

River's POV

"Wassup guys. Here are the filipino foods that you request." Sam said right after she got to my condo.

"Really Samieee?" Chin ran to Sam and I saw that Sam's cheeks becomes red.

"Let me help you with that." Chin said to her, excited to tastes the foods that they got.

I went near Sam then whispher to her. “Your blushing, idiot”. She just rolled her eyes at me.

"Let's go in the kitchen girls." I said inviting them and I go there first because I know they will follow me.

The problem here is that my dining table is only six seater, so we were crowded. I just added a seat.

Here is our position in the table. On both end of the table, Sam and Kelly occupied that then on the other side is Chin, Tae Rin and Jiyoon and it leaves me and Rian on the other side.

They obviously put us beside each other. Sam even smirked at me like a fool. Then she mouthed it's your chance, idiot.

My two friends bought a lot of food. Different kind of dishes, you would even thought that there is fiesta today here in my condo.

"What is this Sam?" Chin pointing at one of the dishes they bought.

"We call that Sinigang here. Its a soup made with tamarind that makes it sour but its delicious." Sam said to her. "Taste it." Sam said then she put some sinigang on the bowl for Chin.

"It's River's favorite by the way." Kelly said to them and they smile at her.

"We should all taste it." Jiyoon said then they took it too. But I put some for my wife.

"Here take this." I said to her.

"Thanks." She said then smile at me. The end! I'm melting again and again.

"It's sour but its still good. This soup tastes delicious." Chin said then she get again. She really love foods.

"Is it good?" I asked Rian

"I think your favorite will be my favorite too." Rian said. Shit! I want to shout because to much butterflies in my stomach. Should I? No so shut up brain.

"Thats good then." I said then smile at her.

"What is this? It's black." Jiyoon asked us.

"Thats dinuguan. It is made of pork and blood of the pig." Kelly said to her.

"Is it not gross?" Rian asked them cause who woldn't asked if its made of blood.

"No Rian. Its tasty, try it." I said to her. Then I took a spoonful of dinuguan and gave it to her. She was hesitant at first but she eventually took a bite.

"Aww sweet!" Chin said and amusement was written all over her face.

"Is it good?" I asked her.

"Good but sinigang is better." She said and smiled at me.

"I agree with that." I said then wink at her and we both laugh.

"So you two are close now." Tae Rin commented that made me and Rian looked down and I know I am blushing right now.

"Why not unnie? River is fun to be with." Rian said to her that makes me more blush but the latter just smirk at her.

"Ow look at River her face looks like a tomato now." Sam said.

You're really dead to me Samtots. You're such an idiot. I don't know what to say to what Sam said. All I know is that I want to strangle her now.

I just don't mind her.

"Rian here that's adobo. It's one of the best dish here in the Philippines. Try it." I said to her put some pork and chicken adobo to her plate.

She smile at me and mouthed thanks.


Adrianne's POV

"Unnie do you think we will enjoy our vacation?" Chin asked me while laying in bed. I am in front of vanity mirror doing my night routines.

"I think so and I also trust our three new found friends and of-course the place is beautiful also. Oh I forgot to tell you guys the reason why Siargao is famillar with me, I remember it anyway." I said to her then stand up after I am done with my face. I walk to the bed then lay besides Chin.

"So whats the reason unnie?" Chin asked me and then she faced me. She positioned her elbow on the bed while her hand is on her head.

"My friend went there and she said the place was amazing." I said to her.

"Wow! So its a good thing that we tag along with the three." She said then smile.

"Yes. Anyway do you asked them what time is our flight tomorrow?" I asked.

"Yes they said its seven in the morning." She said to me.

"So I think we should sleep now." I said to her.

"Okay unnie. Good night." She said then she settle down on her position.

Morning came and this rabbit behind me can't wait to go to the beach.

"Yaahhhh unnie pali pali. I'm so excited already." She said then I rolled my eyes on her.

"Not obvious rabbit since day one. Tsk." I said then get up when I'm okay with my make up. I just put light make up only. Why put heavy when we where just hiding it with a disguise. But we should patient with this thing for our safety.

"Good morning girls! I'm ready to take off!" Chin enthusiastically said.

"Morning Rabbit." Jiyoon said to her then kiss her on the cheeks. "Good morning unnie." She also said to me and also kiss me in the cheeks.

I smiled at her. "Good morning." I said to her.

"Ready Girls Rule?" Sam said to the four of us.

"Ready!" We all said in unison.

"Hey let me help you with that." River came to me then she carry my luggage. She looks handsome early in the morning.

She's wearing plain white shirt then a khaki short along with her shades.

"Thank you." I said to her.

"By the way, isn't it a beautiful day today? Cause you looks gorgeous." She whispered to me then wink. She walks out of her unit with my luggage in her hand. Leaving me with a reddened cheeks.

"Yah unnie let's go." This monkey tap me in my shoulder then she also walks out of the unit. And I am the only one here so I quickly followed her.


We are now here in Siargao. We are planning to specifically rent a villa near the beach. And hopefully there are available.

We are here in the front desk to ask for inquiries but still we are in disguise.

"Riveeeer! Shet ikaw nga. Can we take a picture with you?" A group of young girls approach her. So she's famous here in the Philippines.

