
Jujutsu Kaisen: The Rebirth

In a devastated battlefield in the Heian era, Ryomen Sukuna, the King of Curses, wages a final battle against the last remaining sorcerers of his time. Despite his overwhelming power, Sukuna is badly wounded and realizes that defeat is imminent. With fierce determination, he decides to seal his essence to preserve his legacy and await a more opportune moment to return. A thousand years later, in the modern world, a high school student named Itadori Yuji is thrust into a supernatural battle when he consumes a cursed finger containing Sukuna's essence. But instead of awakening the ancient demon, he awakens a new entity: a combination of his own soul and Sukuna's, a soul named Kaede. Sukuna, with his overwhelming power, has dominated Kaede throughout his life, oppressing him within his own body. Now, reborn within Yuji's body, Kaede finally has the chance to fight for his freedom and his own destiny. But Sukuna is not willing to relinquish control easily. As Kaede and Sukuna struggle for dominance within the same body, Itadori is drawn into an internal conflict that could decide the fate of the world. ----------------------------------------------- Hey everyone... Hope there's somebody out there. So, here goes nothing—my first crack at writing a novel. Honestly, no idea how it's gonna turn out. Just gonna wing it, you know? But hey, you already peeped it's gonna be all about the Jujutsu Kaisen world. Crazy, right? But I'll figure it out somehow. Thanks in advance for checking it out!"

SquirrelChan · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
41 Chs

Chapter 16: The Conflict Within

Gojo Satoru, the most powerful sorcerer, walked with determined steps through the dark and solemn corridors of headquarters. At the end of the hall, a heavy wooden door opened, revealing the gathered higher-ups, their identities hidden behind shoji screens.

"Gojo Satoru, we have summoned you to discuss the recent incident," began one of the higher-ups, their voice resonating through the room. "The fact that Kaede took control of Itadori Yuji's body and destroyed Mechamaru's robotic body from Kyoto Institute is unacceptable."

Gojo stood in the center, crossing his arms with a calm yet attentive expression. "I understand the gravity of the situation," he said firmly. "But you must consider the unique circumstances of this case."

"Kaede consumed one of Sukuna's fingers and confronted you. How can we trust that Itadori won't pose a constant threat to all of us?" interrupted another higher-up, their tone icy and filled with disdain.

"What happened was an unfortunate incident, not an intentional threat," Gojo replied. "Itadori remains our best ally against curses. Kaede's presence within him is a complication, yes, but also an opportunity."

"An opportunity that has already proven dangerous," said another member, slamming their fist on the chair. "How can we justify keeping Itadori alive after this?"

"What I suggest is to supervise Itadori more rigorously, rather than executing him," Gojo explained. "We can learn to better manage this situation and use it to our advantage. I am willing to take responsibility for his oversight."

"That is not enough, Gojo!" exclaimed one of the leaders, rising from their chair in fury. "We can't take any more risks. Itadori must be eliminated immediately."

Gojo maintained his composure, though his tone grew colder. "Eliminating Itadori would be a mistake. We would lose a valuable tool against Sukuna and other threats."

"We've already made a decision," said another higher-up, their voice filled with determination. "Itadori will be executed. We cannot allow any more risks."

Gojo's patience ran out. His aura emanated an intense pressure that made everyone in the room tense up. "If you touch Itadori, I will have no choice but to consider you a threat."

The higher-ups fell silent, feeling the true power and seriousness in Gojo's words. "Do not underestimate what I am willing to do to protect my students."

After a long moment of tension, one of the higher-ups spoke with a trembling voice. "Very well, Gojo. We will give Itadori a second chance, but he will be under strict supervision. We will not allow another incident like this."

Gojo nodded, satisfied but still aware of the gravity of the situation. "Thank you. I promise you won't regret this decision."

With the resolution made, the meeting came to an end. Gojo left the room, ready to take responsibility and ensure that Itadori and Kaede met the higher-ups' expectations, aware that the real challenge was just beginning.

Inside a car, Itadori, Nobara, and a recovered Megumi were sitting in the back. Megumi occupied the front passenger seat, while a man in a suit and glasses drove, explaining the situation to the students.

"We confirmed the existence of the cursed womb approximately three hours ago. We sealed the facility after the evaluation," he said as they exited the car. "Inside accommodation number 2 of the reformatory hospital, five patients were abandoned along with the cursed womb. If it completes its metamorphosis, it will likely become a special-grade cursed spirit."

These words made Nobara and Megumi tense.

"Hey, I still don't quite understand the special-grade stuff," said Itadori, irritating Nobara.

"Well, I'll give you a quick explanation... By the way, my name is Ijichi Kyotaka," he said, explaining the grades of curses to Itadori.

