
Jujutsu Kaisen: Restricted Psychic

An anomaly. A mistake within a mistake. Sachi Zenin was a irregularity of mind and body. The unknown power she wields is enough to contend with the self proclaimed 'Strongest' His birth was prophesied throughout the heavens. People cheered at his cradle. Her birth was unhonoured and only surrounded by death. One is confined within a cursed system. The world's blessed child. The other is unrestrained by the cursed laws. The world's mistake. Undoubtedly, their births shifted the balance of the world. One that was blessed by birth. One that was liberated by birth. A new chapter every 2 days! This will also be a slow paced story. This is my first book!

Rynin · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
62 Chs

What is going on?

'The residual is going towards the pier. Specifically, towards a speedboat by the pier.' I walk up close to it. But I make my face go side to side as if looking for a specific boat.

I inch closer to the boat as I walk slowly. Slowly but surely I reach the head of the boat. 'The biggest mark is here. Why though?'

I walk, a bit past the head of the boat, and sit down trying to ignore the loud voices of the people behind me.

I pretend to look at my reflection and glance at my watch from time to time. My head slightly turns to the side and I look under the boat. 'Ah. I see. A button to probably open a secret entrance. Activated by cursed energy. Yet it could also be a trap.'

I get up and walk around the pier. Looking from boat to boat for any residuals. Until I feel a tap on my shoulders. I turn around.

It's my target.

"Hi Sir! You seem lost, are you in need of assistance?" The kid smiles happily. I notice he is wearing the uniform of the pier. Guess that's one way to avoid suspicion.

"Yeah. Im looking for a person." I respond.

"Oh. What do they look like?" The kid asks.

"Perhaps I can't describe them properly. But I can say this. They are like a lost child who after some victories has overgrown their ego." I answer with that.

"I don't know anyone like that." The kid's mouth twitches.

"Hhhm. I guess they don't like seeing their reflection because of how ugly it is. After all I'm sure I'm looking at that lost child right now." I snap back with an insult.

The kid doesn't respond

I quickly jump back and invoke a barrier.

"Emerge from the darkness, blacker than darkness. Purify that which is impure."

The people around us dissappear in an instant. The area is now filled with a sickening silence.

'He either noticed me when I slightly spiked my cursed energy or had a weak curse looking out for trained cursed energy. Just like mine.'

I scan the entire area trying to sense for any traps laid beforehand. After confirming there were no traps. I look at the man and prepared myself for the coming battle. Yet I notice something strange. Something abnormal.

'His hands have all of his fingers! Does he know reversed cursed technique?' I tense my body even more.

"Old man. You should just back down and leave already. Go back to your coffin in the graveyard." His cursed energy immediately flows strongly.

"Don't be so quick to make me leave. I could invite you inside. It's quite warm there." I throw back a quick reply to his comment before I dash forward.

My strengthened fist scrapes by his face. I pull it back and drop to the floor to perform a sweeping kick. The attack meets its mark.

The curse user falls to the ground whilst I do a flip to get back up. Still covered in cursed energy I try to stomp my foot on his stomach.


'The cursed energy on my foot dissappeared!' My foot collides with his stomach. However, it hardly did anything except make my own right foot feel numb.

"You damn sorcerers thinkin-"

Slap! My fast hand connects with his scarred face and he was quickly knocked back. 'That time my cursed energy worked properly. It could be beacuse he wasn't focused.' I decide to end the fight quick. A orange hue burns to life in my hand.

The kid gets up rubbing the side of his red face. He opens his mouth but in an instant I'm already in front of him. My powered flame ball goes straight to his stomach.

"AGGRHHH!" The child starts to scream in agony. Before I could further demolish him my flame ball dissappeared in a instant. I leap back, being cautious of my opponent's technique.

Blood drips out of his mouth and his now exposed belly is raw and burnt with blood smeared all over it. "BASTARD!" He looks up at me. His fierce brown eyes embody killing intent.

"Hey now. Don't say that to me. I'm not your mirror." I insult the child to get him even more angry. 'He is not healing himself. It seems someone else healed him but the question is who could achieve that?'

He races forward and punches me (tried to) with his enhanced fist. I smoothly dodge his attack by moving to the left. Whilst doing so something odd happened. 'The cursed energy at my foot returned. Now I have a theory on his technique.'

Again. And again. My cursed energy dissappears but returns moments later. My sensing abilities told me that the curse user was finally reaching his limit.

I keep dodging the attacks with ease. Till he collapses to the floor. In pain and out of breath. 'The sorcerers before this must have been caught off guard by his technique and killed before they could fully understand it.'

I watch as the child's face goes through a few emotions. In the end he gets up and jumps away from me. "My cursed technique is Lost and Found. I can temporarily make something dissappear and return a few moments later." His cursed energy undergoes a increase. 'As if I haven't figured that out already.'

Quickly dashing forward, he performs a quick uppercut that obviously misses me by a few inches. I finally decide to satisfy my curiosity. "How did you get your finger healed?"

Crack! My tensed hand in the shape of a spear hits his shoulder causing a devastating sound. He falls back onto the ground (pathetically if I were to add on to that) his right shoulder unmoving.

"I'm sure someone like you knows our lord very well. Mister Judge!" Blood starts to seep out of his mouth as my mind wanders back and forth to figure out who this is. 'The people I know are definitely not affiliated with curse users. So is it an enemy? If so then who-'

"GODDDAMMIT!" I shout at the top of my lungs. The bastard in front of me begins laugh. "Hahhaa. Yo-" I cut him off and utter the last words he will ever hear.

Domain Exapnsion: A Thousand Sun's

The area immediately heats up and the pier we were once on now feels akin to a scorching desert. I summon a ball of blue flame that spins and twirls in my hands like a dancer.

I move my right hand with the fingers pointing up and my left hand with the fingers pointing down. My right hand is just above my left. Flames start bursting out of my finger tips as I unleash my attack faster than ever.

BOOOM! The entire area in front of me within 35 miles was turned to ash. My opponent gone. His soul already in the depths of hell.

I clench my fist extremely tight. My face is pure anger and resentment. My teeth make grinding noises and my eyes are a fierce blood red. 'I WILL FIND YOU.'

Drip. Drip. The ground I'm on turns a slight shade of red. Drip. Drip.


(A/N) Hhmm. I wonder who it is.

Anyway, just rewrote a bit of the first chapter. Tell me what you think!

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

Rynincreators' thoughts