
Life story

so I will be telling you stories of my life or how I almost died. I think it was around three times. I don't know I will just try to remember as I go on so anyways let's go I'll go with the recent one all right so basically here I woke up one morning and my stomach hurt it like so much so I went to take a shit and guess what it turns out that I have diarrhea. Actually I don't even know what you called it just like bro it feels like giving birth except less because it's not a human head a baby head my God I feel their pain now but it's like just taking shit but you want to come out and it hurts like hell but the worst part is I had spicy food the last night also so it was extra pain, so yeah, maybe that isn't how I died or anything like that but it's very painful I feel the women's specially the moms God bless whoever he's giving birth that takes forever, and it hurts like hell

story number 2 OK so this one is just one of my favorites because we were going on a cruise ship, and I was so fat that the boat was sinking but thankfully my fat ass got on top of the boat the one that's on top and not sinking, and the boat automatically went into perfect mode. By the way, I was very very very young. I don't even know how I remember this I think I was like seven or lower. God I was a fat kid then I am still a fat kid, but still have a little bit more confidence. I don't even know how I got this confidence but anyways, let's just go onto the story so we went on a cruise basically a small boat with my family. There were some people you know my mom, my aunt, I know stuff like that and Welp we went swimming around even though I couldn't swim, which is another reason why I said I could've died because it is going to be mentioned in the story 3 but let's go back into story 2 so yeah, basically for some odd reason the ball just started shaking, and it kind of flipped I don't even know how the waves were super strong and they just pushed it and it was falling but somehow we stabilized it by everybody in our family going to the top. thank God for that because I couldn't swim back then.

story 3 so basically this is like very young when I was like six or lower so I went to a swimming pool and I was just trying to learn how to swim and I started drowning. Thankfully, there was someone that could rescue me the lifeguard and some other people help me, it was actually in school kind of like that. I can't remember the details because it's been so long, but yeah, it was very terrifying and I would never want to go back there.

story 4 this one is just because of my stupidity so basically I was riding my bike around my neighborhood with my little cousin and then we went back to the garage of my cousins house and I just decided hey why not I just drink water with a cap on it just a little open so I could just chugging, but still not sure too much so I did that and the cap burst, and it just went to my throat and if you don't know, our nose and mouth are connected through the throat, and it was just very very very scary because I couldn't breathe. It felt like something was poking me in my throat it just was very scary and I started to panic running around thankfully I got into the house where my mom pat my back while I was in the bathroom about trying to wash it out and I birthed it out somehow it was just like cough, and it fell down.

yeah, that was very traumatic and I can't remember any other stories. You guys can give me your stories if you want but no one is here man that makes me feel sad. Anyways see ya.