"Amazing," Itadori remarked.

"Naturally, sorcerers of equal grade to the curses are assigned to them," Megumi explained to his companion. "In this case, it would be Gojo-sensei."

"And where is Gojo-sensei?" Itadori asked Ijichi.

"On a business trip. For one thing, he can't just lounge around the institution, he's talented," Ijichi responded. "This industry is always short on staff. Many sorcerers have missions that exceed their abilities... But this time, it's an emergency and there's an anomaly. You have two options against a special-grade curse: run or die..."

"Do what your fears tell you, please," he advised the students. "Don't forget that your mission is to confirm the location of the survivors. If there are any, fight to rescue them until the end."

Everyone nodded as they prepared to enter the building.

"Excuse me! Excuse me!"

A woman called out to them, crossing the security tape.

"Tadashi is... Is my son okay?"

This woman came to see us personally, thought Ijichi. "Depending on the person, there's a possibility that the poison has dissipated for now. I can't give more information," he gave the excuse they had for civilians.

"N-no way," stammered the woman, beginning to cry.

The students witnessed the entire situation.

"Fushiguro, Kugisaki... We'll save him," said Itadori with determination, adjusting his belt where he had the dagger Gojo gave him and the katana Kaede sought.

"Of course," Nobara nodded, and Megumi remained silent.

"I'll lift the veil, be careful," said Ijichi, beginning to recite a ritual, causing the sky to darken.

"It's already night!"

"It's the veil... It's because we're near the residential area. This will conceal us," Megumi explained to Itadori's confusion.

"Jade Wolves," said Megumi, making a hand sign and summoning a white wolf with three points on its head forming an inverted triangle. "It will alert us if we're close to the curse."

The three entered, finding themselves in a place filled with buildings and pipes.

"What happened!? We're supposed to be in the two-story dorms, aren't we!?" Itadori shouted, not understanding the situation.

"C-calm down, it's just two stories," Nobara tried to calm him down.

"It's not that."

The dorm had expanded in size due to the strength of the cursed energy. I've never seen anything this big, thought Megumi. Suddenly, he turned around quickly.

"Where's the door!?" But when he turned around, there was nothing there.

Meanwhile, inside Itadori, things were happening too.

Within Itadori's mental landscape, a place where Kaede and Sukuna's consciousnesses coexist, the atmosphere was tense and filled with cursed energy. Kaede sat on an abnormally large skull, while Sukuna, with his usual arrogance, observed from a throne made of skulls.

Suddenly, a familiar and ancient energy began to manifest. A vortex of dark energy formed a few meters from Kaede and Sukuna, enveloping the environment in a sense of mystery and anticipation. From that vortex, an unexpected figure emerged.

It was a girl of about nine years old, with black hair that reached her ankles, horns on her head, bright purple eyes, and long ears like an elf's. Her gaze was cold and calculating, except when it landed on Kaede, at which point it lit up with joy and devotion.

"Kaede-sama!" the girl exclaimed, running towards him with a radiant smile. "I've missed you so much!"

Kaede, surprised but clearly pleased, stood up to greet her. "Kagekiri... I didn't expect to see you here. How did you get here?"

The girl, Kagekiri, hugged Kaede tightly, her eyes filled with emotion. "I'm here because I will always be with you, Kaede-sama. My essence has been linked to you for a thousand years."

Sukuna, observing the scene with disdain, leaned forward on his throne. "Well, if it isn't the living sword. Have you come to pay homage to your former master?"

Kagekiri slowly turned towards Sukuna, her expression turning icy and full of hatred. "I owe nothing to a monster like you, Sukuna. I'll never forget what you did to Kaede-sama."

Sukuna laughed, a deep, mocking sound that echoed in the void. "Still holding a grudge over something that happened so long ago? How touching."

Kaede placed a hand on Kagekiri's shoulder, calming her. "Kagekiri, enough. You don't need to confront him. We're here together, and that's what matters."

The girl nodded, her purple eyes softening a bit as she looked at Kaede. "Yes, Kaede-sama. I just want to protect you as I always have."

Kaede smiled, grateful for her loyalty and devotion. "And I am grateful to have you by my side, Kagekiri. Together, we'll find a way to handle this situation."

Sukuna observed the interaction with a mix of curiosity and disdain but remained silent, recognizing the strength of the bond between Kaede and Kagekiri.

At that moment, the mental landscape seemed to stabilize a bit, with Kagekiri's presence adding a new dynamic to the internal struggle occurring within Itadori Yuji.

With Kaede, Kagekiri, and Sukuna sharing this space, the balance of power and the tensions between them promised a series of unexpected challenges and alliances to come.

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