
Chapter 13 – Midgard (3)

(Midgard – Norway - 10th Century)

The morning air was cool to the touch, brought into the room by the open window that faced out towards the fjord. Lagertha curled up, bringing more of the furs on her bed to her body in an effort to keep warm.

It had been a week since the gods arrived and although her people were joyous about the gods being in their midst progress in finding the remaining dragons was frustrating slow. Every day was filled with waiting for Loki or Kal to find the dragons but after a week of searching, they had found nothing.

However, currently, all that was a distant memory as Lagertha was feeling very contented at the moment, as she reached out towards the other occupier of the bed.

However, her hand grasped nothing but air causing her to open her eyes and see that Kal was not by her side, the two had been spending much time together over the past few days since the gods had arrived.

Their first liaison had occurred after the welcoming feast her father had held which had largely been the result of drink but despite such a beginning the two had continued, Lagertha had found Kal far different from the boastful warriors and prideful noble sons she usually dealt with. He radiated power and authority, spoke like the noblest soul she had ever met, yet he acted with kindness and softness she had never seen before. In short, Kal was different, and Lagertha was finding out she liked different.

"Over here." Kal's calm voice sounded from behind her.

She turned to see that he was sitting on the window's ledge one leg raised and was staring out at the fjord as the dawn broke. He was already dressed in his armour minus his cloak and had Gram propped next to him, the searing sword properly sheathed and resting close enough that he could easily grab it if needed.

"Come back to bed, it's still early." Lagertha yawned, patting the furs next to her giving Kal a grin.

"I wish that I could, but I need to leave before the others wake up and duty calls. There has been a sighting near the northern river." Kal sighed and started to raise.

"Another sighting? No attack?" Lagertha asked, ever since the gods had shown up and slain Fafnir the dragons had been constantly spotted but had yet to attack again.

"Indeed, it is very odd behaviour, these dragons are acting very strange. Ah!" Kal winced and closed his eyes for a second.

"That noise again?" Lagertha asked concern partly raising from her bed.

Kal's hearing was still picking up the strange scratching and whispering noise he had mentioned when they had first, only now it was apparently louder and more present causing Kal great discomfort as if it was trying to drive him away.

"It's fine, Loki is still looking into it." He gave her a reassuring smile, which she pretended helped her.

"As long as, you are sure." Lagertha smiled back at him, rising to start getting changed.

Kal placed a gentle kiss on her cheek then with a slight gust of wind he was gone.

Lagertha sighed, it had been her idea to keep the liaison between the two of the private, not wanting people gossiping nor her father having ideas about her being with a god. She loved her father dearly but he was still a Jarl and would jump on the chance to try worm his way into the good graces of a god.

After she was changed, Lagertha descended into the feasting hall where a small morning meal had been set out. Kal was present looking magnificent in his armour, he was standing with Loki and the two were deep in discussion, she caught his eye and gave him a subtle smile.

Her day was then ruined when she noticed that her father's advisor Sigurd was in the hall whispering to a group of her father's warriors. He had been unusually absent over the past week since the gods arrived, usually, Sigurd was everywhere scheming away but he had hardly been seen in the past few days.

Not that she really cared, but Lagertha always slept better when she knew where he was and still desired to settle the score with him for the threats that he had made a few weeks ago.

"Lady Lagertha, it is a pleasure to see you." Sigurd gave the usual smile that made Lagertha want to punch him.

"I wish I could say the same thing Sigurd." Lagertha spat back too tired to try and be polite.

She suddenly felt a hand on her wrist and as Sigurd pulled her in close, a sneer on his face as he looked down at her.

"Careful woman I would be kinder to you bet- AH" Sigurd's voice had been venomous until Kal was suddenly pulling his arm away from Lagertha.

"DO NOT TOUCH HER." Kal's voice darkened the room, as his eyes promised divine retribution.

Although Lagertha was grateful for the aid, she too was slightly frightened by Kal, gone was the controlled warrior she had witnessed or the pleasant modest man she had spent her nights with. No in front of her was a whole new person, one that scared her and looked unbalanced, before her was a god of Asgard.

"Brother, calm." Loki was suddenly by Kal's side and had placed a hand on his shoulder.

Kal turned glaring at Loki with a look of unbridled rage that Loki was shocked to see, yet before Loki could address it, it suddenly vanished from Kal's face. Kal blinked and looked shocked as if he had just noticed Loki next to him, he looked around and saw the sparsely populated hall staring at him, and all of the stares were ones of fear.

"Apologies, I forgot myself." Kal gently released Sigurd's arm and plastered a smile on his face, which caused much of the tension to immediately leave the room.

Sigurd was grimacing in pain but not wanting to look weak forced his own smile on his face "No need my lord. It was I who was in the wrong, I am too rough in the mornings. Please forgive me Lady Lagertha."

Although it brought bile from her stomach Lagertha just smiled not wishing to cause any more of a scene and gave a nod of acceptance, as she did not trust her mouth to be so cordial.

