

Kisei Elke, an antisocial and sociopathic high-achieving student, unexpectedly crosses paths with a cheerful familiar face, Ema Seourin. Despite their stark differences, a unique connection begins to form between them. As they navigate their complex relationship, Kisei's sociopathic tendencies are challenged by Ema's presence. Through their interactions and the ups and downs they face, a captivating story unfolds, revealing the never-before-seen, never-before-heard, never-before-felt whatever whatever... ___ [Romance, Highschool, Drama, Comedy] 20 Chapters, 2 Volumes Original Work by HIDAISHE

HIDAISHE · Adolescente
Classificações insuficientes
7 Chs

Feels like a stomachache

—Friday. 7:05

"Ms. Ema. I… I like you! Please accept my confession."

Ema Seourin stood there with her bag still on her shoulder and her expression shifting from shock to flustered confusion as her fellow schoolmate made their heartfelt confession. Her hand instinctively reached up to scratch her cheek, a nervous gesture.

"E-Eh...? That's..."

Unable to form a coherent response, Ema turned her head away, her thoughts in disarray. The student, desperate for some kind of answer, raised their head to meet Ema's gaze, their eyes filled with worry.

"Is there something wrong?" the student asked, their voice laced with concern.

"Well... umm..." Ema's thoughts stumbled, struggling to find the right words. She felt trapped, unsure of how to navigate the delicate situation.

"I see. You already like someone else, don't you?" The student's voice trembled slightly as they looked down, dejected.

Ema quickly turned her head towards the student, her eyes widening with surprise. "N-No, no! It's not that... it's uhh..." She waved her hands in denial, trying to gather her thoughts. "It's just that I don't even know who you are..."

—Friday. 8:24

"Good morning, Ema!" Maurey greeted her with a cheerful tone. Ema's face appeared downcast as she weakly waved a greeting back to Maurey.

"Hey... morning," she spoke with an exhausted voice, slowly making her way to her seat and placing her bag on the table. She slumped down on her chair and rested her face on the desk. Maurey was puzzled by her behavior.

"E-Ema? Are you okay?" Maurey's concern was evident in her voice. Ema lifted her head slightly, her hands still crossed on the desk.

"Maureyyy... I rejected someone today!" Ema's voice cracked as she spoke, her eyes almost welling up with tears. Maurey was taken aback, unsure of how to respond.

"Pfttttt— " Were simply Maurey's first response.

Ema curled back into her desk, whimpering softly. Maurey approached her, still trying to make sense of the situation, and began patting her head while laughing uncontrollably.

"What the heck? Ahahahaha! Rejected someone this early in the morning? Ahahahaha!" Maurey's laughter echoed through the room, leaving Ema feeling even more vulnerable and dumb.

Ema stared at Maurey, her eyes pleading for understanding. "Why are you finding this so amusing, Maurey?"

Maurey continued laughing, struggling to catch her breath. "Ahahaha! Sorry!"

After a while, Maurey managed to compose herself. Ema, still feeling emotionally raw, remained seated, her arms crossed tightly on the desk. The two friends locked eyes for a few seconds, Ema feeling as though she was being mocked. And then...

"Pft— Hahahahahahahaha!!" Maurey burst into another fit of laughter, unable to contain herself. Everyone inside the room began to notice Maurey's uncontrollable laughter. They were confused. Ema's face flushed with embarrassment, and she buried her face in her arms once more, letting out a muffled whimper.

"Sorry! I'll stop now! Ahahahaha!" Maurey attempted to regain her composure but couldn't help snickering.

"You just keep laughing and laughing!" Ema's words were barely audible from beneath her crossed arms.

Maurey took a deep breath and finally managed to stop herself from laughing, realizing how her behavior might be making fun of Ema's situation. She pulled a chair and sat in front of Ema.

"Hehe... so, who was it?" Maurey asked, her tone more sympathetic now. Ema, who sat up straight and took a deep shuddering breath, looked at her with a mix of frustration and vulnerability, trying to collect herself before speaking.

"He said he was Yireo Nestil, from Class 2," Ema revealed, her voice still tinged with a mix of sadness and frustration. Her arms remained crossed, and she kept her gaze fixed forward, avoiding direct eye contact with Maurey.

