
Chapter 19 – Heritage (2)

(Asgard – Royal Palace – 2010)

Glitnir, The Shinning Hall, the place that was always filled with laughter, song and sounds of friendship whenever the Sons of Odin were present within its walls. Each stone in the hall could tell a hundred, no, a thousand tales of the events that had occurred within, ever since Thor had declared the Halls was theirs and theirs alone, Glitnir had never truly fallen silent.

Until now.

The walls of Glitnir were now silent, even as the great fire burned in its centre, roaring, sparkling, crackling and casting its amber golden rays onto the walls, it somehow made no sound. The fire also cast forth the shadows of the room's five occupiers who just like their shadows made no sound, all were silent, as all but one stared into the flames.

Fandral was nursing his wounded shoulder draped in light furs that kept him modest and somewhat warm yet did not press on the bandages that were fixed to his wound. Volstagg's burnt forearm was healing nicely as Hogun applied an ointment to it, which although caused a stinging sensation the great warrior stayed silent.

Sif cast her gaze at the other two occupiers of the room, her eyes first landed on Loki whose face she could clearly see illuminated as he was turned towards the fire, the trickster's face was one of deep thought and looked almost worried, as he stared at his left hand. Loki had said nothing upon arriving at the Hall, a rare event for the usually silver-tongued god, leaving Kal to fill them in on Thor's banishment not that he had needed to, as Odin had sent a decree out informing all of Thor's exile.

Sif was not sure what Loki was thinking, nor was she sure she wanted to, Loki's mind was a dangerous place even in the most ordinary of times, a varying maze of schemes and plots. Given all that had happened, she had been sure Loki's mind would be dreaming up such schemes or plots yet looking at him now, she was not so sure. Loki looked very conflicted and a little unsettled, as if his usually ironclad certainty had been shaken, she was starting to regret her assumptions about how he would have reacted as it was clear Thor's sudden exile was having a great effect on him. 'They are brothers after all' She reminded herself the bonds of siblings are not easily broken.

She then turned her gaze to the only occupant of the room whose face she could not see, Kal had been mostly silent since arriving in the hall of the Sons of Odin. He had walked in and started staring out a window overlooking the city, the only time he had spoken was to answer their questions about what had happened, and even then he had given a short blunt summary of the events.

Kal's back was to the flames, and he was a little separated from the group, whereas Sif could see Loki's face and the range of conflict flickering across his face, Kal was like a statue. The youngest son of Odin was currently faceless, his back to them, and he had not moved an inch even when informing them of Thor's exile, he merely stayed where he was staring out towards the city.

"We should never have let him go." Volstagg finally spoke moving slightly in his seat once Hogun was done applying the ointment to his arm, the stinging sensation it caused irritating him.

"There was no stopping him," Sif answered, a regretful tone to her voice, as she knew better than anyone that Thor could not be stopped when he decided to do something.

Her statement caused Kal to shift slightly an act all noticed due to the silence of the room. Kal did not move greatly but turned his head so that the corner of his eye was now visible as if he was about to speak, but a few seconds passed, and he did not. Sif's eyes darted away from Kal's, knowing full well the meaning his slight action meant.

'Of course, they could have stopped him, one word to Kal and all of this would have been prevented' Sif thought in her head but dared not speak, her shame stilling her tongue.

"Well, at least he is only banished, not dead. Which we would have been had Kal not arrived." Fandral spoke up rubbing his wound as he sat up straight, gesturing to their friend.

"Yes, thank you, Kal your quick arrival and summoning Odin saved our lives." Volstagg turned his head to offer Kal his gratitude.

"I did not," Kal's voice suddenly sounded from his silent observation of the city, causing everyone to turn slightly to look at his back.

"I'm sorry?" Volstagg asked confused, clearly remembering Kal saving their lives when he arrived.

"I did not summon Odin, he was already departing the palace when I left, I merely got there first. I was not the one to tell him you had gone." Kal explained as he fully turned around now, his great eyes connecting with Sif's.

Sif looked at Kal he was being entirely honest yet his features were unreadable Kal's burrow was furrowed slightly in thought but apart from that Kal's face was like stone, his handsome features revealing nothing to her eyes.

"If not you then who?" Fandral asked, looking around the room for who had informed the Allfather of their plans, but everyone was just silent.

"I did," Loki finally spoke raising his head from his staring at his hand, a look of confidence on his face as he revealed what he had done.

"You?" Sif stood and her voice was more accusing than she had meant it, a force of habit that had developed when speaking with Loki ever since the whole head-shaving incident.

"I told a guard to inform father, the moment we left. We should never have gotten to the bridge let alone Jotunheim, the man should be flogged for taking so long." Loki's voice was bitter and spat out the words as if they left a sour taste in his mouth, however, his confident look at his actions remained.