She turned to look at Kal who was staring at the hand he had grabbed Sigurd with a look of concern on his face, he was oblivious to the world around him. He then suddenly looked up and started staring at Sigurd, then did a very strange thing he sniffed the air, a look of concern then flickered across his face.

Lagertha was starting to get concerned so she gently placed herself next to Kal and started dragging him off to a table, not caring for the moment how it might look.

"I will get the prince something to eat, we will speak later Sigurd." Lagertha gave her best diplomatic smile as she dragged Kal away from Loki and Sigurd.

Kal was still staring at Sigurd who was starting to feel unnerved at Kal's staring and promptly moved to return to his own table, where his friends waited for him whilst rubbing the wrist that Kal had grasped.

"Kal, I know you want to protect me, but you cannot react like th-" Lagertha whispered but was cut off by Kal who looked at her with grave seriousness and spoke in a hushed whisper.

"Was Sigurd anywhere near the dragon attacks? Or treated someone attacked by the dragons" Kal asked his face was all seriousness now.

"Uh no, but Kal we need to talk about -" Lagertha was again cut off by Kal.

"You are sure, absolutely certain?" Kal was again staring at Sigurd, his eyes contracting as he stared at her father's advisor intently.

"Yes, I am certain. Why are you asking that?" Lagertha was concerned as Kal was making no sense.

"Because Sigurd's hands are covered with traces of human blood, dragon scales. He also smells of burning charcoal and the air around him tastes like Kree Iron and dry ash. Exactly like Fafnir." Kal's voice was harsh, and his gaze turned to one of concern as he glared at Sigurd.

"You're sure?" Lagertha asked as she too now glanced at Sigurd.

"Yes," Kal's voice was absolute and completely certain.

"You think he is working for the dragons?" Lagertha just stared at Sigurd, trying to gauge the man.

She had never liked Sigurd; he had always been too sly and devious for anyone to really like him and ever since he tried courting her, her opinion of him had greatly soured. He was a schemer and was only tolerated because of his mind and because he was her father's chief advisor.

He had always threatened people and been an intolerable bastard, but Lagertha could count on one hand the threats he had actually followed through on and still have fingers spare. Sigurd was all bark and no bite; however, he had tried to burn a girl alive, which Lagertha had thought the result of fear gripping the man but now wondered if it was not something more.

"He has something to do with them. Do you know where he lives?" Kal asked his gaze returning to Lagertha.

"Yes, I do a small house just at the edge of town. It has a red door and runes carved on the frame." Lagertha had made a point to know where Sigurd lived. "I am guessing you want to have a look around?"

"I do but not just me." Kal's gaze shifted to Loki who was now sitting at a table alone attempting to eat a Midgardian meal that he was clearly disgusted by.

"Meet me outside in a few minutes," Kal whispered to Lagertha his eyes meeting hers for a brief moment.

She nodded and moved off going to a table near the end of the hall where Harald and Aslaug were currently eating their morning meal, Lagertha had taken to caring for the children as they had no one else.

Kal caught his brother's eye and gave a subtle gesture of his head towards the door, Loki simply sighed a bored expression on his face and gave Kal a nod of his own. Kal waited a few moments before he departed the hall making sure that his departure did not arose Sigurd's suspicions

Once outside Kal quickly spotted Lagertha who was half concealed by standing in a small alley just off the central square, he went over to her and the two proceeded to wait for Loki. Which took much longer than Kal would have liked, half an hour had passed, and Loki still had not left the hall.

"Dammit, Loki this is not the time for games." Kal cursed as he looked to the doors of the hall once again.

His raising anger was stunted by the presence of Lagertha's hand upon his back, he turned around and smiled down at her. He was about to wrap his arms around her when he was prevented by a hand on his chest.

"Kal, we need to talk about what happened in the hall." Lagertha's voice was soft but her eyes contained a seriousness he had not seen in their brief time.

"What do you mean?" Kal asked a little confused.

"You almost ripped Sigurd's arm off." She stated bluntly her eyes meeting his.

"He was hurting you," Kal said his voice becoming more aggressive than he had intended.

"Yes, but I have been dealing with the likes of Sigurd all my life." She touched his cheek with her hand and spoke softly. "I appreciate the aid truly, but I am no maiden in need of protection, and I have no desire to be any man's or god's property."

Kal just nodded at her words and looked slightly abashed at his actions, Lagertha's fierce independence was one of the main reasons he liked her. And in truth, he had not meant to harm Sigurd but when he had heard Lagertha's gasp of pain and saw his hand on her he had stopped thinking.

If truth be told, Kal too was a little concerned at his response, he had never really had feelings for a woman before. He had been with a few maidens, as a result of spending time with Loki and had tried to court a lady or two, but none of it was like what he had with Lagertha. He was finding the experience of being with her, both thrilling and troubling.

