
Jump Force: Into the Heart of War

Two teens find themselves in a situation that dances over the line, separating fiction from reality. Everything they knew has been turned upside down, and now they don't even know what to think anymore. Joining an interdimensional organisation to fight an enemy that threatens all of reality was not how they thought their vacation is going to turn out.

Paarthanix · Videojogos
Classificações insuficientes
5 Chs

Chapter 5

"Look alive Zac, we've got company." Zac's adrenaline flared up when he heard that. He look around to try and see their enemies, but he couldn't see anything yet.

A few seconds later they heard what sounded like jets flying their way and Zac felt his blood freeze. The next thing they all felt was the wind passing their bodies and a heavy thud landing behind them. Zac, Trunks and Freddy tried to cover their faces, but Cody being the only one not effected, was the first one to look behind him and saw a heavily beat up, Kuroka laying on the ground, the near the stairs of the building. She wasn't moving. "Kuroka!"

The others uncovered their faces and looked to find Kuroka as well. Her Anbu black-ops uniform was torn and broken and bruises covered her body. Her mask was cracked and broken above her left eye and there was a bleeding cut right on her face, right above her eyebrow. Cody quickly ran towards her and looked her over. "Oh God, Kuroka can here me? Kuroka?!" He saw her eye twitch before opening it a little bit. "L-look o-out. B-b-behi-ind y-you." Was all she could say before a bright purple beam shot through Cody's head. He fell limp over her body.

Everyone else saw this happening in slow motion, but their bodies were frozen in place. Zac felt he couldn't get enough air and his head felt light. Trunks growled in anger and Freddy whipped his head to look at where the beam came from. However, Zac was still looking at Cody limp body. He couldn't hear anything else around him, because if he had, he would have heard Trunks' warnings.

"Zac! Watch out!" But Zac still couldn't hear, before he felt someone kick the side of his face that send him tumbling into the street only to be stopped by a car. Zac felt his face sting and his back hurt but he got back up. When Zac looked back to where he stood, he saw the culprit. Standing on the same spot where he stood, is a girl dressed in what looks like a Leaf ninja uniform from the Naruto universe, but the colours on her clothes were a lot darker than the ones on the base. Her skin is grey like ash and her hair is white as snow and long enough that it reached her lower back. Her eyes are red like blood. The crazy smile on her face easily scared him in place, because no matter how much he wanted to, he couldn't move.

Freddy, however, wasn't scared to move. The second he saw her, he lunged at her and he was aiming to kill. But before he got too close, he felt a piercing pain in his abdomen and was send flying back. Freddy caught himself mid-air and with a backflip he landed on the ground safely. He took a knee from the pain in his chest and he had double vision. When the double vision finally ended. he finally saw what hit him. He stood their in front of the ninja with an equally menacing grin on his face, dressed in the same kind of battle armour he wore, but the only difference was the colours matched the girl's ninja outfit. His hair was white and even though it was shorter than his partner's, it was still tied in a spiky ponytail. "Cheap shot." Freddy commented. But the Venom only chuckled in response.

When Trunks wanted to jump in the fight, he sensed an energy projectile heading right for him and jumped out of the way, hitting the ground where he stood. Trunks stayed in the air and finally the one who tried to get him. He wore the same kind of battle armour, the other male Venom is wearing, but it doesn't have the sharp shoulder pads. His shoulder length, wavy hair is also white and his skin matched the other two Venoms. His grin on the other hand didn't look as uncontrolled as his partners', instead it looked like their was some discipline behind it that could barely contain his desire.

"So, what took you so long?" Trunks looked confused when he heard the Venom speak. "I have to admit, you took your time to get here and I'm disappointed. I really hoped there would be more of you. However, having the famous Trunks Brief here does make it worth my while." He said as he charged a new ball of energy in each hand. Trunks readied his sword in response. "So that's your plan?" Trunks asked. "You attacked this outpost, hoping reinforcements would come, just wipe them all out at once!"

"Guilty as charged." The Venom shrugged nonchalantly. "But are you serious?"

"What?" Trunks was confused. "The other two were attacked and killed so easily, and that guy in the street is obviously still a rookie if he couldn't sense that kick coming. The last buffoon looks like an animal about to be put out his misery." Freddy wasn't happy when he heard that.

"Hey, f**k you! I'm barely winded!" He got up, but it was obvious his knees were still shaking.

"In other words, this will be too easy." The leader sounded sure, but Trunks only smiled when he saw that attitude. "Yeah you may have gotten the drop on us, but don't get so cocky. The fight's not over yet." Trunks said before he launched towards his opponent. When he got near him, Trunks slashed for his neck, hoping to end it quickly, but the Venom quickly shaped the energy in his two hands to transform into big energy blades. He parried Trunks' blade with the one in his right hand and tried to stab him with the one in his left, but Trunks moved his head to the side and the blade missed its mark.

As his head moved to the side, Trunks used the momentum to throw a devastating roundhouse to Venoms body, but the Venom was quick to dodge that as well by moving backwards. Trunks didn't let up though. When he was the Venom move backwards, he used the opportunity to fire a ki-blast right at him. Trunks thought he had him, but then the Venom simply smacked it away with one of his energy blades. The energy ball flew a few meters before it fell down and blew up the side of a sky-scraper. This surprised Trunks.

