

Haunting memories came back to the Alaina and this has a very bad effect on them .Let's see if it does or the Fords will change their destiny.

Mrs Alaina was rushed to the hospital and Kyra couldn't say a word because she was afraid of what might happen to her mother and Michael was trying to calm her down but with the chill pill he was trying to give her she broke out of her shell and said"you evil Fords led my mum into this critical situation and Michael ,I never want to see you in my life anymore".after this saying she ran outside to cry but Michael and his mum tried running after her but Mr white ford called them back and said"let her be,she needs an alone time."and Mrs White ford replied"but ,she is hurt a...."Michael cut in and said"Kyra is my best friend ,let me deal with this".Michael ran to meet her and he saw her in an empty ward in the hospital and he said"Kyra!Kyra!!".Kyra said"Get away!!"."I'm sorry Kyra,all I need from you is to explain to me what happened with your father "replied Michael and Kyra said" it was six years ago,when my father do domestically abuse my mum and me ,he sexually abused me and he was not responsible but I still loved him and wanted the best for him ,there was a day he was beating my mum in the midnight and he beat her into the streets and a drunk driver was driving really fast and that period my mum was pregnant and my dad and mum got involved in an accident and dad was not saved and the baby too was not saved but my mum was saved an...."Kyra burst into tears and Michael held her up and hugged her tight and looked into her eyes and she did the same and sparks were involved and Michael kissed her and she accepted the kiss fully and the Fords were watching and the doctor came and said "ummm...Mr Ford " Mr Ford answered saying"what is going on now "and he said" she is okay now but she was mentioning "My baby!!!,when she woke up" and Mrs ford called Kyra and Michael and told them the report and Kyra said"I'm sorry for what happened earlier ,your son is indeed my best friend or maybe more than a best friend to me ,he is like a brother and you guys are my parents"she hugged them and the doctor said"you can go in to see her."they all went in to see her and she recognised all of them and she explained everything the same way Kyra explained to Michael".Kyra said" mum,we need to put the past things away and live our life"and her mum said "yes Darling, we are going to do just that, I LOVE YOU ALL!" and they replied "we love you too".