
Just Sample Ideas

This is just me posting some fanfic ideas that are in my head and don't know if I should create it as a Fanfic or not but comments is well needed.

Jovami6729 · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
11 Chs

Sample Idea

This one is a fic where a random person got unfortunately met with a character from fiction and was then thrust into the multiverse not by choice but fear.


Chapter 1: Re: Multiverse Hopping

~Third POV~

In the modern world where everything is the norm of just living your ordinary life there lived a young college student that finished up his English essay was turning it online while listening to some of best anime openings to pass the time writing his essay on his personal laptop.

The college student name is Alex Norm he used to live with his family as the only son and takes a part time job to earn some cash then save then up for when he needs it he plans to be an engineer as a profession.

Alex also watches anime from time to time his favorites were some good classics and the new ones coming out and he also reads some of the Manga counter parts of the anime to pass the time.

Of course, he was just your ordinary college student as he managed to move away in hopes of searching for his dream school like any other person in his shoes. Not even caused trouble to people just your average normal kind of guy.

No marks that makes him a troublemaker and certainly no issues with his life situation away from his parents except doing his part time job and homework. But that's a given in anyone in his shoes.

At this moment Alex Norm said in an annoyed tone as he finished sending his canvas assignment to his professor as he spoke out, "God damn it, I wish my professor would stop leaving us with so much work to do. At least till the new Arceus pokemon comes out soon at least it would be satisfying. Sigh…"

Currently at this time Alex lives alone in a rented home thanks to his landlords for keeping it cheap in California despite the crazy prices changes at times.

Getting up from his chair that he was working on his essay assignment as he stretches his body and began to leave his home as he closed the door talking to himself while yawning, "Ahh! Man, I must be really bored if I have to go get some Panda. I like me some Panda about now though."

As soon as he gets outside his home he reaches to his car as he got it when his parents when he turned 14 when he tried to get his license. It was a pain for him to get through all the test and procedures as well as his part time job saving as much as he can before moving out at the age of 17 years old.

He was a hard worker to his core as he began at an early age saving up for games and lies to his parents for lunch money getting on video games or on anime videos as he used to before learning the importance of money. With money you can get what you want as well as live out of his parents care.

Now he liked his parents very much but they can be overbearing to him at times but loves them all the same to him as he began to start his car up and get his dinner for the night as he began to turn it on.


Hearing the engine starting to turn up he started to begin as he suspected no one to be behind as he looked at the back of his mirror quickly going backwards as he spoke, "Ok now with that out of the way time to get –"

Unaware a portal of a yin and yang symbol was formed as a person soon appeared with a sadistic grin before he was suddenly killed off by the car going backwards surprising him as he was caught off guard.


Bonked from the car Alex took that chance to look surprised as he saw someone from a portal as if he was going crazy seeing it in person as he spoke, "What the fuck! Wait yin and yang purple portal and random pissed off colored guy with a cross scar… FLOOR IT!"




Realizing who the person was as Alex was going blind or mad in that second saw him floored his car backwards sending the person back to the portal with a noticeable cracking sound heard as Alex jumped out of the car.

Rolling back he saw in disbelief that the man was able to hold the car back from the portal as sweat of fear dripped from his face in response, 'Fuck! Why the hell is Syura from Akame ga Kill here and why specifically here! Wait if… his Teigu!'

Getting himself together he realized soon enough that if Syura a fictional character he thought was fake was real then so does his equipment as he sees his hand holding the Teigu Dimensional Formation: Shambhala a Support-type Teigu that takes the form of a pendant.

Seeing it being hold he rushed towards it as he began to try to get rid of his grip from the bastard as he saw him try to get his pendent away from him as Syura smiled expecting something…


That was when Syura showed a painful expression as Alex used his mouth to bite off his hand to get his Teigu of Shambhala away from him as Syura relented as the car finally pushed him off at least his body before the portal closed as his body mid-way got caught.

Spitting out the blood of the bastard out of his mouth holding the Teigu Shambhala in his hands he looked at the detached head of Syura in horror along with some body parts as he quickly observing his area as he thanked the lord for no one noticing.

