
Kahlan: rebirth of a mafia goddess

A dark rainy night, with thundering no one could afford to be awake but to Kahlan enshrouded in darkness the eerie sound was like a tranquil music to her ears. All that could be seen in the dark bathroom was her beautiful cold eyes. Playing with the ice cold water in the bathtub she's in, she emitted a dark aura. Elegantly throwing her head back, she laughed, a laughter that could make one break out in cold sweat. Slowly raising her glass of wine to take a sip...she smiled evily. *Five years ago* "I love you Leo" Kahlan's sweet voice echoed. " K, I love you too. Want to you to be the mother of my kids" Leo's voice sounded with gentleness. Kahlan's heart melted, she looked down with blushed cheeks. Leo could not help but smile at his naive and innocent sweetheart, taking her into his arms he kissed her passionately. Betrayed by her family and the one she loved the most, her baby was heartlessly dug out from her belly to save her step sister and then she was left to die. Kahlan is on a mission to make those that made her suffer pay dearly with their lives. A certain demonic, billionaire CEO "don't stain your pretty hands, let me do the work" he said with a bone chilling smile and mischief in his eyes His son "mummy, I will protect you" The big bun and little bun bringing light to her once dark life. From a dark mafia goddess to gentle mother.

Mariana_Ivy_Cruz · Urbano
Classificações insuficientes
70 Chs

A Hard Life

*one year later*

Bang! Bang! Bang!

"Oiii!!!! Kahlan! open this door b*tch!" Kahlan was awakened on a Sunday morning by the banging on her door and angry shouts from her landlord. She got down from her bed almost immediately and flew to the door so fast but stopped at the door. She hesitated before stretching out her hand to open the door with fear in her eyes.

*click* "buongiorno Luca" she greeted after opening the door. At the door, a fat middle aged man stood with angry eyes, his head was bald and his skin was tanned particularly due to being exposed to the sun and suffering. "keep your greetings to your self, here in Italia we make promises and keep. Where is my money?!" he shouted his pot belly shaking as he spoke "me is a business man, and I don't play with my money. you hear that?! I don't play with money. So bring it la put*na!" he cursed "Sir, I tried getting the money but it wasn't easy for me. I beg you give me some time" Kahlan's voice was gentle as ever, she really didn't have the money. "Some time?! This is business. You not ready to do, you piss off" Kahlan almost pulled her hair in frustration. "Luca, I don't really have the money. I promise you next week, I will pay off my debt please" she pleaded "nonsense" Luca paused looking at the stunning lady. she was so beautiful, her beautiful large eyes sparkled with brilliance. Her skin so smooth like an egg white, that pale white skin that looked like a little pinch could break it...he wanted to touch it, he imagined leaving a hickey on that beautiful skin and torturing her in bed. Long lashes like fans that added beauty to her clear white eyes as she blinked, he Imagined those beautiful eyes pleading for mercy with tears in them as he marked his territory and those gorgeous inviting red lips screaming his name. She had just woken up, and her black long hair was still a mess but it gave her a sweet view dressed in her ordinary night wear that hid her lovely curves. He wished he could tear them off right away "Luca?" Kahlan frowned, this dirty old man was practically leering at her and ogling at her body early in the morning. Kahlan was disgusted and wished she could smack the meat out his ugly face. She felt like a piece of a dangling meat that could be eaten anytime. How dare he?! His wife was just downstairs, what kind of man was this! After Luca heard Kahlan's pitched voiced laced with a hint of warning he snorted "You are just stubborn, I told you if you give your body. you stay for free... give and take" he came closer to Kahlan wanting to touch her, she took a step back avoiding his touch "Luca let's be reasonable please" her eyes turned cold with a threatening glare on her face she looked at him in disdain. How she wished she could smash open his head to see what was in it. What a lecher! "Good! very good! I will be back next week, if no money...you are out" scoffing he walked off. Kahlan watched his disappearing large figure, she sighed and gently closed the door locking it. She walked to her bed and sat on it in a daze looking through the window, she watched as people scurried to and fro the busy street. It's been a year since she left her country to Italy, it was exactly today. She remembered walking alone on the busy street she could remember how the streets was lively and full of festive laughter and happiness but her heart was lonely and the new environment had no effect on her mood. A strange language rang in the air, it was La Befana known as a day of Epiphany on that day, a traditional holiday celebrated by the people of Italy. She remembered how she lived in Bologna an old university city and then escaped two months later because the Cypher Family had people in the school watching her every move. They never sent anything to her, and she had to work for everything on her own. They only paid her school fees, how unbelievable could they be escaping to Catania a popular city in Italy she knew life wasn't going to be easy for her here but she preferred being here than being watched by the Cypher Family. Her eyes stung with tears, the pain that her own family caused her was too deep, they left a void in her heart. *Ding* Her phone lit up with a message, immediately seeing who it was from she wiped off her tears and opened it. Reading it she smiled, with blushed cheeks...Leo was so sweet.