
Jujutsu Reincarnation: Building a Hidden Curse Village in Naruto

NARUTO X JUJUTSU KAISEN A young who lived a pitiful life and knows what the definition of suffering. He died pitifully and as he dwells of his life in anguish and regrets, Death came and gave him a second life to live his life to the fullest! Reborn as Gojo Satoru in Naruto world, watch him as he tried to be a legend and build his own safehaven hidden village, Noroigakure, Hidden Village of Curses in Land of Darkness! ============================ DISCLAIMER: As we all know, this is a fanfiction. I own nothing, not even the book cover and especially not Naruto and Jujutsu Kaisen story. So all credits goes to Masashi Kishimoto and Gege Akutami for this wonderful piece of artwork. Also credit to all artists who took part on these amazing work. Please go check out the original work if you haven’t seen it cause you missed a lot!

mybabynicole · Anime e quadrinhos
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2 Chs

Chapter 0 : Prologue


Pure and complete darkness.

The absence of anything and everything.


"Where am I? What's my name? Ouch.. my head hurts!"

I look around and all i see is darkness all around me. I tried to remember anything and everything that leds me into this situation and nothing comes to me. My past, my purpose, my goal, even my identity lost from my memories.

I felt scared. Truly scared.

Who am I? What even am I? Am I alive? What is even alive means?

Many questions came to my head and no answers came to me.

Feeling frustrated with my current state, I tried to yell out but no sound came out, I tried to move from my place yet I felt stuck yet free at the same time. It felt like days, months, years goes pass but also like a blink of an eye. What is even time?

Finally, I resign myself to this state. It was futile. And yet as I stare into the abyss, I felt peace. Peace within myself. True Peace.

And just like that everything came to me. My identity, my past, and my life. And let me tell you, my whole life in a nutshell? It's a tragedy.

A drunkard for a father, and a sick mother. It was never like this in the first place. I was born in a moderate but loving family. My father was just a civil worker and my mother a dutiful lovely housewife. We lived well. I was a good son who wants to make my parents proud so I did well in my study. Got into the best university, got scholarship, got 1st place grade, had an amazing social life and a beautiful relationship with my gorgeous girlfriend.

But it all changes when my father got scammed by his best friend to open a business company. My father tried so hard to save his company nevertheless it didn't matter in the end. Our family were buried in debt so our daily life changes. My father depressed by his failed business drunk everyday to forget his sorrow. All that anger, anguish, resentment, bitterness made him into a pitiful man and to sate his ego, he projected all of that negativity onto my mother. Months pass until finally he died after he got into an accident by being drunk while driving.

My mother. A loving housewife. Tried to took it all in just to save this family because she love my father too much. Submissively took my father's rages, obidiently followed my father's orders. Until one day she couldn't take it anymore.

Me. A dutiful son. At first, I understood my father's situation and tried to make things easier for him. Tried to help make money to pay debt, tried to do house chores to help my mother, tried to endure my father's beating to save this family. Until I had enough after seeing my mother's sate. I took my mother away and leave him. Someone who is already dead and just withering away now. I dropped out of school and worked menial jobs to help my mother with her health and our lifes. I even took part-time jobs anywhere anytime to pay those loneshark debt collector after my father's demise. My social life ruined, my education ruined, my life ruined but it didn't matters because I still had my mother.

Until one day, I watch Naruto just because and it stroke me. How a pitiful child living in a pitiful state can keep his innocence and brightness. Thus began my deep dive into Anime and Manga world. I consumed everything and anything I could fine. I even dove into the deep deep iceberg called fanfiction. I read every representation and imagination every other people had just to ran away from my pitiful reality. How I wish I'm an anime character now, a person who can escape this lingering darkness and suffocating endless struggle.

"What a sad life" said a young female from behind me.

I look behind and see the most beautiful woman I've ever seen. I said, "Who.. are you? Where did you come from? Where am I? Why am I here?"

Releasing a very melodic and soothing laugh contradicting her mysterious apperance, she appraised me as if she determinating my worth. After a while she said , "Easy there my child. Well first of all I am known by many different names by many different people but in essence, I am Death."

