

When Kakashi woke up the next day, he wasted no time. Brushing his teeth and taking a shower, in 10 minutes he was out of his apartment and jumping across the rooftops in the direction of Hokage tower.

He jumped off the roof of a market building and gracefully landed on his feet on the ground in front of the Hokage's building. His landing had picked up some dust from the ground making the guards cough. Ignoring them, he went inside the building and climbed the stairs. Kakashi barged right in the office of the 3rd, much to the secretary's annoyance.

The older man was facing the window, smoking his pipe. Not turning around he addressed Kakashi-kun.

"Hmm... Kakashi-kun. I assume you are here to inquire about the Training ground I have prepared for you?"

Kakashi kneeled, in a show of respect.

"Hai, Hokage-sama.

"Very well, follow me."

With a grunt, Hiruzen pushed himself up and put his hands in a hand-sign. Kakashi noticing this stood up and put his hands in the same hand seal. In a second, they both body-flickered away, leaving the office vacant.


With a few bursts of the body-flicker, the duo reached the Training ground. It was a large clearing located on the cliff of the Hokage mountain. Hiruzen turned to Kakashi.

"Kakashi-kun, be proud. Where you are standing right now...." Hiruzen gestured to the area. ".... is the private Training grounds used by only the Hokage."

Kakashi looked on in awe. This area was a historical myth for the rest of Konoha's population, a place that was fit for the Hokages to train in, the Kage training grounds.

The 3rd's voice brought Kakashi's attention to him.

"I've seen what you can do in the future and I'm impressed. But you have always been holding back. The only time I've seen you go all out is against that Rabbit goddess. If you are truly ready for this mission, then...."

Hiruzen grabbed his Hokage cloak and headpiece and threw them off. He was revealed to be in his black Shinobi Battle armor.

".... fight me."

Kakashi looked shocked before responding.

'H-Hokage- sama, won't the village notice if we fight?!"

Hiruzen shook his head as he summoned his adamantine staff.

"Kakashi-kun, Mito-sama herself designed the sealing array for this Training ground. Not even Jiraiya could break the sealing barrier. We're safe."

Kakashi sighed in defeat before undoing the Genjutsu covering his left eye. Red bled into both of his eyes, making them glow like hot coals. The 3 tomoe in his two Sharingan swirled lazily. He pulled out two sharp kunai as he watched the 3rd twirl his large staff adeptly.

Hiruzen smiled in anticipation as he got into a stance.

'It has been too long since I've fought someone who can keep up.'

A nearby leaf broke off the branch, falling to the ground. Once it touched the ground the two disappeared.


Kakashi and Hiruzen met in the middle, their weapons causing sparks as they clashed together. Kakashi's red eyes stared down at the shorter man as his limbs shook at the force being exerted by the old Hokage.

Kakashi let go of his kunai and tried to sweep Hiruzen's legs. Expecting this, the Sarutobi jumped up and round-house kicked at Kakashi's head, sending him flying.

Recovering in midair, Kakashi rushed back to the old Hokage. Ducking under a swing of the staff, Kakashi uppercut the man's stomach, making him wheeze. While he was still dazed, Kakashi knocked the staff away and side kicked the man away.

Rolling on the ground, Hiruzen quickly kipped up and weaved through hand-seals at a rapid pace. As he brought his hands together, a large amount of chakra began to build in his chest. In his mind, he intoned the name of the Jutsu.

'Katon: Great Fire Destroyer Jutsu!'

Hiruzen began to spew waves of white-hot fire from his mouth, scorching the ground with the intensity of its heat. Kakashi quickly shifted through his hand-seals and slammed his hands on the ground, infusing it with chakra.

'Doton: Earth Barrier Jutsu!'

A great wall of stone shot out of the ground and stood strong against the onslaught of the flames, causing steam to erupt from the heat. Kakashi held his breath before his instincts blared in alarm. Kakashi's Sharingan shot to the left of his vision but he was too late.

Hiruzen jumped out of the steam and with sharp reflexes for his age, smacked Kakashi with the gleaming adamantine staff. The staff knocked Kakashi through the stone wall, making it crumble into pieces before he impacted a tree, making him lose his breath.

The 3rd gave him no time to catch his breath and with an expert flick of the wrist, launched 10 shurikens at his position. He then made a single hand-seal.

"Shadow Shuriken Jutsu!"

There was a puff of smoke around the shuriken as they multiplied by 100, making it so that a thousand shuriken were racing towards Kakashi. Kakashi widened his eyes.

'Shit! No time to Kawarami and there are too many for me to dodge.... guess I have to pull my trump card.'

His eyes began to morph and ended up in their Mangekyou Sharingan forms. Kakashi infused more chakra into his left eye and aimed it at the shuriken.


