in you? Break every oath you have taken as warriors, and commit treason to bring Thor back?" Heimdall's voice boomed across the departure chamber.

Kal stopped his approach so that he was standing the passageway that lead to the rainbow bridge and back to Asgard, whilst Heimdall could see him, his friends were still unaware of his presence, so engrossed as they were with Heimdall. Kal saw all of his friends look down slightly in shame at Heimdall's accusation about their plan to commit treason, however, Sif cast her glance to her side to Fandral who gave a small but committed nod.

"Yes." Sif finally said conviction in her voice as she raised her head to meet the eyes of the gatekeeper.

"Good," Heimdall said, as he raised his own head and meet Kal's eyes as the Prince of Asgard stood tall.

"Committing treason, I see?" Kal finally spoke, revealing his presence causing his friends to spin around, Fandral even went for his weapon but stopped himself, either out of his friendship with Kal or else knowing that it would be a futile move.

"I told you if Heimdall didn't hear us then Kal would," Volstagg said forcefully, sweat gracing his brow as he faced Kal, who looked at them coldly.

"Kal this isn't what it looks like we were -" Fandral started to spin one of his tales but a look from Kal told him to stop embarrassing himself.

"We don't want to fight you" Sif stated as she moved to the front of the group, placing herself bravely between the Warrior's Three and Kal.

She outstretched her hands to show she was friendly and didn't want to provoke a fight, but her stance was one he recognised. It was one they had been taught when they were both young, allowing a warrior to go from seemingly natural to a blinding attack in a second.

"Good you would lose," Kal stated honestly casting a glance to the other three warriors next to her.

Hogun was silent as ever, Fandral was smiling a strained smile and Volstagg was glancing back and forth between Kal and Sif, waiting to see what would happen. The air was tense now as Kal could smell the fear and adrenaline pumping in his friend's blood, all knew even lightly armoured and without Gram, Kal could still take them all.

"Kal, please we have to get Thor back, he is not safe whilst Loki sits on the Throne of Asgard, and I know you don't want to hear it but Loki is up to someth-" Sif but was cut off by Kal.

"I know, I'm not here to stop you," Kal spoke softly as he strode forward walking past Sif and the others to stand in front of Heimdall. "Open the Bifrost old friend."

Heimdall gave a rare smile as he nodded to Kal and then turned to activate the Bifrost, as Kal looked back to Sif and the others, he saw their faces were equal parts confusion and relief. Sif was mostly relieved as she smiled up at Kal who gave a small nod of understanding.

"So finally came round, did you? Took you long enough" Sif quipped as she lightly punched Kal on the arm playfully as if they were still children playing in his father's gardens.

"Yes, yes, we can all talk about this later. Go to Midgard find Thor keep him safe, and bring him home." Kal ordered, with a smile on his face, feeling that he with his friends once more with him he was on the right side of events again.

"So his banishment is over?" Sif asked a hopeful tone in his voice, wanting to know what exactly Kal's order meant.

"I wouldn't say that, but until I sort out this mess, I want to know he is safe and Asgard is the best place for that." Kal sighed as looked out towards the Rainbow bridge and the palace in the distance, he loved Thor but even though he wanted to bring him home he couldn't just overlook Thor's crimes.

"Not coming with us?" Fandral asked his careful voice returning once more, not wanting to upset Kal in any way.

"No, I need to stay here and wait for Loki to come. Then I can sort all of this out, now go my friends, and tell Thor I will be seeing him soon." Kal looked at Sif who just nodded in conformation, understanding what her friend was telling her.

As they left Fandral, Hogun and Volstagg all also gave him appreciative looks and nods confirming they would bring his brother back. After they departed Heimdall deactivated the Bifrost and turned back to face Kal, a stoic look on his face but a hint of a smile was present.

"So, I take it you have a plan?" Heimdall asked in his low deep voice.

"Yes, we wait for my brother to come out from the palace to confront us at which point I will talk to him and make him see reason," Kal answered confidently, as he stood looking out at the city waiting for Loki to appear.

"Ah, I see" Was Heimdall's response, clearly questioning the validity of Kal's so-called plan. "And I might I ask what do we do if he doesn't?"

