
Jujutsu Kaisen: Sukuna's Family History

"So what I am making is a fan fiction about Sukuna in Jujutsu Kaisen. I will try to keep most elements related to the main story, but some parts will be from my imagination, so don't take everything seriously. The main focus will be on two characters: Sukuna and Kenjaku."

Shuvo_Sen · Anime e quadrinhos
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4 Chs

The Secrets Within

The first rays of dawn peeked over the horizon, casting a soft light on the village as Kenjaku and Tengen readied themselves for another day of training. Two years had passed since Master Satoru had taken them under his wing, and they had grown significantly under his rigorous guidance. Their skills had sharpened, their understanding of cursed energy deepened, and their bond had strengthened.

Kenjaku adjusted his yukata, tying it securely before stepping outside to join Tengen. She was already waiting, her white hair shimmering in the early light, her blue eyes filled with determination.

"Good morning, Kenjaku," she greeted him, her voice steady.

"Good morning, Tengen," he replied, smiling. "Ready for another day?"

Tengen nodded. "Always."

As they made their way to the training grounds, they were met by Master Satoru, who stood with his arms crossed, a contemplative expression on his face.

"Kenjaku, Tengen," he began, his voice carrying an air of authority, "you have both shown remarkable progress over these past two years. Today, we will venture beyond our usual training."

Kenjaku exchanged a curious glance with Tengen. "Beyond our usual training, Master?"

Satoru nodded. "There is a place I wish to show you. A place of great knowledge and mystery. Follow me."

They walked in silence, their curiosity growing with each step. Master Satoru led them through the forest that bordered their village, the dense foliage gradually giving way to a massive, ancient tree. Its trunk was wide enough to house a small building, and its branches stretched high into the sky, leaves rustling softly in the breeze.

Satoru approached the tree and placed his hand on the rough bark. A faint glow emanated from beneath his palm, and slowly, a doorway appeared in the trunk.

"Welcome to the Sanctum of Secrets," Satoru said, stepping inside.

Kenjaku and Tengen followed, their eyes widening as they took in their surroundings. The interior of the tree was vast, far larger than it seemed from the outside. Wooden corridors branched off in multiple directions, each leading to an array of doors, each door unique in its design and aura.

"This place," Satoru explained, "holds the knowledge of the ancients. Each door leads to a different chamber, each with its own secrets and challenges. It is here that you will learn the deeper truths of jujutsu."

Kenjaku gazed at the myriad doors, his mind racing with possibilities. "Master, how do we know which door to choose?"

Satoru smiled, a hint of mystery in his eyes. "That is part of the challenge. The Sanctum will guide you, but you must trust your instincts and your bond with cursed energy."

Tengen stepped forward, her expression resolute. "We understand, Master. We are ready."

Satoru nodded approvingly. "Good. You will begin your journey here. Remember, each chamber will test you in different ways. Trust in your training, and in each other."

With that, Satoru turned and began to walk away, his footsteps echoing softly in the vast space. Kenjaku and Tengen stood in silence for a moment, absorbing the enormity of the task before them.

"Well," Kenjaku said finally, "where do we start?"

Tengen scanned the doors, her eyes settling on one that seemed to glow faintly. "How about there?" she suggested, pointing to the door.

Kenjaku nodded. "Let's see where it leads."

They approached the door, feeling a mix of excitement and apprehension. As they touched the handle, a surge of cursed energy pulsed through them, and the door swung open, revealing a dimly lit corridor.

Stepping inside, they found themselves in a chamber filled with ancient scrolls and tomes. The air was thick with the scent of old parchment and ink, and the walls were lined with shelves, each filled to the brim with knowledge.

"Welcome," a voice said, startling them. They turned to see an elderly man seated at a desk, his eyes sharp despite his age. "I am Keeper Hayato, guardian of this chamber."

Kenjaku and Tengen bowed respectfully. "It's an honor to meet you, Keeper Hayato," Kenjaku said.

Hayato nodded. "You have come to seek knowledge. The scrolls and books in this chamber contain the teachings of the great sorcerers and cursed spirits. But knowledge alone is not enough. You must prove your worth."

Tengen stepped forward. "What must we do, Keeper?"

Hayato's eyes gleamed. "You must decipher the meaning behind these texts. Each one holds a lesson, a secret technique. Only those who understand their essence can unlock their true power."

