
Just Another Multiverse FanFiction

You know, I wanted to try this at least once. Note to anyone who actually got to this thing: I decided to write this thing after thinking about it for like 10 minutes. I wrote this just to try and it is a very rough draft. I literally wrote the first ten chapters today (well, the day I uploaded them). Anyway, guy dies, gets a wish, gets reincarnated in the Destiny (the game, you know, Bungie and all that stuff) universe, travels to other fictional universes. I wish I owned any of the stuff I am writing about. But I don't. So don't sue me. Please. I own only my OC.

DiluteWorm · Videojogos
Classificações insuficientes
115 Chs

Ep. 3 - Eyes up, Guardian

Once the integration of memories was completed, I, Tula-28, opened my eyes (more like activated them?) and looked around. I found myself in a very comfy pilot seat, in the cockpit of my ship. All I could see outside was the vast emptiness of space.

I then called out my Ghost, in the hopes of checking that everything was alright: 'Nowhere in my memories could I find my arsenal, yet from what I can see, I am on the 'A Thousand Wings' ship.'

"MoonRay." I said calmly to seemingly no one, yet I knew that his trusty little piece of junk would answer.

"Guardian, I know what you want to ask. I was modified by Xad'el to accommodate your wishes. He also left a message: "Do not call me 'that God guy' or 'Jared'. My great, illustrious name is Xad'el. You little mortal really annoyed the hell out of me, but I can understand how bored you were. You also showed some kind of good faith by leaving the drawbacks for me to mess with you. But do not fear for I am merciful and just fucked with your personality a bit. Anyway, I guess you integrated with your memories so you have a rough idea of where you are and what to do. I modified, more like improved and transferred some information to your Ghost, so he can give you a rundown of your abilities if you do not understand. Well, I hope I never see you again since, you know that's almost impossible with the current you. Bye!""

"Huh, so that was his name… Now that I think about it, I never did ask for mastery over my abilities. MoonRay, do your thing. Since I am an Exo you should be able to pass me all the info, right?" I asked, hoping to be spared from a lesson on how to use my powers. 'That would be a waste of time.'

"Sure, here you go Guardian. Still can't believe he comes from another universe!" the little scrap ball said cheerfully.

'Huh, guess she is as excited as I am.' I thought as the download of information begun.

Now, to give you the short version:

- Material Creation lets me create any material I have knowledge of using Light as a source of energy/material. I can also create certain consumables if I understand the concept behind it. Knowing its molecular structure would help, but is not needed.

'Cool, theoretically I can create metals from other universes. Problem is I barely remember what Vibranium and Adamantium are. Good thing there is something better in the Destiny universe.'

- This wish synergises with my body since I can absorb any material to make a stronger and better body. Obviously, I need enough material to completely change this body, otherwise I can change only certain parts, if desired.

- Walking forge is basically blacksmithing magic. It needs the material and knowledge, while the Light will do the magic part and create the weapon/armor/etc. I am imagining at the moment of creation. It also lets me do some modifications on pre-existing weapons/armor/etc.

- Immense energy and regeneration are straight forward: my energy is the Light, I have a seemingly infinite capacity and can generate Light autonomously with the help of a new organ, or should it be called a device. This device is listed as a perk: Akashic Engine.

- I have knowledge on literally anything related to technology and even biology and chemistry in the Destiny universe. This includes knowledge from all humans, vex, cabal, hive, fallen, and other unknown races. My mind is filled with organised knowledge on all this plus schematics, lots of schematics, on anything I could think of. Since this wish is more about intuition and imagination than actually understanding what the fuck I am talking about, I am constantly creating new blueprints and theories as time passes. Also, my little extra about understanding laws like in cultivation worlds passed, so there's that.

'I should use a separate thought process to go over all of my knowledge and start to understand it. It would also be good to create some new blueprints subconsciously.'

- I have full control over my Light, meaning that I don't have a definite class or subclass, can use solar, arc, and void energy however I want.

- My engram drop chance has increased tremendously. On a side note, engrams should drop from strong or old enemies that have a lot of 'data', which is converted into 'something' in the form of an engram. With my control over the Light and the 'sub-perk' Light Infusion, I can increase and modify the 'data' in an engram, making the object stronger and more personalized.

- My interface is now linked with my helmets. Since I am an exo I can also view it without the helmet on. It works kind of like a menu from the game, although it does not obstruct the view, at least not completely. The main tab has my current status (as in state of the body and equipment, not stats), a second tab works as the inventory, it is very organized and even has a search function. For now I have my current equipment, some armor sets from the raids (what would you expect from the MC of a universe), and some duplicate exotics and legendaries. I also have one unmarked weapon for each of the types I requested and one unmarked armor piece of each type. Xad'el has messed up and unintentionally, maybe, made my wish better: he combined each of the listed weapons' stats and made it one (all AR's fused into one that can shapeshift in any of the listed forms while keeping the same stats and functionalities). The same happened to the armors. I could also toggle perks. For example, my Vex Mythoclast has all of its perks plus the perks of other weapons, but those can be toggled. Same for the armors. I basically have the most OP weapons AND armors in the universe.

- I am currently after the events of the Destiny 2 game, at least that I can tell, and nothing major is going on right now. I am currently somewhere around the Kuiper Belt just chilling out.

"Wow, that was a lot even with a mechanical brain that took a while." I said, surprised by the amount of knowledge gained, then I calmly added, "So, MoonRay, should we head back to Earth for a bit while I make a plan for this seemingly eternal life?"

"Sure, Guardian. Plotting the course… You do your stuff, I'll give you a warning on your HUD before we arrive." MoonRay responded.

'Ok, let me see what to do in this life. Hopefully something exciting!'