"If he doesn't then I knock him out, you watch over him as I call in Tyr to move in with the army and seize the city." Kal turned back to his old mentor and friend with a confident grin.

"Well, that is more of a plan, can I ask then why you are not armed with Gram." Heimdall gave a clear glance to Kal's waist which was clearly unarmed.

"I want to talk this out not fight it out, besides, I will not need it to deal with Loki and bringing Gram would merely escalate the situation in Loki's eyes. You'll see I can still reason with my brother." Kal turned back to look out at the bridge, although his voice was confident apart of him was still trying to convince himself..

As if sensing the lingering doubt in his mind Heimdall spoke softly as he turned his own gaze from Kal back towards the bridge. "We will see, my prince, we will see,"

Loki's arrival was heard before it was seen, the steady metallic thumps echoing almost clear across Asgard as walking behind Loki in lockstep was the Destroyer, one of Asgard's deadliest weapons. Loki himself was scowling as he came into view, gone was any pretence of civility or scheming no just pure hot rage was on his face.

Kal waited in the passageway of the Himinbjorg, a pensive look upon his face as his brother halted only a few short feet away, whilst the Destroyer halted with a raise of Loki's hand standing just behind, the would-be king of Asgard. Heimdall mirrored the act of the metal monster by standing just behind Kal, his great amber eyes fixed on Loki, his breathing was steady, and he gripped the hilt of his sword firmly.

All was silence for a few moments, as Loki simply stared at Kal and Heimdall, a range of emotions on his face none of them Kal could describe as pleasant, as the two sides mirrored each other.

I sound caught Kal's ears and cause him to look up to see a raven flying overhead, giving its distinctive sharp call as it passed by. An Omen Kal thought, his father often said birds were messengers of fate, but whether it was for good or ill he could not tell.

"So, you are against me as well?" Loki's sharp voice returned Kal's attention to the matter at hand, Loki staring daggers at Kal.

"No, unless you force me. Loki, brother, stand down, it's over." Kal spoke softly a solemnness in his voice as he addressed his brother.

"OVER, what do you think you have stopped?" Loki spat back, his anger clearly on his face. "I am not the one who has committed treason against their Ki-"

"LOKI STOP IT" Kal's voice boomed frustration in his voice, as he stared down at Loki. "Whatever game you are playing, just stop it, IT IS OVER"

"Is it?" Loki asked the dark glint, Kal had only seen briefly and in small amounts before in his brother's eyes, was now present making Loki seem slightly unhinged.

"Yes, whatever deal you made with the Jotun's and whatever advantage or gain you have sort for yourself is not-" Kal was cut off by Loki, just as he was stepping forward towering over his brother, wanting to end this unpleasant quickly.

"Advantage? Gain? You think I planned all of this to happen?" Loki asked incredulous at Kal's statement, a look of disgust on his face.

"Not all no, but you started it all when you brought the Jotun's into Asgard, and you have taken of advantage of the chaos left in its wake, just like you always do. I don't know what scheme you've conjured up, but it ends HERE, I am not looking away this time Loki." Kal was forceful in his words as he was now less than four steps from Loki, a pained but determined look in his eyes.

"You don't get it I did this for US" Loki hissed back as his face went from one of rage to imploring, as he looked at his little brother a strange mixture of pity, confusion and love in his eyes, all of which when combined just made Loki seem mad.

"What?" Kal asked confused, thinking Loki was either scheming or else truly gone mad.

"I brought the Jotuns in true, but only to keep the realm safe from Thor's idiotic rule, I dispelled the council and put you in charge of the defence of Asgard to show Father, to show everyone, the TRUTH." Loki's voice was one of pleading, as he looked at his brother, but to Kal's eyes, Loki looked unhinged.

Every sense Kal had told him Loki was being truthful with him, and his brother's voice and face were pleading for understanding, yet despite that, it was his eyes that Kal was watching. Loki's eyes had always been his most truthful aspect, and right now all Kal could see was a dark dangerous madness creeping in the more Loki talked, as if he was detached from reality.

"What truth?" Kal asked his voice wary as he watched Loki seeming become more detached and delusional with every word he uttered.

