
Just OP

This the story of a girl who dips her toes into the murky waters that is DC's hero and villain career. However, what nobody knows is that she is broken in terms of power. With every heartbeat, she grows in power.

Mys_Terio · Anime e quadrinhos
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4 Chs

Social Call

Nothing like a fresh scare to your life to make you humble, I learnt that the following day. Everyone in Bay City was shell shocked at how close to their complete annihilation they were that the whole atmosphere was just gloomy. Last night's party was cancelled, even the nihilistic teenagers were not in the mood, shocker. But, perhaps the best of all news, my sister miraculously lost her fake British accent. She had somehow been saved and now Jesus is her personal savior.

Well, while I was fifty fifty in the whole religion thing in my previous life, I knew for a fact that all of that is true. What I was unsure of was whether the new G was the previous or Michael's daughter, it's hard to keep track of the DC timeline, with all the time shenanigans. But, what I was sure was that, like many other hobbies, her religiousness was not gonna last long; especially when she realizes all those things that can send you to hell.

But, leaving all that stuff behind, it was time for school and as usual, I was waiting for my posey just in front of my house. I didn't feel excited about my use of powers yesterday, I have been using them a long time to save this town from earthquakes and forest fires, nobody even knows. Sure, I used more power yesterday than any other time, but it wasn't special.

"Hello, love," a man with a true British accent greeted me. I looked to my left, expecting to see my sister's crush, but saw a disheveled man with a brown overcoat, white shirt, red tie, black suit trousers and black, leather branded shoes. A cigarette was lazily drawled on his lips and as if the man's laziness was contiguous, the smoke wafting from the lit end rose just as lazily.

'John Constantine,' I immediately recognized the man. No DC fan can mistaken his figure to anyone's elses. But, this begs the question, why was he here with me exactly. Others might believe in coincidences, but I am not others. I changed a whole ecosystem in the oceans in a second just yesterday, a feared DC sorcerer just doesn't appear in front of me after as a coincidence.

"Can I help you?" I asked him, making sure I was taking note of his changing energy. His was kinda...unclean, it was hard to describe it.

"I was hoping you would answer some questions for me, lass," he said as he showed me an empty badge. I was confused, did he screw up something here?

"Yeah, I'm gonna pass," I said uncomfortably. John noticed it and frowned in confusion, looked at his empty badge, his confusion grew. This was awkward, I'm guessing that badge was supposed to show me an illusion but my mind doesn't work like a normal human's.

"That is curious, you seem to be immune to magic," John said out loud. Yeah, I'm sure that's the kind of thing that requires an inside voice. "But, this just makes it easier. You are who I am looking for."

"I don't know what you want, mister, but I'm warning you, I'm not so easy to kidnap," I continued my acting. Yeah, no way am I showing this guy I know him right off the bat. This guy comes in contact with demons every waking day, one of them might read his mind and my specialness might get out.

"Yesterday, some block wanted to flood the entire coastal regions of the world. At exactly 4:12pm, me and some associates of mine sensed a blast of energy coming in this town. At 4:13pm, ever magical being felt an even more powerful blast of energy, together with complete destruction of part of Atlantis.

"Millions of Atlanteans died during that. Now, everyone is searching for the cause of it all. Me, I happened to be the freest of them, followed the trail of destruction right to this town. I picked up the energy signature in the beach and it led me across town and right to this address." I didn't know what to say. I knew magic was bullshit but this...this was next level bullshit.

What picked up my left over energy signature! What sorcerer is this? Just how much left over energy did I leave behind that he could track me down with it? Well, provided I have so much I barely even notice when I use it, but to have it used to track me down, that is unacceptable. What if it was a demon or something of that callibre? I could never forgive myself if I lead one of those nasty things right to my home!

"Does anyone else know about me?" I asked, dreading the answer. I could feel my heart racing with anticipation and with it...you know the rest.

"You are hidden quite deeply, I wouldn't have known you are this powerful no matter how much scrying I used. Yesterday was fluke on your part, but it still announced your existence to everyone. You won't have a normal day from today because they all want to know who exactly was it. Some might want to use you...Most actually, so you have to be careful. Mine was just a social call," John said, a little sad.