Kenjaku and Tengen exchanged determined looks. They began to explore the chamber, selecting scrolls and books at random, their minds absorbing the complex symbols and writings. Hours passed as they delved deeper into the ancient texts, their concentration unwavering.

Kenjaku paused, a particular scroll catching his eye. The symbols were intricate, forming a pattern that seemed almost alive. "Tengen, look at this."

She joined him, her eyes scanning the scroll. "It's beautiful. But what does it mean?"

Kenjaku focused, feeling the cursed energy within him resonate with the symbols. "I think... I think it's a technique. A way to manipulate cursed energy with precision."

Tengen's eyes widened. "If we can learn this, it could enhance our abilities significantly."

They spent the next few hours studying the scroll, practicing the technique described within. Their progress was slow but steady, their understanding growing with each attempt. Finally, after what felt like an eternity, they managed to replicate the technique, their cursed energy flowing smoothly and precisely.

Keeper Hayato watched them with a satisfied smile. "You have done well. Remember, knowledge is not just about reading, but understanding and application. You have proven yourselves worthy of this chamber's secrets."

Kenjaku and Tengen bowed deeply. "Thank you, Keeper Hayato. We will continue to learn and grow."

As they left the chamber, they felt a sense of accomplishment and renewed determination. The Sanctum of Secrets held countless mysteries, and they were ready to uncover them all.


Over the next few weeks, Kenjaku and Tengen explored the Sanctum, each door leading to a new challenge, a new lesson. They faced trials that tested their physical abilities, their mental fortitude, and their understanding of cursed energy. With each success, their skills and confidence grew.

One day, as they approached a particularly ornate door, they felt a powerful surge of energy. "This one feels different," Tengen remarked, her voice tinged with curiosity.

Kenjaku nodded. "Let's see what it holds."

They opened the door and stepped into a vast, open space, the air humming with energy. At the center stood a large stone pedestal, atop which rested a glowing orb.

"Welcome," a deep voice rumbled, and they turned to see a tall, imposing figure clad in dark robes. "I am Guardian Kaede, protector of this chamber."

Kenjaku and Tengen bowed. "Guardian Kaede, we seek to learn and grow. What challenge does this chamber hold?"

Kaede's eyes gleamed with a fierce light. "This chamber tests your ability to control and manipulate cursed energy. The orb on the pedestal is a nexus of raw energy. You must harness it, shape it, and prove your mastery."

Tengen took a deep breath. "We are ready."

Kaede nodded. "Begin."

They approached the pedestal, feeling the immense power radiating from the orb. As they reached out, the energy resisted, pushing back against their efforts.

Kenjaku focused, his mind clear. "We need to synchronize our energies, work together."

Tengen nodded, her eyes locked onto the orb. "Let's do it."

They concentrated, their cursed energies merging and flowing toward the orb. The resistance was intense, the raw power of the orb challenging their control. But with determination and teamwork, they gradually began to shape the energy, molding it with precision.

Minutes felt like hours as they worked, sweat dripping down their faces. Finally, with a final push, they managed to stabilize the energy, the orb glowing brightly in their hands.

Guardian Kaede watched with approval. "You have succeeded. Remember, true strength comes from unity and control. You have proven yourselves worthy of this chamber's secrets."

Kenjaku and Tengen bowed deeply, their bodies and minds exhausted but triumphant. "Thank you, Guardian Kaede. We will continue to strive for excellence."

As they left the chamber, they felt a sense of accomplishment and a deeper understanding of their abilities. The journey within the Sanctum of Secrets was far from over, but they were ready for whatever challenges lay ahead.


Days turned into weeks, and weeks into months, as Kenjaku and Tengen continued their exploration of the Sanctum. Each chamber they entered revealed new insights, new techniques, and new trials. Their bond grew stronger, their skills honed to perfection under the guidance of the ancient knowledge.

One evening, as they rested outside the Sanctum, reflecting on their journey, Kenjaku turned to Tengen. "We've come so far, Tengen. But I feel like there's still so much to learn."

Tengen nodded, her eyes thoughtful. "The Sanctum holds endless mysteries. But with each challenge we face, we grow stronger. Together, we can unlock its secrets."

Kenjaku smiled, a sense of determination filling him. "You're right. Whatever lies ahead, we'll face it together."

As the stars twinkled above, they felt a deep sense of purpose and unity. The journey within the Sanctum of Secrets was far from over

Tengen = star. here some familiar name so ignore them.

Sanctum of Secrets is uncanny name it original name is tengen barrier.

Shuvo_Sencreators' thoughts