"That WE are the true sons of Odin. What is THOR, but a fool with a hammer, YOU, and I, we are the true heirs of father's legacy. I have his cunning and you, have his strength. Join me brother, and when he wakes, we will show him, SHOW EVERYONE, who is truly the worthy sons." Loki smiled at Kal reaching out his hand for his brother to take, as he revealed his reasoning for all the acts he had committed.

"And what of Thor?" Kal asked softly as he just stared at Loki, not taking the offered hand.

"What of him? He is mortal without his hammer. The Destroyer will prevent Thor from returning and dispatching those traitors to the Throne. Once that is done, I can cover it up and anyway no one will care once I, no WE have destroyed Jotunheim." Loki explained a grin fixed on his face as clearly believed Kal was coming round to his side, as his grip on reality was slipping away.

"Loki" Kal spoke softly moving forward with great care his hands outstretched as if Loki was a spooked horse in the stables. "Brother, this is insane, you need to stop and let me help you. You are unwell."

Kal's words immediately caused the hopeful, broad and clearly irrational grin on Loki's face to disappear, replacing it with a deep dangerous scowl once again, the darkness in Loki's eyes seemed to grow. Loki moved to point Gungnir at Kal ready to strike him as he now saw Kal as his foe, but his little brother moved too swiftly for Loki to act and Kal simply knocked the spear to the ground after wrenching from Loki's hands and lifted Loki by the scruff of his neck clear off the ground.

"Loki enough, you can't beat me and when I give the word the army will take control of the city, it's over." Kal pleaded with Loki as he held him aloft, clearly not wanting to hurt his brother who was clearly unwell in the mind.

Instead of panicking or cursing Loki merely smiled darkness shining in his eye as Loki conjured and then swiftly plunged a dagger into Kal's chest. Kal had seen the blade coming but had initially paid it little heed, as he was sure his impervious skin would break any blade Loki could summon. Expect, instead of hearing metal shattering, Kal felt pain, a searing burning pain that ripped through him, unlike anything he had ever felt. He immediately dropped Loki, who as Kal stumbled back, threw his left hand out and covered Kal in a strange green mist that shimmered in the air, that Kal couldn't help but breathe in.

As the mist fell on him Kal's vision went blurry and his lungs stopped working as he breathed in the green shining mist, choking on air, he suddenly felt as if he was being flayed alive as every inch of his skin burned. Casting his vision to his hand as he fell on his back, he could see the veins on his hands and arms had turned a sickly green, as his flesh looked like it was boiling from the inside out.

Kal heard Heimdall move, sprinting forward with a battle cry attacking Loki by swinging his greatsword to cut Loki in two. However, Loki moved faster with a twirl of his hand the Casket of Ancient Winters suddenly appeared, and Loki bathed Heimdall in its cold energy. A few moments of blinding light and Heimdall was nothing more than a frozen block of ice.

Loki breath was heavy as he returned the casket to whatever dimension he was hiding it in, his skin slowly returning to normal now that he was no longer exposed to Jotun magic.

"Apologise brother, BUT you did force my hand." Loki quipped to Kal, who could do nothing writhe in agony before him.

Kal tried to stand up but found that whatever Loki had infected him with was draining his strength quickly, his muscles felt worse than his skin as he felt the tendons in his legs tear apart at the effort creating even more agony. Loki's grin transformed to one of strained reject as he knelt down next to Kal the blade he had stabbed him within his hand, he could see it clearly now it was a strange knife made of a black metal handle and dark sickly green crystal blade.

"Sorry, I had to use a lot and I infused it with a touch of magic to make it a little more potent. If you should blame anyone, it should be father, he had the powder and blade already made." Loki sighed regretfully as if his actions were merely an unpleasant necessity.

"Wh-a-aa-t di-id you do to-to-to me?" Kal managed to get out gritting his teeth together at the pain.

"OH yes, um, this is pieces of your homeworld Kal, Krypton," Loki announced showing Kal the crystal dagger, an unhinged glee on his face. "Apparently it emits a special type of radiation that is harmful to Kryptonians, but I skimmed the notes. Father calls the rocks The Bane of Krypton, I prefer the term personally that the collector who sold father it used, Kryptonite."