"You told Odin?!" Volstagg's voice raised in disbelief at Loki's betrayal, never in all their time together had any one of them told or informed on the other, and they had all done some stupid things in their youth.

However, Loki's vision was not on Volstagg, or Sif or the other two warriors of the Three, no his vision was fixed solely on Kal, his little brother. He was just staring at Kal whose own gaze met Loki, the two having some unreadable conversation as they gazed at each other, whatever they trying to communicate it was Loki that broke first.

"I was trying to save our lives, Thor's too you have to believe me." Loki's voice was almost pleading as he looked at the unmoving Kal, whose face made no sign of change at hearing Loki's confession.

"I HAD no idea father would banish him for what he did. I mean he's Thor the golden son, I thought father would lecture him, not, not send him away into EXILE." Loki's voice was cracking as he tried to convince his little brother, that he was not to blame for what had happened.

Everyone else in the room was just passive observers as Loki was evidently trying to convince Kal that he had not meant for any of this to happen, and to Sif's mind, she was starting to believe Loki who seemed almost on the verge of tears. Kal however was still unreadable, he was just staring at Loki and at that moment, Sif saw not Kal but Odin standing in front of them, in his stoic kingly resolved manner, as if he was listening to a man plead his case at a Thing without basis before, he rendered his judgement.

The silence was agonizing, and Loki was starting to falter as Kal still did not respond, instead just staring in stoic silence at his older brother, his usual blue eyes seemingly turned to ice. Loki was starting to wring his hands as his nerves started up and was starting to breathe more heavily as he was evidently starting to think Kal did not believe him.

"Loki." Sif finally spoke, breaking the tension in the air. "You and Kal have to go to the Allfather to convince him to change his mind." Her voice almost pleading, as she wanted her best friend back and was hoping Loki's state of distress would make him more amenable to help Thor.

"What?" Loki suddenly turned to face Sif, "Are you mad?" Loki's voice was one of pure disbelief as his state of distress slowly vanished as he heard Sif's plea.

"I love Thor more dearly than anyone except my own brother, who loves him as much as me, but we all know what he is. He's arrogant, reckless and dangerous, you saw what he did today. Is that what Asgard needs from his King?" Loki's voice was harsh and firm as he listed Thor's faults from the past day as well as the truth he knew everyone had been ignoring for a long time.

Loki made for the doors but was halted by Sif addressing Kal, desperate to prevent the conversation from ending with Loki having the final word. She had turned to get Kal to support her, trusting in her friend to support his own brother, Kal had always been one to defend Thor in the past from Loki's words just as Kal always defended Loki when Thor mocked their middle brother. Kal was the centre, the linchpin that kept the Sons of Odin together no matter what occurred.

"Kal you must see -" Sif started but to her great surprise Kal cut her off.

"Loki is right." Kal's words were softly spoken but cut the air like a knife, causing all eyes to turn to him, and everyone to become silent once again.

"What?" Sif asked in disbelief, as she broke the silence again not believing her own ears.

"Loki is right," Kal stated louder this time and with more force so none could mistake his words. "Thor is dangerous, and he is not … he is not fit to be King." Kal closed his eyes as he admitted the painful truth about his eldest brother.

"Kal, you don't believe that?" Fandral spoke up from his place next to his Kal, not for a second believing that Kal had turned his back on Thor of all people.

"I DO!" Kal's voice boomed, as his patience began to wane. "I love Thor, but he went to Jotunheim for a fight, and he murdered a Jotun just for insulting him. Starting a WAR, that was completely avoidable." Kal's voice was harsh and clearly in pain, as he forced himself to face the truth that his eldest brother was not worthy of his protection.

Loki turned and gave Kal a brief nod and a grateful smile as he departed the hall clearly not wanting to discuss this further. Kal for his part gave no grateful smile merely looked tired and resigned at what he had just admitted to himself and to his friends. Sif looked at Kal with a slight look of shock and disbelief, but her eyes reflected that she held more than she wanted to admit of what Kal had said as true.

"I understand what you are saying Kal," Sif started softly not wanting this to turn into an argument or shouting match. "And Loki may speak about the good of Asgard, but he has always been jealous of Thor. I do not think he is being entirely honest with us." Sif stated as she looked her friend in the eye, hoping he would see what she could that Loki was not to be trusted on this matter.

"That does not change what Thor is and what he has done," Kal replied his voice a little harsh, clearing thinking Sif was focusing on Loki due to wanting to help Thor and ignoring everything that had just been said.

"Laufey said there were traitors in the House of Odin." Hogun's grim voice suddenly sounded next to them. "A master of Magic could bring three Jo-"

"Hogun, you have been my friend for as long as I can remember." Kal's voice was suddenly cold as he cut off the Vanir warrior and turned fully on Hogun "BUT if you ever imply that my brother is a traitor again, I will rip your spine from your body."

