
Kahlan: rebirth of a mafia goddess

A dark rainy night, with thundering no one could afford to be awake but to Kahlan enshrouded in darkness the eerie sound was like a tranquil music to her ears. All that could be seen in the dark bathroom was her beautiful cold eyes. Playing with the ice cold water in the bathtub she's in, she emitted a dark aura. Elegantly throwing her head back, she laughed, a laughter that could make one break out in cold sweat. Slowly raising her glass of wine to take a sip...she smiled evily. *Five years ago* "I love you Leo" Kahlan's sweet voice echoed. " K, I love you too. Want to you to be the mother of my kids" Leo's voice sounded with gentleness. Kahlan's heart melted, she looked down with blushed cheeks. Leo could not help but smile at his naive and innocent sweetheart, taking her into his arms he kissed her passionately. Betrayed by her family and the one she loved the most, her baby was heartlessly dug out from her belly to save her step sister and then she was left to die. Kahlan is on a mission to make those that made her suffer pay dearly with their lives. A certain demonic, billionaire CEO "don't stain your pretty hands, let me do the work" he said with a bone chilling smile and mischief in his eyes His son "mummy, I will protect you" The big bun and little bun bringing light to her once dark life. From a dark mafia goddess to gentle mother.

Mariana_Ivy_Cruz · Urbano
Classificações insuficientes
70 Chs

Madam Cypher was over the moon

Maya got agitated and began coughing hard.

Madam Cypher rushed up to her pouring her a glass of water and patting her back to alleviate the intense coughing..

"You! Why are you getting all worked up? Do you think your mother will let that wench sleep with your fiance? Don't you trust your mother anymore?"

Maya looked up at her mother in-between her coughing. "Really?" she asked

"Who says Leo must sleep with her? I won't let Leo taint his body by sleeping with her. She just needs to believe it's Leo that took her innocence so she can keep the baby and not hurt it" Madam Cypher smiled gloatingly

"Wow! Mom! You deserve a thumbs up... hahaha" Maya clapped her hands excited.

Puffing up her chest, Madam Cypher crossed her leg over the other in an imposing manner. She proudly remarked "No one takes anything that belongs to me"

"Hahaha! True! True! Mom you are really the best in scheming" Maya's smiled happily.

She was truly happy, she would be having her life back very soon.

Going out, shopping and causing a lot of trouble with her friends. Coming back late, getting drunk and most especially...

Leo! She couldn't wait to be with him again. She had promised herself that she would give him a big gift after she gets better.

He will become the first man to have her and taste her sweetness. She grinned, suddenly throwing her head back in laughter.

Madam Cypher was fascinated, what in the heavens name made her daughter this happy? What was she thinking?

It was good to strike when the iron was hot.

She smiled graciously and said "I don't know what is making my beautiful daughter this happy but you should take your medicine to get better"

"That stuff is bitter mom. But since I'm in a good mood I will take it"

"Very good, Very good. Sarah go make a new medicine" Madam Cypher was over the moon, her daughter was finally becoming reasonable.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

Kahlan opened her eyes to an unfamiliar surrounding with the faint smell of disinfectant and gauze.

She sat up with difficulty and looked around finally recognizing she was in a hospital. She began to panick as a wave of dizziness hit her sending her mind into disarray.

She groaned in pain waking Mia who was sleeping beside her.

"Kahlan! You are awake! Are you okay? Do you need anything?" shouted Mia.

Kahlan looked confused, "Mia?"

"Yes it's me, I'm here. I'm so sorry Kay!" She immediately burst into tears throwing herself into Kahlan's arms.

She soaked Kahlan's clothes with snot and tears making Kahlan laugh out loud.

Mia was stunned, pausing in between sobs and suddenly crying out loud again. "Doctor, quickly come! I think my friend has gone crazy from the trauma"

How could she be laughing at a time like this? What was this called if not having run mad?

Kahlan pressed the area between her eyebrows helplessly. She stopped Mia from running out to go find the doctor before reassuring her.

"Mia, I'm fine alright, Look we are talking perfectly hmm? I'm fine" she said trying to convince her dear friend

"Really? okay then, what did you get me on my nineteenth birthday?" Mia asked with doubt.

Kahlan immediately felt the urge to tease Mia, so she said shrugging "I got you a Rolls Royce" she said smilingly.

Mia immediately burst into tears again "I knew it! She's not in her right mind anymore" Mia yelped. Where on earth can she get the money for a Rolls Royce?

Kahlan laughed forgetting the idea of teasing her. "I got us a besties necklace, relax I was just teasing you"

Hearing Kahlan's words, she heaved a sigh of relief. Thankfully, her friend didn't run mad.