With that Loki stood up and gestured to the Destroyer who moved forward and then lifted Kal up indelicately, Kal attempted to struggle but with the pain and his strength draining, merely wiggled like a lifeless doll in the giant automaton's grip. The metal goliath followed Loki as he strode into the departure chamber of the Himinbjorg, with the Destroyer moving to the departure opening whilst Loki walked up the platform.

"Apologise brother, I didn't want it to go this way but I do need you out of the way for the next part, so I'm thinking Midgard?" Loki asked sarcastically looking down at Kal with a grin on his face.

"Loki ple-ple-ase do-n't d-d-do this" Kal managed to plead between laboured breaths as Loki activated the Bifrost.

"Oh, my dear brother, worry not, soon Thor will be dead, father saved and Jotunheim was gone. After that, you will understand. It will the two of us as EQUALS ruling over Asgard." Loki smiled down at Kal, madness in his eyes.

"Loki" Kal spoke tyring to plead with his brother as Loki nodded for the Destroyer to proceed but was only able to utter a single word.

"See you soon, give Thor my best." Loki quipped as Kal was flung into the brilliant hues of the Bifrost.

(Midgard/Earth – Puente Antiguo - New Mexico – 2010)

Thor was stood by Jane as the two cooked, a skill he would admit that he had never learnt in his long life, hunting yes, cooking no as he had always had servants to cook his meals, even when adventuring with his companions someone else had always cooked his meals. In truth Thor had always thought it beneath him as a prince of Asgard but was happily surprised that he liked the simple task, there was something rewarding about creating something that everyone could enjoy.

The past week had been hard, the past few days even more so since his complete failure at retrieving Mjolnir which still weighed heavily on Thor but not for the reason many would think. Initially, it was true that he had been crushed to be proven unworthy of the Throne or his own natural power, but he had accepted that because if he was honest with himself looking back Thor could see he had never truly been worthy, to begin with.

Thor's mind had turned to his family next, his mother, his brothers and the pain they all must have been in with Odin having passed, and despite knowing he was the cause Thor still wished to be there to offer what comfort he could, even though he knew they would not want it. When he closed his eyes, he could almost see them standing there, his family, dressed in mourning colours, his mother openly weeping too wary to stand and she sat on a chair, Loki looking pensive trying to hide the pain he felt tears threatening to break forth from his icy demeanour, and then Kal would be there stoic as ever as he held vigil over their father, an unmoving watcher to guard the Allfather for his final journey.

"Here you go." Jane's voice brought him back to reality.

She lifted the pan to put the eggs she had been cooking on the plates he was preparing, he offered her a gentle smile which she returned. He then placed the washcloth on his shoulder as he delivered the food to a waiting Eric and Darcy, who sat at a nearby table. The former of whom was still nursing a hangover from their drinking contest the night before, sipping a strong black coffee to try and clear the ungodly noise in his head.

"Thank you." Darcy offered as Thor with uncharacteristic gentleness placed the plates before them.

"Huh, oh Thank you." Eric blinked himself awake, surprised equally to still be awake and that Thor was actually helping with such a menial task.

"You are very welcome." Thor offered back, a wide grin on his face, unusually polite for once.

He turned back to Jane who was finishing up cooking her own meal and plating up a dish for Thor too, as he walked back, he accidentally knocked a heavy book that had been left haphazardly on a table. With the skill and speed, only a warrior of Asgard possessed, even whilst mortal Thor was still skilled he caught it before it hit the ground, as he was about to put it back the title caught his eye.

'Myths and Legends from Around the World'

What also caught his eye was his own picture on the front cover it was a poor likeness in truth, but he was there, as was his father, brothers and friends, all standing on the Bifrost. Seeing them again even poor likeness brought a smile to his face and he found himself suddenly with the book open in his hands skipping through the pages that held the faces of his friends and families looking at each one in turn.

There was the Bifrost in its brilliant hues, his father Odin holding Gungnir and the Tesseract, himself the Mighty Thor who apparently had a day Thursday named after him which he liked, next was Mjolnir which proudly had a whole page to itself which made Thor smile. Then he turned to see a very almost criminal likeness of Loki which made Thor chuckle, Loki's nose was bent as well as massive, and his chin was pointed almost like an arrow, if Loki could see it he was sure his brother would curse anyone who read the book to go blind.

