

"My goodness, what did you just ..........." Julie said in shock looking at her spoilt blouse but stop her sentence midway when she came face to face with the man who had collided with her. For a moment she couldn't believe what she was seeing. She even tried to open her mouth to speak but her mouth went on strike letting her eyes and mind work. The man standing before her was extremely handsome. The handsome type that seemed to be out of this world. The first thing she noticed was his blue oval eyes that shone bright piercing through her soul. Then his pointed nose that was perfectly placed on his face making his curved pink lips look so edible. His chiseled face made his countenance even more intoxicating. His black soft hair that was tied neatly at the back of his head even made his face more appealing as his flawless brown skin seemed to be glowing. And his physique? Goodness it was definitely goals. He  was tall, more like 6.4, with a well built body that you could see his muscular chest through the t-shirt that he had won inside his leather jacket. He was probably a gym person. That's what she thought as she oogled on the man standing before her. Not that she was doing it alone because looking at things, he seemed to be ogling at her too. Sebastian on the other hand stared in awe at the woman whom he had knocked off her coffee. Sebastian thought she was the most beautiful woman he had ever seen. Looking at her flawless dark skin that complimented her shining grey eyes that was sorrounded by long eyelashes that kept blinking as she stared at him made him feel breathless. And her lips? He felt like he could kiss her right there. Her beautiful short  black hair that revealed her african long neck even made her beauty so extraordinary natural. Not to talk about her splendid body figure. All he could think of was how the woman standing before him looked like a beautiful black pearl. "What a beautiful black pearl." Sebastian said breathlessly more in a whisper but obviously Julie heard him. "Such a hot stuff." Julie also muttered breathlessly.. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Julie Blacks, she is a single mama, broken and maimed a thousand times. Rejection is what she's known almost all her life until she lost the hope of loving and maybe being loved again. She is a broken insecure girl not until a mysterious guy crosses her path and all her walls crumble down. Meet Julie Blacks a Kenyan Music Star and Sebastian Parker, an African American Billionaire. A miracle love story it is.

debby_liliane · Urbano
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24 Chs

Chapter 1

She sat down on the balcony of her beautiful mansion watching her new song on YouTube. The song had been a hit, trending all over. It had just been a day since she uploaded it and the song had hit 5 million views. She just smiled with glee in her heart, feeling good for her achievements. She was so proud of herself. Proud of who she had became after those all years of going through a helly pain. She had thought she had hit a rock bottom never to get up but God has been good enough to lift her up again until she was now standing strong on her feet. The thought of it, brought back a memory in her mind. A painful memory which which she later on thanked God that it had happened that way. She couldn't help but flashback on it.

7 years ago.... (flashback.)

She had done a pregnancy test and it had turned out to be positive. Sitting down on her single room floor, she wept painfully over the mistake she had done. She was just in a freshman year in campus and here she was , pregnant. She wondered what she was going to tell her mother who by herself had brought her up. Her mother wasn't rich but she was trying enough to take care of her and her siblings. She knew that her pregnancy was going to hurt her mother so bad, but what worried her the most was her boyfriend. How was he going to react to the news? She had then decided to call him and just as she expected, her boyfriend Carlos had told her to sort herself out.

"I'm not saying the pregnancy isn't mine but as you know, I'm not ready to be a father. So you should sort that out. If not, then I'm not part of it. I'm sure you understand what I mean. Infact I think you and I are over now. All the best Julie." Those were his words and of course by sorting it out, he meant Julie should get an abortion. He had torn Julie's heart into pieces. She couldn't believe that he could do that to her but a man is always a man. People have said all men are dogs but she believed men are plates since they only 'eat' and run.

After weeks of thinking hard and crying day and night, she decided she was going to keep the baby. She didn't know how she was going to pull through but she had faith that she was going to be able to take care of her baby. She later on told her mother about it and good enough she had understood her and offered to help her take care of the baby. She had then lived to watch his baby daddy move from one girl to another not minding to support her in anyway. It pained her but what was she suppose to do? Her pride couldn't let her go beg for help from him. She had to work her ass off so she could provide for her baby. That is when she decided to take her music to another level. She knew she had a talent in singing and to add it up she could also write songs.

After delivering a bouncy baby boy, she had taken herself to a music studio and recorded her first song. She also started writing about her life and before she knew it, she was doing good in everything that she let her hands do. Venturing into music also introduced her to Video production and she started building up her own studio. It had started that way, step by step, with her hardworking and positive spirit, until five years later she was all she ever dreamt of.