"Kal-" Sif tried to continue the conversation placing a hand on his shoulder that he swatted away.

"NO, I miss Thor as well, but LOKI is NOT to blame. Thor did this to himself, as he always does, he is ….. reckless and it finally caught up to him." Kal declared looking at all the gathered warriors with grim resolve.

Kal took a deep breath as he saw that he was alarming his friends and Hogun, who was usually more stoic than Odin, took a step back out of fear from Kal's threat. Kal ran his hand through his hair as he tried to calm himself slightly, his mind racing with thoughts regarding what Hogun had implied but all of them he easily dismissed they were all just unbelievable. Loki may be LOKI, the constant trouble maker and a little mischievous but what they were suggesting was a whole another level, that Loki had never approached at all. Loki was also a prince of Asgard, a son of Odin and Kal knew his brother loved Asgard and Thor as much as he did, to think Loki had anything to do with this was just insane.

"Apologise my friends today has been trying on all of us. I suggest we get some rest tomorrow we have much to do." Kal declared as he turned swiftly and departed the Hall.

As he made his leave, he stopped for a moment and cast his gaze back into the hall, his mind suddenly filled with more pleasant memories, of days gone by. Thor was suddenly standing in front of him, he was a child again, as his eldest brother brought them into the tall ceilinged hall that was covered in dust for the first time, a proud look on his face.

"This Kal is Glitnir!" Thor's hand swept over the sparely furnished and dilapidated room; however, Kal did not care it was a place of pure wonder to his young mind.

"Is it yours?" Kal could remember asking Thor who just looked down at him with a board brotherly smile.

"No, it's ours!" Thor declared picking him up and placing Kal on his shoulders as he started running around the room to show off their new hall, as Loki appeared in the doorway shaking his head.

Thor then pulled Loki fully into the hall wrapping his smaller brother into an affectionate half-hug as he grinned in pure joy. As looked up at Kal who was on his shoulders.

"The Sons of Odin! Together we will be unstoppable!" Thor's voice boomed as pure joy radiated from him.

The vision faded as quickly as it appeared, now there was no Thor before him, just his friends who were staring at him with a look of sorrow and disbelief. Kal turned from them and slowly sealed the door behind him, he released a deep sigh as he brought up a hand to rub his eyes.

'How did it all go so wrong?' Kal asked himself.

He looked down the corridor and saw that Loki was already long gone, sighing again Kal moved off in search of his older brother, wanting to check in to see if Loki was feeling as bad as he was at the moment. As he reached out with his senses he frowned slightly as he saw Loki was not heading to his room or out of the palace to the undercity of Medina for company, but instead was heading to the weapon's vault.

"Where are you going?" Kal asked as he moved to follow his older brother.

(Midgard – New Mexico – 2010)

Thor was admiring the maiden by his side, Jane Foster had proven herself very brave and fearless, as well as smart during the time he had known her. She had a fierceness that reminded him of Sif whilst also possessing a grace and intelligence that was just like his mother, he was currently quiet as she focused on travelling to their destination.

"Have you ever done anything like this?" Jane asked nervously as she looked at Thor, causing him to smile at her nervousness.

"Many times." Thor chuckled but seeing that she was still nervous. "But you are brave to do it"

"Well, I don't have much choice they did just steal my life's work. I mean what else can I do?" Jane asked a little more confidence entering her voice.

Thor looked at her again a smile gracing his face again, he wanted to tell her she was clever but that seemed insufficient she was more than just that, and he wasn't sure he had the words to expresses the admiration he had for her actions. In truth she was reminding him a little of Kal, fierce, intelligent, and determined when something was not right, stopping at nothing until he had corrected it.

Thinking of his brother most have shown something on his face as Jane looked at him with a slight smile and chuckled slightly. "What is it?"

"Apologises you just reminded me of someone," Thor replied shaking his head slightly to dispel his thoughts of his little brother.

"Oh really?" Jane asked intrigued, a playful smile gracing her face "May I ask who she is?"

"Ha, no maiden, although you are like a few I have met. I was thinking of my brother, Kal" Thor clarified a broad grin appearing on his face, as he thought of his brother.

"Your brother?" Jane asked curiously, although she thought Thor a little crazy, she was intrigued to learn more about him.

"Yes, Kal, he is the youngest. A very honourable man, dutiful and smart as well." Thor smiled at the memory of his brother. "Although he can be a little annoying at times." He added with a chuckle.

"Sounds like the two of you are close." Jane gave him a smile, although she was only a child, she had always wanted a sibling, a little sister she could have played with and shared secrets with whilst her dad was away at lectures.

