

Kisei Elke, an antisocial and sociopathic high-achieving student, unexpectedly crosses paths with a cheerful familiar face, Ema Seourin. Despite their stark differences, a unique connection begins to form between them. As they navigate their complex relationship, Kisei's sociopathic tendencies are challenged by Ema's presence. Through their interactions and the ups and downs they face, a captivating story unfolds, revealing the never-before-seen, never-before-heard, never-before-felt whatever whatever... ___ [Romance, Highschool, Drama, Comedy] 20 Chapters, 2 Volumes Original Work by HIDAISHE

HIDAISHE · Adolescente
Classificações insuficientes
7 Chs

Last one before things begin to spark

—Friday. 7:55

"Yo! Good morning!" Seo's cheerful voice echoed across the corner of the classroom where Hishun and Ema were engaged in conversation. Spotting Seo, Hishun waved at him in greeting.

"Hey, good morning," Hishun replied with a friendly wave. "Is Maurey not with you? Usually, I see you two together every morning."

Seo's smile wavered slightly as he answered, "No, she's not. She's feeling a bit down today and didn't want to come."

Ema looked puzzled and concerned, "Eh? Why is she feeling down? Is she sick?"

"I tried to wake her up this morning, but she seemed really down and didn't want to get out of bed," Seo explained, rubbing the back of his head nervously.

Ema's face turned into a visible feature of confusion. "Huh? You tried waking Maurey? What do you mean by that?" she asked, asking for further clarification.

"Eh? Why did you mean? We slept together. I spent my night in her room yesterday…?"

"You what?" Hishun asked with a bit of disbelief.

"You— what— ?!" Ema's unbelievable shock was evident that she bit her tongue.

Seo seemed surprised by her reaction, "What's so surprising? You know, we're a couple, and it's perfectly fine for us to do things like this. It's pretty normal for us."

Hishun maintained her composure and chimed in, "Yeah, it's not that unusual, I guess."

Ema's shock was palpable as she blurted out, "So, you and Maurey have already... you know, done it?!"

Seo looked at Ema with visible confusion. He was trying to process the exact misunderstood context. "Sometimes, I sleep at Maurey's place. Sometimes, she goes to mine. That's normal for us to do. Whatever it is you're thinking, you should get that removed."

Ema's face turned bright red in embarrassment, realizing she had misunderstood the situation. "Hey! That's not what I— Ah! I-I'm sorry. I didn't mean to assume. It's just that… the way you said it..."

Hishun couldn't help but chuckle at Ema's reaction. "Don't worry, Ema. Sometimes Seo has a way of phrasing things that can be misleading."

Seo grinned, teasingly adding, "Or maybe Ema just has a dirty mind."

"Hey!!" Ema protested playfully, though still feeling a little flustered.

The three friends laughed together, lightening the mood, as they continued their conversation about Maurey and her feelings of not getting up for school.

"It's starting to rain again," Seo observed, his gaze shifting from Hishun to the window, where he noticed delicate droplets tapping against the glass panes.

Hishun followed Seo's gaze, his eyes also catching the raindrops. "Indeed, the weather forecast mentioned a chance of rain today. Luckily, I brought my umbrella. Did you guys remember yours?"

Simultaneously, Seo and Ema reached into their bags and produced their umbrellas. Ema's was a compact, elegant dark blue one, while Seo's was a transparent design.

"Ever since that incident in front of the school campus, I've become more cautious and always carry my umbrella," Seo confessed with a sheepish chuckle, recalling the time he got caught unprepared, tripping in the rain.

"Heh. Glad to know you actually learn from your past mistakes," Hishun commended him while also chuckling at Seo's demise. Ema made a quick laugh.

Seo's irritation surfaced playfully as he asked, "You don't really think I'm an idiot, do you?".

Hishun chuckled and Ema laughed. "Ahahaha! Seo!" Ema exclaimed. "We're totally not thinking about it."

"Imagine... dreaming so much that you thought you actually scored 98% on a test," Hishun playfully teased Seo, a mischievous glint in his eye.