"Uh... who?" Maurey's brows furrowed as she tried to recall the name. Ema finally lifted her gaze, staring directly into Maurey's eyes.

"It's the dude with messy hair! The one with wristwatches on both hands—" Ema's frustration seeped into her voice.

"Oh! I remember now! Yireo! Yeah, I remember him! I think he was at Seo's birthday," Maurey exclaimed, a hint of enthusiasm in her voice. Ema just continued to lock eyes with Maurey, her confusion growing as Maurey giggled. Ema remained silent, her mind filled with questions. She couldn't understand why Maurey found the situation amusing.

"On that note, though... Where's Seo?" Ema asked, her eyes scanning the room for any sign of him. She noticed his empty seat, which raised her curiosity.

"I think he was with Kisei—?" Maurey began to respond, but her words were cut off by a sudden voice.

"I'm over here," Kisei interjected, giving a small wave. His expression remained neutral and devoid of emotion as he sat casually in his seat. Ema and Maurey were taken aback by his unexpected appearance and turned their attention towards him.

"Eh?! Kisei?! How long have you been there?!" Maurey exclaimed, clearly surprised by Kisei's sudden presence. Kisei's nonchalant expression persisted as he replied, "Since the 'Ema rejecting Yireo' issue began."

Ema discreetly glanced to her right, scanning the room for any sign of Seo. "Is Seo not with you?" she asked Kisei, hoping for an explanation. Kisei returned to his usual demeanor, crossing his arms on his desk and allowing his gaze to wander off. "No," he replied faintly, already drifting off to sleep.

Ema and Maurey exchanged perplexed glances as they observed Kisei's consciousness fade away. They found themselves alone in their bewilderment, leaving Kisei undisturbed in his slumber.

"That's actually the longest sentence I've heard him say all week," Maurey commented, a mixture of amusement and familiarity in her tone. "I guess I've just gotten used to Seo's loud voice always filling the air."

In the background, Seo suddenly appeared at the doorstep, catching Ema's attention first. "Speak of the devil," Ema muttered, causing Maurey to turn and follow her gaze.

"Seo! Bro... where have you been?" Maurey eagerly inquired, eager to know the reason for his absence. Seo's expression seemed a bit different than usual, a mix of surprise and contemplation. He took a deep breath before answering, his voice carrying a hint of disbelief.

"Kei confessed to me."

Ema and Maurey exchanged puzzled glances, their curiosity piqued by Seo's unexpected statement. It seemed that their morning was about to take yet another unexpected turn.

"Pfttt— Ahahahahahahahahahahahahaha!!!"

—Friday. 8:58

Monthea instructed her students to return to their seats and wait for her announcement. As the classroom gradually quieted down, she gathered her folders and papers, preparing to rearrange the seating plan. The students eagerly anticipated the teacher's plans.

"Listen up, everybody," Monthea began, holding a piece of paper and scanning the room. "Today, we will be arranging the seating plan."

A surge of excitement rippled through the class, as the students eagerly awaited their new seating assignments. Seo, seated at the front, expressed his dissatisfaction with his current seat.

"Finally! I'm getting sick of my chair here in the front," Seo complained, drawing a few chuckles from his classmates. Hishun, seated beside him, couldn't resist responding.

"I'm getting sick of you being next to me," she retorted, playfully rolling her eyes. Seo laughed it off, understanding her lighthearted jab.

"Well, I don't even do anything to you," Seo replied, earning a nod of agreement from a nearby classmate.

"You're always so noisy, and let's not forget how you sneak glances at my test papers—"

"Alright, alright! Chill!"

Before beginning the seat arrangement process, Monthea requested her students to stand up, pack their belongings, and exit the classroom. She wanted to ensure a fair and organized seating arrangement for each student. The classroom buzzed with excitement as the students filed out, their chatter filled with anticipation, whispering among themselves about where they hoped to be seated.

Outside the classroom, the students waited patiently, clutching their backpacks and belongings. Monthea meticulously organized the seating plan, taking into account each student's preferences and the dynamics of the class. One by one, she invited the students back into the classroom, presenting them with their newly assigned seats.

As each student received their seating assignment, a mixture of reactions filled the room—joyful exclamations, contented smiles, or even mild disappointments. Monthea observed the students' reactions, hoping that the new seating plan would foster a positive learning environment and encourage interactions among classmates.