"Yes, well no" Thor's conflicting statement caused Jane to look at him with confusion, sighing Thor tried to clarify what he meant but struggled "It's…... complicated."

"How so?" Jane didn't wish to pry but Thor's face told her that he wanted or more actuality needed to talk about it.

"We have grown distant." Thor sighed heavily, feeling oddly at ease around Jane. "When we were younger, we were inseparable, Kal followed me everywhere but now … I don't know we often quarrel, and he left for some time without explanation."

"Soooo what do you fight about?" Jane pressed.

Thor thought for a moment and was about to be flippant giving a mere shrug, playing it off as nothing important but suddenly found himself thinking. What did he and Kal fight about? Now if she asked him about Loki, and why they fought, Thor had a list, a very long and detailed list, that could fill his father's library but Kal? That he struggled to answer.

For the first time in a very long time, Thor actually thought about Kal, every time Thor had encountered his youngest brother, Kal was always busy with his duties, often rushing off to do something or attend to the affairs of state. It had been small things, to begin with, but over the centuries Kal's duties had grown, he was given more responsibility whilst Thor's duties remained light.

Was that it? Thor wondered, did Kal resent him for the duties he had to do? If so why should Kal resent him Thor had never forced any duties on Kal, never made his brother do anything he didn't want to do.

'You've never asked for any duties or taken to affairs of states either' The voice in his head sounded oddly like his mother and made Thor wince slightly at its.

Thor's barrow furrowed as he considered the point Kal and he had only grown distant after Kal started taking up so many duties and responsibilities. In truth now that he thought about it, why did Kal have so many?

"Thor? You okay?" Jane asked a little worried as the usually talkative Thor had gone very quiet at her question.

"You are the smartest person of met on this realm," Thor said to Jane truthfully, for some reason she had a habit of making him think, something that was a very rare feat indeed.

"Oh, thank you" Jane blushed before a look of confusion came over her face. "I think?" Not entirely sure what Thor had meant.

"You are most welcome." Thor gave her a pleasant smile before he turned his gaze back to the road thinking about both his brothers.

He was wondering how the two of them doing whilst he was briefly exiled, Loki was no doubt mortified that he didn't have Thor to tease and prank anymore or else was drinking himself stupid in celebration. Harsh Thor thought but likely not untrue, he and Loki always seemed at odds even when they agreed with each other, and both seemed to be running out of ideas of how to deal with each other.

'Something I can sort out when I am King.' Thor confidently thought to himself, believing the throne would solve many issues for him, as it obviously did for his father.

Kal was one he was not sure of, his little brother had become an enigma as of late, secret missions from father to Midgard, a tension when the two of them spoke and of course Kal's sudden departure from Asgard. Kal said he had an explanation, but Thor thought he already knew what it was, it was him getting the Throne that had driven Kal away what else could it be?

'Except Kal doesn't want it never has'. Now that voice was sounding in his head was clearly Loki which made Thor frown but didn't make the statement any less true.

Thor's musings were suddenly halted when the vehicle he was in started to slow as Jane pulled the car off the road and started to bring it to a halt. Thor could feel it in the air, Mjolnir was close by it was calling to him like it always did, but it felt different than before, subdued, quieter than it ever had.

"We are close," Thor whispered as he leaned forward in his seat, looking up at the sky that was beginning to darken.

"Yep, according to guys in town and Google, it should be just a little walk in that direction over that ridgeline." Jane pointed over the spot Thor could feel Mjolnir call.

"Perfect, let us move. Nigh will provide us cover." Thor gave Jane a confident smile dispelling his lingering thoughts of his brother.

As he made to move to leave, he turned back to Jane for a moment a look of curiosity on his face, causing Jane to become a little worried.

"What is it?" She asked slightly worried, Thor was about to reveal all this was a bad joke.

"Who is this Google?" Thor asked in all seriousness, curious who this person was that had aided them to his hammer.

Jane just blinked a few times, and when it was clear that Thor was being serious, she just shook her head as she undid her seatbelt and exited the car, all the while muttering. "I am trusting a crazy person."

(Shield 0-8-4 Containment site - Mjolnir Crash site)

Phil Coulson was having a really interesting day, which when one worked for Shield was not a good thing. Interesting always meant dangerous in Shield, boring is what you wanted, dull and boring, that's what every Shield agent wanted from a mission.

Well unless your Romanoff or Barton, but those two were crazy.

However, Coulson was getting the very sinking feeling that things were going to get interesting, as he looked at the Hammer shaped object. Officially it was just called the 0-8-4, as that was the official term for anything unidentified and of unknown origin. Whatever you wanted to call it, it was starting to give off massive amounts of unknown energy and as they delved into Dr Foster's notes what they found was troubling. Gateways to other areas of space, advanced theories of theoretical physics which if true meant Earth was at the centre of some major conjunctions of the spacetime vortex.