When he was with her it was like he was just Kal, not a prince of Asgard or son of Odin just plain simple Kal, who was enraptured by the fascinating woman before him. They laughed easily, spoke honestly, they had no worries or duties to be concerned about and when they were in each other's arms Kal felt at peace.

However, there was the other side Kal did not like and was worried about, it was like a light had been shined into the dark places of his soul, a quiet voice whispered worries into his ears as he laid next to her. Lagertha despite her claims of being able to protect herself was mortal, so fragile, and Kal could not help but fear for her, all he wanted to do was protect her.

Kal gently wrapped his arms around Lagertha bringing her close this time she did not resist and as he leaned down to kiss her was interrupted by a very loud cough.

"Sorry, am I interrupting something?" Loki smiled having appeared next to the couple leaning on a wall.

"Uh no, Kal, PRINCE Kal was just …um helping me I tripped," Lagertha stated as she pushed herself out of Kal's arms.

Loki just grinned and gave his little brother an overt wink, which caused Kal to both glare at Loki and blush slightly.

"Come on, we should not waste time." Lagertha gathered herself and started off, walking past Loki.

Loki stayed where he was for a moment just grinning at Kal who was following Lagertha and walked past his older brother, who raised his eyebrows meaningfully at Kal.

"Oh shut it," Kal stated as he walked past Loki whose grin just widen at Kal's response.

Lagertha lead them through the streets and did her best to ignore the stupid grin Loki had fixed on his face. The trio eventually arrived at a rather modest dwelling at the edge of the settlement. It seemed ordinary enough and somehow more ordinary than the buildings around it, Kal scanned the building with his enhanced sight and could find nothing out of the ordinary, however, his other senses were telling him something was off.

Everything was too ordinary, a strange statement to make but it described exactly what Kal was feeling. The entire building before him looked, and sensed completely normally, seemingly emanating a signal that nothing was wrong. This is what was causing Kal to be concerned, it all seemed a little too unnatural like someone was feeding them exactly what they wanted and was hoping no one would notice the poison mixed in with the food.

Loki could feel it too, the ambient magic in the air was almost palpable, there was a very powerful and highly skilled enchantment present, it had been applied skilfully too. Loki believed even his mother would have been hard-pressed to sense the enchantment and despite his own pride had to admit that the spell was a masterpiece.

"You sense it too brother?" Kal asked Loki who was now standing next to him, the elder of the two squinting at the building already making symbols in the air with his hands.

"I do brother. Very curious, it appears that there is more to Midgard than I thought." Loki stroked his chin as he raised a hand to study the enchantment further, it was very impressive.

"Should I use Gram, or can you break it?" Kal asked gripping the hilt of his sword.

"Give me a moment." Loki strode forwarded whilst clicking his fingers together.

Lagertha watched silently as Loki rolled his shoulders and neck, causing both to crack before proceeding to wave his hands around in strange movements, muttering as he went in a langue she could not understand. The occasional shimmer in his hands was the only indicator something was happening, otherwise, Loki simply looked like a raving madman.

Suddenly, the air before her appeared to crack like a mirror and Loki had a triumphant look on his face. He raised one and with a dramatic flourish snapped his fingers and like a mirror falling apart the space around the house fractured and shattered.

In its place was the same dwelling as before but it was now a twisted nightmarish version of itself, the walls were blackened, and strange glowing red runes were appearing and disappearing on the walls. The air around the house seemed shrouded in an ominous black mist that she could hardly see through and there was a strange noise that was scraping at the side of her ear, it was like quiet whispers and ink being scratched on parchment.

"Lagertha, stay here," Kal said in a voice that held no room for argument as he drew Gram from its scabbard, the blade glowing in the presence of the darkness.

For once Lagertha just nodded admitting this was beyond her skills and took a few steps back allowing the more divine amongst them to enter the foreboding home.

'Sigurd what have you done' She thought to herself as she watched the gods enter the home.

As they entered Kal noticed that Loki had produced his daggers and was muttering counter spells under his breath as they moved through the dwelling. The inside was much worse than the outside, tables were full of black hellish herbs, jars of unnatural creatures were present and Kal was pretty sure there were bloodstains on most if not all of the surfaces.

Kal was no expert in magic like Loki or their mother, but it took no master of the mystic arts to recognise dark magic when it was present. He was growing sick at the smell and sight of what was present in the dwelling, Sigurd was clearly more than just some Midgardian advisor and very involved with something very dark.

As he looked around the main room of the dwelling, he spotted a list that was placed in the centre of a very ominous circle, with a pentagram craved within its centre in what Kal knew was blood, very young blood. Looking at the list he recognised all the names present, they were all six of Lagertha's brothers as well as her father, each one except her father had been crossed out with a deep crimson line.

"KAL!" Loki's voice came from across the room.

Kal wheeled around and saw Loki standing in front of a cupboard he had just opened, Kal raced over to see what had alarmed his brother.

"Loki what is i- OH Skitr. Is that what I think it is?" Kal was staring at a metal-bound black book that radiated darkness.