Movements behind her brought her back from her reverie. Grace, her best friend whom she had met when she was on her first year in campus, was walking towards her with a cheeky smile plastered all over her chocolate face. Her black long hair hang low below her high shoulders as she gracefully moved her model like body. One look at her would make you conclude that she was a model or some beauty celebrity. The two had been staying together since they moved out of campus. She had been of great help to her and been a friend who never left her side when she needed her. She was grateful that God had brought her into her life when she needed someone to lean on. Grace was a fashion designer and was working in her own company too. She came from a rich family so it was easier for her to have her own fashion company however she was an aggressive, hard-working woman who actually deserved what she had. All together, she was a blessing in her life.

"Ooh my! This, actually calls for a celebration. Don't you think?" Grace said cheerfully as she sat beside Julie.

" And what is that?" Julie asked innocently though she already knew what she was talking about.

"Your new hit you woman. It's 5M views now, haven't you seen it?" She said handing over her phone so Julie can take a look.

" Silly. Of course I have seen it. Funny, you are excited than I am. Where do want to go out?" Julie smiled sweetly at her. Her friend always got over excited about things while her on the other hand was always gleefully calm.

"I wanna get high with a few good friends

Hit the road; see where it ends

Kick up my feet in the backseat

Bump up the fresh beats


I wanna leave tracks on the untouched sand

Follow the sun; see where it lands

Bring out some drinks and a fresh beat

Bumpin' on repeat


And turn it up". She sang her favorite song, Ride by Naika. That was an answer already.

"Jeez, Grace, don't you ever get tired singing that song? Naika should really reward you." Julie smirked at her.

" Look who is speaking. Who ever complains when you are singing 'Singleton Song by Kriss Tee' all the damn time?" Grace answered back rolling her eyes at her.

" Say that again and you are dead!" Julie threatened her.

"It doesn't matter to be a "single" for the rest of my life

It doesn't matter being a "bachelor" as long as I have Christ

What more can I say, What more can I ask?

I am happy being single and I'm contented with what I've got." Grace sang the song mimicking her voice as she laughed so hard.

"You fool!" Julie cursed throwing her sandals at her and that made Grace ran back downstairs, which Julie ran after her.

"Jeez, Julie, I'm sorry. Stop chasing me around." Grace said when she saw Julie running after her. She however knew Julie will keep on chasing her until she gets hold of her. And that meant it was going to be a fight. Thinking of an idea she headed into the kitchen.

"You're going to pay for that woman!" Julie screamed entering the kitchen after her.

" Pancakes!" Grace shouted holding a plate of pancakes in her hand. She was actually preparing breakfast before she went looking for her friend upstairs. Knowing how she was into food and she hadn't taken breakfast,she used the food as her defence.

"Damn I'm so hungry. Bring it on." Julie said forgetting that she had been chasing after Grace. She loved food like no one's business. If there was a way you could please her, it was with food.

"Here you go my princess." Grace handed to her the plate as she poured some juice for her. She felt victorious inwardly. She had managed to make her forget about the chase.

"What's with the look? Don't think I've forgotten that. It's just that I'm so hungry right now." She warned her.

" Alright alright. I'll stop mimicking you. Now tell me, when and where are we going out?" She said changing the topic.

" You are the one who wants to 'hit the road, see where it ends' so you should be the one deciding on that." Julie said mimicking how she always sing the song.

" Then you go again. You are busy mimicking me and when I do the same you'll be chasing me all over." Grace complained pretending to be bitter.

" What? Cry if you want. After all you are stuck here with me until your so called boyfriend decided to take you to be his wife." She answered back sarcastically.

" Really, how did my boyfriend come into the picture now?" She asked trying to hide the smile that was creeping into her lips due to the mention of her boyfriend.

"It's not about how your boyfriend came into the picture, it's about how your boyfriend always comes into the picture." She said in a serious tone but a hint of sarcasm in it.

"And what do you mean by that?" Grace asked not understanding what Julie meant.

" I wanna get high with a few good friends....." She sang mimicking her again. " That's how your boyfriend always comes in." Julie said rolling her eyes at her.

" Really Juls?" Grace complained.

" Yeah. Everytime we hit the road, it's always with your boyfriend. Is there no day we'll leave tracks on untouched sand, without your boyfriend. I mean like just the two of us?" Julie said referring to all the trips they had gone.

" And that's the reason why I told you to get a boyfriend but you are busy saying, 'It doesn't matter to be a single, for the rest of my life...'(singing) See your life now Juls. See your life." Grace told her as she sang midway mimicking her too.

"Touche, that hurts. But hey that's my life. I ain't getting a boyfriend and that's it, and stop calling me Juls, or else....." She warned her.

" Or else what Juls?" Grace said as she smiled mockingly.

"Or else this." Julie said as she poured all the juice in the glass, at her and turned to her heels knowing Grace would do something worse than that.

"Screw you!" Grace cursed chasing after her. It looked like they were going to chase after each other the whole day.