In all, something that was going to start causing headaches at HQ and meant major problems for the world at large. 'If they were true' Coulson reminded himself, 'Never assume anything, theorise, plan and react but never assume. Wait for all the facts before worrying about something.'

"Coulson, he's on the line again and wants to speak to you." Jasper Sitwell, the other senior agent interrupted his thoughts by drawing his attention to an incoming call.

"The Director?" Coulson asked as he could only refer to Director Fury who wanted constant updates regarding this mission or it was the other guy to who Coulson really didn't want to speak to.

"No, the OTHER one," Sitwell said a look of stress on his face, he held the phone out to Coulson clearly not wanting it any longer.

Coulson sighed, fighting off a headache. "Not now, just hang up and tell him he shouldn't even have that number."

Sitwell just nodded allowing Coulson to return to his viewing of the mysterious Hammer, however, it was only a few seconds later that Coulson suddenly felt his cell phone vibrate in his pocket. Taking it out he looked down and saw that it was a blocked number calling, which on a Shield issued phone was meant to be impossible, so it could only be one person.

"Great he is calling me direct now." Coulson merely muted the call and threw the phone on the table of a nearby technician "When you have the chance wipe that for me, please. Then destroy it."

"How does he do that?" Sitwell asked looking at the phone Coulson had just discarded onto the table.

"He's a genius and he wants us to know it." That was the only reply Coulson gave, as he returned his focus on more important matters than an egomaniac wanting attention.

Currently, he was reviewing an unredacted case file of the Danvers-Pegasus incident from the mid-90's he remembered the case well as it was one of the first he had been involved with, he had been a fresh face rookie at the time. What was grabbing his attention was Fury's description of a weapon wielded by one of the individuals involved, Fury had described a weapon of unknown material but covered in Norse/Scandinavian like runes, just like the ones he was looking at now.

Now, Fury specified that the weapon had been a sword and the object before them was clearly a hammer, but Shield didn't believe in coincidences. So, Coulson was dutifully reviewing the file in case it could shed any light on the current case he was involved in and from what Fury's report told him he was not looking forward to meeting the owner of this hammer if they were anywhere as powerful as the person in Fury's report.

"WHOA," The sound came from one of the monitoring stations next to him.

"What is it? Did the 0-8-4 do something?" Coulson immediately moved next to the station, looking at the screen for answers.

"Uh no, but we've just had the most sudden development of layers of superheated, humid air rising in a large, swift updraft vo-" The technician began to explain before Coulson cut them off.

"English!" Coulson snapped the science branch of Shield sometimes needed a heavy hand.

"Right sorry sir, um a Thunderstorm, class 3 by the looks of it. Just suddenly appeared and it's very localised, like just around our base localised." The Technician pointed to the screen that was suddenly showing a cloud front forming above them.

As if on cue it started to rain heavily, like a shower had been switched on, outside forcing the security agents on duty to rush for cover and grab waterproof coverings.

"I'm guessing that a Thunderstorm developing suddenly in New Mexico in the middle of summer, during a heat spell, during one of the direst months on record, in one location is not ordinary?" Coulson asked the Technician who just shook his head slowly. "Great, just had to ask."

"Sir we have a perimeter breach!" That shout came from Sitwell who was pointing at a screen.

The screen was showing a very large and very blonde figure suddenly dropping three agents as if they were mall cops, and to make matters worse all the screens started fritzing, as static appeared on them. Coulson eyed the hammer that was just beyond a sheet of glass next to him, although it hadn't moved or changed it somehow felt suddenly alive as if something had activated it.

"I need eyes up high, with a gun," Coulson spoke softly into his communicator as he watched the assailant push two of his men through a bulletproof glass plated wall, taking command of the situation.

It didn't take long for the situation to develop, Barton was on the spot in an instant, quickly taking up a bird's eye position with his trusted bow. The assailant was moving fast now and was seemingly unstoppable, tearing through every agent sent his way, whoever they were they were good, very good.

"You want me to slow him down, or are you sending more guys for him to beat up?" Barton asked in his neutral voice staring down at the blonde assailant, who in two moves knocked down three agents.

"I'll let you know" Coulson replied, nodding to the last of his internal security to respond, they were the elite of the elite, the best security agents on the planet.

The result was not what Coulson had hoped for, it took less than a minute for the intruder to take out his last line of men. As he watched the screen the blonde assailant just brutally dealt with the last remaining guard between him and the hammer, breaking the large agent's hand before knocking him out with a single blow to the head.