The whispering that Kal had been trying to ignore suddenly intensified a thousand fold, it was like a myriad of voices were talking to him at once, each one offering him everything he had always wanted including things he never knew he had wanted. Kal was about to reach out to take the book when Gram suddenly burned hot in his hand, and like a light shining in the dark, the voices suddenly quieted. They were not truly gone but Kal suddenly lost the compulsion to listen to them or to take the book.

"It's The Darkhold, the Book of the Damned," Loki whispered his usual mischievous tone gone.

(One Hour Later – The Great Hall of Lakstad)

"I do not understand what is frightening about a book?" Volstagg asked as he glanced at the book that had been placed on the table before them.

The great Hall of Lakstad was empty except for the Asgardians, Lagertha, Jarl Regin along with a bound and securely gagged Sigurd, who was a strap to a chair.

Kal and Loki had wasted no time after finding the cursed book, Loki had immediately placed every containment spell he could conjure on the book. Whilst Kal had all but exploded into the Great Hall, knocking out Sigurd before he could react and without waiting to ask for permission. Which had caused alarm from everyone in the Hall and almost caused Thor to tackle his brother thinking he had gone mad.

They had then cleared the hall and gathered their companions to decide what their next course of action should be.

"It's not just any book, this is the Darkhold," Loki stated in an unusually serious tone.

"Okay, so why is that bad?" Thor asked clueless as to why the name should be a cause of concern.

Loki sighed heavily in response and rubbed his eyes in frustration, appearing as if Thor's lace of knowledge was causing him physical pain.

"The Darkhold brother is a source of great evil and suffering. It is infinite knowledge incarnate, it provides the reader with the means to gain everything they desire, but at a cost." Kal spoke gravelly and for a moment Thor was hearing their father speak not Kal.

"Which is?" Volstagg asked looking at the book with concern.

"One's soul," Loki answered, his eyes lingering on the book. "It seduces with the promise of everything you ever desired, whilst it slowly drives you mad until the only thing you care for is the book.

"What does this have to do with the dragons? Sigurd desired dragons to attack his kingdom." Thor asked his eyes turning to the bound Sigurd now who was just glaring at them.

It was Kal who responded his voice was soft and calm, his eyes fixed on the book as he released a deep sigh.

"Sigurd wanted power, he wanted to rule, to be obeyed and he wanted -" Kal stopped talking as his eyes briefly glanced at Lagertha an act she saw.

"Me, he wanted me." Lagertha swallowed suddenly feeling sick.

Kal confirmed her statement with a small nod as his eyes turned back to Sigurd who was glaring at him now.

"I think the dragons were a means to an end. I think he asked the book for a way to become a hero, and that it showed him how to summon the dragons. So that he could be the one to defeat them and, in his glory, make Lagertha marry him." Kal's voice was still calm, but his eyes were hard as they glared at Sigurd.

"So, Sigurd brought the dragons, was going to use this 'book' to defeat them become a hero. What I don't understand is how that would make him a ruler I have 6 brothers who would succeed my father." Lagertha asked looking at Kal to explain, whilst fighting the feeling she was going to be sick.

Kal just swallowed he had been dreading this moment ever since he saw the names crossed out in blood in Sigurd's dark dwelling.

"Lagertha, I'm so sorry. I found ….. I found a list, a spell … I do not think your brothers are coming back home." Kal closed his eyes as he delivered the news not wanting to see the pain his words would bring.

"Are you sure?" Lagertha asked her voice suddenly very quiet.

Kal looked at Loki who just gave a small nod of confirmation as he had examined the list and spell at Kal's request.

"Yes, I am sorry," Kal confirmed feeling sick at having to deliver the news.

The room was silent for a moment Lagertha's face was unreadable she just stared at Kal whilst her father Jarl Regin collapsed into a seat, unable to speak. The unbearable silence lasted for what seemed like an eternity until it was broken by the sudden sound of a fist striking flesh.

"YOU BASTARD" Lagertha screamed in unbridled rage as her fist slammed into the side of Sigurd's head.

She began battering him tears streaking down her face as her blows became less controlled as grief overtook her. No one moved to stop her, as no one particular felt inclined to protect Sigurd, so for a few moments, Lagertha's grief and rage were allowed an outpouring as she battered the defenceless Sigurd.

Evidently, when she was more sobbing than striking, Kal gently placed a hand on her shoulder pulling her into a tight embrace before she could beat the man to death, Lagertha half-heartedly struggled before she broke down fully tears streaking down her face.

Kal held her for a few moments not caring that his brothers or friends were watching as he held her tightly as she sobbed. Eventually, the tears subsided, he released her gently and Lagertha collapsed next to her father who took her hand, the two just looking broken.

"I'll get my blade to remove this swine's head," Sif stated with a look of disgust etched on her face.

She made to leave to retrieve her weapon but was halted by Kal's voice. "We can't, at least not yet."