(Translation: River! Shit it's really you.)

She smile at them and then she nodded. She positioned herself in the middle then they captured it. She's totally beautiful but handsome in any way.

"Can we take a solo picture?" The other girl said.

"Sure." She said but I rolled my eyes at her without her knowing it.

"Jealous Ri?" The monkey beside me teased me.

"As if." I said then I rolled my eyes at her.

"Yah unnie aren't you getting dizzy from what you're doing?" But the monkey didn't stop there.

"Shut up before I shut you down." I said to her then she gestured she zip her mouth.

I observe that there are more people coming in and out here so I go to Kelly.

"Kelly there are many people here now. We can't stay longer here they might notice us." I whispered to her.

"Okay unnie I'll tell it to Sam." She said then go to Sam who is talking to the front clerk here.

"Let's go guys!" Sam said then lead the way.

We apparently rent a villa. Hotel are risky for us and thats the only solution.

"Wow! This house looks relaxing." Tae Rin said while checking the area.

"Yeah unnie the ambiance is good." Jiyoon said to her.

"It's good that you guys like it here." River said to us and I smiled upon hearing her voice.

Is this still a crush?


"There is only three rooms here. So you Girls Rule will take the two rooms. Then us three will take the biggest room." Sam said to us.

"And you girls its your decision who's with who." Kelly said and we all nodded.

Of-course Jiyoon will take Tae Rin unnie with her to share a room.

"Let me take you first to your room I'll take your luggage." River said to me.

"Alright. Thank you." I said then smile at her.

"Chin let's go! Your my roommate." I said to Chin and then she nodded.

"Okay unnie." She said.

"Wait let me carry your things." Sam suddenly uttered. Then she take Chin's things with her.

"Thats my boy!" River happily said cheering Sam.

"Ulol!" Sam said and I don't know what that mean.

(Translation: Fuck off.)

"Girls be comfortable here and enjoy your stay. We will leave you here." River said to us.

"Call us if you need anything okay? Especially you." Sam said while pointing to Chin. Chin blushed and I just giggled because of the two.

I think Sam is making her move on Chin. And this rabbit is enjoying it. Anyway if they happens I'll support them.

"Bye girls. And Rian call me too if you need something okay?" River said thats also my turn to blushed.

"Okay bye." I reply to her.

"Rest well girls. Later, we will eat lunch outside. We prepare something." Sam said.

"Okay. Take a rest too." Rosie said to Sam.

"Yahh unnie I think I already like Sam." Chin said giggling after the two girls exit.

"Don't state the obvious Chin-ah." I said then roll my eyes at her.

"Am I too obvious?" She asked me.

"No you don't." I said full of sarcasm then I laughed at her.


River's POV

"Bud its like your starting to make a move on Chin ah." I said to Sam when we both left the room.

"Yes, but I'm taking it slowly, I don't want to fasten my moves and make it awkward." She replied with a smile. It looks like she's already hit by a stupid cupid.

"But it's obvious that Chin also likes you." I said to her.

"Whether she likes me or not, I'm still going to do it. I want her to feel that she is special to me." She said with a smile. It looks like this one is really serious with her. I hope so too. I hope Rian and I too. But it seems vague.

"I hope we are too." I mumbled.

"Don't worry bud, I feel that she likes you too." She said with a smile.

"I hope you are right, brad." I said.

"Of-course it's me, Sam the great." She said happily. It is not obvious that she is really happy now. And I hope they will be together in the future because a Sam Izon only gets serious once in a while.

"I'm happy for you buddy that you are now serious with Chin." I said to her smiling.

"Of course. Women are not allowed anymore." She said laughing so I laughed too.

"What are you two laughing at?" Kelly said as soon as we both entered.

"Shit Kelz, you won't believe it. Our Sam is now serious with a girl." I said to Kelly. I hope it doesn't sound awkward, especially since I think that Kelly has something for Sam.

"Is it true?" She said curious.

"Of-course yes." Sam said to her.

"Good for you but who's the unlucky girl?" She asked laughingly. Ghad! Fortunately I was wrong. She didn't seem to be affected.

"Francine." Sam said while smiling widely at us and it creeps me.

"What? No! Not my baby Chin." Kelly hysterically said. And it confused the both of Sam and I.

"Huh? Why? Is there a problem in that?" Sam confusedly said.

I thought she will get jealous of Chin because I think she like Sam but its the other way around.

"I know you Sam. As a fan please don't hurt my baby Chin, she's fragile." Ow of-course an avid fan.

Sam looked relieved.

"Trust me Kelly this time I'm really serious. I won't hurt her in that way that you think. But please bear with me." Sam said in pleading way.

Kelly take a deep breath.

"Fine but don't hurt her. And if you will. I am the one who will kill you." Kelly said then she glared at Sam.

"Really? Thank you Kelly. My friends are supportive." Sam said happily and I smiled too.

"And you Cuevas!" I was surprised when Kelly suddenly shouted at me.

"What?" I asked her in shocked.

"I know you also have plans with Rian unnie. And if you do get her please don't hurt her too." She said and I smile at her.

"If she becomes my girlfriend it will not listed in the things I would do." I said.

"Okay, it's good that we understand each other." She said.

So can I take a move too?