"Kisei Elke," Monthea called out, her voice slightly stern. The students obediently turned around, their eyes shifting to find Kisei among them. As the crowd parted, Kisei was revealed, seated in a chair and peacefully asleep, seemingly oblivious to the commotion.

Whispers spread among the students, a mix of curiosity and mild envy. It was clear that Kisei had managed to secure a chair for himself, setting him apart from the rest of the students who stood in line. Monthea's gaze narrowed, her brows furrowing with a hint of disapproval.

"Kisei," she said firmly, trying to wake him from his slumber. "It's time to stand with the others."

The sound of her voice gradually reached Kisei's ears, interrupting his peaceful sleep. Slowly, he stirred and opened his eyes, his expression a mix of confusion and realization. He glanced around, noticing the attention he had garnered from his classmates.

"Come on. We're getting you your seat so you can sleep peacefully," Monthea said with a mix of exasperation and fondness in her voice, realizing that Kisei's desire for sleep seemed unyielding.

Kisei followed Monthea into the classroom, the other students silently observing as they entered. Monthea pointed him towards his assigned seat, guiding him to the desk where he would find some semblance of comfort and tranquility. Kisei walked with a casual gait, his expression calm and serene, seemingly undisturbed by the curious gazes around him.

Taking his place, Kisei settled into his designated desk, situated between Seo, who was seated behind him, and Maurey, who occupied the desk in front. Without wasting a moment, he leaned back, his eyes growing heavy, and succumbed to the embrace of sleep.

As Kisei drifted into slumber, his classmates exchanged amused glances, slightly envious of his ability to find solace amidst the classroom chaos. Seo leaned forward, observing Kisei's peaceful state, and chuckled softly, a hint of admiration in his voice.

"Man, this guy can sleep anywhere, anytime," Seo whispered to Maurey, who turned around to catch a glimpse of Kisei's dozing form. A small smile tugged at the corners of her lips as she watched him, finding both amusement and a touch of envy in his ability to effortlessly embrace rest.

"Ema Seourin?" Monthea called out, scanning the eager faces of the waiting students.

Ema's hand shot up confidently, her voice ringing out, "Over here!" She stood tall amidst the crowd, ready to embark on this new seating arrangement adventure. Monthea briefly reviewed the seating plan once more, ensuring she had the correct placement for Ema. With a nod of confirmation, she directed Ema to her designated chair.

Ema's eyes lit up with excitement as she shouldered her bag and carefully balanced her books in her arms. With a skip in her step, she made her way towards her seat, eagerly anticipating the company of her friend Maurey, who sat beside her.

"Hishun Lameri. Come over here," Monthea gently tapped Hishun's shoulder, motioning for her to approach. Hishun's face contorted into a displeased and apprehensive expression as she hesitantly stepped forward. "You're seated behind Seourin."

Hishun's objection was immediate and filled with discomfort. "Eh?! Behind Ema?! But that's..." Her voice trailed off as she surveyed the classroom, realizing that her assigned seat would also place her beside Kisei, which only added to her unease. She mustered the courage to voice her concerns to Monthea.

"Ms. Riviere, can you please put me somewhere else?" Hishun pleaded, her tone a mix of desperation and frustration.

Monthea's response was firm but sympathetic. "I understand your concern, Hishun, but the seating plan was arranged by the third-year's faculty administrator, not me. I don't have the flexibility to make changes at this point. Furthermore, all the available seats are occupied, so unless someone is willing to exchange seats with you, I'm afraid this is your designated spot."

Hishun glanced along the line of students, hoping that someone would take pity on her and offer to exchange seats. However, to her dismay, everyone seemed to suddenly find intense fascination in random objects or the floor, purposely avoiding any eye contact with her.

Feeling a mix of frustration and resignation, Hishun gathered her belongings and reluctantly settled into the seat beside Kisei, who remained undisturbed in his peaceful slumber. As she adjusted to her new position, she was met with friendly smiles and reassuring words from Seo, Maurey, and Ema.

"Don't worry, Lameri. You'll enjoy it here!" Ema cheerfully patted Hishun's shoulder, her warm smile offering a glimmer of comfort.

—Friday. 12:36

"Like, for real?! Kei really confessed to you?! Ahahahahaha!" Maurey burst into laughter, finding the situation incredibly amusing.

