
Just Some Random Ideas For You To Use

Just some Random Ideas I come up with for other authors/writers to use in their stories or draw inspiration from if they so choose. I shall give you ideas for skills, abilities, items and more.

Apocryphage · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
14 Chs

Indiscriminate Concept

A new week, a new batch of ideas. I have resorted to using fancy wording for the chapter titles in hopes of making you think I am creative and not at all uninventive. Not gonna lie kinda disappointed that no one came up with any suggestions...This what my dad felt like? I will be making the suggestions a normal occurrence from now on so just skip if you are unable to come up with anything or you're just behind a thumbnail-sized pebble in the intelligence department.


Suggestions for chapter names here:


No-Kill Zone(Active)

All allies in a 75 meter radius including the caster will be unable to die no matter what for 45 seconds.


Can be beaten bloody and brutally without dying but you will definitely feel it in the morning. Essentially just take the strongest healing factor you can think of while pumping it full of Meth, Crack, LSD, Cocaine and then cranking it up to eleven while force-feeding it about 50 cups of Ristretto just for good measure.



Any and all attacks inflicted upon a target will repeat an additional 4 times.


Combine this with the Boundless Sway skill from the previous chapter and you'll basically become a god while the 2 skills are active. (No I am not religious and no I am not insulting you or your god, I am merely comparing power in terms of other works of fiction)



Allows the user to enchant an item with a prexisting skill or ability the user has owned.

-MP depending on item and enchantment.

I'm only realising now how hella broken this skill can be. You could essentially just take a regular old stick and turn it into a god slaying weapon with just a few enchantments or you can (I'm gonna pull a page out of Minecraft) add Mending and Infinity onto a piece of food and you got yourself infinite food.


Hope you enjoyed and see you next time. Please for the love of chocolate-spread try thinking of a name for future chapters. Ashborne out.