
Jujutsu Kaisen:The Cursed World

After the tragic death of his older brother, Takuya Takanashi. Takuto Takanashi has been living with his brother's best friend and former classmate. Satoru Gojo, The most powerful Jujutsu Sorcerer. Now at 16 years old Takuto embarks on his journey into the Cursed World of Jujutsu Sorcery. OCx Maki Zenin

ItzMenace12 · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
8 Chs

The Cursed Bounty Hunter - Part 1

A tall tan-skinned man with long dark brown hair. His eyes had an unusual colouring of green irises, no pupils and red sclera. He wore a white bandana, a black mask covering the lower half of his face, no shirt (revealing all the stitches on his torso), dark green pants and black martial arts sandals.

The man is standing in a puddle of blood, his gaze firmly on another man lying face first, bleeding out. He holds out his hand, and black threads creep out from the stitch on his forearm and latch onto the dying man. The dying man gives a final gasp as his cursed energy is siphoned out of him by the black threads.

After draining him of his cursed energy, the black threads retract into the open stitch, closing it. The man turns walking out of the forested area where the battle took place, releasing the veil he had resurrected so that his target did not escape. He removes his black cloak from the branch, where he placed it at the beginning of the fight. He puts it on just as his phone starts ringing.

??: Yes?

Handler: I have another contract for you if you want it.

??: Who is it?

Handler: This is an interesting one, but I know how you like a challenge.

??: Just get to it.

Handler: Fine. The targets are Takuto Takanashi and Maki Zenin.

??: Takanashi...

Handler: Yeah, turns out these two are getting a bit too close for the comfort of the Zenin clan and those old bastards up top.

??: Where and When.

Handler: Toyama Park. A week from now Takanashi will be sent to investigate some cursed spirit activity. It is believed Zenin will be with him. If she isn't, that's alright. Takanashi is the main target.

??: I'll still get paid the full amount.

Handler: Yes.

??: Good.

The man ends the call and pockets his phone. He stops by the entrance of the forested area and gazes up at the sky. He exhales slowly feeling the phantom pain from his stitches. He chuckles darkly.

??: Been a while since I fought a Takanashi. The last one I fought nearly killed me. Let's see if you're just as powerful as that one-eyed bastard. "The Copy Sorcerer".

**Time Skip**

Gojo stood in a large darkened room with a single light hanging overhead illuminating the room and casting shadows on the six panels surrounding him.

??: The Special-Grade cursed apparition, Orimoto Rika, was completely manifested for 422 seconds. We entrusted Okkotsu to you. Exactly to avoid this kind of situation. You have no room for excuses, Gojo Saturo.

Gojo is unfazed at the reprimand and scratches his head with a sigh.

Gojo: Well, I hadn't really planned on making any excuses.

??: Are you messing with us?! If we left Orimoto Rika as it was, a whole town could've been destroyed.

Another shouts in outrage at Gojo's attitude. Gojo turns to the voice, rolling his eyes behind his glasses.

Gojo: I'd risk my life to stop it if it came to it. But you know, there's one thing that we can say about that curse.

He removes his hand from his pocket and holds up a finger.

Gojo: It's "Unknown". How could a curse from a girl who has no relations to Jujutsu Sorcerers even become that stupidly big?

He shrugs his shoulder holding out his hand in a sweeping gesture.

Gojo: It's impossible to control something we don't understand. We gotta do some trial and error. Leave us be, for a while

Gojo turns to walk out of the building waving off the room.

??: Don't forget that Okkotsu's hidden execution is only on hold.

Another voice reminds Gojo in a threatening tone. Gojo stops by the door and side-eyes the panel the voice came from. 

Gojo: And if it comes to that. Don't forget that I'll side with Okkotsu.

Gojo walks out and sighs in irritation as he removes his glasses.

Gojo: Geez, what a bunch of tasteless old men. 

He pockets his glasses and takes out his bandage.

Gojo: Don't wanna become like that. Gotta watch out.

He spikes up his hair and wraps the bandage around his eyes.

Gojo: It's unforgivable to steal away the youth from kids, you know. No matter who that is.

**Time Skip**

Yuta stood with a wooden sword on the track field a few feet away from Maki who was standing in a fighting stance, wooden staff in hand. Inumaki, Panda and Takuto were sitting by the stairs spectating the sparring match between the two.

Maki and Yuta stood staring each other down neither making a move. Yuta was the first to attack with a vertical slash, which Maki dodged by doing a pirouette. She spun her staff and blocked another slash from Yuta. Yuta sent another slash to her which Maki easily blocked and redirected his momentum causing him to stumble a bit, but he corrected his footing and retaliated with a horizontal slash which was blocked again.

Maki took a step back and counterattacked with a thrust to his shoulder, which Yuta surprisingly blocked. Maki's eyes widened in surprise that he was able to block her attack and so were Inumaki and Panda. Takuto was too busy reading his book and not paying attention.

