
Triple R

"Hey man what's up" Romeo greeted Ray as he came in

"I'm fine bro" Ray nodded

"why is Richard not here? he told me he'll be here by 11am. Since he's not here, I guess we'll have to start without him" Romeo sat down on the sofa opposite the flat screen television in Ray's room

"you wouldn't dare" Richard snorted as he walked-run into the room

"as if you can beat me" Romeo countered

"can you both keep quiet please" Ray rolled his eyes at their banter


"we won't"

they shouted simultaneously

Ray "..."

Then they started playing their game. Soon a knock was heard on the door

"it's time for lunch" Ray's mum called out

"ok ma'am, we'll be right down" Richard replied happily

Few minutes later, they went to the dining room for lunch. They had plantain porridge with lot of vegetables and fish in it.

"so tasty" Richard licked his lips and rubbed his gloated tummy

"yuck! so irritating! I wonder how Becky will feel if she sees you this way" Romeo sneered

"hell no!" Richard shrieked but continued seconds later "not like she's gonna see me this way tho"

Becky is a very beautiful girl a good friend of the Triple R. Richard seems to have a crush on her and she also seems to have a crush on him too but are too shy to confess their feelings. "time to wash the dishes" Romeo tapped him jolting Richard out of his thoughts. When they finished washing the dishes, they freshened up and went out for a stroll.

"what do you think about the new girl in school" Richard asked Ray

"why don't you think of how to confess your feelings to Becky?" Ray glared at him icily

"oops man! I was only asking" Richard replied feeling hurt

Romeo sent Richard a good-for-you look as he snickered

They went to mall to purchase groceries for Ray's mum as instructed and they continued chatting about everything. Soon, Richard received a call from his dad asking him to come back home while Romeo stayed in Ray's house till dusk before returning home.

Ray arranged his books and put the necessary ones into his school bags and did his assignments and projects as well. Though Ray is a snub but he's very serious when it comes to his academics. He's the best in the class so far even if he doesn't attend lectures always. He is followed by Richard then Romeo that's why they are respected in the whole school but Ray's is snobbish and cold which makes people afraid of getting close to him while Richard and Romeo are funny and easy to get along with.

"hey man, have you gotten home?" Ray called Romeo

"yeah. why asking? not like I'll get lost anyways" Romeo rolled his eyes

"you never can tell you idiot" Ray hissed and ended the call

**Romeo's home**

"get your ass downstairs for dinner" Romeo's mum yelled

"mum I'm coming" Romeo rolled his eyes

Romeo came downstairs for dinner and he started eating with his mum. "your dad called and he asked about you" Romeo's mum started talking

"oh. I'll call him later, I miss my old man" Romeo fawned

"I'll tell him you called him an old man" Romeo's mum sneered

"mom I'm sorry. please don't tell him else he'll murder me" Romeo pleaded

"lol.... clear the table and wash the dishes. I'll be in my room just knock if you need anything" Romeo's mum said as she climbed upstairs

"ok mum" with that, Romeo got up and stated clearing the table. When he was done with the chores, he started writing his assignments and projects.

**Richard's home**

"Good afternoon mum" Richard checked the time immediately he got home. His mum was in the kitchen making pancakes. It was only 3:13pm

"Good afternoon son" Richard's mum replied

"you making pancakes wow! I'll eat much! mum you know I love you" he asked fawningly "can I have a taste?"

His mom gave him one as he grinned happily

"By the way, where's dad? he called me on the phone when I was in Ray's house. He said I should come home immediately."

"he should be in his room" Richard's mum replied as a matter of fact

Richard went to his father's room and knocked "hey dad, are you in?"

"come in son" Richard's father replied

Richard entered into the room and closed the door.

A/N: Unedited. I'm sorry about that.