A swirling vortex spiraled in front of Kakashi, sucking in all of the shurikens. Kakashi immediately deactivated his Mangekyou and put his hands in a cross seal. He gathered Chakra and began to split it.

"Multi-Shadow Clone Jutsu!" Kakashi announced.

15 copies of Kakashi appeared next to him in puffs of smoke. They all looked at him and 14 of them charged at Hiruzen, with one staying with Kakashi.

They each split into duos, 7 in total. The first duo simultaneously attacked the 3rd with a sequence of punches and kicks. When Hiruzen jumped over one kick, the other punched him causing spittle to fly out of his mouth. Hiruzen was launched back but landed on his feet with a backflip. He picked up his adamantine staff off his back and swung it at the two clones.

They jumped back, but the staff suddenly elongated, causing them to be split in half, erupting in puffs of smoke. The other clones did not hesitate and one more duo of clones tried to attack Hiruzen. They charged him and attacked. One went for the head with a punch, but Hiruzen blocked with his staff. The staff was then knocked out of his hands again by a front kick from the other clone. It hit one of the nearby trees, knocking it down.

The other clone suddenly pulled out a kunai and swung it at the Hokage.

The old Hokage responded by weaving through hand-seals.

"Suiton: Water Wave Jutsu!"

A spiraling wave erupted from the Sarutobi's mouth, utterly obliterating the two clones in the front as well as the nearest, while the other clones jumped back and regrouped. In total 7 clones had been destroyed by the attack, leaving 5 in total now.

5 pairs of Sharingan eyes met and nodded, and each of them weaved through hand-seals.

Then each of them launched their elemental attacks at Hiruzen.

"Katon: Searing Bullet Jutsu!" one clone said, before five mini fireballs shot at the 3rd, looking like mini-suns.

"Suiton: Water Cannon Jutsu!" another said as a huge blast of water raged from his mouth.

"Doton: Earthquake Jutsu!" a clone announced and slammed his hands on the ground, causing earth spikes to race at Hiruzen.

"Raiton: Thunderbolt! Jutsu!" the clone stated as his hands sparked before shooting a bolt of lightning.

"Fuuton: Swirling Tornado Jutsu!" Kakashi's final clone stated as a swirl of high-powered wind shot of his hand.

The 5 attacks all combined at Hiruzen's location and an explosion shook the Training grounds.

When the smoke cleared, splintered, broken, and a heavily charred log was seen in a crater. The clones looked confused for a second before a staff ripped through all of their bodies, causing 5 simultaneous puffs of smoke.

The Hokage was seen sweaty and tired, panting as he leaned on his now shrunken staff for support. He let his guard down for a brief moment and immediately regretted it. In his moment of relaxation, Kakashi made his move.

Two hands immediately clamped down on his legs and Hiruzen struggled to move. He looked down and saw a Kakashi clone staring back at him with the Sharingan. A shirking sound was made apparent to Hiruzen, as he whipped his head around.

'Oh shit...' he cursed in his mind.

In mid-air, Kakashi was seen, his left hand enveloped in jagged blue lightning Chakra. He landed on the ground and charged to the 3rd, his arm behind him crackling with lightning. Just as he was in front of Hiruzen, the old Hokage suddenly let out a pulse of Chakra, disrupting the clone. He swung his staff in front of him as Kakashi vocalized his attack.


Kakashi's lightning covered hand grabbed onto the staff and started to shock it. A few seconds later a howl erupted from the staff as two muscular and hairy arms sprouted from the staff, hitting the Kage and Jounin in the face, launching them back.

The staff fell on the floor and a puff of smoke appeared. In its place was a huge ape covered in white fur. It had a tiger-striped shirt on with black sleeves. It had the standard black Ninja pants too. This was the Monkey King Enma, the personal summon of the 3rd Hokage.

The ape grabbed onto his burned arms and turned to the Sarutobi, glaring at him while baring his teeth.

"What the hell Saru! That fuckin hurt! Fuck! I'm out, you better apologize." he screamed at the sheepish Sarutobi before disappearing in a puff of smoke to heal his wounds.

"Ha, well Kakashi-kun, it appears that you surpass my expectations. But, you still need to train. There were many close calls that Danzo could have exploited."

Kakashi fell onto his back and responded.

"H-hai Hokage-sama," he said exhausted.

Hiruzen then put a hand on his chin and observed the Training grounds. Trees uprooted, craters in the ground, scorch marks, who would be able to fix this. Hiruzen suddenly snapped his fingers.

"I got it."


In a forest far away, an ANBU had just pulled the sword out of his now-dead enemy. A pang of realization hit the ANBU and he took off his mask. Tenzo's face was revealed and he had a scowling expression on his face.

"I don't know why, but I have the inexplicable urge to beat the Hokage and Kakashi-sempai right now."

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