"Why not brother, I know you have a great desire for justice and fair trials, but this man is clearly guilty," Thor said his voice hard as he glared at Sigurd who was starting to whimper as his face began to swell.

"Because we need Sigurd to tell us where the dragons are and how they are being hidden from us," Loki replied to Thor's statement, his arms crossed across his chest.

"After that, he will be Jarl Regin to deal with." Kal's looked at the Jarl who looked lost at the news of his sons' death and his advisor's betrayal.

Kal then moved over to Sigurd and without concern for the man's comfort ripped the rope from the man's mouth. Sigurd was whimpering now, his face bruised, swelling and bleeding from Lagertha's brief but deadly assault.

"One chance tells us now exactly what you have done or there is going to be a lot of pain." Kal's voice was eerily calm and spoke softly.

Despite his current constrained state and obvious fear, Sigurd's sight turned to the Darkhold his eyes lingering on the dark foreboding text and his demeanour suddenly shifted to one of defiance. He spat at Kal a mixture of more blood than salvia, that landed on Kal's cheek, which the prince simply calmly wiped away.

"This is all your fault if you people had not arrived, I would have slain the beasts by now and everything would be fine. I would be a hero" Sigurd struggled against his bonds glaring pure hatred at Kal.

"Pain it is then." Kal sighed as he drew Gram from its scabbard, the golden blade shining ominously in the dimly lit Hall. "This blade burns away falsehoods and corruptions, so you are going to tell us the truth."

He placed the tip of the sword gently on Sigurd's chest and pressed slightly drawing a small amount of blood, the blade glowed with the runes the dwarves of Nidavellir had cast upon it. As the blade touched his flesh Sigurd began to scream, and after the screams came answers.

(Scandinavian Mountain Range)

It took them only half an hour to reach the location of the dragon's lair once Gram had done its work and Sigurd revealed all. It was a cave deep in the mountains to the Northeast, nestled deep in a gorge that was now blackened with soot and ash, easily visible to Kal now that Loki had been able to lift Sigurd's spells.

"Are you okay Kal?" Sif asked the question to her friend and prince.

She was concerned about Kal, he had been acting more rashly than he usually did, out of all three of the Princes Kal was always the one most in control. However, since their time on Midgard Kal had been less attentive in his duties and more prone to rash action, Sif suspected it was due to the mortal Lagertha.

She had no problem with the maiden and in fact, greatly admired the woman for her fortitude and skills but it was no secret the two had spent much of their time together, and Kal looked at her with great affection. She was worried that affection was clouding his usually good judgment, as often was the case with men.

"I am fine, Sif," Kal responded giving a smile that didn't quite reach his eyes, but she was desperate to believe it.

"There are two of them down there. So, I suggest we split up into three teams to outfla-" Sif started but was cut off by Thor who with a swing of Mjolnir had soared straight at the cave.

"Have at thee!" Thor cried as he charged off.

"Or we just charge in." Sif sighed pulling her own blade out, jumping into the gorge followed by the rest of the group.

Thor's actions brought a much-needed smile to his face whilst he didn't necessarily agree with Thor foolhardiness, he did love his brother's passionate nature and love of battle.

"Every time," Loki mumbled as they descended into the gorge.

"Oh, come now Loki! Thor is just having fu-" Fandral started to speak but was cut off by Thor being jettisoned from the cave, crashing into the ground behind them.

The party was suddenly faced by a torrent of fire blazing forth for the cave in front of them, forcing them to dive out of the way. Kal had grabbed Sif as she was next to him and rushed her out of the way.

The earth shook as a single dragon stepped forth from the cave, it was twice the size Fafnir had been easily 100 feet long, with blood-red scales and wings that were spread out to its sides as it breathed another torrent of fire.

Falling back on their training Asgard's finest warriors reacted without thought, Kal charged forward taking the creature head-on unconcerned by the flames. Sif went to the beast's right, whilst the left was covered by the Warriors Three who had spread out to prevent making an easy target.

Loki was hanging back, a twist of his hand and suddenly dozens of illusionary Loki's were dotted around the field providing a great distraction. The dragon roared spewing fire that struck Kal directly blinding him for a moment.

Kal merely pushed through the blaze the only damage was to his cloak which was singed. He pulled Gram from its scabbard and pushed off the ground resulting in a resounding blast as the earth shattered beneath him. His first strike was high striking the dragon's chest, with Gram's sharp edge searing through the dragon's hide creating a small but deep gash, causing a howl of pain to erupt from the beast.

Sif followed next, she had run up a jagged rock on the righthand side of the gorge, with speed and grace she leapt upwards plunging her blade into the membrane of the dragon's wing. Blood rained down on her as she descended down the dragon's wing, slicing through tendons and veins as she crippled the beast.

As she descended, the Warriors Three struck, Hogun attacked the beast's leg aiming for the back of its knee ever silent as he slammed his mace into the creature. Whilst Volstagg and Fandral worked in tandem, the former aided the latter by placing his hands together and as Fandral ran at him pushed upwards sending Fandral soaring through the air.