Seo scoffed in response. "Oh, please! Imagine dreaming so much that you thought you could beat an Elke on a test—"

"Shut up! Kisei was just lucky!" Hishun quickly jumped to defend herself, though her words were accompanied by a playful grin. Ema couldn't help but laugh at their banter.

However, just as the laughter echoed in the air, Kisei's unexpected voice cut through the mirth. "Lucky?" he questioned Hishun, his eyebrows furrowing with a hint of challenge. The sudden appearance of their friend surprised everyone.

"Whoa! Didn't see you come into the room," Seo remarked, acknowledging Kisei's sudden appearance.

Kisei calmly brushed off the luck comment, asserting, "It wasn't luck. The quiz was just easy. I have no idea how you managed to fail that." His words continued to good-naturedly tease Hishun, whose jaw dropped in response.

"H-Hey!! I didn't fail it, for your information! I was only 2% lower than you!" Hishun retorted, feeling a mix of embarrassment and frustration. She and Kisei locked eyes for a moment, a silent exchange of playful banter.

"Yeah. Whatever," Kisei replied in his typically understated manner, defusing any lingering tension. Hishun settled back into her seat, and Seo casually retrieved his bag, returning to his own desk.

Kisei stood before Ema, his presence initially leaving her feeling uneasy and awkward. "G-Good morning... Kisei," she stammered, attempting to break the silence. Her cheeks flushed with embarrassment as she looked away, biting her lip nervously. Ema absentmindedly brushed her hair to the side, stealing glances at Kisei, who remained stoically silent.

Seo and Hishun observed the scene, trying to make sense of the situation, but they too were left puzzled by the interaction between their two friends. Ema's confusion and awkwardness eventually gave way to frustration and annoyance as Kisei finally spoke up.

"Oh my gosh! What do you want?!" Ema blurted out in frustration, her embarrassment now replaced with irritation.

"Bi—Idiot! You're in my seat!" Kisei retorted, the tension in the air escalating. It became apparent to Ema that she had unknowingly taken his seat. Her embarrassment faded, replaced by annoyance as she realized the reason for Kisei's silent presence.

"Well, say that in the first place! Don't just stand there and look at me! Are you mentally challenged or something?!" Ema shot back, her frustration getting the better of her. She promptly stood up and moved to her own seat.

The sudden exchange left Hishun and Seo utterly bewildered, and the other classmates who overheard the commotion were equally confused.

"Are they fighting?"

"Seourin and Elke have been at odds all the time now."

"First, it was just Lameri, now he's got issues with another girl."

As the whispers and speculation filled the classroom, a heavy silence settled over Ema and Kisei. Both of them, realizing the attention they had drawn, felt the weight of the situation.

—Friday. 12:16

"What?! Mrs. Shan gave you guys a free period in her class?!" Maurey asked with a tone of exclamation; her voice a mix of astonishment, disappointment, and frustration.

The group of friends, Kisei, Ema, Hishun, Seo, and Maurey, gathered at their favorite cafe for their lunch break, each sipping on a cup of coffee. Ema gently tapped Maurey's shoulders, attempting to ease her agitation.

"Haha... Yes, Maurey, she did," Ema replied, trying to sound cheerful. "Mrs. Gosea Shan said our class was ahead in the lesson, so she thought we could use the time for self-study or a break or do whatever."

Maurey let out a sigh of annoyance, scratching her head in a slightly upset manner. "If only I hadn't been late," she mumbled, sitting down with a hint of dismay, her arms crossed. She then turned to Seo with an accusatory tone. "You! I asked you to wake me up! Why didn't you—!"

Seo interjected, not letting Maurey finish her sentence. "Oh, come on! Don't pin this on me, moron," he retorted playfully. "I tried waking you up like fifteen times. It's your own fault for hitting the snooze button every time. You were all like, 'Seo... f-five... five more minutes, p-pwease?'"

The table erupted in laughter, even Maurey couldn't help but smile despite her initial frustration.

"Alright, alright, I admit, I'm not a morning person," Maurey confessed with a sheepish grin, finally giving in to the friendly teasing. "But you could've at least woken me up with a tug or something."

