
Just stay

In the enchanted halls of Eldor University, Bella Hart's path crossed with Adrian Blackwood, the top student renowned for his double majors in finance and history. Bella, a freshman studying English literature, found herself needing help wiith her mandatory finance class. She decided to ask Adrian for tutoring assistance. "Miss Hart, I don't mind tutoring you, but I have a condition," Adrian said, a slight smile playing on his lips. Bella didn't think much of it. 'The condition can't be too bad, maybe just running a few errands around campus,' she mused. "And what's that going to be?" she inquired, curiosity piqued. His smile morphed into a mischievous smirk. "Be my girlfriend for the semester." "What?!" Bella exclaimed, stunned. How could she possibly be his girlfriend when he was already in a relationshiip with the hottest girl on campus? write a review if you like this book ❣️

Aisata27 · Adolescente
Classificações insuficientes
6 Chs

chapter one

**Eldor University**

Bella Hart was running through the campus, glancing at her wristwatch. "Sh*t, I'm late," she muttered, her pace quickening. As she sprinted towards her lecture hall, she collided with someone, spilling his coffee all over him.

"What the...!" the person yelled, shocked.

"I'm sorry!" Bella screamed back, not slowing down. She fished some cash from her pocket and tossed it at him. "Please take this and get your shirt cleaned!" she called out, racing towards the department.

The guy looked down at his coffee-stained shirt, bewildered. "What the hell was that?" he muttered. "Now I have to go back to the dorm and change." He hissed in frustration and headed back.


Out of breath, Bella finally reached her lecture hall, only to be stopped by the lecturer.

"This is the third time you're late to my class, Miss Hart," he said sternly.

"I'm so sorry, sir. It won't happen again, I promise," Bella apologized, her head bowed.

"Whatever. Just take a seat."

"Thank you, sir," Bella sighed with relief and found her place as the lecture resumed.


Meanwhile, Adrian Blackwood entered the school library, spotting his two friends waiting for him.

"Hey man, what took you so long?" Jack asked.

"Sorry, guys. I had to change because some girl spilled coffee all over me," Adrian explained, taking his seat.

"Stuff happens. It's fine if you're late this time," Ben said.

"Is it normal for a girl to run into you, spill your coffee, and then throw money at you?" Adrian asked, incredulous.

"Wait, what? A random girl made you late for our research session?" Jack exclaimed, shocked. Ben looked equally surprised.

"Guys, let's just forget about it and focus on our work," Adrian said, pulling out some history books.

"Sure," Ben agreed, diving into his own reading.


As the lecture ended, Bella gathered her books, only to be stopped by the lecturer.

"Can I have a word with you, Miss Hart?"

"Okay, sir," Bella replied, curious.

"Miss Hart, your academic performance is impressive, but I've noticed you're struggling with finance. As your level coordinator, I suggest you get tutorials from one of your seniors in the finance department. Here is his contact information. I'm sure he can help you," the lecturer said, handing her the details.

Bella thanked him and left, her mind already racing with thoughts.


Bella had always been drawn to places with rich histories, making Eldor University the perfect choice for her English Literature studies. Her wavy chestnut hair and bright green eyes reflected her curiosity and passion for stories. On a rainy afternoon, she sought refuge in the grand old library, where she felt most at home.

As she reached for a book on poetry, another hand brushed against hers. Startled, she turned to see a tall, dark-haired young man with piercing blue eyes.

"I'm sorry," he said, smiling warmly. Then he paused, recognition dawning. "Wait, you're the girl who spilled coffee on me and ran off, right?"

Bella's eyes widened in shock. " excuse me "