On the next page was his mother, Frigga who even poorly depicted still looked regale as ever, the mortal's, however, couldn't get her eyes right, his mother had such kind and wise eyes, the ones in the book were just dull and lifeless. He was about to put the book away when he flipped to one final page near the back, and suddenly found himself staring at Kal, however, it was not an image he would associate with his brother.

The image was a poor attempt to capture the powerful Kal Odinson, but what caught Thor's eye was there was a line running down the middle of his brother splitting him in two. One side Kal was noble, handsome, Raven-Black hair, shimmering blue eyes, surrounded by light that seemed to radiate off of him, and there was a scroll of laws in his hand. On the other side, however, Kal was monstrous, fury etched on his half-face, his hair was wild and unkempt, fire was burning off of him, his eye completely red and his hand was dripping with blood.

Thor looked at the text that accompanied the image:

Kal Odinson

Kal was a dual god in Norse mythology occupying the crossroads between the limited Norse law system and the terrifying spectre of revenge killings that often plagued Norse Society during its early and middle periods. He was seen as a god of Law, Protection, the Sun, Justice, and duty, whilst also being a god of Vengeance, Fury, Rage, and Retribution. He is mentioned in numerous stories as a protector of Midgard, much like his brother Thor, however, unlike Thor Kal is supposed to have introduced laws and customs to men including the practice of settling disputes in a Thing, and treating prisoners with honour. He was also greatly feared by mortal men and Viking warriors as recounted in the well-known Saga of Lakstad, wherein his fury for slaying the woman he loved, Kal is said to have entered such a rage that his mere sight turned men to ash, and he nearly levelled the settlement of Lakstad, with his grief. His great rage and his proposed invincibility also resulted in him becoming the patron god of Berserks Warriors who would invoke Kal before a battle, charging into battle without fear to win the god's approval. He is also noted to apparently be the father of Harald Steel-Skin, the mythic King who united Norway as well as the maiden Aslaug who is said to have become a great sorcere-…..

Thor stopped reading at that point, closing the book as his barrow furrowed in confusion as he read what the people of Midgard thought about his little brother. What was in the book was nothing like what Kal truly was, his brother was dutiful, helpful, and kind he was one of if not the best men Thor knew. Now Thor knew Kal could have a temper but nothing like what the book depicted him like levelling settlements and killing men abjectly in a rage, the book missed out on the truth of his brother.

Kal was often stoic, but he had a great heart, he was passionate when he wanted to be and he cared deeply about the welfare of others, regardless of where anyone came from. Thor smiled as memories of the great adventures and carefree days he and his brother had had came rushing back to him, Kal's smile, his laugh, his love of games, and his humour, none of which this book reflected.

Thor then caught Jane's eyes as he turned after setting the book back on the table, she smiled at him with a tenderness that he had not often experienced. Suddenly, he started to picture a life for himself on Midgard, Jane by his side her exploring the truths of the universe whilst he did his clumsy best to help her. An image of a little child flashed before him as well, it was a small girl with his golden locks, high cheekbones and brown inquisitive eyes like Janes.

He wasn't sure what exactly caused the thought, he had only known Jane a short while but he supposed he did care for her a great deal, and that with his father gone and him now mortal, it would be natural to think of a new life, a mortal life on Midgard. He wondered if that was his future, what would he tell such a child, would he show her books like this and tell of her family beyond the stars? Would he regal her with the true tales of what her father had once done and stories about her uncles she would never meet?

Thor did not have answers to those questions as the brief happy thought soon dislodged itself from his head, as refocused his mind on the present, there would be plenty of time to plan out a future for himself. He moved back towards the table at which Jane and the others sat, slipping in next to Jane and sharing the morning meal with his new friends.

The day passed slowly which Thor did not mind, he actually liked it for once although he had often shirked his duties, his days had never been what one could call relaxed, he was always off somewhere or doing something. So a quiet slow day with no great crisis at hand, fighting with his brothers or avoiding some duty was something he needed after the past few days.

He was busy washing up the dishes, whilst off to one side he could hear Jane, Eric and Darcy conversing, about him again, which at this point he was now used to.

