
Just Some Random Ideas For You To Use

Just some Random Ideas I come up with for other authors/writers to use in their stories or draw inspiration from if they so choose. I shall give you ideas for skills, abilities, items and more.

Apocryphage · Anime e quadrinhos
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14 Chs

Other Random Ideas

Hi. Now that the greetings are out of the way lets continue.



Fills the selected target with a gas of the caster's choosing.

-MP depending on gas and quantity.

Give your enemies some serious gas(or your lovers I don't judge...too much)


Mana Magnetism(Active/Passive)

Atracts ambient Mana to the user.

The only thing you will be able to attract with your personality. Oof


Gegenee's Polynemia(Active)

Allows the user to grow up to 5 additional pairs of arms.

-75MP per pair.

Without being ambidextrous and able to multitask they're pretty much as useless as the caster.


The MP cost on the skills are just placeholders, you can decide how much it should cost if you so choose. Until next time. Ashborne out.