

Brian Garcia awoke and looked around the room.

The room was empty white and the only thing in the room was a chair, a desk, and a man on a computer.

???-Welcome to Heaven, I guess. I'll be done with your papers soon so you can just wait until i'm done.

The man spoke with a clear voice before turning his view back to the old school-computer.

Clicks could be heard as the man tapped the mouse before his eyes widened.

???-Humm, I see, oh, yep. Okay, here's how it is. Right here it says you were the lucky chosen candidate for the show so we'll make an exception for you.

The man said before turning to Brian.

???-Pay attention cause i'm only going to say this once, okay? Great. You've been chosen as the contestant for a show for gods to watch. And as it'll be boring if we just threw you into a random world, the gods decided to give you 3 things, anything from abilities to some Gucci flip flops, anything you want, and we'll transport you to any world of your choosing.

Brian-Eh? What?

Brian was absolutely confused at was happening. Brian was just thinking about how he was crossing the street and found a shiny penny-heads up so he bent over to pick it up before his vision blackened.

And now he was being told he was in heaven and was chosen for a show or something, it was hard to process everything happening as would be for anyone that just had their vision darken and appear in a white room.

???-Hurry up and chose, I have other people to get done an I don't have all day to wait for you.

Brian-Eh, Okay.

Even though Brian wanted to yell he didn't even want to be here, he held it back and thought of things he would've taken over to another world from his occasional fantasies.

Brian-So the first ability I want is an ability that lets me eat anything and get bloodlines and abilities from the thing I ate without any of the weird side effects like body mutations and stuff. The second thing I want is small world where a training it set up for me to master any weapon and survival tricks and anything that's just useful with a time dilution of 100-1, like the rubix cube from Tempest of Stellar War. And the third thing I want is a cane that can turn into any weapon I want and grow alongside me. As for which world, teleport me to Nanatsu no Taizai.

???-Okay. Lemme make a few corrections here and there...Done. Everything should be ready so ALAKAZAM.

The man said as Brian's vision blurred.

Brian woke up and looked ahead. In front of Brian was endless green with large trees growing. Brian stood up as he looked around.

The first thing Brian noticed was that he was naked and there was a cane on the floor that Brian was able to feel the presence of without even looking. The cane was a regular looking black wooden stick with brown leather at the top that was curved.

Brian didn't know where his rubix cube was before he instinctively felt that rubix cube on his body and looked towards his arm. On Brian's right shoulder was a rubix cube that was the basic colors.

Brian felt that just by thinking of a wanting to enter the space he would be able to. He didn't know why but all the features and information about his abilities and cane were available in his mind.

Brian didn't do anything else after confirming everything was alright.

Looking around, Brian was able to see a pink pond with a cup at the center.

Brian immediately knew what the cup and pond was, the fountain of youth.

Brian noticed no one was around and walked up to the cup that granted Ban his immortality. Brian, instead of grabbing the cup and drinking it, dived into the fountain of youth and immediately started chugging everything down.

Brian finished drinking everything, but as the pond emptied, tree branches coiled around Brian as if attempting to block his escape. Brian tried to run to the edge, but the tree branches were quicker, slashing his back as Brian got near the edge of tree, falling into the forest.