"It's a beautiful theory, Jane. But you won't be able to convince the scientific community of any of it. Not without hard evidence." Eric's said the voice of reason in the group.

Thor sighed, Jane had come to believe him about his origins, and he suspected so did Erik Selvig, the Lady Darcy he had no idea but she seemed friendly enough even without belief. His sigh was because of the trouble he was causing Jane, something he did not mean to do but apparently kept doing since he arrived.

He was apparently proof of her life's work, which according to Darcy was not widely respected or believed, yet even though he was indeed from another realm and could validate all her work he had no way of actually proving it. Again, he cursed himself for his unworthiness if he had only the worth to wield Mjolnir he could prove all in a second, to make up the trouble he caused her.

He was about to speak to offer what little aid he would when a very large rapping noise caused everyone to turn to look at the large window wall. The people on the other side grinning widely at them, their presence causing Darcy and Eric to drop their coffee mugs in shock and Jane to jump slightly in shock.

Thor could only stare blankly for a few moments before a massive grin appeared on his face as he saw Sif and the Warriors Three standing before, dressed in their best armour.

"Found You" Volstagg cried happily, as he waved one of his massive hands a little.

Sif and the trio then moved to the front doors swinging them open with such force the glass in them cracked. They were all smiles and laughs as they pushed inside each one eager to be the first to greet Thor.

"MY FRIENDS" Thor laughed complete and jubilant surprise in his voice as welcomed his friends.

Volstagg reached him first wrapping Thor in a massive bear hug and lifting the former warrior Prince off the ground with ease.

"This is Good! This is Good!" Volstagg stated as he lowered his friend again, the happiness of their reunion radiating off of Volstagg.

Jane, Eric and Darcy could do nothing but stare, all the scientific, logical thoughts having left their heads as they looked at four people that could only be gods. They were large like Thor and handsome as well, the woman was beautiful enough that Jane despite herself suddenly felt both jealous and self-conscious about her looks. The real difference however was where Thor merely projected an air of power and moved like he had power, the people before them radiated it, every inch of them seemed to perfect and to Jane's eye, they even glowed slightly.

"I don't believe it," Eric spoke his jaw hanging open as he stared at the gods, his eyes, unfortunately, looking or more accurately staring at the beautiful Sif which earned him a sharp jap from Darcy next to him.

"Oh excuse me, Lady Sif and the Warrior's Three, at your service." Volstagg introduced them after he put Thor back down, and gave them a little bow as he did so.

"Oh it um nice to meet you, all." Jane offered the only one able to apparently speak, she even offered a clumsy curtsy, as she did not know how one actually greeted living gods.

Her attempt at formality earned her a big smile from Volstagg who offered another deeper and formal bow in return and out the corner of her eye she could see the Lady Sif roll her eyes, evidently not impressed by Jane or her attempts to look noble.

"My friends, I have never been happier to see anyone, but you should not have come." Thor offered as the smile on his face faltered, as the memory of Loki's meeting came back to him, his friends should not be here.

"We're here to take you home," Fandral said in disbelief at Thor's statement, a look of confusion on his face.

"You know I can't go home," Thor spoke softly as guilt entered his voice he cast his gaze at Jane briefly before he pressed on. "My father is ….. dead because of me, and I must remain in exile."

Jane was just shocked and felt so much sadness wash over Thor who despite having a major crisis of faith since meeting her, had always been confident and happy, but now he looked broken like his very existence caused him a pain he could never recover from.

"Now my friends you must return to Asgard, I doubt neither Loki nor Kal will be happy with you coming here." Thor pushed on as he offered his friends a small grateful smile, but sounded firm in his desire for them to leave.

The room was silent at the revelation Thor had just announced that he was the murderer of his own father, from the three humans in the room, it garnered sympathy and shock. However, as Jane looked at the living Gods in their presence, she could only see confusion at Thor's statement of supposed patricide.

"Thor, your father still lives. Kal was the one who sent us to bring you home." Sif replied which caused Thor's face to instantly become one of anger, his grief melting away.

"WHAT?" Thor's voice was a low rumble like distant thunder that heralded a storm.

