
Just Another Vampire

A Vampire, as old as time, perhaps even older. A time before names were needed, and people simple knew who you were, after a strange accident awakes in a place far unfamiliar, so far in the future that it is foreign to the Vampire, he takes up the name 'Akeldama'

SyberisLevoca · Anime e quadrinhos
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5 Chs

Blessed Silver

''Indeed, to think all of them had such fears and trauma... A life all of you have must have lived until now, I am glad to be able to help."

Akeno smiled as she joined him, looking out over the city. ''You did something no one could, you didn't even use words, you simply let them understand the bond between you and Gasper... Then you offered the same love for them, and above all else, you accepted all of us as if it was as easy as breathing.''

Akel looked over the city, his impassive face hard to read as he was in his thoughts before he finally spoke. ''Indeed, because to me... It is. I have witnessed the very dawn of creation, I was able to wield it to my own advantage, to give my existence meaning through others. I used my will and created a thought of me across different realities. Due to this, I have seen many things. I have done many things. Some unforgivable, some minor, but I have still done many things.''

Akel took in a breath before speaking again. ''Something I have learned in my long life, something so simple, yet so hard for others to understand, is to understand. To understand pain, to understand fear, hatred.''

He shifted a bit, turning to look to Akeno from the corner of his crimson gaze, his glowing eyes focused on her. ''To understand the feeling you don't belong.''

Akeno shifted a bit to his words, usually, she would be uncomfortable if someone were to so bluntly talk about her heritage. But with Akel, it felt relaxing. A weight lifted from her shoulders, understanding that even if he knew what she was. He still accepted her as easily as the others.

"Can you show me?"

Akeno blushed a bit, she knew what he meant of course, but such a statement was stated so bluntly, with just warmth in his voice. It was as if it was just another conversation. Shifting to step forward along the balcony, her wings suddenly came out.

One is the wing of a devil, and the other is the wing of a fallen angel. She stood, watching the city, her hands tightening in her skirt a bit. She knew he wouldn't do anything as others had, she knew he wouldn't make fun of her, tease her, or try to bully her for it. But the feelings of the times she had to endure it before coming back.

Akel stood in silence as he watched her, examining her wings under the light of the slowly rising sun only to speak after a bit.

''Their beautiful.''

To his words Akeno's shoulders relaxed, her hands relaxing as she smiled, he was the second to ever compliment her wings, the first having been the president.

''Thank you..."

''Of course, in time, I will help you better accept the other side of yourself, but for now what I will say is, do not feel that the mistakes of others are your mistake. You may not like it, but that side is still you. But it is up to you to make use of it, for good, for evil, for others, or for yourself. But above all, it is yours.''

Akeno... Needed to hear that, everything aside, she was limiting herself in terms of power, simply because there was a part of her she refused to use, but maybe she should really think about this. Really consider Akel's words.

Pulling her wings back in she stared at the beautiful sunrise for a bit longer before turning to Akel and bowing softly. ''Thank you again Akel-Dono, for everything you've done so far... I will return to the bed to sleep, thankfully it is the weekend now so there is no need to attend school."

Akel said nothing but he gave her a nod. She stood straight and retreated back into the house. Akel turned to the sun once more, his thoughts his own before he spoke out loud softly and to himself.

''This school thing, it is interesting but I have no interest in attending... I need to make myself known to the others in town, let us stop by the church first, I need silver if I am to help limit my abilities, too long at full power I will begin to negatively affect the world around me. No need for a sudden virus to spread and turn people into Ghoulish.''

Akel, despite the sun, seemed to melt into shadows, scattering across the balcony.


Stepping from the shadows of the trees, it was now early morning as Akel, now dressed in a bit fancier attire stepped forward. Walking along the road towards the church, raising a brow at its state. It was, barely considered presentable, the place was in dire need of repair.

Stepping in Akel stood there, the inside all be it the same, looked and felt better. The holy energy sanctifying the church and its grounds much stronger and letting the general state of the inside look much better as it was better preserved from the elements.

Stepping forward Akel came to a sole man, sitting on the first pew, staring up at the cross. His age was obvious as even just sitting, he was gently shaking.

"I am sorry to bother you, Father.''

The old man didn't react at first, having heard the church door open before he slowly turned, smiling to Akel. ''No bothering here my son. Come, join me here and pray tell me what it is that you seek.''

Akel had pulled his hair up into a low ponytail, making it easier to keep out of the way as he pulled it around and over his shoulder as he sat next to the old Father. ''Thank you, Father. I am here because I am looking for Blessed Silver.''

The old man's eyes softened a bit as he reached into his robes, pulling what looked to be a cross, it was as old as the old man most likely, due to the age and wear the cross shown.

''Sadly, the only blessed silver I have anymore is my own cross... But I am growing older, and I'm no longer able to keep up with this church, I've prayed I might one day find someone to take over after me, but with all the bad in the world recently, few still believe God is alive...''

He took Akel's hands, placing the silver chain into hand first before then the cross. Akel held the cross with his bare hand as the old man pat at his arm.

''But I believe, my faith still strong... Thank you for showing that some still believe, in return take this. You are young, and maybe through this my old cross can see some more use.''

Akel smiled at the old man as he reached over to hold his hand. The old man may not notice it right away, but Akeldama took his pain, his aches, and his ailments from him. The Father would feel no pain in his passing that was closely approaching, and he would do so restfully.

''Thank you, Father. If I can, I will do my best to make sure this Church is taken care of.''

The old man smiled as he nodded before turning back to the cross, once more lost in his own world.

With his blessed silver acquired, Akeldama stood and began to walk out. He knew God was dead, but it was not his place to say that to the old man, even without God, the Father would still go to heaven and join his friends and family. Absolved of his sins, free to live a new life in the clouds above.

As Akel stepped out of the church, the cross began to 'Repair' itself, fixing itself to be brand new, as beautiful as the day it was carved. Raising a hand, the chain separated before climbing around Akel's neck, sinking through his clothing to rest against his chest.

With his new cross, he began to control its strength, greatly limiting the power he had.

Though despite the great limiting of his power, it was only barely beneath the limit to the World's Will, at least now he would need to worry about affecting the world negatively.

Imagine getting upset because people are experiencing happiness. No dust off my shoulder.

I know a lot of things don't make sense now, but they're not supposed to, this novel is INCREDIBLY slow.

The cross does limit Akel's 'Power' but it's more 'Presence.'

Doesn't make him any less a badass when he needs to be, still the OP Vampire we like.

When it comes to romance, I'm not sure? Maybe, I'll hear others thoughts on the matter. Plenty of milf material in DxD

SyberisLevocacreators' thoughts