What intrigued Coulson most however was that the assailant was solely focused on the Hammer, his vision always fixed on it even whilst he was pommelling his agents. His eyes never wavered never moved from it, he was even staring directly at it when it was no longer in visual sight as if he always knew where it was.

"Better call it, Coulson, 'cause I'm starting to root for this guy," Barton called over the radio a slight smile on his face at watching a fellow professional work.

Barton was a hard man to impress but whoever this guy was he was impressive, as if to prove the point the man just tore the side off the external panelling of the Shield Containment chamber for the 0-8-4. Which although not impossible to do, still required enormous, like Olympic powerlifter, strength to do so the Containment chamber wasn't designed to be easily broken. As the assailant strode into the chamber and stood before the hammer Barton pulled back his bowstring.

"Last chance, sir" Baron declared as he eyed the man about to put his hand on the hammer, ready to seize the potentially dangerous item.

As Coulson watched the assailant as he gave a grin and confidently stood before the hammer, a crack of lighting sounded overhead, briefly illuminating the assailant. The man was tall, powerful, handsome in a rugged way and looked like he was in pure joy. Coulson was not sure what it was but something in him was telling him to let the scene play out.

"Wait, I want to see this." He ordered Barton, his eyes not leaving the assailant that was completely oblivious to him watching.

Thor was currently preparing to reclaim all that he had lost, his muscles were sore like never before, his knuckles were bruised and he felt exhausted, the Midgardians were tough warriors and in his mortal state had provided a challenge. However, that was all about to change, with Mjolnir once more before him, he would win his father's obvious challenge to reclaim it as a mortal and then return to Asgard triumphant.

He grinned as he placed his hand on the ever-familiar grip that felt to him like an extension of his own body as he touched the Asgardian leather handle he felt the slight rush of power and weight he always did before he lifted the hammer. He smiled as he pulled on the hammer ready to reclaim his godly power and return home.

However, Mjolnir did not move.

Thor's thoughts of returning home in glory and triumph suddenly vanished, a frown appeared on his face as he pulled Mjolnir with all his might, yet the hammer did move an inch. Frustration and fury erupted in Thor as he placed both hands on Mjolnir and heaved with all his might, as he willed the hammer to raise.

A roar escaped his lips as he attempted to prove that he was still Thor prince of Asgard, the attempt so great that the veins on his arms bulged, threatening to burst whilst his shoulder felt as if it was about to be torn from his socket.

"AHHHHHH!" Thor screamed as he lost his grip on Mjolnir, the handle slipping from his grasp due to a combination of sweat and the rain pouring down on him.

Thor stumbled backwards, a moment of despair washing over him as he looked down at his hands in disbelief as if they must belong to someone else, the imprint of Mjolnir's handle still fresh upon them. Thor was silent for a few moments as the despair mixed with rage and a sense of loss as all he knew was suddenly stripped from him, he was not Thor Prince of Asgard, in that moment he was nothing.

Looking to the heavens almost in the vain hope that the sky would part and the Bifrost would take him from this nightmare, Thor roared again. This time, however, it was not a sound of frustration, fury or even defeat but that of loss.

His legs failed him then, causing him to collapse before his former weapon and symbol of authority, the rain washing over him as his rage left him, leaving him only with a sense of despair and loss. Whilst above, Coulson sadden that his gut had proven wrong signalled for the waiting agents to move in and take the assailant into custody, who Coulson guessed was just a very well-paid mercenary who failed in his mission.

Thor did not resist as the hands of the Midgardians restrained him, binding his hand behind his back as he looked up he saw the Triquetra appear the symbol of his father, and knew now that he was truly unworthy.

As they lifted him up he suddenly recalled a conversation he and Kal had had only a few decades earlier before everything had gone wrong.

"Careful little brother, I am the Crown Prince and Champion of Asgar-" Thor's patience was fast diminishing as his great pride felt slighted.

"THEN ACT LIKE IT." Kal had yelled as he pulled from Thor's grasp a look of disappointment and disgust on his face.

That was the last thought that entered Thor's mind as they dragged him away, how he had completely failed at everything.

(Asgard – Weapon's Vault)

Kal had followed Loki from their meeting with their friends and had been very confused as well as concerned to find his brother in the Weapon's Vault. Even more concerning was that there was not a guard in sight, Loki having evidently dismissed them all so that he could be alone with the most dangerous weapons in Asgard.

As Kal pushed into the Vault himself, he immediately became aware of two things, his father was hot on heels, Kal could hear Odin rushing through the palace to reach the Vault and Loki was currently about to lift the Casket of Ancient Winters. Kal was about to call out to Loki, to stop him but something in his brother's demeanour stayed his hand, Loki was rigid and breathing in sharp breathes clearly willing himself to do something he had to do.

