
Chapter 17

After the blood-bag was filled, there was a knock on the door. Sam came inside with Stewart, Jesse, and Jeremy; whilst the doctor left. Jeremy is Stewart's son. If I remember correctly, he is 22. Sam, Stewart, and Jesse bowed and I smiled at them. Slowly, I helped Gar stand up. "Hey guys" she greeted them.

Jesse came towards us and supported Gar's weight. "Do you wanna go lie down?" he asked politely. Gar accepted his offer and excused herself. Jesse helped her walk and they disappeared out the door.

Stewart gave me a soft hug. "Where's Alex?" he questioned. I shook my head in response. Alex didn't want to come because he felt that he would only make things worse between us and Alicia. Honestly, he's not handling the situation very well. I mean, he put kids in cells.

I shook the thoughts out of my head and mustered up a smile. "Its been a while, Jeremy" I stated. He didn't even acknowledge my presence. I cleared my throat. "Jeremy" I called.