Maki stepped back as Yuta again went on the offensive, she easily blocked his attacks and countered with a spinning kick. Yuta managed to block the kick but was pushed back by the force of it. Yuta got into his fighting stance and Maki did a quick flair with her staff, taking her fighting stance. They circled each other waiting for the other to attack first.

Gojo: Hey hey everyone. How's it going?

Yuta perked up hearing Gojo's greeting and dropped his guard to greet him.

Yuta: Oh uh...

Maki takes this opportunity and hits him on the cheek with her staff.

Maki: Don't get distracted.

Yuta rubs his cheek with a small bruise forming.

Yuta: Right

Maki glares at him as she takes her position.

Maki: Take your stance already, idiot!

Yuta: She's ruthless!

Yuta pales at her aggressiveness.

Yuta: Right!

Maki holds her staff on her shoulders and looks at him mockingly.

Maki: You're going to land a blow on me, aren't you?

Yuta rubs his cheek one last time and with a determined look takes his stance.

Yuta: Yes!

Gojo watches them from the top of the stairs with a proud smile. Back with Maki and Yuta, this time Maki is the one starting the fight with light strikes that Yuta easily blocks and parries. Maki steps back to create space to better utilize her staff, but Yuta pushes his advance. He sidesteps to her left side, readying for a swing but feints and steps to her right attacking her with a horizontal slash.

Maki anticipating this side flips over the slash. Yuta looks in shock at her flipping over him.

Yuta: She dodged that?! But she off-balance!

Yuta tightens his hold on his sword rearing back to hit Maki just as she lands.

Yuta: I got her on the landing!

Maki nimbly does a perfect split, dodging Yuta's attack. Yuta looks down in disbelief at her.

Yuta: No way!

Maki turns on her split and leg sweeps Yuta and grabs onto his shirt, slamming him to the ground. She hits him on the head with the rounded point of her staff.

Maki: There, you're dead.

She grins smugly at him.

Maki: I win again.

Yuta: Was that last part necessary?

Yuta groaned rubbing his forehead. Maki gets up fixing him with a stern glare.

Maki: Don't be soft. You should always treat it like it's a real battle.

Maki spins her staff, tapping it on her hand with her back turned to him.

Maki: Pain or lack thereof makes a huge difference in how fast you grow.

Yuta gasps and then clenches his jaw.

Yuta: That's right. I'm...

He gets up and takes a different fighting stance. His face set in fierce determination.

Yuta: One more, please!

Maki turns looking over his new stance curiously.

Yuta: I'm going to break Rika's curse!

They start again with Yuta going all out against Maki. Off to the side the rest watch in interest at Yuta's increasing development in combat.

Panda: It's been three months since Yuta came to Jujutsu High. His movements have gotten a lot better.

Inumaki: Salmon.

Gojo: His personality is more positive now, too.

Inumaki: Salmon roe

Gojo looks over to Takuto who is nose-deep in his book.

Gojo: What do you think Taku?

Gojo asks smiling innocently knowing, he would get his attention by using that nickname. This was proven right when Takuto looked up giving him a deadly glare and then turned his attention to Maki and Yuta sparring.

Takuto:...He'll live.

The other three sweatdropped at his lacklustre comment. Takuto turns his attention back to his book and the others turn back to spectating.

Panda: Maki looks like she's having fun, too. Before now, she didn't get to spar with a fellow weapon--

Panda stops gasping in shock as if realizing something. Gojo grins teasingly at Takuto, surprised that his other students don't know about Takuto and Maki's sparring sessions. Takuto feels Gojo's obnoxious gaze on him but resolutely ignores him.

Panda: Yuta! Hey, come here! Come on!

Panda yells calling Yuta over and interrupting his fight. Maki and Yuta both stop with Maki giving Panda an annoyed glance. Yuta looks confused and walks over to Panda.

Yuta: What's up Panda?

Panda wraps his arm around Yuta's shoulder to whisper to him. Takuto subtle glances at Yuta and Panda, listening in on their conversation.

Panda: A super important discussion! Listen closely!

Panda tries to subtly glance back at Maki but is noticed by only Gojo and Takuto.

Panda: Do you like big boobs or small boobs?

Yuta blushes at the question. Gojo chuckles to himself at Takuto's reaction. Takuto's eye twitches violently and he closes his book somewhat forcefully, startling Inumaki.

Inumaki: Tuna?

Takuto disappears before his eyes and appears behind Maki, who just gives him a curious glance at his sudden appearance having already become accustomed to his teleportation. Inumaki watches curiously as Takuto whispers something to Maki, who looks flustered and about to protest before they both disappear from sight.

Gojo: Oh my. Who knew Taku was so territorial?