As Loki grasped hold of the Casket the effect was immediate, the whole aura around Loki suddenly changed, cracking and cooling, gone was the vibrant colours of green and gold that emanated off Loki. Instead, dark grey and icy blues swirled around Loki, as Kal's vision suddenly saw dozens if not hundreds of layers of concealment spells break as his brother held the Casket, his brother's fair warm skin turned ice-cold blue.

"STOP!" Odin's voice boomed clear across the silent Vault.

Kal turned and looked up slightly to see his father had entered the Weapons Vault standing at the top of the stairs. Odin was dressed regally but was in his golden court clothes, not his armour, and had a look of near dread upon his face.

"Kal leave now this does not concern you," Odin ordered his eyes still on Loki, his voice was loud but lacked conviction as if the shock had robbed him of it.

"Father, what have you done?" Kal whispered up at Odin, disbelief washing over him.

"I think he should stay and see." Loki's voice echoed across the Vault "Am I cursed?" Loki's voice trembled at the almost whispered question.

"No" Odin answered his eyes still on Loki. "You're my son."

"What more than that?" Loki demanded, as he slowly turned back around placing the Casket back on its pedestal.

As he turned Kal could fully see what all the spells had been covering, before him stood not as Asgardian Prince but a full-blooded Jotun, the icy blue skin and runic markings covering his brother from head to toe. However, now that the energies of the Casket were no longer overpowering them, the spells that had concealed Loki all his life returned slowly transforming his brother back into a prince of Asgard.

Kal remained silent, instead turning his own gaze to his adoptive father who only quickly glanced at Kal with a look of regret forming on his face before he turned his vision back to Loki. With no answer forthcoming, Loki slowly moved forward back towards the steps his eyes constantly on Odin.

"The Casket wasn't the only thing you took from Jotunheim was it?" Loki's voice was trembling as he approached, tears forming in his eyes, as he spat out the words like they were poison in his blood.

Odin was just silent, as Loki looked at him and Kal suddenly felt himself becoming angry at his father's refusal to answer Loki. Memories of his own conversation arose with Odin, his father being stoically silent, declaring that he knew best and that as the Allfather it was up to him alone to decide what his sons had a right to know. When the Allfather still remained silent, refusing to answer his brother's plea Kal finally lost his patience.

"Answer him" Kal's voice shook as he tried to contain his rage, gritting his teeth, as pushed Odin to tell Loki the truth knowing the pain his brother was feeling.

"It was not," Odin whispered quietly as he looked at Kal and then back to Loki. "In the aftermath of the battle I went back into the temple, and I found a baby. Small for a giant's offspring. Abandoned, suffering, left to die. Laufey's Son."

"Laufey's son," Loki whispered quietly as he stared off into the distance, his world starting to break around him.

"Oh, by the NORNS really father," Kal chuckled in dark humour, a look of disgust on his face as he realised that his father had just been collecting sons for his own purpose. "Another one? Are any of your sons yours?"

"What?" Loki's head snapped up to look at Kal and Odin, wondering what Kal meant by his statement.

"Kal this is not the time" Odin's voice was trying to sound commanding but was more like a plea from a father who was watching his sons slip from his grasp.

"NO! This is exactly the time." Rage entered Kal's voice as he stared down at his adoptive father, not willing to play games any longer.

After a few moments of silence, indicating Odin was not trying to stop him, Kal turned back to Loki, "You're not the only one father has taken in, he found me drifting in space apparently, I am also," Kal's voice trembled for a moment as he searched for the word "…. A foundling I guess the term is."

Loki stared at Kal for a few moments and his eyes widen as he realised that Kal was being truthful, and the understanding of Kal's words caused him to stumble back slightly as if he had been struck. He and Kal were not really princes, they were NOT sons of Odin …. They were not truly brothers. Loki stared at Odin in desperation hoping his father would correct Kal but he did not, sealing the sinking feeling Loki was falling into.

"You are my sons" Odin interceded with a desperate plea trying to convince them of that one fact, not liking the direction his sons were taking his actions.

"Are we?!" Loki spat back "Why? Why did you take me or Kal, there must have been a reason?"

"You were both innocent children." Odin's voice was growing weaker and softer.

His response made Kal scoff bitterly in disbelief, an action Loki ignored as he pressed on for answers.

"NO, there must have been a purpose a reason. Why you took me in?" Loki looked at Odin, who merely stayed silent a broken look etched on his face, causing Loki's control to break, causing him to beg for answers he needed. "TELL ME!".

"I thought we could unite our kingdoms one day. Bring about an alliance, a permeant peace. Through you." Odin explained a look of lament etched on his face

"What?" Loki asked as he tried to processes all that Odin was telling him about the plan that should have been his life.

"But those plans no longer matter," Odin admitted his voice growing weaker.