Jane sat down as she listened to the explanation of all that had happened on Asgard since Thor had been gone, how Odin was asleep, how Kal had raised an army, Loki was scheming and seized near-absolute power. It was near enough to make her head spin, she had suspected Thor was telling the truth but still to have it confirmed in such a manner was more than a little unsettling.

"So, Kal is seizing the Throne?" Thor asked as he sat down next to Jane his fingers interlaced as he absorbed the news.

Jane placed a comforting and gentle hand on his back rubbing it slightly that earned her an appreciative grin from Thor and a subtle eyebrow raise from Sif who for the moment choose not to mention it.

"More like correcting the situation" Volstagg offered a grin on whilst he eat a delicious bar of chocolate Darcy had offered him.

"Wait, Kal is real?" Eric chimed in unable to hold himself back "Like Kal the god who killed the dragons and saved the maiden Lagertha, that Kal?"

"Not quite how it happened but yes. You know of Kal?" Fandral asked curios as to the mortal's question.

"I'm from Norway, I grew up in Lakstad, it's a small city, the Fjord a grew up swimming in his named after him, so is a hill in the city and a mountain nearby." Eric offered pure wonderment on his face as the stories of childhood were apparently true.

"Truly?" Thor asked, turning to his wise mortal friend.

"Oh yes, the story of Kal and the Dragons was my favourite as a small boy, it made me fall in love with the myths, and they, in turn, made me love the stars, wondering about Asgard and other worlds. I became a scientist because of those stories." Eric replied a small smile on his face.

"I never knew that." Jane smiled at Eric, loving the small fact about her dear friend.

"WE are getting off-topic." Sif butted in; clearly not happy they were being distracted by mortals.

"Oh settle down Sif, Kal is sorting everything out on Asgard, we have nothing to worry about. We are in no rush, and I for one would like to sample more fine Midgard cuisine" Volstagg offered as he was now eating a packet of Oreos that Darcy was sharing with him.

Just as Volstagg spoke there was a large rumble of thunder in the distance, causing everyone's head to glance out the window, the skies were clear except for ominous clouds that began circling around where they had found, Thor. Everyone, moved at once immediately going outside for a better look, as they exited the clouds formed a vortex that struck the ground, signalling the arrival of someone from Asgard.

"Was someone else coming?" Darcy asked in fearful hesitation.

"I'm sure it's just…just Kal sending someone to get us." Volstagg offered to the group an unconvincing smile on his face.

Just after he spoke an explosion occurred in the distance at the sight where the Bifrost had struck, a clear signal that something was very wrong. The situation caused nearly everyone in the small town to come out onto the streets to get a better look at what was happening, their group having moved onto the street for a better look.

"Jane, you have to leave" Thor spoke his voice commanding and certain.

"What are you going to do?" Jane asked worry in her voice as she saw a determined look in Thor's eyes.

"I -" Thor began but was cut off by Darcy, who pointed to the sky.

"What the hell is that?" Darcy asked pointing to a shape hurtling through the sky.

"It looks like a bird" Eric offered, raising his hand to his eyes to shield the sun from them for a better look.

"I think it plane or a drone" Jane responded, squinting now at the shape as it grew closer.

"No its -" Darcy's statement never came as she suddenly duck as the object suddenly hurtled overhead and struck the ground about a hundred meters behind them.

"Kal!" Thor cried as he rushed to the crater that held his brother.

Kal was in a terrible condition that Thor had never seen before, his brother had a large wound on his chest, his skin was deathly pale, and all his veins were a strange sickly green colour, glowing with a dark ominousness that Thor did not like. Kal reared awake, coughing up blood as he did, it was black decaying colour that alarmed Thor even more.

"R-R-R-Run!" Kal spat out as he lunged forward to grip Thor's shirt.

(Author's note)

So the next chapter will end the Thor Arc, I really hope everyone likes the story and my adaptation of the Thor movie to include Kal.

So One small announcement my life has started to get a lot busier, in a good way but it means I now will be forcing myself to stick to one chapter a week, updating Fridays/Saturdays or else I won't be able to keep giving regular updates.

I do apologise for this, but hopefully the qualities of the chapters will make up for the slower update speeds.

Like always please Review, Follow and Favourite as you Desire.

Luke5921creators' thoughts