
Kahlan: rebirth of a mafia goddess

A dark rainy night, with thundering no one could afford to be awake but to Kahlan enshrouded in darkness the eerie sound was like a tranquil music to her ears. All that could be seen in the dark bathroom was her beautiful cold eyes. Playing with the ice cold water in the bathtub she's in, she emitted a dark aura. Elegantly throwing her head back, she laughed, a laughter that could make one break out in cold sweat. Slowly raising her glass of wine to take a sip...she smiled evily. *Five years ago* "I love you Leo" Kahlan's sweet voice echoed. " K, I love you too. Want to you to be the mother of my kids" Leo's voice sounded with gentleness. Kahlan's heart melted, she looked down with blushed cheeks. Leo could not help but smile at his naive and innocent sweetheart, taking her into his arms he kissed her passionately. Betrayed by her family and the one she loved the most, her baby was heartlessly dug out from her belly to save her step sister and then she was left to die. Kahlan is on a mission to make those that made her suffer pay dearly with their lives. A certain demonic, billionaire CEO "don't stain your pretty hands, let me do the work" he said with a bone chilling smile and mischief in his eyes His son "mummy, I will protect you" The big bun and little bun bringing light to her once dark life. From a dark mafia goddess to gentle mother.

Mariana_Ivy_Cruz · Urbano
Classificações insuficientes
70 Chs

Elegant yet fierce

A woman stepped out of the car and walked slowly to the group of people and they slowly made way for her till she got in the middle.

She frowned when she saw the scene, speaking in fluent Italia she called the attention of both the people arguing, Kahlan and Marcello that were trying to separate them.

"Luca, what are you doing?" her voice was slightly roguish though a tad bit feminine. Her gaze travelled from Kahlan to Mia, then Marcello and finally it came back to Luca.

Luca was shocked to see the woman and immediately swallowed all the cuss words he was able to say.

Kahlan walked up to her and greeted her gently, "Good day madam".

Her gaze softened immediately when she heard Kahlan's voice.

"Good child, come here and give me a hug" She said spreading her arms, she hugged Kahlan affectionately with a wide smile on her face.

The onlookers that gathered again scrutinized the woman and couldn't help but feel fear from the bottom of their hearts.

Who on earth was this woman, why was her aura so fierce. She dressed up elegantly, with heels complimenting her fine legs.

Her short hair was combed perfectly, without a strand out of place. She wore black leather gloves, with a stylish purse on her hands.

Her bead necklace glowed under the sun and seemed to have it's own life. Her expensive red gown accentuated and made sure to bring her wonderful body shape.

A brown overcoat draped over her shoulders, little makeup on her ordinary face; she looked like wealthy madam from an influential family.

Surprisingly what baffled them the most was her fierce aura and roguish voice. She was literally no ordinary lady.

Her etiquette was zero, even with the way she was elegantly dressed.

The fearsome woman who seemed to be in her early forties was now hugging Kahlan and patting her back affectionately.

"Why haven't you come to visit me all this time, I have missed you a lot. Why are you so pale and frail, are you sick?"

She turned Kahlan around and frowned again

"What happened? You have gotten thinner since I last saw you"

Kahlan didn't respond and kept her head low. The woman could deduce that something was definitely wrong with Kahlan. Why was she standing outside and not resting inside, when she is looking this weak

"Ma, can I help her answer your question?" Mia asked. The woman looked at Mia and recognized her almost immediately. This was Kahlan's friend.

" Go ahead my dear" she said making Luca seethe in jealousy. Why was she patient with these kids? she's never like this.

"Thank you ma" started Mia dramatically "We are just coming from the hospital, because Kahlan got injured by someone" she paused and continued. "she said she wanted to come home, we took her home only to find out your husband has thrown her out of her room"

"What?! Luca, is that true?!" Her gaze landed on Luca, her eyes were fierce. Her expression malicious and brutish.

"I...I is not what you think honey" stammered Luca. Mia didn't let him finish but continued.

"That is not all ma, he and Kahlan agreed this morning that she would pay next week after much persuasion yet he did this ma. When I and my cousin over here offered to pay the rent for Kahlan, he refused and even called her a bitch" Mia announced.

Mia was using the love that Luca's wife had for Kahlan to her advantage. She had heard so many times about this woman's unusual benevolence towards Kahlan and the fact that she took her as her daughter.

But the problem was that this woman although loved Kahlan very much, was infact a busy woman. She rarely appears and could just disappear sometimes for weeks handing over everything to her husband to take care of.

She knew Luca was a henpecked husband that didn't dare to go against his wife. She would see how he would come out of this now. Mia thought smirking to herself.