Fandral flight was graceful and elegant he twisted in the air and connected the upper part of the dragon outstretched wing, which he then slid down with the ease of an acrobat. Once at the beast neck Fandral pushed himself up and gave a series of blinding strikes at the dragon's eye, drawing blood and causing even more pain.

"DIE INSIGNIFICANT INSECTS!" The dragon roared as it attempted to swat at Fandral on its shoulder.

The blonde-haired Asgardian simply backflipped off of the dragon and landed behind the creature with the grace one could only expect of Fandral the Dashing. He then proceeded to join Hogun and Volstagg both of whom were now attacking the creature's leg.

The Dragon did not last long under the onslaught, Kal was quick to follow his initial strike with several more, Gram's searing blade cutting deep into the dragon's flesh. Which when combined with the strikes the others were doing caused the beast to collapse from its wounds after a very short fight.

"VICTORY! Not too tough, rather boring after a week of waiting if I do say so myself." Volstagg bellowed as he stood upon the defeated beast, like a hunter on top of his prey.

"Yes, whilst he was larger than the other one it was rather a simple affair. Although it did manage to surprise Thor" Fandral agreed, taking a handkerchief from his pocket to clean his rapier.

At the mention of his brother Kal turned back towards where Thor had crashed, although the fight had been brief he had been surprised that Thor had not re-joined, he knew from experience that Thor was relentless and got up quickly.

Staring out to the crater that his brother had made Kal realise that Thor was, in fact, unconscious, a confusing sight as the beast they had fought, had not shown anywhere close to the amount of power needed to do such an act.

"Loki, is Thor, okay?" Kal yelled across the gorge to Loki who would likely be the closest to Thor.

The illusionary Loki's disappeared from across the field as his real brother appeared by the side of Thor's crater. A shimmering green light revealing him to the world.

"Unfortunately, he appears to be fine. Just not awake." Loki yelled back a deep sigh emanating from his lips at the tragic news.

Loki's joke caused both Fandral and Volstagg to chuckle.

"Can you wake hi-" Kal was cut off as he felt something soaring behind him.

As he turned around, he was unable to react in time as a large red mass struck him hard, the blow knocked the air from his lungs and caused him to drop Gram, which plunged straight down into the ground. It also sent him flying upwards out of the gorge, the world rocketing passed as the ground soon disappeared from view.

"KAL!" Sif yelled as watched her friend flying off, she turned quickly and raised her blade to face the new threat before her.

Exiting the cave was perhaps the largest creature she had ever seen, the earth heaved as the beast moved, its scales were more crimson than blood and its yellow eyes glinted with such malevolence that Sif felt a chill go down her spine.

"Quake with fear Asgardians for I am your doom! None survive the fires of Sadurang!" The dragon roared as its fire burst forth white-hot, so intense that even the air burned from the heat.

Kal's world was a blur as he went head over heels flying through the air. The constant motion was making him nauseous and combined with the pain in his chest Kal was close to vomiting.

Suddenly the occasional blur of land that passed into his vision vanished replaced by the crystal blue of the sea, informing Kal that the strike had been so powerful it had knocked him clear out over the water.

'I really am getting tired of spinning.' Kal thought to himself throwing his arms out in an attempt to correct his fall and stop his spinning.

To Kal's surprise, the blur that had become his world stopped, in fact, everything stopped as he found himself suspended in the air, holding a horizontal position facing the sea. Kal moved his hand through the air, he could see a small rippling effect occurring as if his body was bending gravity around itself.

"Okay, so this is new," Kal spoke to himself, a grin on his face.

Despite the circumstance, he could not help himself, he let out a laugh and allowed the strange, wonderful feeling he was now experiencing to rush over him. His body felt wonderful as if was encased in a warm buzzing wrapping that untethered him from the concerns of gravity.

The ability of flight was not one that was common to Asgardians, he was very certain that his parents did not possess the ability, and even his brother Thor could only fly due to Mjolnir. So, the sudden development of such a unique power was very surprising indeed, and also greatly troubling for one glaring reason.

Kal had no idea how to use it.

He was a little frightened to try anything less he loses his newfound ability and plunge a considerable distance downwards into the icy waters below, Kal was pretty certain he would survive the fall but would rather not find out. However, he decided he had to act as his companion and his brothers needed him for the fight they were surely facing.

Deciding to copy the only person he had ever seen fly before Kal pushed out his right hand in a fist like Thor did when he was holding Mjolnir. Nothing happened, Kal brought his fist down and then shoved it out again, the same result nothing. Kal quickly losing patience, started punching the air only to remain exactly where he was hovering facing the sea below.

'Oh, come on, if Thor can do it, it cannot be that hard. I just want to move forward!' Kal frustrated thought was combined with a scowl appearing on his face.

