
Just another day at school

After half a harrowing day at school, it was finally time for their lunch break.

However, instead of pulling out a packed lunch like most normal kids would, Xavian pulled out his almost condemned phone instead. He dialed up his upper class man and sent a quick text.

Texting max, the teenager typed;

{Plz explain the job at Bloodline, just wanna be sure it's safe}

He had felt uneasy since his talk with Bob.

Luckily, he did not have to wait long as his phone vibrated.

{You are going to be donating two litres of your blood, weekly, and you'll get paid 1000 per litre. What is there that could go wrong? :-| }

Xavian sighed in relief. He did not want what happened last time to repeat itself once again.

The rest of classes were as uneventful and boring as the rest,... at least for him it was. He was way too excited to start his new job and make some cash.


In Crimson high school, for some reason, it was mandatory for all senior students to participate in at least ONE club activity, in order 'to keep fit' or something, so he and Bob, being among the very few slightly tall people in their class of weirdly short people, had been chosen for the Crimson high school Basketball club.

As usual during practice, Xavian was running as fast as his weak body could go, which was really slow even by ordinary human standards.

Once again, the blonde teenager had skipped breakfast before coming to school so that the others would at least have a semi filled belly while at their schools at the expense of his own.

"Quit slacking, Blondie!!"

A booming thunderous voice bellowed.

This voice belonged to Mr Jack, the coach of the Crimson high basketball team, he was extremely tall and well,...jacked.

He was literally a mass of moving muscles, in fact, if supernatural creatures were to exist, he would most certainly be a Werewolf or a yeti.

"Run like a living person, Anton!!"

Xavian was slightly annoyed. If the coach knew that he hadn't eaten for two days, maybe he would be more considerate.

"Why...are.... they... trying to kill US!!"

Bob panted, he wasn't in best shape either.

The duo weren't athletic at all.


Soon, it was time to go home, yet Xavian and Bob stayed back.

"You sure it's safe?" Bob asked.

"I think so.", Xavian sighed in relief.

The two were researching the blood dealing company, Bloodline.

It was a mysterious 'charity' work in which people's blood was extracted, stored and donated to hospitals....or at least it was meant to be.

The two could not find a single piece of information on the going-ons of the company, despite how large it was.

That was very, very shady.

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