Seo smiled in frustration, realizing there's no point keeping up with the argument. Instead, he snatched Kisei's cola, startling him, and drank it all for himself. Kisei's eyebrows lowered. He is stunned, confused, and having a hard time trying to process whatever Seo's intentions are against him.

The very surface of Kisei Elke's palm, being projected into its target which is the right cheek of Seo Marroh. The velocity, speed, and mass, all being calculated as the unstoppable force reach for a simply moveable weaker object. Realizing there is too much weight and energy on the impact, the moveable object was not able to absorb any of the force being inserted. Seo was knocked to the ground, smiling as his spirit made its way to the great beyond.

Everyone inside the cafeteria felt the same stunning, confusing, and bewilderment that Kisei felt. The customers and staff were all having a hard time trying to process whatever just happened.

—Friday. 17: 08

As they all walked home together, Hishun and Ema chatted excitedly, exchanging contact information and following each other on social media to stay connected. Meanwhile, Maurey couldn't help but laugh at Seo, who was still holding an ice pack to his cheek from the cola incident, but he took it in stride with a grin.

"The legendary Kisei can really knock another person's soul out, huh?" Hishun playfully remarked.

This caught the attention of Maurey, Seo, and Ema, all of whom turned to look at Hishun with puzzled expressions. Hishun returned their gaze, not quite sure why they were staring at her.

"What?" She asked, genuinely confused by their reactions.

Maurey and Seo exchanged knowing smiles before bursting into laughter. "Ahahahaha! It seems someone has finally recognized the might of the legend himself," Seo teased, with Maurey nodding in agreement. Ema just rolled her eyes, familiar with their playful banter.

Hishun looked slightly amused but still perplexed. "Not you too, Hishun...?" Ema said with a hint of concern.

Hishun chuckled, glancing back at Seo. "No, no. I'm just teasing," she clarified. "But for real, Seo, why did you suddenly take Kisei's drink like that?"

Seo grinned mischievously. "Well, I had this theory that Kisei's slap could somehow bend time, you know, skip an hour or something. I didn't actually think it would work," he admitted with a nervous chuckle.

Ema looked at Kisei with a mix of curiosity and concern. "Is Kisei really a violent person?"

Seo answered before Kisei could, "Not really. He's only violent towards me, right, Kisei?" Seo glanced back at his friend, and Kisei turned to show his face with an expression that read "Whatever." Seo chuckled, knowing he had teased Kisei yet again.

Seo brought his head upwards, recalling something. "Well, except for that time back in 8th grade… "

—Wednesday, 3 years ago. 10:51

Degrian Wyken, threw a can of empty root beer at Kisei's head, but Kisei ignored him. Degrian began laughing with his friends. "Hahaha! Watch this, watch this!"

Degrian hurled another can at Kisei. This time, without looking. He was clearly trying to impress his friends and some girls at the back of the classroom.

"Hahaha!! Good one, Degrian! Slow it down, though. He's the smartest kid in all of 8th grade, you know? He might pull his smart moves on you," one of Degrian's friends playfully warned him, mocking Kisei.

"Really? This kid's the smartest?" Degrian continued mocking Kisei, who's peacefully writing something on his notebook.

"H-Hey! Cut it out, Wyken! He's not doing anything to you!" Seo stood in front of Degrian, trying to protect his friend. "Back off, dude! Or I'll call Sir Klemon and get you suspended!"

Degrian and Seo exchanged looks, before Degrian began laughing, finding Seo's fortitude to be quite ridiculous and stupid. He shoved Seo to the side, causing him to bruise his ankle.

Degrian began marching towards Kisei again, who's still busy writing. Degrian slammed his hand in front of Kisei, who finally halted his writing. Though, he still didn't look Degrian in the eyes and continued ignoring him.

"Hey," Degrian spoke with a serious, irritated tone. "I don't like that look in your face… "

Kisei finally looks him in the eye. "Tsk! Acting as if you're all cool… " Degrian's eyebrows furrowed. He was disgusted by Kisei's behavior. Kisei went back to writing. Degrian looked at Kisei's notebook, before snatching it and laughing like an idiot who just discovered fire.

