
Just before I say I do

Elizabeth is a young woman of the middle class who falls in love with a CEO. Being in love with a CEO is one of the toughest choices she ever makes as life throws a lot of obstacles in her way. After getting engaged and ready to marry him, some secrets of the past come into light and she is forced to call of the engagement. While she decides to restart her life all over, she gets caught in a love triangle. She doesn't mind as she is no longer engaged. She gradually starts to move on from her former life but is drawn back by an accident that almost killed her boyfriend. She begins to dig up the truth on her own and is forced to make a decision on who to spend the rest of her life with.

Olusola_Opemipo · Urbano
Classificações insuficientes
29 Chs


"Isabelle was just leaving" Adam said

"What is she doing here in the first place?" Liz asked

"She came to talk to me. Apparently, she wants to take me to dinner and then we would head to her house later in the day and I told her that I don't want to do that but she is being stubborn" Adam said

"I still don't understand why she is still in your office though" Liz said

Isabelle scoffed and looked at Liz

"You have a lot of nerve to even speak to me. We are not even in the same social class or financial class and yet you feel like you can speak to me because you are dating my ex boyfriend? You should know darling that he is always going to love me" Isabelle said

"This is your last chance, leave or else I would call security" Ivy said to her

"You would call security? I wish you called security before you killed that poor man" Isabelle said

That was it. Ivy walked up to her and slapped her across the face. Isabelle was going to slap her back when Adam stepped in between them

"Are you seriously going to hit her back? You have to be crazy" Adam said

"This is the last chance you would be getting. You can either walk out of this office by yourself with your pride intact or we can have the security guards downstairs throw you out and then the media would have something else to write about apart from Ivy's case" Liz said to her

Isabelle scoffed and picked up her bags. She looked at the three of them and turned to Ivy

"This isn't over yet. I would make sure you rot in jail!" Isabelle said to her before leaving

Adam's phone rang almost immediately and he picked it up. It was from the sheriff station. He looked at his sister and picked the call, leaving the office to have some privacy to himself

"Mr. Adam, you should come down to the station with your sister" He said as Adam picked the call

"Why? What is the problem now?" Adam asked

"You would have to get here to find out. The autopsy result just came in and we need your presence here" he said to Adam

"Alright. We would be there in the hour" he said before the line went dead

Adam walked back to his office and met Liz and Ivy staring at the door as though they were waiting for something to come up from there

"What's wrong?" Liz asked

"That was the sheriff. He wants us down at the station" Adam said to them

"Why? What's wrong?" Ivy asked

"The autopsy results came in today and he wants to see us about it" Adam said

"Why do we have to go down there to hear the results?" Ivy asked her brother

"I have no idea but I am not going to let anybody throw you in prison whether you did it or not! I don't care. You are not going to jail" Adam said to her

"I would call my dad. He said he has someone in the highest court that can help us out incase things go sideways" Liz said

"That would be helpful, thank you" Adam said to her

She smiled at him and picked up her phone while Adam and Ivy packed up. When she was done with the phonecall, they had packed the pizza boxes and they were waiting for her. They headed down together and Adam drove them to the station. They went straight to the sheriff's office without paying attention to the side talks and the side eyes that kept going on around them. Adam gave a knock before going in. When he got there, he saw the wife of the victim there already with a grin on her face

"So you can show her the results and not tell me over the phone? That is crazy" Adam said as he took his seat

"I actually didn't show her. I waited until you got here so we can all read it together. Adam, she is convinced that your sister killed her husband" the sheriff said

"I am not. No matter what that result says, Ivy didn't kill anybody and we both know this but the hate you have for my family has blinded you just like it blinded you years ago when you came for me because of some crazy accusations that I raped my classmate!" Adam said to him

"Trust me, this has nothing to do with whatever issues I had with your family!" the sheriff said to him

"Yes it does! it has everything to do with it. You have hated my family right from the time we moved into this place and you have not hid it for one day and that is fine. Just make sure your emotions doesn't cloud your judgement and you do what is right by everybody!" Adam said to him

The sheriff pulled out the autopsy results and turned to the both of them

"Apparently, the victim died or food poisoning. According to the autopsy, he was poisoned when he ate his breakfast and the Poison was toxic for the health" the sheriff said

Adam scoffed and turned to the woman

"I find it crazy that you would kill your own husband and try to frame my sister for it" Adam said

"This is a lie. You must have done something to the results. You must have paid somebody to manipulate the results! Your sister killed my husband!" the woman insisted

"Can I leave here now?" Adam asked the sheriff

"Yes you can" the sheriff said to him

He stood up and turned around. He looked at the woman and stopped

"I would be back. Do you know what I want to do back at home? I want to look for every resource I can find and come back to charge you for the murder of an innocent man. I told you that I would ruin you and I will. You should start to pray to what you believe in to get you out of this! And for you, sheriff. I want a public apology for my sister for everything you out her through, for handcuffing her and almost throwing her in jail. I want it by noon tomorrow or else, this case wouldn't be the only issue you would have on your hands" Adam said to the both of them

"Adam, let's get the hell out of here" Ivy said to him, grabbing him by the arm of his shirt and pulling him away

They got into the car and Liz let out a sigh of relief. She was glad that Ivy was free. She was glad that she could go back to her normal life now and get back to her friends. She could travel and move about without any restriction. Liz turned to look at Adam

"We did it" she said to him

"Yes, we did" he said back to her

He looked at her and smiled at her before looking back at Ivy. She smiled back at him and they headed to a restaurant to eat. After dinner, they headed back home. when Ivy got home, she picked up her phone and and called someone she was supposed to have nothing to do with, Kyle. He picked up after the first ring

"Ivy! Where the hell have you been? Why didn't you reach out? I have been seeing the news and I was scared to reach out because of everything. I didn't want to get you into further trouble" he said to him

"Seriously Kyle? That is your excuse? I have been alone for weeks and that is your excuse? I was with you and that was the last thing I remembered. So tell me, how did I go from a club to someone's basement. I was drinking and then I am being charged for murder? I don't know what you think of me but I am not that stupid and if I find out that you had something to do with any of this, I would come for you! I would make sure that you don't ever see the light of day again. I would ruin your life and leave you with nothing and just for the record, I am done with you! Whatever we have, it is over! I am done with you and I want nothing to do with you! Don't show up at my house I'd you don't want to get arrested for drugs. If you show up at my house, I would give the police everything I have on you" she said to him

"Ivy, what the hell has come over you?" he asked her

She didn't respond. Instead, she hung up and tossed her phone on her bed before dropping on it. She had to do away with Kyle of she wanted to be fine. Kyle was never going to stop drugs even when she had