
Reclaim them

*Fully* funded?

Mike: *Bro, I had no idea you were loaded…*

Had he been too soft on Foreskin during his previous profit-skimming operations? Was this some kind of delayed rebellion?

Mike couldn't believe someone had the audacity to flaunt their wealth in front of Thor.

He mentally added Foreskin to his "targets" list, right below Maxen.

The conversation had reached a dead end.

As the Mystic Market Manager, Foreskin was a busy man. He couldn't just hang out and shoot the breeze with Mike all day.

After setting up a teleportation array for Mike, connecting directly to the Forest of Truth, Foreskin took his leave.

The teleportation array was conveniently located in Mike's bedroom, right next to his bed. He could literally roll out of bed and activate it.

It was a high-end model, impervious to even Joseph's attacks during transit. Safety first.

After Foreskin left, Mike stared at the teleportation array, deep in thought.