But that didn't stop him for cleaning up the mess that happened with body corpse and everything as he used his jacket to clean it up as he thinks to himself, 'Shit! How the fuck something like this even happened! Never mind anime character being real but the fucking multiverse as well! You know it would be a good time to rejoice if it wasn't for my car being gone!'

Once he got the piece he quickly got them inside into the sink as he began to use the fire from the stove and attached it to his clothes with dismembered body parts as he talks to himelf disgusted at this, "Oh fucking hell this is very disgusting but I don't need the cops or police finding this out. And more likely pinning this shit on me!"


Once he got to the fire place inside the main room he began to burn everything of the guy and once bone was left he plans to get rid of them crushing them to pieces as this was his first time dealing with this.

His actions weren't exactly calm but he did try to reason himself what to do next as he began to think more clearly as he remembers, "Fuck! The blood outside!"

Quickly rushing outside he saw the pool of blood as he got the hose to water it down as he tried to but…





His blood froze at this seeing the people taking pictures with Alex tiring to get rid of the blood was too late as it wasn't even his fault that this happened as he thinks to himself, 'Fuck no! This fucking event ruined my life! I'll never get to be my dreams now. No forget that I have to worry about the person and story they'll never believe… unless….'

Looking at the pendent of the Teigu Shambhala in his hands as currently no matter what Alex does now he will be hunted for a possible murder for the pool of blood outside his drive way and find the burning head of the bastard that started it all.

Gripping tightly to Shambhala as his expression becomes painful however grateful seeing the Teigu didn't reject him he began to raise his arms up to the people thinking quickly, 'Damn it my life is officially over now. Was it so hard to ask for a normal life… but I don't want to go to prison because of that fucking bastard… well there's one option left but…'

Suddenly as if being commanded by the user command Shambhala began to glow brightly as a yin and yang circle appeared beneath Alex as he had those single thoughts before vanishing from his world, '… I'm sorry mom and dad for leaving you behind like this… but I don't want to be blamed for something that isn't my fault and get punished for shit if they can't believe me…'


Like that the people was stun as Alex left his world using Shambhala trump card Alternate Space transporting the user away into a separate space between the existing spaces teleporting the user to practically anywhere to anyplace of space.

It was the same ability that allows Syura to jump into the Earth the first place as he experimented with his Teigu as Alex the new owner of it used the same trump card but was knocked unconscious as the energy it took left him knocked out with no destination in mind but escape from his world…

Somewhere in the void of space being transported in a rainbow colored separate space with islands, mountains, castles, or lands are floating aimlessly in the this void of space as Alex was suddenly transported along floating aimlessly inside.

The exhaustion used by the Teigu took hold of him as he wanders off in the distance as another portal activated as it sent him to another world at random somewhere into a whole new world as he began to travel…

Alex was transported into another world as he sat down next to a stone building unaware that he was sitting next to someone else as he was tired. But he then soon regains his bearings as he began to hear noises…





That was when he heard the noises as he opens up his eyes to see who they are while secretly being surprised on the inside. But he knew better to act up now so he played along but was also surprised with the person next to him, "Whoa! Man sorry I didn't know it was your place sleeping here!"

Glancing at his side he nodded to the person but in actuality he was deeply troubled because Alex for sure knows the person next to him is named Tatsumi from Akame ga Kill as it made Alex think hard what to do next, 'Fuck! Then everything that happened was all real after all! Then… no wait I have to deal with this issue fast!'

Knowing the situation Alex was in he thought fast as the girl in front of them wearing a dress seemingly to belong to nobles as she explains to her guards, "I don't think those two has a place to stay… The poor things. Sigh… I can't help it. This is in my nature."

With that the person named Aria began to ask the two for some shelter in the comfort of her house in a innocent tone. Something that made Alex to hold his urge to express disgust but was willing to suck it up for some comfort for now.

The guards also took this time to comment out the two choices of what they have.

"Miss Aria can't leave a poor fellow like you out to freeze!"

"Just accept her offer."

At this she excitedly blushed to hear the answer of the two as Tatsumi says his already and Jason began to express his words to her kindly, "In that case I hope you don't mind then. Thank you, Miss Aria, for your kindness."

Aria laughed at this heartly while Alex took this in for the time being trying to organize his thoughts as Tatsumi tried to be friendly towards him, "Hey the names Tatsumi and the name of yours stanger?"

