

" Are you okay? "

Dante asked frowning, She didn't answer his question. He took out a small, white, handkerchief from his pocket and used it to clean his sweaty face.

Julia watched him do so, for a second, he looked like Javino, she taught he was moving in slow motion but she realized it was just the work of her mind.

She looked at his exposed chest, she loved the sight of his bare torso. For a moment, she imagined herself touching his chest and rubbing her fingers all the way down to his...

" Are you sure you're okay?"

Dante' asked her again, slightly uncomfortable with the way she looked at him.

She didn't answer his question. He stared at her, expecting an answer, she looked away, shifting her gaze to the brown boxes on the floor. She bent down, tucked some strands of hair behind her ear, and opened one of the boxes. She slowly brought out Pots and spoons from the box, without looking up at Dante'. Who hated her odd silence.

Tired of trying to understand her strange behaviour, He walked out of the kitchen into the parlour. He was beginning to find her slightly weird.

When she was done in the kitchen, she walked over to the living room and sees Dante' placing and fixing her big, wide, television on the wall. She smiled appreciatively, and stood beside the kitchen door with her hands folded as she watched him handle the TV.

At this very moment, Dante' seemed more attractive to her, than ever, the way he handled the plasma, turned her on. For a second, she whished she were her TV so that Dante' could hold her tight and placed her against the wall. She almost pictured herself in bed with him but a loud voice in her head interrupted her thoughts from going any further.

" Snap out of it! Julia . "

The voice echoed.

Dante' noticed Julia's presence,

He inhaled and exhaled, then he turned to look at her. He was about to say something to her but she hurriedly looked away and walked into the kitchen.

He followed her.

" Julia? " Dante' called her name in a concerned tone, as soon as he entered the kitchen. He wondered why she was acting strange.

"Mm?" Julia mumbled out of her crazy thoughts, turning to look at him. And trying to hide how she felt.

Dante' looked at her as if she were a mysterious creature he had never seen.

" Are you... ? " He wanted to ask her a question.

"I'm just tired." Julia answered. Cutting him off, before he could finish his sentence.

" You'll rest when we're done. "

Dante' says with a smile. He held her hand and led her out of the kitchen, into the living room. She stood with a frown on her face, wondering why he brought her here.

" So where do I put this ? "

He asked nicely snapping her out of her thoughts.

" What? " She mumbled slightly. He turned to her and said while pointing at a brown box.

" This big box. "

"Oh that? Put it in my room, go inside and the first door by your right is my room, thanks."

Julia says with a faint smile.

" All right. " He said as he carried the pink box and walked inside her apartment.

Dante' went inside her room and kept the box on the floor beside her bed, he looks around for a while, then he walks out, closing the door behind him.

Meanwhile, Julia bends over to clean her glass table. She hummed the tone of her favorite song as she wiped the face of the table.

Dante' walked into the living room and halted, he looked at her for a while, admiring the shape of her ass and overall her alluring body figure, He stood by the door, with his arms folded, as he watched her Clean the table. His gaze drops to her ass again, for a bit too long. And he wondered what it looked like and felt like. Deep down, he badly wanted to kiss and hold her in his arms. But he was waiting for the right time.

Julia straightened up and sighed. She felt the presence of someone in the room.

"Dante'?" She says as she turns to look behind and sees him smiling at her.

"Oh, you're here." She says, slightly startled.

He smiles and walks over to where she stood. She followed him with her eyes and asked curiously.

" How long have you been standing there? " She opens a brown box and brings out some books.

He ignored her question and says.

" Your room is really nice and from the looks of it I can tell you're a tidy person"

" Thanks. " She says without looking up.

" Let me help you with that. "

Dante' said, Julia straightened up from what she had been doing and allowed him to take over. He arranged some books into her shelf.