"What, did you actually think you were going to beat me with that? Ha! Now who's getting cocky?!" The Venom then lunged straight at Trunks, ready to slice him in half. Trunks saw the blade coming and this time he parried it, successfully. In the end, all that could be seen were sparks coming from the flurry of slashes, blocks and parries from both fighters, with no clear indication of who's overwhelming who.

Back on the ground, Zac felt his strength return in his body and with a determined look he jumped back up on his feet. The two Venom didn't move from their position at all, but both still kept their eyes on their prey. Both Venoms eyed their opponents in a way that made their skin crawl. Zac remembered those eyes. It was the same eyes he saw that day and it chilled him in his bones. Freddy on the other hand, wasn't scared at all, instead he felt the opposite. He felt excited. Finally he was going to show Trunks, that goddamn rookie and everyone else what he's made of.

The male Venom liked that look he was giving him. He felt the excitement fill his body and he was ready to release it. Without waiting one more second, the Venom attacked. He closed the distance in a flash and punched at his face. Freddy countered by leaning his head to his left and connecting with an overhand right in his face. Freddy then drove the Venom into the ground with enough force to break the concrete, but that wasn't enough to stop the Venom. He retaliated by using his arms as a spring to launch his body back to Freddy, kicking at his body, which he blocked with his forearm. Like it or not, that kick had a lot of power behind it and Freddy felt a lot more excitement. But just when he was about to grab the leg, the Venom pulled it back and jumped away from Freddy, the crazed smile still on his face.

But with Zac he didn't feel excitement. He didn't feel anything positive. Instead all he felt was hatred and the Venom could see it, smiling all the same. "I like that look in your eye. It makes me feel so special." Her voice only made Zac angrier. Tightening his fists, he took his fighting stance. "Aww what's the matter? No comebacks? Skipping the foreplay and straight to the action? That's no fun. But on the other hand, I do kinda like a man with a 'no-BS' attitude." Her hair started to flow upward as she started glowing bright purple. Still Zac didn't respond.

She then positioned herself into a wide stance, while pointing her right arm downwards. She then grabbed her right arm with her left and suddenly bright purple lightning formed around her right arm. Zac immediately recognised this attack, but kept his cool. If he timed this right, then the attack won't matter.

Back with Freddy, his opponent also seemed like he was about to attack again. "You're good. That's great. I hoped this wouldn't be easy for me, but I'm glad to see you can handle yourself, at least." He lifted up his right leg as his body glowed red and suddenly it looked like he was on fire. Add to that, his right leg also started glowing bright yellow. His leg now looked like it was burning matchstick. Freddy felt like he wanted to hurl. 'Ugh! Seriously?! He dresses like a Saiyan but choose to attack with that? Does he have any shame?!' But in the end, despite feeling like he wanted to puke, he kept his composure and waited for the attack to come.

Trunks noticed the fight going nowhere. All this slashing, parrying and blocking is going to tire him out if he doesn't think of a plan soon. This Venom even though his swordsmanship isn't good, his reflexes and his speed is still something to take note of. However, Trunks is starting to see a pattern. Right-up then down, Left-left to right, with some diagonal lines in between. All he has to do is time this right and then he could end this. The Venom started adding more and more pressure to his attacks, until it looked like Trunks was struggling to keep up. Then he raised both his arms in the air. Trunks then brought his blade back up to block it, but just as the energy-blades came down, the Venom disappeared from Trunks' vision.

"Like I said..." The voice said from behind him. "Too easy." Trunks looked shocked at this. The Venom now only had one blade and he held it by his left side with his right hand.

"Chidori." The female Venom said and lunged straight at Zac.

"Diable Jambe: Jou Shot." The other male said and lunged at Freddy.

"One Sword Style..." The Venom behind Trunks said, while Trunks looked at him in anticipation.

The Chidori was about to strike true, before Zac countered it by moving to the left and with expert timing, he brought his right leg up and kicked the Venom in the face with a Brazilian kick. Just when the kick was about to land on Freddy face, he immediately vanished in front of the Venom's eyes. He appeared behind him and punched him in the back.

The Venom thought he had Trunks, but before he could even slice, his stomach was immediately hit with a vertical fist. This stunned him long enough for Trunks to land a high kick to the side of his face. The kick knocked the Venom away. The same thing happened with the Venoms, both Zac and Freddy were facing. The ninja was launched back to her spot but she landed hard enough against the fountain to crack the concrete. When Freddy's fist landed on the Venom's back, it added more momentum to what he already had, and he was punched straight into the office building. Luckily he missed Cody and Kuroka.

The Venom, Trunks kicked, fixed himself mid-air and stopped himself. He looked at Trunks in surprise. "No, it won't be." Was all he said and the Venom was pissed. The ninja Venom got up from floor and saw Zac still kept his angry gaze right on her and right now she didn't feel special at all. Freddy looked proud of himself. "Now that's what happens when you mess with me!" He said at the hole the Venom's body made.

The three Venoms now realised this was not going to be a walk in the park.