I couldn't feel my legs as my legs shaking. "Wait what?! No… It can't be… Bu-but that would mean I am-"

"Yes you're dead." "But HOW?!" "Well child, apperently you work yourself too hard and died out of fatigue."

Hearing that, I become depressed as I contemplate the end of my life and mutters, "So that's how it is.. how pitiful. No happy ending for me like for those anime protagonist… At least I had the mercy of peace."

"Is that what you really think?" she said with a knowing look and an amused smile grace her lips.

"Of course not! After everything I endure, after everything I take, after everything… why can't just one good moment happened to me? I had a dream to you know! Just like Naruto achieve his dream to become the Hokage, just like Kaori achieve her dream to play a soneta with her love of her life, just like Lelouch achieve his dream of world peace, I HAD DREAMS TOO! Why.. just why does it happens to them.. and not ME?!"

And the dam broke.

All those years of endurance, all those years of struggle, all those years of suffering, all those pent-up emotions came pouring down heavy from my eyes as I cried and cried my heart hard. Screaming bloody murder as I reflecting my sad sad wasteful life.

Death stares down at me as I pour my every emotions out of my lungs and waits me to finish my anguish. After I finally calms down, she said, "Who said your endurance didn't paid off? Who said your story has comes to its ends? Maybe your story just has begun."

"Huh.. What.. What do you mean?"

"Like I said, your story may just has begun. A beginning after the end." she said with a knowing look.

What does she mean? My story has just begun? Didn't I already dead? How does a dead person life's continue? Didn't a dead person send to hell or heaven based on their life?… Wait wait HOLD ON A SECOND. Heaven and hell are just human concepts of the unknown mystery of afterlife and life after dead. Noone has ever comeback after they are truly dead to tell the answers. Dead man tells no tales.

So I start to think. And really think. Story has just begun? That means that there is life after my death. But what is it? W-wa-wait! Doesn't life after death means REINCARNATION?!!

Death keeps staring at me as I contemplate with this situation and she begin to chuckles and laughs as I reach my conclusion. She grace me with a melancholy smile and said, "HAHAHA yes truly you are an amusing child. And you're correct. After seeing your life and how much you try to keep fighting with your fate, keep believing that there's a flower garden after those treacherous bushes, keep holding on when everything works against you, I grant you your own reincarnation of your own choosing."

"WHAT? Reincarnation of my own choosing? Does that means i get to choose where and when I get to be reincarnated in?"

"Yes child. Every and anything that has a beginning and an end."

So, where does this leads me? I can choose to reincarnated to the past and make all those innovation. Or maybe to the future unknown? HELL, I could reincarnated in Jesus times and be one of his Apostles. I keep thinking of all humanity best moments to live until finally I kicked me-

"I want to live in the Naruto world!" I shout with triumph. Naruto world may not be the best place to live but Naruto is my most favorite anime and the one that hooked me into the whole industry.

"Fufufu you spot it too i guess? Very well, where and when did you want to fit in?" she asked.

I start thinking again. I could go the easy route and say Konoha at Naruto's time and live leisurely and maybe bang Hinata or Ino or maybe even both if I am lucky. Even though I hate the struggle, I am also someone who hate taking everything for granted. I hate when things happens because the stars are align and everything is served on a silver platter.

So, what do I want to achieve in that world? Is it familial love? Respect? World domination? And what do I want to do with my life? Simple. To live my life to the fullest and becomes a legend. The answers came to me and with a wide eyed I said-

"I want to reincarnate in Land of Darkness at time around the ending of the Second Shinobi War"

Yes that's the best one I can come up with. I can't reincarnate around Naruto's time because of the impending Fourth Great Shinobi War against those undead superpowered zombies on steroid and a literal Shibobi's God and Goddess. I need power to face them and to achieve that, I need time. So anything before the ending Third Shinobi War is the answer. About the question of where I want to reincarnate, I contemplate about the Five Great Shinobi Village. Kiri is hard pass. Especially with the Blood Mist happening I may not even survive before Genin. Suna? Too poor. Iwa? I don't know, I don't really like Iwa people. They seem too stubborn and hard like chill out dude. So only Konoha and Kumo remains.

