
Just Trying to Live

Story of an Old Guy who Reincarnated in a Fantasy World Just to Die Again.

Ron_Ray · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
8 Chs

3. The Beginnings (Part-3)


" In a Nameless Graveyard "

" wohwoha What a chilly day "

" who the hell make this graveyard up in the mountain? huh !! I mean seriously WHO THE HELL ? "

" Yo uncle , how are you feeling good in this icy chamber? "

*after sitting opposite the grave mark*

" Man that was a surprise? who would have thought you will left Letter for me . I mean no offense with that though just surprised ~~~ S-U-R-P-R-I-S-E-D. "

" I still didn't read the letter though, thought I would read it together with you , so let's start shall we ? " {ehehehe if you wrote something embarrassing then better be ready}


"Chisu , like everyone else I left a letter for you too , remember me by this OK? .

You were our pride & joy before thoose incident I still don't know Don't know what lead you to cause such a reckless behaviour, but you realised too right? that " ONE OF THE TOP STUDENT IN ENTIRE UNIVERCITY to a Petty criminal" huh , even imaging this giving me a headache, but that's our reality. Enough with this depressing talks , let me tell the things you really want to know ....

1st -why I took you in ?....

that's because you grovel before me for food that's why .... yes you didn't ask for a place to stay , right but you would be long dead if I droved you away that time , I can't just turn blind eye to my brother son... and it's nothing do with your late mother.

2nd-Why I prioritised you instead of my son ?

well answer were pretty simple that kid was strong, sensible and not easily break against setbacks unlike you .

3rd- what you will do after my death!

well it isn't much of a questions but hear what I want to say ,

I'm pretty sure Midori will kick you out before my funeral, that kid never had a good impression of & also for valid reasons although I am part to blame for neglecting him but all I can say sorry and that would not help so let's not broach the topic .

Now again about you , It will be a lie to say I didn't regret taking you in , I mean who would have thought things would trun the way it did , but even then I never thought about chase you away, even once, I still wish for you to live a happy life , you can still found some ran of the mil jobs , weren't you were a model student untill your first college year . I left some money for if Midori didn't give you then you can ask him ...

Before concluding my letter I want to make a request to you

SURVIVE you don't have to live a fulfilling life ,it maybe also too late for that ! I wanted to watch over a little more but my current condition won't allow that so if I died , you don't have to sheard tears just be strong and live.

from your


" ahahaha what heck ? what is this a confession letter or something? And what about *I can't just turn blind eye to my brother son* how can you tell such blad-face lie. I know my mother was your college crush but she married still cling to her at this age is pretty gross being , her son I can't really say feel good about your son "




" You abonded your son for a woman who never turned your way , it's pretty pathetic you deserve every bit of scowl you get , Midori is a good kid , well is 30+ year old so calling kid would be Little unfair, you just have to show him some affection he would definitely give you respect of a proper father . "




" And about your request sorry to Decline but Today I am going or try to Su*side ..... again. I know I said this before to and every got cold feet but this time for sure , I will do it , ok best of luck me you can do it , you can do it "


" ok see on the other side .... oh before going take these flower , i know it got withered but believe me I don't have any money so please be pleased with this "

2. Upon a Nameless Bridge

" uff now I am edge ! Good job me now now don't get feet ...... "{you are right on the edge now you just have to jump off ,

there nothing scary about this ....

billions of people commit su*side every day you are not believe me .. heck I am sure currently another person doing samething somewhere so just go with flow ..... you didn't even jump off on your just stand there defenselessly and sure gust of wind sure push you } {NONONONNONONONNONONONONONONNONONONONONNONONO I CAN'T I CAN'T I CAN'T I CAN'T I CAN'T I CAN'T I CAN'T I CAN'T I CAN'T I CAN'T I CAN'T I CAN'T I CAN'T I CAN'T I CAN'T I CAN'T I CAN'T I CAN'T I CAN'T I CAN'T *curling up into his knees* I CAN'T I CAN'T I CAN'T I CAN'T I CAN'T I CAN'T I CAN'T I CAN'T I CAN'T I CAN'T I CAN'T I CAN'T I CAN'T I CAN'T I CAN'T I CAN'T I CAN'T I CAN'T I CAN'T I CAN'T I CAN'T

H-HA-HOW I AM SUPPOSED TO THIS , DYING IS SO SCARY, I DON'T HAVE WHAT IT'S TAKE E-EVEN IF I DIE WHAT WILL OTHERS SAY? I am just cowared who ran away from my responsibility.

cowared? CowARD ? COWARD ? COWARDD? WHAT HECK YOU ARE SAYING? EVEN WITH THIS PIECE SH*T OF A LIFE I CAN'T DO IT , SO IMAGINE WHAT THE ONES GO THROUGH WHO ACTUALLY DO THIS , WHat there life must be to make drastic major like this , You all don't have a single clue how much bravery it take the step , how much one got his soul crushed that this became their only leeway , and what you call them Coward, No they are bravest people I know ...

and here I am who can't join the one who are brave or the one who mock the brave ones as coward ..... what a pathetic life I am leading}

" I should go home , police will be not happy see a old man on top a bridge this late at Night huh "


" huh ? "

{ why the world everything upsude down ! no it's I who fell di-dit my leg sliped ? wait if my leg sliped.. then ... }



{ WATER ! huh every thing turning blue i can't breath ... i Can't screm, someone save me anyone will welcomed but please someone save me }