Glancing at the handshake Alex took it as he thought of going by a different name considering the face he can't go home anymore because of the situation. Since he was in a new world and was forced out because of situations he sticks with a new name for a new life, "Hmm… The name is Shin Seikatsu. But just call me Shin Tatsumi."

At this Alex thought of a name that might fit with him as New Life in Japanese is named Shin Seikatsu. Since he no longer has a home anymore, he could try to search for one while getting everything he needs first.

With that Aria was happy to get some new 'friends' to bring home.

Along the way Shin and Tatsumi were both guided inside Aria home along with the guards then they reached the point where they talk about each other situations. That was when Tatsumi began to talk about his life story about his friends.

Shin listened into the conversation as he comes over his own greif at the moment of what happened earlier leading him to this current conversation. But in reality however his thoughts were like this, 'Since I have been transported here using Shambhala then that means it can have the abilities to travel into different dimensions or another worlds. But currently I lack basically everything needed for multiverse survival… this might be the only chance I have…'

That was when he cut off his thoughts as he looks at the noble family in front of him as Aria father began to talk in a curious tone, "That is good young man. So about you young fellow what's your reason for coming to the Empire?"

Hearing this Shin began to calmly glance at the people in the eye as he casually replies his response as he acted embarrassed towards everyone here, "Sorry if I don't have anything big like Tatsumi here but… I'm just traveling around outside the Empire from the west region of here. Been hearing how everyone was talking about the Empire was the hopes of dreams I had to came here to check it out."

All a lie to Shin but something he came up with that is reasonable as the father nodded as Aria then tried to plead Shin to stay for more than other reasons, "Oh… in that case how about using my house when you get to see around the Capital!"

Shin just nods in agreement feighing ignorant about her true intentions but didn't make a move to go against them as he thought of another idea came to mind as he thought coldly, 'If this is the very first one in the series… then I better make sure to make it count when Night Raid finally comes and I'll use their attacks to my advantage to get what I need. Anything will be useful to me no matter what.'

Shin now had to think coldly of how he wants to survive the world he currently lives in as he can't begin to consider his morals in different worlds. Morals would simply help him yes but would greatly hinder him for stuff that needs to be done but has to do what he can to live from now on.

With that the two were sent to the same rooms but Shin didn't eat any of the food of the noble family simply knowing their poison and drugs. Meta knowledge certainly helps against people who don't know what his thinking.

Later into the day of the next morning Shin and Tatsumi already ate the food that the family provided but Tatsumi ate it as Shin simply took the fruits simply because it was less likely chance to get poison.

That and it was valid enough for him to have some to ensure he won't cause discord in the family. He was beginning to get very cautious while simply acting.

Aria and her guards left with her along with Tatsumi as Shin decided to stay in the mansion size home as he began to search around with the permission of the family of course.

Luckily for Shin he chose to hide his Shambhala under his clothes out of fear that the family knowing him possessing a teigu. As he did he observed around the yard of the Aria household as he began to place markers for a brief moment since most of the guards are with Aria.

Another thing to notice was the family underestimating Shin with fewer guards around as he talks to himself for a moment in peace, "Sigh… damn that was close. But what comes next would be even closer and scarer at the same time. Hope placing these markers is worth it in the end."

Shambhala is a Teigu capable of spatial manipulation.

Its user is granted the ability to teleport people and objects over large distances, using markers placed at the target of the teleportation. Shambhala appeared to be unable to teleport objects in rapid succession.

A period of time must pass before it can be used again, as seen when Lubbock was unable to teleport immediately after using the ability once.

But despite the usage time Shin discovered that he could use Shambhala easily placing markers as he was reminded that Esdeath speculated that Shambhala requires a lot of energy to use, requiring the user to rest before using it again, though this wasn't stated by Syura himself.

There was a reason for that as because Syura didn't want Esdeath to know he could only use little energy anytime he wanted. The problem was that it was only within short spaces he could rapidly teleport.

If it was large distances away however, that would be a completely different matter to handle at the current time.

Still though it did provided Shin enough time to create some markers around the mansion and even inside. Knowing the ability and when to teleport is key for him to win and get what comes after next.