"And Kal?" Loki gestured to his brother wanting to understand

"I took him because -" Odin tried to explain but was cut off by Kal

"A weapon," Kal stated bluntly looking at Loki, knowing the real reason Odin had taken him in. "I was to be a weapon a means to keep Asgard safe and prop up Thor's reign."

Kal's rage was starting to relent however he was still feeling an incredible betrayal at his father and felt justified in his attacks on his father's intentions. In truth, Kal was still getting over his own shock of his adoption and the falling out it had caused between him and Odin. Along with the bitterness that was seething inside of him, at his view of what his adoptive father had taken him in for.

"No, no" Odin pleaded in desperation. "My son, you were never that." Odin beseeched his son, as he felt his body weakening.

"So, what we are nothing more than stolen relics to be locked away here until you have use of us!" Loki declared gesturing at the Vault filled with dangerous relics.

"Why do you twist my words?" Odin begged, the colour was draining from his face and he was starting to sway, a fact Kal noticed.

"Loki" Kal whispered with concern his building rage vanishing as he looked at his father, who had gone deathly pale and was starting to sway on his feet.

"You could have told me what I was from the beginning, why didn't you!" Loki ignored Kal's concern, anger blinding him to what was happening.

"You're my son." That was all Odin could manage as started to lower himself to the floor, his great strength leaving him.

"Loki" Kal spoke his brother's name louder and more forcibly, as he moved towards his father.

Loki however was blinded by his rage and his sense of betrayal, Kal wasn't even sure that Loki was really seeing or hearing him, as his sole focus was on their father who was all but collapsing into unconsciousness.

"You know it all makes sense now, why you favoured Thor all these years! Because despite your claims of love for your sons, you could never imagine a couple of, of, of, discarded strays on the Throne of Asgard!" Loki raged at Odin with tears pouring down his face.

"LOKI!" Kal's bellowing yell was accompanied by him grabbing his father as Odin collapsed, his hand outstretched to his sons.

Odin was deathly pale and his hand gripped Kal's chest as his youngest son held his ailing father in his hands, Odin's voice was barely above a whisper "Forgive me….."

Odin's final words slipped out as his head fell back and his outstretched arm grasping Kal went limp as the Allfather became lifeless in Kal's arms. A moment of dread and silence fell over the hall as Kal's hearing could not hear a heartbeat or his father's breathing.

Loki suddenly snapped out of his blinding rage as he stood dazed-looking down at the lifeless figure of their father in his little brother's arms. An entirely seemed to pass as his father continued just to lay limp in Kal's eye with no sign of change, Loki eventually broke the silence.

"Kal is he -?" Loki did not want to finish his question.

"Loki do something" Kal looked up at Loki, shock having suddenly turned Kal into a small child again wanting his big brother to tell him what to do.

Loki blinked at Kal as his little brother was clearly in shock and did not know what to do, something Loki had not seen for a very long time.

"Help" Loki whispered at first before, reality returned to him fully and he started yelling at the doors "GUARDS! HELP US!"

At his command, two of Odin's personal guards suddenly came storming into the vault and quickly moved to Odin's side kneeling next to their King. Loki moved back to let the do their duties however Kal stayed where he was, and when one of the guards tried to move him discovered Kal had frozen in shock just staring at their father.

"My prince please I need to check on the King." The guard spoke softly to Kal but got no response.

Loki looked at Kal for a moment before he moved in and placed a gentle hand on his Kal's shoulder "Brother, you need to move." Loki's whisper broke Kal from his trance.

Kal suddenly moved back to stand next to Loki as the guard swopped down and placed a hand on the Allfather's chest. A look of concern on his face, as he felt no breathing, the guard then pressed a rune on one of his vambraces that glowed brightly and then he went back to check on the Allfather.

Before Kal could ask what they should do and what was happening, a legion of guards suddenly appeared coming down the steps with an equal number of healers, General Tyr and Chief Healer Eir at their head. Without even looking at the princes they swept in and started moving the Allfather onto a stretcher, a dozen guards forming a wall around the fallen King whilst the healers started weaving spells and pouring elixirs down his throat.

All Kal or Loki could do was follow the horde as they carefully yet swiftly took the Allfather who was still not breathing from the Weapons Vault.

(Authors Notes)

So Part 2 is done and there is still more to come.

I hope everyone is liking the story so far as the next chapter will deal with Loki's forming his schemes whilst he and Kal deal with the fact they are now ruling Asgard.

I am basing Kal's reaction on Loki's apparent scheming on the fact that out of all the brothers he and Loki are the closet and that all throughout history when brothers betray brothers, the reaction either is instant recognition of the betrayal or refusal to see what is really going on. And despite whatever Kal is he is still a man that loves his brother.

Luke5921creators' thoughts