"Ahahaha!! What's this? Hm? Your diary?" Degrian tried to read whatever Kisei was writing in the notebook Degrian snatched. "How… to… Kill a man… ?"

Degrian took his eyes from the notebook. The next thing he remembered, an antisocial kid hurled a chair right at his face. Degrian fell to the ground out cold and his head was bleeding. Kisei walked slowly towards the collapsed ******* and took his notebook back, before going back to his seat and writing again. Seo, Degrian's friends, and the rest of his classmates were dumbfounded, shocked, terrified, and utterly confused about what just happened.

—Friday, Present. 17:14

"Eh?! Kisei sent a classmate to the hospital?" Maurey asked, subtly concerned about the other guy.

"T-That was kinda cool, though. I admit," Hishun scratched her cheeks, developing slight admiration for Kisei's violence. Hishun is weird… sometimes.

"Kisei hates it when you suddenly take his favorite things… that being his soda," Seo explained. "He also hates it when you keep talking to him when he's not responding. One question is enough. If he doesn't look into your eyes and says nothing, stop right there. Continuing to say more things would just provoke him."

Ema, Hishun, and Maurey all look at Seo spitting trivias about his friend. The three girls looked like they're learning something for the first time.

"Kisei also doesn't like it when you smell bad or if you look dirty. You could say Kisei is a clean freak… I mean, have you seen Kisei with dirt or spots in his garments? None, right?"

They all nodded at Seo, realizing and agreeing with him.

"Kisei hates loud noises too. Loud cars, loud talking, loud… yeah."

Maurey contemplated all of what Seo just mentioned. "Kisei hates cola snatchers, loud people who keep talking to him when he's not answering, and people who look dirty… " Maurey looked at Seo. "Why does that remind me of someone?"

"Sounds like Kisei just hates everything about Seo," Hishun made her comment.

Ema and Maurey laughed at that very remark Hishun stated. "Hey! It's not… W-Wait… huh?" Seo confused himself. The three girls simply came on laughing.

At the intersection, their laughter began to subside, and a bittersweet feeling settled in. They all knew it was time to part ways for the day, but they also looked forward to the next time they would be together again.

Seo and Maurey exchanged a playful fist bump, a gesture that had become their signature way of saying goodbye. "Take care, Maurey! Don't sleep through the alarm again!" Seo teased with a wink.

Maurey rolled her eyes but couldn't help smiling. "Yeah, yeah, I'll try my best! See you later, Seo!"

As Ema and Hishun went their separate ways, Ema waved cheerfully at her friend. "Catch you Monday, Hishun! Let's hang out soon!"

Hishun waved back with a bright smile. "Definitely! Have a great afternoon, Ema."

Kisei, who had been quietly observing the interactions, simply nodded to Seo before turning and heading in his own direction. Ema followed soon afterwards and the two went home before the sun could completely set.

—Saturday. 14:00

"Whoa! Who ate all of my yogurt?!" Kory Elke, the younger brother of Kisei, stood in front of the refrigerator, a mixture of disappointment and frustration evident on his face. The fridge was stocked with various preserved foods, snacks, and Kisei's assortment of colas, but there was not a single one of Kory's beloved yogurts.

"Mom!?" Kory called out as he made his way up the stairs, heading towards his parents' bedroom. "Mom! Someone took all my Milkchus!"

"Mom!! Someone ate— " He burst into Peri and Yonma's room, only to be met with a sight that shattered his world. Empty yogurt cans were scattered around, and his mom, Peri, had a spoon halfway to her mouth, while his dad, Yonma, was just about to open another can. They were indulging in his missing yogurts.

Staring at his parents, who seemed caught in the act, Kory's emotions ranged from disbelief to anger. It was as if his reality was being torn apart, and he felt a mix of betrayal and frustration. They stared into the eyes of their little child, whose face looks like they're about to cut reality with a slash of a sword.

"K-Kory…?" Peri attempted to initiate a conversation with Kory, hoping to bridge the gap between them. The boy stood there, his once-clenched fists now visibly calming down.

