
Jujutsu Kaisen : The Blood Manipulator

While his hands that are stained in blood he walk's forward towards the inevitable... A peaceful life is not Destined for our protagonist Noritoshi Kamo as after his death he open's his eyes to a completely new reality... Watch how he strives to achieve his goal this time that a new chance is given to him... ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- The cover does not belong to me.. If you are the owner feel free to comment I will take it down. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------

Kaito_Haruki · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
1 Chs

Chapter 1


Chapter 1 : Prologue - The life of a boy who's hands are stained in blood


[ 3rd POV | Mc age 16 ]

'The more one is closer to death, the more one realizes about life they say' thought Akihito as his hands which he saw with his blurry vision were as if they were painted in a deeper shade of crimson. His body felt tired, He felt that all that now he wanted was sleep. To close his eyes and to never wake up again. His body could not move, Akihito tried to feel his legs but he felt no sensation from them. He was on the middle of the street, while his blood painting the street a deeper shade of red. When Akihito saw this, he absentmindedly thought of it as an art. Admiring the color of your blood while dying is certainly not something any same person would think. Akihito Tried to laugh but he was too tired, too tired to even move.

As he was trying to close his eyes and sleep, he heard some sounds muttering but he couldn't hear them. Akihito tried to close his eyes, He saw his life flashing in front of his eyes. Every moment important to him. Every moment of his life he considered important, flashing in a form of images. This felling was very new to him, it is not every day for him to experience such a wonderful event. The event of his own death, something we all know will come to us, Death waits for no one. Akihito understood this was the moment he was dying.

[ Falshback | MC age 5 yo ]

"Death" was always a strange concept for young Akihito. He who saw his father die when he was at the tender age of 5. He didn't know why his father was sleeping still, He went forward to touch his father's dead body. Then, all he felt was nothing but cold, all the smiles, all the happy moments he spent with his father. His father's warm hand patting him and telling him that he did a good job was now gone, All that felt now was a cold hand and the realization to young Akihito his father is now gone. He will never see him again.

This was Akihito's first encounter with death. A strange yet cruel experience which made the young child mature a little faster. This although might be seen as a good thing yet also it was never good for a child for mature because of sorrow. This now made Akihito an oddball when he used to play with his friends, the children in his neighborhood. Akihito was neither a once in a century genius or a child loved by "fate". He was just another normal child living a normal life, until the death of father.

Children are always quick to ask questions. They are pure an innocent, filled with curiosity. So was Akihito, after the death of father he started wondering what happened to his father. So one day Akihito decided to gather his courage and ask his mother about his father. His mother was the most impacted by his father's death. They shifted to his grandparents' house. Akihito asked like the innocent kid he was," Mommy, mommy, where is daddy?" His mother was certainly a little surprised when her son asked this, she knew son was maturing fast after the death of her husband and she might not have been able to look after her son for entire time. She gently smiled and told her son," Akihito, your father is now in heaven "Akihito stared at his mother as she patted his head. What she didn't know that this was just the start of her son's curiosity, which might turn into a strong driving force for his personality.

Akihiko wasn't satisfied with the answer, this answer created more questions for him. He wanted to know more he wanted to learn more.

Years passed after his father's death, he was now a ten year old child, he was smiling in his classroom where the teachers were praising him for his intellect and his classmates were proud for having him as their friend. Akihito matured quickly, he realized to soon how the world works. When school started, he realized everyone around him was not having the same thoughts as him, the way he thought was different, and he wanted answer to questions. He felt weird on the first day honestly although. This more ended up him believing into the notion he was unique, different from others.

He was deeply attracted to the worlds of fictions. Stories written by people. The reason he liked them was because one can understand the writer's ideology by reading the books they wrote.

[ Falshback | MC age 15 years old ]

He grew up, he was now a fifteen year old teenager, and He would say he had a good reputation in school. Always scoring perfect marks, being humble to students and teachers alike. There was a side to him no one knew about. He would do anything to get anything he wanted. He questioned everything. He realized that in life we all in the end are nothing but meat paste once we are dead.

[ Falshback over | current time ]

The feeling of him leaving the world, it scared him. This made him remember the first time he felt fear in his life, which fear helped him realize what he wanted. He would do anything to do it.

Akihito laugh as he recalled those events happening in his meager lifetime of sixteen years. He was dying after getting hit by a truck. He laughed even though he had no energy to, he muttered," Meat paste huh, hahahahaha". He grieved there was nothing he could do right now. He felt so helpless. That in turn was making him realize maybe he was just scared, scared to live an ordinary life, scared to die an ordinary death, to end up dying like his father. An insignificant death, he could do nothing. He was dying with regret.

He wanted another chance, He had no idea if someone was listening to him, but all he now wanted was to pour out his regrets, he failed. He died it was the end for him. He wanted more. He wanted to do something, his ambition of eternal life was nothing but a shell he made to hide the fear of death, as he considered death has the biggest disease of humanity. One which has no cure.

He felt the grip of grasping him is near, so he looked up and said in his mind, 'I don't know if there is someone watching me, or maybe I am hallucinating since I am near death, give me one more chance, there is so much I haven't done, so much I have yet to try. My ambition it'll be with me always and I will do anything to achieve it.'

He felt amused this was so much unlike him, does death change people he wondered as his body's stamina gave out and finally Akihito closed his eyes. 

This feeling he was currently feeling was as if his roots of existence were being pulled away and he will no longer exist, 'what a foul feeling', he thought.

It was then I heard a voice that I was unable to understand but the Intent of the voice is something I would never forget in my life...

"Your Wish has been granted"

As I heard that sound then everything went blank.