Which was quickly dispelled as no sooner had he the thought passed through his mind than Kal felt himself moving forward. The action was jerky and not very elegant, but it was improvement causing him to grin, as he started soaring through the sky.

"Okay, better." Kal laughed to himself, the joyful feeling he had before was intensified a thousandfold, the air rippling before him as gravity bent around him.

Kal shifted his body and found that his ability to fly responded in kind, every shift of his body caused him to change direction slightly, and with careful testing eventually allowed him to manoeuvre in the air with some level of control and turn back towards where he came from. As he looked down, he could see his reflection in the sea below as it rushed past and chuckled at the strange sight of him flying unaided.

'I wonder how I turn it offffffffff' Kal stray thought resulted in hurling towards the ground like an iron ingot dropped from a tower.

He was spinning again this time gyrating wildly with his arms flailing about trying to correct his fall. However, he knew what to do this time and with simply concentration managed to regain that wonderful feeling he had before and was again soaring through the air, albeit much lower than before.

'Glad no one saw that, I am so going to have to practice this' Kal thought to himself as he coughed at his slight stumble.

"Okay, let's see how fast I can go." He felt his body tense as his world went from a series of rapid pasting features to a blur of colours, a large boom he heard signalled his passing the sound barrier.

Meanwhile, the remaining gods facing the last dragon things were not going great.

"COME ON, WAKE UP! THE ONE TIME I NEED YOU!" Loki yelled as he slapped the unconscious Thor in his crater, yet the blow did nothing.

Loki was not having a good time, Thor was unconscious, the others were injured and Kal had been catapulted who knew where. Sif and the Warriors Three were barely managing to hold their own against the dragon and Loki's spells had proved useless having discovered to his horror that this Sadurang exuded dark magic.

Meaning he was pretty much useless unless he was feeling very stupid and decided to attack the beast with a dagger.

"Loki! We need Thor!" Sif's voice was harsh, a result of her frustration with the current fight rather than with Loki.

She was currently rolling out of the way, as one of the dragons massive, clawed hands tore through the earth where she had been standing. She was very irritated with herself for being of little use in the fight, however, despite her valiant attempts she simply could do nothing to harm the dragon Sadurang, her blade left barely scratch on the beasts hide.

"I am working on it!" Loki yelled as he conjured a ball of water that fell on Thor's face, still, Thor did not wake. "OH, COME ON THOR!"

Loki felt a shadow fall over him turning around he saw the massive form of Sadurang now in front of them, a familiar yet terrifying glow rising in the beast's throat. Loki conjured his daggers and placed himself in front of Thor to protect his unconscious brother, an act the beast chuckled at.

"PITIFUL NOTHING CAN SAVE YOU NOW!" Sadurang's voice was dark as it laughed at Loki's brave display.

However, just as Sadurang was about to reduce the princes of Asgard to ash it was interrupted by a strange blur that streaked past right in front of its nose. The blur was moving so fast that a few seconds after its passing there was an audible boom and powerful rush of wind that almost sent Loki flying.

"Was that Kal?" Volstagg asked as stood pulled himself up onto his axe bleeding, looking at the others who looked just as perplexed as him.

'Oh, hell overshoot it' Kal cursed to himself as he inelegantly manoeuvred a flying U-turn, he was starting to get the hang of flying but still had a long way to go.

He was now streaking back towards the group; he could feel the call of Gram and could see that his brothers were in a desperate state. He pushed himself to move faster, and his body responded, he felt his muscles begin to strain and his skin starting to feel warm as he truly began to move. Resulting in another explosion of noise as Kal became Hypersonic speed.

Sadurang turned its massive head toward the sound and using its own impressive sight saw Kal streaking towards at speeds mortals could not yet dream of. The mighty dark dragon simply reared back its head and prepared to melt Kal with a torrent of fire.

"FOOLISH INSECT NOTHING CAN SAVE YOU FROM MY WRA-" Sadurang's insult was cut off as a hole appeared through its chest, as an explosion of dirt and carter formed behind the beast.

It took a few moments for everyone to register what had happened, as it also took a few moments for the sounds of the event to catch up with the speeds Kal had been moving at. Sif was blinking as she suddenly realised that the small crater and explosion of dirt was a result of Kal crashing. A brief shower of blood, flesh and dragon scale occurred as Sif realised that Kal had used his own body to ram through the creature's chest killing it.

A feat of bravery that Sif was sure would be sung by their people forevermore.

Kal for his part was feeling a little foolish, whilst he was glad that he had ended the fight swiftly and decisively, in truth he had not actually planned what had occurred. He had in fact been trying to land so that he could fight conventionally, but due to his very limited experience flying, he had no idea how to. In fact, he was trying to slow down and work out how he would land when he suddenly felt himself tearing through Dragon flesh and scale.

Resulting in his very unintended devastation of his enemy.

Kal slowly pulled himself up from the crater, he was slightly bruised and had cut his fists on the dragon's hide as he went through the beast but otherwise was fine, except for being covered head to toe in gore.