However, instead of a typical response, Kory's words took an unexpected turn. He spoke with an unusual seriousness, using dramatic and poetic language that left his parents, Yonma and Peri, utterly perplexed. They struggled to comprehend the depth of his emotions.

"Even within the confines of this household, I find only overwhelming betrayal. Yes, my parents have let me down, and this world seems filled with nothing but deceit," Kory expressed, his tone almost theatrical.

"K-Kory…?" Yonma stuttered, trying to grasp the meaning behind his son's words.

But Kory wasn't done yet. In a sudden outburst of anger and sadness, he declared, "Kory is no more! I am now nothing but an embodiment of VENGEANCE!" A single tear streamed down his cheek, highlighting the mix of emotions he was experiencing.

Yonma and Peri were taken aback, not knowing how to respond to this intense display of emotions. They felt bad and guilty for what they've just done at the same time, they find Kory's reactions to be extremely adorable.

Kisei could hear the commotion, laughter, and Kory's poetic outburst from the other room as he sat at his small desk, holding a Milkchus yogurt in his hand. Just as he was about to open it, there was a knock on the door, and Yonma entered his room.

"Hey, kid—" Yonma began, but his words trailed off as he spotted Kisei holding the yogurt can. He chuckled and said, "Ahahaha! You better hide that before it attracts something bigger."

Quickly responding to his father's warning, Kisei sealed the half-open lid of the yogurt can and tucked it between some books on the desk. He knew it was better not to provoke his little brother's wrath further.

Seeing his father enter with a request, Kisei's weariness was evident in his voice as he asked, "Is there something you need?"

Yonma reached into his pocket, took out some bills, and handed them to Kisei. "Can you go to the market and buy Kory's Milkchus?" Yonma asked, explaining that Kisei was free and had nothing to do at the moment. Kisei took the money, stood up from his seat and grabbed his jacket. "Oh, and uh, your mom also asked you to get some groceries. I don't know why it's necessary seeing as we have a lot of stuff at home already."

Kisei nodded, before leaving his room.

—Saturday. 14:27

The anti-social character, Kisei, led him to venture to the far corners of the supermarket, away from the loud crowds. The cacophony of sounds, from shopping carts rolling on glossy tiles to people's chatter, laughter, and the PA system blaring announcements and shopping guides, overwhelmed him. He couldn't stand being in such a crowded place, surrounded by strangers.

"I hate it when people swarm around for sales..." Kisei muttered under his breath, feeling agitated by the sheer number of people occupying the space.

As he stood in the aisle where the yogurts were located, he felt the weight of regrets. The aisle was packed with individuals, each one looking for something specific. Kisei managed to squeeze through and find Kory's yogurt, but he wasted no time in leaving the crowded area. He scratched his nose, attempting to rid himself of the itchy feeling that the crowded environment left on him. Quickly, he reached for some alcohol and sanitized his hands, trying to get rid of any lingering discomfort from the close proximity to others.

With a sense of repulsion, he took out an alcohol hand sanitizer and cleaned his hands. "Why can't people at least clean themselves before coming out in public?" Kisei grumbled to himself, his frustration evident in his tone. "I mean, do they really think being a skunk was the answer to 'What do you want to be when you grow up?'" he added, expressing his annoyance at the offensive odors lingering in the crowded supermarket.

Kisei felt a tap on his shoulder, and as he turned around, he was greeted by Ema's familiar voice. Despite his initial nervousness, her presence seemed to bring a sense of comfort.

"Hey, weird seeing you around here!" Ema said with a warm smile.

"Seourin," Kisei responded, using her name as his own way of saying 'hi.'

Ema asked if he was going home, to which Kisei replied, "No. I still need to get some..." He glanced at the grocery list that Yonma had given him, still holding it in his hand.

"Oh, same here! Wanna shop together, then?" Ema suggested cheerfully.

Kisei hesitated for a moment, looking at Ema, who was eagerly waiting for his response with a smile on her face. Eventually, he agreed, "Alright."

Ema giggled happily before turning around and walking, and Kisei followed her. He couldn't help but notice how child-like and carefree Ema's demeanor seemed, which was a stark contrast to his own reserved and anti-social nature.