During their lunch break, the four of them gathered at a nearby coffee shop. Maurey and Kisei sat beside each other, while Seo and Ema formed another pair. Seo sat facing his girlfriend, his expression carrying a tinge of irritation. Kisei, on the other hand, remained silent, calmly eating his lunch with a soda beside him.

"Yes, this early in the morning," Seo responded, his voice tinged with frustration. Maurey continued to chuckle and grin, thoroughly enjoying her meal and the unfolding events.

"Pfph! So you're cheating on me now? Let's call it quits then, Seo," Maurey playfully teased, followed by a burst of laughter. Caught off guard, Seo accidentally choked on his food as Maurey's words hung in the air.

"Ahahahahahahahaha—!!!" Maurey's laughter intensified, causing her to choke on her own food as well. Kisei, Ema, and the other customers in the coffee shop watched in bemusement. Kisei could be seen covering his face in second-hand embarrassment.

"E-Eh... Uhm... Guys, let's calm down..." Ema tried to intervene, attempting to diffuse the situation.

After a few moments, the laughter subsided, and the two managed to regain their composure, though there was still a hint of suppressed amusement. The atmosphere shifted to a more relaxed state, and everyone returned to their meals.

"So? What did she say to you?" Maurey asked Seo, her lunch box now packed. Seo paused mid-drink and looked up.

"She approached me and asked for my time. Then out of the blue, she confessed," Seo explained.

Maurey raised an eyebrow, slightly puzzled. "That's it? No grand buildup or anything? Wait, she does know I exist, right?"

Seo gazed up at the ceiling, trying to recall the specific scene from earlier that morning. "I turned her down and told her about you. She's aware of our relationship. But you know Kei, she's persistent."

Maurey wrinkled her nose in disdain. "Ugh," she remarked, clearly unimpressed.

Kisei adjusted the collar of his immaculate uniform, his hair partially obscuring his eyes. "You guys... seem to be quite popular with confessions early in the morning," he commented.

Seo, Maurey, and Ema turned their attention to Kisei, slightly taken aback by his observation.

"Y-Yeah... Wait, you can talk?" Seo quipped, eliciting laughter from Maurey and Ema.

Maurey turned to Ema, motioning towards her with a wave of her hand. "Well, it's funny because I recall Ema... also receiving a confession from someone in the next class."

"Whoa?! Ema, you too?" Seo exclaimed, his surprise evident in his voice.

Ema's cheeks flushed slightly, and she looked down, avoiding eye contact. "Uh, well... Yeah, someone confessed to me this morning," she admitted reluctantly.

Seo leaned forward, intrigued. "Come on, Ema, spill the details! Who was it? What did they say?"

Ema sighed, a hint of frustration in her tone. "I really don't want to talk about it. It's... complicated."

Maurey, unable to resist teasing her friend, chimed in with a mischievous grin. "Oh, come on, Ema! Don't be shy. It's just us here! You can't leave us hanging."

Kisei shifted his gaze to Ema, who's starting to show redness out of embarrassment. Ema's frustration grew, and she shot a playful glare at Maurey.

"Alright, fine! But just so you know, it's not as exciting as you think. It was kind of awkward, okay?"

Maurey burst into laughter, thoroughly enjoying Ema's frustration. "Aww, look at you, getting all flustered. I never knew you had such a vulnerable side, Ema."

Seo joined in the laughter, unable to contain himself. "This is actually interesting. Ema, the mysterious recipient of secret confessions. Who would've thought?"

Maurey chuckled a bit at Seo's comment. "Well, it's not really surprising. Ema is pretty. She got the eyes, the face, the hair. She's very friendly too. Who wouldn't like her, anyway?"

Ema's cheeks turned even redder, and she playfully swatted Maurey's arm. "Enough already! You know what? Let's focus on something else, like... uh, what are we doing this weekend?"

The conversation shifted, and the friends delved into a myriad of lighthearted topics, each story and anecdote accompanied by laughter. They reminisced about their hilarious high school moments, shared their plans for the upcoming weekend, and exchanged amusing tales of their quirky relatives.

The coffee shop became a sanctuary of mirth and good-natured banter, where the bonds of friendship grew stronger, and the shared experiences forged unforgettable memories. They savored the simple pleasures of being together, basking in the warmth of friendship and the delightful harmony of laughter. And amidst the joyful chaos, they found solace and a renewed sense of connection in each other's company.