It was also at the same moment that Thor finally regained consciousness rising from the crater to the scene of one very dead dragon and his little brother covered head to toe in dragon gore.

"I take it we won then," Thor asked as he looked to his companions that were staring at his little brother, no one responded as they all just looked at Kal with confusion. "What did I miss?"

Their defeat of Sadurang was not the end of their visit to Midgard, the victorious gods first oversaw the removal of the dragon's corpses so that they could be properly disposed of on Asgard. An affair that took longer than they wished, as they also had to search the dragon's cave to ensure there wasn't anything lurking that could pose a danger especially in the hands of foolish mortals.

The inside of the cave was rather sparse, apart from the usual horde of shiny objects that dragons kept in their abodes. After a little time searching it was clear that there was little to interest the gathered Asgardians, who following Kal's suggestion decided to leave it for the mortals of Lakstad to claim.

With the final matters attended to, Loki had at that point declared that they should simply depart and return to Asgard seeing no further need of their presence. However, he was overruled by Thor who was unusually supported in his decision by Kal, who argued that they should return and inform the mortals themselves.

Thor was happy for the support as he merely wanted to return to the bask and admiration of the mortals, so declared that they would feast and then depart with the praise of Midgard ringing in their ears. Loki suspected Kal's desire to return had nothing to do with seeking praise but perhaps the admiration of one particular Midgardian maiden.

Upon their return to Lakstad, Loki saw his observation was true as once after the feast had begun Kal had subtly slipped off, ducking out of the whole quickly followed by the Midgardian his brother was so keen on.

Deciding that observing Thor getting praised for the hundredth held no appeal and that there was no maidens or warriors that piqued his interest he decided to follow Kal. Fascinated that his little brother had finally taken an interest in the opposite sex or anyone really, his little brother was always so serious.

"So, you are leaving?" Loki heard the Midgardian's voice around the corner and using his skills concealed himself from Kal's very astute sense.

"In the morning, we need to go back to Asgard and tell father the danger is gone." Kal was sat down on a bench holding the Midgardian's woman's hands in his.

"Has it? What about that book? All those people that are dead now just because Sigurd had it." She asked concern in her voice, as she shook her head.

"The Darkhold will trouble you no more, Loki and I have hidden, far from the reaches of men," Kal said with certainty.

"You trust him? Why not destroy it?" The Midgardian was clearly doubtful of Loki's trustworthiness.

"I trust him with my life, he is my brother." Loki was touched by his brother's statement but quickly dismissed it, of course, Kal trusted him why would not.

"Besides, The Darkhold cannot be destroyed, not truly and Loki for all his faults is no fool, he knows better than most the dangers of dark magic. The book is safe, have no fear, we have hidden deep in Midgard." Kal stated with certainty that would have impressed their father.

"Why not take it back to Asgard?" Lagertha asked.

Loki was beginning to get bored of the Midgardian's constant questions, what did Kal see in her, questioning someone clearly superior to her.

"We dare not bring it to Asgard, the temptations for anyone to use it, especially our family could prove too great, and the results would be catastrophic for all." Kal squeezed the Midgardian's hand and gave her a comforting smile.

"I will return have no fear. I may be gone for a little while I have duties to attend to, but if you are willing, I am happy to return to see you. If you desire it?" Kal's question hung in the air a hopeful idiot grin on his brother's face.

The Midgardian woman gave a sly grin and leaned forward, her lips almost touching Kal's "I would not be opposed but you would have to make it worth my while"

"I will endeavour to do so." Kal captured her lips and the two began a passionate embrace.

Loki decided to end his observation there not really desiring to witness his little brother engage in what inevitably was coming next. He had been closed to playing a prank but decided that Kal deserved a little fun, besides their mother throwing the puritan Sigyn at him, his little brother could use a distraction on the side.

However, as Loki turned the corner and caught the last scene of the two in a very passionate embrace, he had a sudden feeling of concern for his little brother.

'I really hope you don't do anything foolish, little brother. Romance with mortals rarely ends well.'

(Author's Note)

Hope everyone is enjoying this.

So, one more chapter of the Midgard arc to go, and it will deal with Loki's very prudent worry as basing this off Norse Mythology and typical marvel, no good ever comes from a god and mortal romance.

I have largely done this as Kal is still a young man, and a very entitled one as well, being a prince of Asgard and an almost invincible one too. So, I wanted to ground him a little and then provide a situation that forces him to develop from a simple Invincible prince that always wins.

To Answer a few other questions I do have some ideas regarding Kara Zor-el aka Supergirl, however, they will not be occurring anytime soon, but she will eventually show up.

Now checking the romance Poll Carol Danvers (Captain Marvel) has indeed placed first so I will proceed to have her as the main romance focus for Kal in the story however I will not be rushing into anything, so it might take quiet a few chapters before we reach that aspect of the story.

So, tune in next week, for the wrap up of Kal on Midgard.

As always please, review, follow, and favourite as you desire.

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