
First Date

A/N - hey lovelies sorry I'm late with the update I've been working Thee last few days and couldn't get a break to actually write. I hope you guys enjoy this chapter. It's pretty long, vote and comment I appreciate all the read that I have received this far. You are amazing.

On with the story.


Nina's POV

I wake up in my bed remember the event that took place right outside my house. After me and the guys got into the car I gave my address and Nikolai told the driver where to go.

Flashback to last night

When we arrived Nikolai looked puzzled because he recognized the place now after he seen the street.

"This is Georgie's place, no?" He asks

"Yeah I live with him." I give a small smile not sure how he'd take it.

"Hmm" is all he says, Sam looks at us both and just chuckles. Michal opens the door for us, me and Nikolai step out.

He walks me up to the door and I get my keys out. He stops me and turns me around. We stare into each other's eyes and then at our lips. I take a deep breath "Nik-" was all I could say before he brought his lips to mines. It was such a soft kiss but It had so much emotion to it. He grabs my waist to pull me closer into him as I bring my hands up around his neck, our lips move in sync so effortlessly, he deepens the kiss and runs his tongue on my bottom lip. When I don't open fast enough he bites my lip slightly and I gasp at the excitement. He uses that opportunity to explore my mouth the way he wants to.

I didn't think I'd feel this okay after being kissed so sudden. After a few minuets we pull away and we're both out of breath. He rests his forehead on mines and says " I'll send Michal to come get you around noon" I nod my head and grabs my chin and pecks my lips. "Спокойная принцесса." (Sleep tight Princess).

Present time

I take my shower and get dressed. It's 9am so I make some breakfast and watch some tv.

Georgie comes walking in with the same clothes he had on last night. I guess he stayed out, "good morning to you" I greet him.

"Good morning Nina, you obviously got home safe last night."

"Yeah now you know. You broke your promise."

"Oh shít, I'm sorry I forgot to check in"

"Yeah yeah I'm just glad your okay, buttface" I laugh

He sits next to me and gives me a hug. I hug back, " so what you doing today" I ask.

" sleep as long as I can, before work. You?"

" Ihaveadatewithnikolai" I say really low and fast.


I say it a little louder but same speed. "Ihaveadatewithnikolai"

"Just spit it out before I leave."

I sigh "I have a date with Nikolai"

He's quite......tooo quite for me.

"Say something"

"Well it's not like I can stop you. Just be safe okay" he tells me.

"Don't worry I will."

"Mhmm I'm going to bed, I'll see you tonight"

I laugh and nod my head.


Michal is outside and I just finished getting my purse ready to leave. I check in on Georgie before I leave out. He's still sleep so I left him a note saying I will be back in a few hours.

I lock up the house and head for the open car door Michal is hold for me. "Miss" he says.

"Thank you sir" I say back, he nods his head and closes the door once I'm in.

We stop at a tall building in the city and after a few minutes Nikolai walks out, he looks so sexy in his all black suit. I mean everything is black from head to toe. The fit of the suit clings to his muscles every time he takes a step you can see the muscles constrict to his pants and jacket.

Michal opens the door for him and he smiles at me as he sits down. His eyes rack over my body and I shift in my seat at trying to contain my nerves.

He chuckles at my reaction and pulls me closer to him. I rest my head on his shoulders as he runs his hand up and down my arm.

We drive for another half an hour and when the car stops Nikolai has me put on a blindfold and helps me out the car. "Don't worry I got you" he whispers in my ear.

"Promise" I ask Already knowing his answer.

"Always" he takes my hand and we walk down a path I believe.

Five minutes later he tells me I can take my blindfold off. When I do and open my eyes my breath catches in my throat. There were roses that covered the path and flowers and streams around the entrance and back.

"Did you do this?" I ask amused.

"Yeah I wanted our first date to be memorable."

"You are so amazing." I jump up and hug him. He wraps his around a around me and chuckles. He pulls out my chair and takes his seat after.

The waiter comes literally out of nowhere and pours us some wine.

After that he brings out our plates. It seems Nikolai had a course meal already prepped and ready when we got here.


"What's the one thing you want for yourself?" Nik asks me.

"A dance studio to call my own. I don't want to work in the club for much longer." I say and he nods his head.

" Georgie told me that if I were to ever hear your story then it'd have to come from you"

A lump forms in my throat and my eyes start to tear up. I didn't think he'd ask about that now but why wouldn't he.

"I-I I- I was in foster care and got set up with family that didn't care for me. Please don't make me talk about it" I stutter.

"You don't have to tell me until your ready. Don't cry your safe now."

" he's still out there, that's why I ran away."


"Its nothing" I shake my head.

He nods his head and we finish our food.

" can you tell me more about your business" I ask

" well I'm sure you know I'm head of the Russian mafia but that's not all

I also run a business with Sam. We have some hotels around the country."

" what about your family."

" my mother died when I was young and my dad never remarried. He lives in Russia at our families estate. The closest person I have to a mother is Mae she was my Nanny and taught me to be the man I am today, till this day she stays with me."

"I'm sorry about your mom but Mae sounds really amazing." I say.

"She is, you'll meet her soon enough. Let me get you home" He says as we get up from the table and back to the car.

The drive back was soothing. I feel asleep laying my head in his lap as he rubbed circles on my back. When we made it back to my place he lightly shook me awake and walked me up to the door.

"Are you coming by tonight" I ask.

"I wish I could but I got some business to handle tonight" he brings me into a hug and kisses my forehead.

"Call me if you need anything and text me when you get home tonight so I know your safe."

I nod my head and head inside. I look out the window to watch him leave. When He glances back I wave to him and he waves back. Michal gives me a warm smile as he heads to the driver side.

Once he's gone I head to take a shower and get into bed to get some rest before work.



I walk into the club and head for Georgie's office to let him know I'm here. After that I go into the locker room to change. I head out to see if the servers need any help since I don't go on for another hour , Grace comes up and says there's a gentlemen by the door asking for me.

I make my way there and my heart drops to my stomach. "Why is he here?" I say to myself.

Before I can turn the other way he spots me and runs up to grab my hand. "Don't make a sound and follow me, you alert anyone and I'll kill you in a second."

"Now move!"