
Just Another Vampire

A Vampire, as old as time, perhaps even older. A time before names were needed, and people simple knew who you were, after a strange accident awakes in a place far unfamiliar, so far in the future that it is foreign to the Vampire, he takes up the name 'Akeldama'

SyberisLevoca · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
5 Chs


Rias threw herself forward, her stronger demonic physique making it much easier for her to easily clear the low table so she didn't knock everything over.

Rias had always been a more emotional person, leaning more towards acting on instinct and her emotions then always consider the options with logic.

Her arms threw themselves around the form of Akel and Gasper, tears spilling freely as she sobbed.

Her strength did nothing to pull Akel himself, like a mountain. However poor Gasper got squeezed between her and Akel. Her large breast smothering over the boy as she clutched at him.

Akel's once hard eyes softened as he watched the woman, he felt nothing but sincerity from her. As his hand rose to begin slowly stroking her head. Smoothing her crimson hair.

Through his connection to Gasper, he felt how the boy felt for Rias, just as now through the single moment he shared with Rias, he knew how she felt for the boy. In the eyes of Akel, she had just become another family member.

Family wasn't so short to only be by blood in the mans eyes. Family was more, either it be through blood, thoughts, words, relation, family was... Family, people you could open your heart to and never be worried about turning their back on you, the kind that would stand at your side through hell and high waters.

The one's that despite their love, would be willing to yell when they needed to so you understood, knowing when to use harsh words, and when to use softness.

This feeling of Akel's, is what Rias had been trying so hard to achieve, that safety, and comfort with her peerage. She tried so hard, but here Akel was. Doing it as if it was as natural as humans drew breath. That is one of the many reasons she had burst into tears.

Because she had learned what she had been trying to create was good, but she was trying to hard to do something that should happen naturally.

It took some time, but soon she pulled away, her eyes still clear as it would take much longer for her eyes to begin reddening due to to tears.

"Can you show them to? Please..." It was Rias who spoke, her grip tightening in hope, she knew it was strange to ask something, she felt to Akel it was so simple, why would he say no? But... Memories of being rejected throughout her life begun to resurface , her tears threatening to come back before she was pulled down by Akel once more, returning her head to his chest.

Gasper had long since wrestled from Rias' breast, still laid against him but smiling to Rias, he understood exactly what she was experiencing. Gasper himself struggled with it now even.

Seeing the look on her face he only smiled, holding her hand tightly to reassure her.

Akel looked up to the other three in the room who all had mixed expressions. Yuuto looked taught with tension, unsure as to why his Master had reacted like she did.

Koneko herself looked, confused if anything, she felt something similar had happened to her once before but couldn't place it, like a distant, foggy memory that had erased itself from her mind.

Akeno of them all looked... Happy, her eyes showing a myriad of emotion, but of them all it was love and happiness. She knew Rias' background better then most, she understood as well how it felt. But seeing her Best friend, her Master acting like this meant that all be it by a little, Rias had released a little bit of the trauma that had plagued her.

Akel had used both his hands to raise them towards the three of them and he spoke such simple words, but they held a heavy meaning.

''Take my hand."

No one quite knew the exact meaning behind this just yet, but when they would think about it later, towards this moment, they would smile.

Yuuto the ever pioneer and knight was the first to grab the man's hand, second being Akeno and the third with hesitance being Koneko.

As they took his hands, they all felt the connection take place.


It had been hours since they all shared that familiar connection with Akel, they had long since moved from the club room, the couch could handle a quite a few people, but when all five of the people Akel had just recently met had all been wanting to pile on top of him to cry for his comfort, it was hard.

Some didn't even notice they had already moved elsewhere, their tears and emotions making it to hard to realize what was going around, only focused on letting it all out, seeking the strength and comfort of Akel

The first one to pass out had been Yuuto and Koneko, both having so much trauma, so much anger and so many more emotions plaguing them it had made them cry all the harder.

Rias had cried more as she saw the rest of them begin to cry, the feeling of family had only gotten many times stronger as they cried, all of them realizing they are not perfect, and despite how strong they were, they were still weak to certain things. She was asleep as well.

The one's to remain awake were Gasper and Akeno. Akeno had been a lot more... refined in her crying, she had cried many tears but she didn't sob like the others, she preferred to keep her tears, her pain quiet. But that was fine, she knew it was.

She wasn't entirely sure as to why she knew, but she knew that Akel found it fine, no matter how she had cried, she had still done so, and he had still been there for her all the same.

Gasper had cried, more tears of joy as he realized what was happening, how close this single session of crying, sobbing, tears, snot, and so many emotions being released had brought them all closer.

They had fallen asleep all clinging to Akel, Akeno had held his hand, tightly like a vice grip but she had kept herself pretty tamed. As it was now Akel was standing along on a balcony.

They had moved to Rias private home, it wasn't large by any means it was small and comfortable, but it had enough room in the main bedroom to handle all the cuddling.

Akel stood on the balcony, long since he had lost the older wear he had warn. Now replaced with a more casual formal wear, dark trousers and dress shoes. A dark vest and rolled up shirt up to just below his elbows, a deep burgundy red tie the was tucked beneath the vest. He stood, watching over the night of the city, he could see the sun slowly raising off in the distance, his hands resting over the banister of the balcony.

From behind him he heard a sultry, airy laugh. ''Fufu, finally able to escape Akel-Dono?''