
Kahlan: rebirth of a mafia goddess

A dark rainy night, with thundering no one could afford to be awake but to Kahlan enshrouded in darkness the eerie sound was like a tranquil music to her ears. All that could be seen in the dark bathroom was her beautiful cold eyes. Playing with the ice cold water in the bathtub she's in, she emitted a dark aura. Elegantly throwing her head back, she laughed, a laughter that could make one break out in cold sweat. Slowly raising her glass of wine to take a sip...she smiled evily. *Five years ago* "I love you Leo" Kahlan's sweet voice echoed. " K, I love you too. Want to you to be the mother of my kids" Leo's voice sounded with gentleness. Kahlan's heart melted, she looked down with blushed cheeks. Leo could not help but smile at his naive and innocent sweetheart, taking her into his arms he kissed her passionately. Betrayed by her family and the one she loved the most, her baby was heartlessly dug out from her belly to save her step sister and then she was left to die. Kahlan is on a mission to make those that made her suffer pay dearly with their lives. A certain demonic, billionaire CEO "don't stain your pretty hands, let me do the work" he said with a bone chilling smile and mischief in his eyes His son "mummy, I will protect you" The big bun and little bun bringing light to her once dark life. From a dark mafia goddess to gentle mother.

Mariana_Ivy_Cruz · Urbano
Classificações insuficientes
70 Chs

Indeed a fake nouveau rich

Mia caught a glimpse of Luca, from the corner of her eyes walking over from the opposite building with a hand tucked in his pocket.

As Mia made eye contact with him, he smirked gloatingly walking over to them.

He had a hat on his head, wearing an extra large t-shirt, with a sweater draped over his shoulders. He marched forward with his shiny boots, his protruded belly shaking at every movement.

He wore golden rings on almost all fingers, he looked like a fake nouveau rich. No he's indeed a fake nouveau rich.

"Luca! what is Kahlan's stuffs doing out here?" Mia wasn't in the mood to wait for him to come over before shrieking like a mad woman. She pointed her finger at him in anger "Do you know you can be sued! You bastard! tell your minions to get these stuffs back up this instant! You evil of a man!"

"Mia!!!" Shouted Kahlan

She immediately came out from Marcello's embrace rushing over to Mia and covering her mouth, stopping her from saying anything again.

She was really scared just now. This hot blooded girl really couldn't curtail her anger.

Meanwhile, Mia peeled Kahlan's palm off her mouth screaming.

"What?! Did I say anything wrong, this pig has no right to throw your stuffs out" She talked as if she didn't notice the bulky men following Luca!

"Mia please, I beg you. Don't say anymore" Kahlan was on the verge of a breakdown, who doesn't know how fearsome Luca was and the underhanded means in which he used to acquire his riches.

"Kay, don't run around. You are still sick. Mia listen to Kahlan and keep quiet, you are not making the situation any better" Marcello warned.

Luca's face was now purple from anger. He looked like he had just swallowed a fly... shouting at the top of his voice.

"B**ch! you call me pig?!" Luca was shaking due to the provocation from Mia and he just wanted to tear her in pieces.

Mia sneered. "Of course it's you! You are the pig...what? Do you prefer being called a frog? Ugly toad"

"What?! Sl*t! I'll kill you!" Luca rushed to hit Mia but was blocked by Kahlan.

"Luca, don't mind my friend. She is drunk. Don't get angry please, anger is not good for your body. Don't harm yourself, pay her no mind" Kahlan said trying to appease Luca.

At the side Mia scoffed in disdain and crossed her arms making Marcello throw her a warning glare. In return she provocatively lifted her face at Luca.

They would be crazy if they thought she was afraid of that clown!

"Luca, I thought we had an agreement. I have no where to go Luca. Please, I will pay next week as we discussed" Kahlan pleaded desperately

"Never! You hear me?! You leave my house and never come back." said Luca angrily. This Kahlan was a thorn in his flesh that he must get rid off.

Kahlan was sweating profusely and was at a loss, what on earth was she going to do?

"Luca! I will pay the rent immediately, just let Kahlan in so she can get some rest. We are just coming from the hospital" Marcello stepped in, trying to remedy the situation.

He couldn't believe Kahlan didn't tell him about this, instead kept quiet all along. Why didn't she tell him?