Gojo grins slyly having also witnessed the two disappear. Inumaki looks confused at what Gojo is implying, but his confusion is short-lived as Maki and Takuto reappear, with Maki looking flushed and dazed, her lips slightly swollen, her hair mused and her clothes askew. While Takuto has a smug grin on his face, he looks her over and nods in satisfaction before teleporting back to his place next to Inumaki.

Inumaki: Salmon roe?

Inumaki looks astounded his eyes flicker between Maki and Takuto. Gojo giggles to himself amused at what he just witnessed. Maki fixes her hair, giving Takuto a glare which he ignores in favour of reading his book.

Gojo: He's just as possessive as Takuya was with Shoko.

Maki sighs as she fixes a few loose strands, rights her tracksuit jacket and pulls up the back of her shorts, which were slightly lowered by Takuto. She suddenly freezes having just noticed something and blushes mortified. She grits her teeth glaring icily at Takuto, who looks up noticing her glare and blinks at her innocently, which only causes her glare to intensify.

Maki: That perverted bastard stole my underwear again!

Panda: Maki!

Maki is interrupted from her murderous thoughts and looks at Panda unable to hide her irritation.

Maki: Huh?

She watches confused as Panda takes a pose with his arms making a heart symbol and smiling widely.

Panda: You've got a chance!

He exclaims while subtly pointing to Yuta so only she can see. Maki freezes staring at him dumbfounded, which quickly morphs into anger and annoyance.

Maki: What the hell are you on about? I'll kill you!

Panda just grins teasingly, unfazed by her anger.

Panda: Don't be so shy! Are you an elementary schooler?

Maki: That's it you're dead! I don't give a fuck about CITES!

Maki exclaims inraged picking up her staff and attacking Panda. Yuta chuckles at Maki chasing Panda around with her staff while Panda continues to tease her.

Yuta: What's that about?

He turns to Inumaki while pointing at them. Inumaki gives a quick glance to Takuto and then turns back to Yuta.

Inumaki: Kelp

Yuta laughs nervously not understanding what he said and turns away embarrassed.

Yuta: I still don't really understand Inumaki, so he's a little scary...

Gojo claps his hands to get everyone's attention.

Gojo: Okay, gather round!

He points to Maki and Panda who are in a tug of war over Maki's staff. Maki wins the tug of war and hits Panda over the head knocking him to the ground.

Gojo: You two continue training.

Gojo turns his attention to Inumaki and Takuto.

Gojo: Toge, Takuto you've been requested.

Takuto looks up from his book at Gojo. Gojo first speaks to Inumaki.

Gojo: It's a curse you're perfect for. Go exorcise it quickly.

Inumaki: Salmon.

Inumaki nods. Yuta looks confused between Inumaki and Takuto.

Yuta: Requested?

Panda lying on the ground with Maki standing on his back with one foot and her staff pressing down on his head, answers Yuta's question unbothered by his position.

Panda: Besides Takuto, Toge's the only Grade 2 Sorcerer among us first-years. They're allowed to take missions on their own.

Maki having allowed Panda to finish explaining whacks him on the head again with her staff. Yuta looks awestruck between Inumaki and Takuto.

Yuta: Wow, that's impressive.

Maki looks at him blankly.

Maki: You're also a Special-Grade.

Gojo smirks at Yuta amused by his naivety.

Gojo: You can go with him, Yuta. You'll be Toge's support.

Yuta: Huh? Support?

Gojo: Well more like an observer, really. There is a wide variety of Jujutsu, so you can assume there are as many ways to exorcise a curse as there are Sorcerers. Toge's cursed speech is one good example. Make sure to learn from him.

Yuta tilts his head confused.

Yuta: Cursed speech?

Gojo: As the term suggests, it's imbuing speech with curses. Well, it'll make sense once you see it.

Gojo grins and then turns his attention to Takuto. Yuta follows after Inumaki to go and get ready for their assignment.

Gojo: Now, Takuto. You've been requested to investigate Toyama Park and take care of any curses you encounter. If you're lucky you might even fight a powerful curse! Isn't that exciting?

Gojo grins joyfully. Takuto rolls his eyes at Gojo's dramatics and turns to Maki.

Takuto: Maki, let's go. You're my backup.

Maki: What? Can't handle a few little curses without my help?

Maki mocks as she steps off Panda and walks over to him with a sneer, still irked by what he did. Gojo laughs while Takuto just scoffs and turns to walk away to get ready.

Takuto: Yeah yeah.

Gojo: Have fun on your date.

Gojo teases Takuto and Maki. Takuto flips him off without looking back and Maki gives him a glare over her shoulder, her face covered with a blush. Gojo laughs watching the two walk away.

Panda: Wait?! What do you mean date?!

Panda exclaims looking at Gojo confused. Gojo just smirks and shrugs.

Gojo: Who knows?

I was a bit conflicted with this chapter because there was a whole flash back I wanted to add but after about 2 sceonds of consideration I decided to use the flashback for the next chapter... So yeah... Anyway Enjoy!!

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