But I began to realize. I want to become a legend. If I join Konoha or Kumo, I'll just be a nobody with a nobody's skill of a ninja. Even if I become a Kage, after a while they will be forgotten. Everybody only cares about the first. Like everyone knows about George Washington being the first US president, but what about the 32th? Nobody cares. Just like after the 57th Hokage, no one will remember Kakashi Hatake, the Sixth Hokage. Even no one knows anything about the Second Raikage and it's only been the Fourth. Nobody gives a fuck about Second Raikage.

With that in mind, I decided that I want to build my very own village. About the time period, I don't want to live in the Warring Era with monsterous freaks like Hashirama,Ashina and Madara.Tribunal war where everyone fights with anyone at anytime is too much work for me. So yes the time period around Second Shinobi War ending works well. As for my choice on the Land of Darkness? Meh hate me all you want, it sounds too cool you know. Yamikage, Leader of Darkness definitely sounds alot better than Tsuchikage, Leader of Rock, Pebbles, and Mud.

"A fine calculated decision my child. Very well just because you amuse me, I'll give you one merit that will help you to achieve your dreams", said Death.

Death began to laugh harmonically and exclaims, "You will be reincarnated as an anime character that will be chosen and maybe any character with enough worth will be there with you"

"Wow nice! And how will I chose my character?"

"Well since you love your fanfiction so much, how about we do it like how that idiot ROB does it? Let's spin the wheel!", Death said excitedly.

I began to notice names of the anime character that I will be. DAMN I CAN BE RORONOA ZORO THAT WILL BE SO COOL!! Hey there's Roy Mustang from Fullmetal Achemist. Hmmm being Edward Elric is alright. Wait why is there Minoru Mineta from My Hero Academia?! AND WHY THE FUCK IS THAT USELESS CRYBABY TAKEMICHI THERE TOO!!!!

"Come along child spine the wheel! Hurry!", Death said with mischievous grin.

"Shit what's with that grin?! Is she expecting me to get Takemichi?!! Oh god please nooo… okay spin… spin.. not L… okay not killua i guess.. thank god it's not buggy", I murmurs. Sweats began to drop on my forehead as I saw the wheels started to slow down to seal my fate in my next life and it stops at-

"HEEEEELL YEAAAAAAAH! FUCKIN GOJO SATORU WOHOOOOOOO!!!", I shouted. I began to dance around with joy as I get one of the coolest anime character of all time. Mother where ever you are, thankyou for all of your blessing that you gave unto me.

"Well well well maybe you get your luck in this life my child. Okay then, you will be reincarnated as Gojo Satoru in the Land of Darkness around Second Shinobi War and as the stipulations, you will get the important character and clans like Zenin Clan, Gojo Clan, Kamo Clan, and Inumaki Clan in your region.", she exlaims.

Hell yeah, that's four great clans for my village already! I started to see hope to live a good life in this next life. "But what about the Cursed Technique? Will we still use cursed energy?" I asked. "No. To adapt with the world, all of the cursed technique will use chakra instead." Wow it's getting better! Chakra is way better than cursed energy as a power source since chakra grows overtime whereas cursed energy capacity stays the same.

"Since you're finished reflecting on everything. Now it's your time to be reincarnated my child. With that being said, I hope you achieve everything you want to achieve and live your life with everything you got.", said Death with a glowing smile on her delicate face.

"Thankyou! Thankyou so much for this chance. I'll definitely not waste it! Thankyou so much Death", i said with happy tears.

I close my eyes and smile brightly as blinding lights start to flicker and grows in front of my vision.


Pure and complete brightness.

The presence of anything and everything.



If you read this, thankyou for giving this fanfic a chance! I'm just a boy who like to read a lot of stories and right now I'm kinda addicted to fanfiction.

I make this fanfiction because I just realize that I never really write any of my imagination or narration of stories that I've made before in my mind. So I guess I write this fanfiction to test myself and learn how to express my own imagination. I hope you like it tho!