
Kahlan: rebirth of a mafia goddess

A dark rainy night, with thundering no one could afford to be awake but to Kahlan enshrouded in darkness the eerie sound was like a tranquil music to her ears. All that could be seen in the dark bathroom was her beautiful cold eyes. Playing with the ice cold water in the bathtub she's in, she emitted a dark aura. Elegantly throwing her head back, she laughed, a laughter that could make one break out in cold sweat. Slowly raising her glass of wine to take a sip...she smiled evily. *Five years ago* "I love you Leo" Kahlan's sweet voice echoed. " K, I love you too. Want to you to be the mother of my kids" Leo's voice sounded with gentleness. Kahlan's heart melted, she looked down with blushed cheeks. Leo could not help but smile at his naive and innocent sweetheart, taking her into his arms he kissed her passionately. Betrayed by her family and the one she loved the most, her baby was heartlessly dug out from her belly to save her step sister and then she was left to die. Kahlan is on a mission to make those that made her suffer pay dearly with their lives. A certain demonic, billionaire CEO "don't stain your pretty hands, let me do the work" he said with a bone chilling smile and mischief in his eyes His son "mummy, I will protect you" The big bun and little bun bringing light to her once dark life. From a dark mafia goddess to gentle mother.

Mariana_Ivy_Cruz · Urbano
Classificações insuficientes
70 Chs

She got missing in your cafe

"It is believed that she got missing here sir" Marcello said as he fetched his phone from his pocket and swiped it open. Immediately, Kahlan's picture appeared on his home screen, Mia looked at her cousin in disdain and really wanted to call him 'coward!' See? he liked her so much that he mumbles her name in his sleep, even using her picture as his wallpaper. Yet, he couldn't tell her he had feelings for her...she was really ashamed of this cousin of hers. Her face continued twitching as she sneered.

"She got missing in your cafe, I talked with her thirty minutes ago. She said she was here then I heard a scream from the other end. Then it went quiet...her phone keeps saying it been switched off" Marcello said coming closer to show him the picture on his phone. "Are you sure she was here?" The manager asked with obvious doubt and a frown. "Yes, if you could let me check around. I might be able to find her"

The manager looked on in silence, both Marcello and Mia looked eager for an answer, he couldn't find anything out of place. The young man's eyes was laced with worry and the young lady was distressed and anxious her hands were even shaking from paranoia. They did seem like they were looking for a friend.

Yet, he could not understand why they had to create such a scene, asking a waiter to help find their friend wasn't a bad idea. Was it? Just as he was musing over his thoughts, the waiter that attended to both Leo and Kahlan earlier whispered something in his ears.

"What?!" The manager suddenly exclaimed standing to his feet "Are you sure you are not mistaking her for someone else?" "Yes sir, I served her table sir. At that time, she was with a man in white" "LEO!" Mia exclaimed gritting her teeth in hate, who else loved wearing white with a dark, ugly soul. Her face was dark as she imagined feeding his flesh to the vultures, so they can spit on that jeering white clothes of his.

Marcello grabbed the Waiter's arm in ecstasy "Did you see them leave?" The waiter looked like he was trying to remember something, his eyes lit up as he said "I did see the young man leave. Moments later, Minty followed suit, I don't remember seeing the young lady leave too" "Which means she is still in this cafe" Marcello exclaimed in a shaky voice.

"How dare Leo leave Kahlan, what on earth is that man thinking. We need to find her immediately" Added Mia holding Marcello's arm. Everyone turned to look at the manager and was stunned out of wits, he looked lost as his eyes showed he was struggling with some emotions. Confusion, anxiety, anger and perplexity. The words of the waiter rang in his head continuously like the early morning church bell. 'Moment later...Minty followed suit' he remembered Minty walking into his office, whining and acting spoilt trying to convince him into giving her a day off, so she could meet with her friends. He even gave her his card.

"Sir?" the waiter was embarrassed and had to call the attention of their manager, how could his mind wander off at a time like this. "Huh?" the waiter was speechless as he looked at his always composed manager staring blankly like an idiot.

After the manager realized what he had done, he blushed crimson red with shame and cleared his throat awkwardly saying "Let's go to the control room" "I don't think that would be necessary, let's just split up and find her" Marcello interrupted with a grave voice. Everyone nodded in agreement, immediately splitting up to find Kahlan.