—Friday. 17:42

Kisei and Ema bid farewell to Maurey and Seo, parting ways as they walked along the road. The sun was slowly setting, casting a warm orange glow across the sky. Ema walked beside Kisei, clutching her backpack tightly, and a sense of unease settled between them.

Silence enveloped them, unbroken by any conversation. Ema noticed Kisei's quick pace and decided to match his speed, hoping to keep up with him. However, Kisei's stride only grew faster in response, causing Ema to become slightly irritated. She increased her pace, breaking into a jog to catch up with him. Yet, Kisei's annoyance mirrored her own, and he quickened his steps even more, shooting an annoyed glare at Ema.

Ema's jog soon transformed into a sprint as she tried to keep pace with Kisei, her body drenched in sweat from the exertion. The situation had escalated, and frustration clouded Ema's mind. But suddenly, Kisei abruptly halted his movements, turning around to face Ema.

"Can you stop—"

Before Kisei could finish his sentence, Ema's words jumbled together in panic and fear.

**"Thejrrse's a doghgg cghchjasing mheemee!!!"** She bit her tongue running towards Kisei.

Kisei's eyes widened, his attention immediately drawn to an aggressive stray dog rushing toward Ema. She sought refuge behind Kisei, gripping his arms tightly, her terror evident.

The dog growled in wildness especially towards Ema. It couldn't stop barking.

In that moment, Kisei's gaze hardened, and he directed a piercing glare at the oncoming stray dog. The intensity of his stare seemed to penetrate the dog's very being, causing it to falter and hesitate in its pursuit. The once aggressive creature was suddenly overcome with a sense of fear, as if it had encountered a force greater than itself.

The dog's growling turned into a calmer manner. (".... bark?") The dog simply walked away.

Ema, still seeking shelter behind Kisei, felt a wave of relief wash over her as she witnessed the dog, intimidated by his unwavering presence, slowly backing away, its tail between its legs. It whimpered softly before retreating into the distance, leaving Ema and Kisei unharmed.

The tension that had gripped the air began to dissipate, replaced by a newfound calmness. Ema released her grip on Kisei's arms, her trembling subsiding as she regained her composure. She looked up at Kisei, gratitude and overall complete embarrassment shining in her eyes.

She cleared her throat, finally releasing Kisei's arms. "Oh my God! I'm sorry!" Ema exclaimed, her voice filled with sincere embarrassment.

Kisei turned to face her, his features ever so empty. He looked at her, a silent thought of 'You look so stupid.' inside him. With a calm, nonchalant, non-expressive face, he looked away at Ema, "I hate dogs."

Together, they resumed their walk, the setting sun casting a warm glow over their path. The silence that enveloped them was a bit more tense than before, yet a bit of a peaceful understanding between two individuals who had faced a moment of unexpectancy. As they continued on their way, Ema couldn't help but feel a deep sense of awkwardness for Kisei's unwavering presence.

"Anyway, how did you send the dog away?"

"I don't know. It just went away on its own."

Ema looked at Kisei with a confused face.

"Ahahahahahahaha!!!" She erupted into a burst of laughter which left Kisei thinking how much of a weird person Ema really is.

—Saturday. 10:17

"Ah! Seo! Over here!" Maurey called out, her voice filled with excitement. She stood in the bustling lobby, dressed in a cute white blouse paired with a knee-length skirt. Her elegant sandals added a touch of grace to her ensemble, and her hair was neatly tied up with a ribbon. She carried a small shoulder bag, completing her charming look.

Meanwhile, Seo stood before her, dressed casually in a plain shirt, shorts, and sneakers.

"Yo," Seo greeted, nodding his head and offering a quick wave. Maurey couldn't contain her enthusiasm and immediately grabbed his arms, her smile radiating warmth. "Bro, you smell nice," Seo commented casually. Maurey's eyebrows furrowed slightly, seemingly unimpressed.

"Really? That's the first thing you noticed?" Maurey responded, a hint of displeasure in her voice.

"Well... you're always so beautiful every day, so it's kind of a hassle to keep complimenting you every single moment, right?" Seo's words were delivered with calmness. Maurey gazed into his eyes, taken aback by his response.

