
Chapter 3- First mission

After practicing my water dragon had a paper in his mouth. I took it out and it's my first mission from Grock it says" lately there has been a robbery going on at the bank the one in the middle of town in the shopping area the reward is good and you'll be popular and respected as the hero once you catch the robbery get a police". As I read it I wondered "maybe Hayabusa can would know that I'm here ".

I waited at night as I got prepared I walked around the shopping area pretending that I am shopping . A dark shadow I saw behind me the shoes clapping against the ground I felt it as if the earth was vibrating it was leading to the bank I quickly chase it and then I saw a big black figure stealing the money i cast a spell it warn the police as they went quietly scurry like a mouse they saw me waiting for the right time to jump since I was in a good height to see. As the thief turn around I smash my umbrella behind him making him lose conscious he dodge my attack I used my umbrella calling my best skill. The thief got stun and fell over the police came running and smiling happily.

The next day the newspaper was all on me. It's says " a beautiful girl in blue summoning her beautiful umbrella her name is kagura her fighting is like a graceful dance we must enjoy the feast" Angela came skipping to me happily and showed me I smiled at her and hug her. My dragon jump out to me out of my umbrella and gave me a note it's an invitation too the royal. I hold the invitation as if I just can't read I stared at it .

I got dress and ready as a carriage came for me it drop me to the palace. As I got there I bowed to the king and queen.

Guards: welcome kagura

King and Queen: sorry to summon you at a very unknown time

Me: it's alright it's a pleasure to meet you your highness and majesty

Queen: I'm astonish to see such a young girl that took the thief out

King: indeed with an umbrella as a weapon that is very so surprising

Me: they say you shouldn't judge a book well the future is always full with surprising life is just full of pain and happiness

Queen: indeed such good words used

King: here's your reward and I appoint you as the Rose you'll be taking mission as the title Rose

Me: thank you your highness I appreciate that

Queen : you may visit and live here dear and I wanna talk to you can we have some tea

Me : sure thing your majesty

The butler showed me the way and took me to a garden I saw the queen as she ask me to sit.

Queen: I must be taking up your time a lot

Kagura: no no it's alright I'm free today

Queen: why did you plan to take the mission?

Kagura : I didn't come from this world I met Grock at a blossom tree and he ask me and my friend if I wanted to come but then ever since I came here me and my friend had lost each other but I came here with my maid which is my best friend Angela

Queen : ah yes the myth here once here with a guy the person you love at a secret different time you won't meet much may I know the guy?

Kagura : of course his name is Hayabusa

Queen : ah I see the one in the assasin clan your here as a mage then

Kagura : yes a long distance with short distance fight

Queen : you used your weapon which is an umbrella am I right?

Kagura: yes I did

Queen snaps her finger a butler came giving me an invitation to a party

Kagura : this is an invitation for?

Queen: I want you to join the party that is held tonight but please bring your umbrella but be in a dress please

Kagura : okay your majesty

Queen: can you do a dance performance since you know you shine really good

Kagura : sure thing

I took my leave and went shopping with Angela I was thinking to make a Sky dress and we went to the material store we bought blue colour and glitter also pain for the dress and got started making after a few hours later. As well make the dress I ask Angela.

Kagura : Angela do you plan to fight?

Angela: yes I do

Kagura : please don't serve me but be my friend and be my partner

Angela : but your lady Kagura

Kagura : it's okay I went today to the palace since of an invitation and got the title "Rose"

Angela :that title is very high status it's the protector of the land and the beauty goddess

Kagura : what? Did you just say?

Grock came in

Grock : what she said was true

Kagura : are you going to the party tonight Grock?

Grock : yes I have to and Angela be her partner not servant it'll make her feel better trust me

Angela : alright you leave me no choice but agree then

Kagura : thank you guys

Grock : I already told the royals so they already know that you guys are partners

Kagura and Angela : thank you

Grock : all you guys need to do is attend the party and Angela will be doing the dance too so get started anyways I take my leave now need to get ready for tonight bye

Both of us wave and I taught the dance to Angela and we both design each other dresses and our title together is Rose.