
Shop part two

One evening, as the clock struck twice, a man walked into the shop. A man I recognized and dreaded, as he held some rather disturbing memories and news every time he showed up.

Someone so desperate that they showed up all the time, often to just chat. Although you have to meet a criteria to enter the store in the first place, somehow, he was never nearly desperate enough to buy anything.

Window shoppers. Taking up my time and memories.

I remember the first time he came, which was also the only time he bought something. A straggly, unhinged man with the eyes of the dead tainted with a burning desire to live.

Someone who fitted every aspect of the good customer stereotype I was looking for. He requested something huge and paid the price of this thing with no hesitation. As though he was uncaring of his memories in general.

Well, that was really good for me. I gained some very precious memories due to him, which sit on my important shelf for well, memories sake.

Now, as he entered my store once again, I lamented letting him in. Had I known he'll be such an issue; I would've never let him enter my store to begin with.

However, he was already inside, and the shopkeeper in me was not about to chase away a potential customer, so I put on my best smile.

"Welcome to my store, would you like to sit down?" He nodded his head, quietly moving to sit on the chair as I got him a cup of tea with sugar.

"Now, how may I help you? We've got everything you want, from a scrap of yarn—"

"You don't have to do the whole routine on me, shopkeeper. I've been here enough to have memorised the whole song and dance now." The man smirked at me, making fun of the horrible rhyme I created.

"Then you should leave, if you're not going to buy anything." I huffed, having gotten used to his teasing. A long time ago, when he first said that I had exploded in rage, kicking him out instantly. However, that had only resulted in him popping in the very next evening, really annoying me to no end.

"How mean, shopkeeper, I'm only here to keep you company, aren't I?" He pouted, looking at me with hurt puppy eyes.

"I have never needed your "company". You're the one barging in here and spoiling business, aren't you?" Well, sadly for him, I have no sympathy regarding people like him. "I should put up a sign, stating that you're not allowed in." I pulled up a chair and sat down at the table with him.

"You're a silly one, aren't you shopkeeper." He let out a sigh, not laughing at all. "Well, as much as you don't need my presence, won't you allow me to stay just for a little? The outside world is, well, more chaotic then in here, to put it lightly."

There it was, the reason why I haven't put up the sign yet. That tired look of his. In the end, this was a shop that helps desperate people. If I turned him away just because he doesn't buy anything, I will be going against everything I stand for.

I sign, knowing I've been defeated, and stood up, heading for the kitchen. Pulling out a plate of tasty cookies, I set it in front of him and replace his tea with hot chocolate.

"Just rest here for now. Enjoy the cookies, they're chocolate chip." I patted his head, picking up some half-finished project that I had forgotten about to complete while he thought. It was a knitting project, I belatedly noticed, the one thing I was truly horrible at.

While I fumbled with the yarn, he nibbled at the cookies, staring at the table as though it was the most interesting thing in the world. We spent the evening quietly like this, with the sound of knitting needles clicking together blending with near silent crunching noises.

When it was nearing midnight, he finally spoke. "Hey, I don't think I've told you this before, but thanks."

It was a short sentence, but it was one filled with gratitude, nonetheless. I just shook my head wordlessly and handed him my creation, a shitty made knitted hat. "Here, it's snowing wherever you're from, right? Stay warm when you leave, it'll be bad if you caught a cold.

He finally laughed, taking it, and putting it on. It didn't fit on him, its weird vibrant pink colour standing out like a sore thumb. With his clothes all black coupled together with his midnight black hair, this made him look like a ice cream cone gone wrong.

"Thanks, shopkeeper. You're the best."

"Well if you wanted to thank me you could buy something."

"That's mean, shopkeeper. Isn't my presence the best gift to you?"

I rolled my eyes. "Nothing is a gift when you're here. Get out. Don't come back ever again."

"Strange way to say you love me but that's okay! I love you too!" Smiling cheekily like the horrible person that he is, he ducked out of the door before I could say anything, closing it with a small click.

I lowered the mug in my hands and sighed. Clearing up all the dishes and tossing them into the sink, I opened the door to my bedroom, sinking into the soft mattress.

Today was tiring. Making up for the mistakes I made when I was younger was always tiring. No matter how much I wanted to please the customer, taking such a big order was never what I should've done.

Still, we can only move forwards in life, keeping our life's work written in our hearts as memories. To regret is to waste time, and to waste time is to lose memories that we could've made. To lose good, happy memories that could've replaced the regrets.

However, I am only a human being. Sinking into regrets is something I can never escape from.

The previous chapter was horrible.

Just going to put it out there I really didn't like it.


Well I hope you enjoy this chapter.

dao_of_chickenscreators' thoughts