"Yeah, yeah, whatever. Let's go?" Maurey quickly shifted gears, flashing Seo a cheerful smile once again.

"Yep *Lezzgoo!*," Seo replied simply, a softness evident in his tone. Maurey's smile widened, filled with warmth at the familiar exchange. Together, they set off, their connection and shared moments continuing to deepen with every step they took.

Seo and Maurey made their way to the Tuseers Collection shop, their main goal for the day. As they entered, Seo's subtle frustration became more evident, this situation simply reminded him of his defeat to Maurey the other day. However, as he watched Maurey's eyes light up with joy upon finding the plushie she had been longing for, his frustrations melted away. Seeing her cheerful happiness and the smile on her face brought a genuine smile to his own.

After their visit to the Tuseers Collection shop, they embarked on a journey through different parts of the mall. They indulge in delicious meals at their favorite eateries, savoring the flavors and sharing laughter as they savor their shared moments. They explored various clothing stores, playfully selecting and trying on different outfits for each other. With each exchange of gifts and shared experiences, their bond grew stronger, and their connection deepened.

Seo and Maurey navigated the mall together, enjoying the simple pleasure of spending time in each other's company. Their laughter echoed through the hallways as they created new memories, cherishing the special moments they shared. In the bustling environment, they found solace in one another, finding joy in the little things and appreciating the beauty of their relationship.

"Yo, Seo! Wanna do that?" Maurey's enthusiastic gesture pointed towards an arcade, her eyes brimming with excitement. Seo's eyes lit up with a mix of pride and glory, mirroring her enthusiasm. A chuckle escaped Seo's lips, gradually evolving into a hearty laugh. "Hwahahaha!!!"

Maurey found his expression rather silly and foolish. "What are you laughing at?" she asked, her tone laced with mild disapproval. "You look like a pervert. Cut it out."

Seo and Maurey stepped inside the bustling arcade, immediately immersed in a vibrant world of flashing neon lights and the energetic cacophony of 8-bit game sounds. The atmosphere was alive with excitement, and the air buzzed with the anticipation of gaming enthusiasts.

Their eyes darted from one game box to another, each beckoning with its own unique allure. The arcade was filled with a plethora of options, ranging from classic arcade cabinets to cutting-edge virtual reality experiences. The crowd added to the lively ambiance, with people engrossed in their games, cheering or groaning with each move.

Seo's attention was captivated by the dazzling display of lights, the nostalgic charm of the retro machines, and the pulsating energy that permeated the room. His eyes scanned the rows of games, contemplating which one to try first. Meanwhile, Maurey, always up for a challenge, eagerly bounced from one game to another, her laughter blending with the boisterous atmosphere.

—Saturday. 19:46

The two of them sat on a bench just outside the mall. Maurey was holding her plushie tightly in one hand while in another, she was intertwining her fingers with Seo's. Maurey was smiling while looking at the night sky.

"I had such a great time today," Maurey remarked, her voice filled with genuine happiness.

Seo made an agreeing noise. "Mhm-hm."

Maurey simply giggled, returning her gaze into the skies again. She held Seo's hand even tighter and her smile became even slightly wider. "Did you have fun as well?" Maurey asked with a soft tone.

"Mhm… " Seo responded with another soft hum of agreement, his presence comforting and familiar.

A flicker of concern crossed Maurey's expression as she noticed Seo's drowsiness. She peered at him, wondering if he was alright.

Maurey's eyebrows furrowed. She took a glance at Seo. "Seo... are you...?" she began, her voice trailing off as his snores grew louder. Maurey's warm affection wavered momentarily, replaced by a sense of bemusement.

Seo's snoring grew a bit louder. Maurey's warmheartedness turned into a cold bemusement. Slowly, Seo's head fell into Maurey's shoulder which caused her to become really flustered. Redness started consuming Maurey's face.

"S… Seo?! Bro?!" Maurey was exclaiming but ever silently and softly. Her flustered state and her subtle disappointment fadingly turned into warm amusement.

"Geez… " Maurey ran her fingers gently through Seo's hair, then lightly brushed his cheek. A soft sigh escaped her lips, followed by a heartfelt confession.

"I love you man… "

With a smile that radiated warmth and affection, Maurey leaned back against the bench, cherishing the moment with Seo's head in her shoulders. The night sky above them seemed to glow with the magic of their connection.