As Ema and Kisei stood side by side in the supermarket, selecting condiments and seasonings for their homes, Kisei was surprised to find that Ema seemed well-versed in choosing the right products. She confidently pointed out which items were better options and even corrected some of Kisei's choices.

"Hm... You shouldn't use this one," Ema advised, "It melts the flavor instantly. Try this one instead... Oh, and also this. Nuh-uh, don't use this... and this, not this one. Try this one... Replace this one... This one's better..."

Ema's continuous stream of suggestions and corrections started to irritate Kisei to the point where he couldn't find the words to respond. He grew increasingly frustrated by the seemingly endless instructions on what to buy.

Finally, unable to contain his annoyance any longer, Kisei spoke up, "Look, I appreciate your help, but I can decide on my own. I know what I like."

Ema gawked at him for a moment, before continuing selecting ingredients and such. "What about this one? Why not use this one instead? This one's my personal favorite… " Ema enthusiastically pointed out different items, still eager to help and share her knowledge.

Eventually, Ema and Kisei finished selecting all the ingredients they needed, and they proceeded to check out their bags. Kisei compared the list versus what he actually bought, realizing that none of the items listed was in his selection.

"These are completely different… " Kisei's nerves were on edge as he found himself growing more frustrated with the situation. Ema, seemingly oblivious to his discomfort, continued to smile and giggle, even fixing her shoelace with a carefree demeanor. Her joyful expression softened Kisei's irritation momentarily, but he quickly refocused on his feelings of discomfort.

As Ema noticed Kisei's stare, she smiled back at him, which only seemed to exacerbate his unease. He wasn't used to this level of attention and enthusiasm from someone else, especially when it involved going to a new and unfamiliar place.

"Wanna go home?" Ema suggested, but before Kisei could respond, she quickly added, "Oh, wait. There's actually a newly established coffee shop nearby!"

Ema's excitement about the coffee shop didn't resonate with Kisei. He knew exactly what she was trying to do, attempting to coax him into trying something new and stepping out of his comfort zone. But he wasn't ready for that, and he wasn't willing to go along with it.

" 'Kay. Enjoy," Kisei replied dismissively, brushing off her suggestion, intending to decline politely. He was well aware that Ema was trying to include him, but he wasn't ready to join her on this adventure.

However, Ema didn't give up so easily. Feeling a bit desperate for Kisei's company, she pleaded, "H-Hey! Come on! It's gonna be fun!"

Kisei's weariness was evident in his tone as he responded to Ema's enthusiastic suggestion about the coffee shop, "What the heck do you mean 'fun'? You're going to a coffee shop, not a party... Not that I find parties to be fun."

Ema chuckled at his remark, finding humor in Kisei's deadpan response. "Oh yeah, sometimes I forget you're Kisei," she said, still smiling.

Kisei didn't respond to her comment and simply started walking in a different direction, hoping to put some distance between himself and the coffee shop idea. But Ema quickly followed him, not willing to let him go without a fight.

"Yo! Wait up!" Ema called after him, picking up her pace to catch up with him.

—Saturday. 15:29

Kisei?" Peri mentioned her son's name. There was an immediate response.


"The seasonings you bought… They're actually good," Peri commended. "I didn't know you have a good eye for shopping."

Kisei was taken aback when his mom, Peri, praised the seasonings he had bought. He didn't expect such a compliment, especially considering that Ema had been the one giving suggestions at the store. Kisei hesitated and stammered, trying to defend himself.

"Eh?... N-No... I didn't..." Kisei mumbled, feeling a mix of surprise and embarrassment.

Peri, however, seemed genuinely impressed by his choices. "Next time, I'll bring you with me. You can actually pick better ingredients, huh?" she acknowledged, attributing the selection to Kisei's skills.

Kisei was flustered by the unexpected recognition, not used to receiving compliments on his abilities. "E-Eh... Wha...? H-Huh?" he stuttered, struggling to find the right words to respond.

Peri smiled warmly at her son's reaction. "It's okay, Kisei. You don't have to be modest. I trust your judgment. You did a great job," she reassured him, patting him gently on the back.