
Jujutsu Kaisen: Reborn as Potential Man.

After an encounter with a supernatural force beyond human comprehension, Jack Conners is Isekaid into a new world. Reborn into the body of a 4 year old Megumi Fushiguro, Jujutsu Kaisen’s Greatest ‘Potential Man’, he works to surpass his own Humanity to evolve into something more. And maybe give some much needed happy endings to those that deserve it along the way… There is a discord for this fic. It has pictures for characters, lots of tidbits about the story among other things and the first 20 people to join will get an exclusive OG role that gives access to a special OG only channel. Join at https:// discord .gg / AGc4Ht7MFc NO HAREM Bare with me here, English ain't my first language.

HeliosTheDepressed · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
49 Chs

Rejection and Infiltration.

There is a discord for this fic. It has Live Updates about chapter progress and when they are completed, pictures for characters, lots of tidbits about the story, among other things. Join at https: // discord.gg / aWZ9qX9mAW

Glory to my chief Proofreader; Solare for he is the one who points out mistakes and acts as my favourite wall to bounce ideas off of.

600 Power Stones = Extra Chapter


30 Minutes Later.

'This is going nowhere quick, with Todo seemingly befriending him, I don't think it's going to be possible to kill Itadori Yuji at this point.' Noritoshi Kamo was starting to get desperate, he jumped backwards and retreated from the battle temporarily to get a clearer view.

It wasn't merely just the orders from Principal Gakuganji that he was following, it was also orders and a deal he had made with several elders of his clan that he was stressed with, their words still echoed in his ears.

"If you manage to kill Itadori Yuji under that Zen'in's protection, we will support you in becoming the next clan leader once more. We will even settle for merely injuring or humiliating him in any way possible, and if you somehow manage to kill him? We will stop at nothing to make sure you become the leader of the clan."

"I- Very well. But.. what of my mother?"

"That Unruly Disrespectful Brat humiliated me and our clan during a meeting with Jujutsu Headquarters, if you can finish this mission; we will even find her and bring her to you ourselves. This is a Binding Vow, do not disappoint us."

"...I will try my best, Honoured Elders."

Kamo shook his head to clear his mind and surveyed his surroundings, he watched as his team was pushed back. Despite their numeral advantage, the Tokyo students were simply better than he could have expected.

It wasn't just the Zen'ins, they were all more than he expected. They fought with an overwhelming sense of teamwork and trust in each other, not even flinching when attacks fired at them as they knew they would be protected by their comrades. 

He then turned to face the sleeping form of Megumi Zen'in, although he admired the man for his achievements despite being younger than him. He currently stood between him and saving his mother, as well as finally achieving his birthright.

Kamo reached into his uniform and pulled out 2 large packets of Blood, the packets floated above his head before streams of blood erupted from the packets and flowed into a compressed orb ahead of him.

'I have to at the very least try! If only once, since he is off guard right now. Maybe I could land a hit and injure him?' He reasoned, raising his hands and putting them together as the blood kept flowing through the gaps in his fingers and compressing even further.

"Convergence: Piercing Blood!"

Everyone's attention was immediately grabbed by the sound of something zipping past them at subsonic speeds, the hypersonic projectile sped towards Megumi's seemingly sleeping form with intent to pierce him straight through the head.

Even both Todo and Yuji turned to look at the projectile in the middle of their battle turned friendly training session, having gotten closer to the others in the battle over time.

However, the Special Grade sorcerer was not caught unawares as he sensed everything occurring even while asleep. He lifted the eye mask from his face and simply looked on at the oncoming projectile as if daring to hit him, he didn't flinch or falter even as the Piercing Blood reached 10 centimetres away from his forehead.

Just as the lethal projectile was about to land its mark, it was blown apart by a Red Blur, the blood splattered throughout the air and landed on the faces of both Megumi and Maki.

"You're welcome dumbass." Maki said as she held Playful Cloud which looked to be modified in her hand while standing before Megumi protectively, not seeming to be bothered or strained in the slightest after parrying a lethal hypersonic projectile.

"I knew you had it." He chuckled, he stood up and dusted himself off; taking a moment to wipe away a droplet of blood that had splattered near his mouth

"Well whatever, you. A dumbass he might be, but he's also the one who will make the world where my sister could have lived freely without fear or worry, so none of you are allowed to kill him." She declared with an ironclad will, standing at the ready to protect him from any other underhanded tricks even though he didn't need it.

"Aw, that almost made me think you don't hate me, Maki. But thank you either way." Megumi teased as he walked a few steps forwards towards Kamo, drawing an annoyed grunt from the Black haired woman beside him.

"Anywho~, since I am told I'm a nice person, I'll try to act the part and not immediately tear your head off trying to kill me. Explain yourself will you?" He asked casually, although he hid a sense of viciousness and danger in his voice.

"... In truth, I am desperate. If I am able to injure or cause you to take a loss in any tangible way, I will receive the support of many Elders under the promise of a Binding Vow. I'd finally be able to achieve my greatest goals." Kamo confessed, knowing that lies would probably get him nowhere in this situation.

'I see, I guess that makes sense. I'm still gonna beat his ass for trying to kill me, but I'll let his head stay where it is.' Megumi thought, deciding against completely battering him.

Or at least, he would have if it wasn't for the other man's following words.

"It's a shame though, in a different universe, perhaps we could have been good friends. After all, we are the same. We are both beholden to our clans and must bear the responsibility of being Heirs, and… We have both failed to save someone important to us." Kamo said, trying to convey his sympathies to the other man who he viewed to have suffered similar failures as he did.

'I heard what happened with his sister from the rumours, it must've been awful.' He thought.

With his words, Noritoshi Kamo had faced Megumi with a mirror that reminded him of his self-ascertained failure, the pain hit too close to home. 

Despite himself, Megumi could actually see the similarities he spoke of and how they had affected his life.

And when faced with this Unacceptable Reality –

"You…" The Special Grade sorcerer growled, the air around him became choked with the presence of Cursed Energy as his Crimson Eyes began burning in response to his Rage.

– Fushiguro Megumi had Completely and Utterly Rejected it.

"...Worthless Maggot!" 

In the Viewing Room.

"Ooof, he pressed the Tsumiki Button, he shouldn't have done that!" Satoru called out, knowing that Kamo was in for the beating of his life.

"Yeah, he's cooked." Mei Mei commented, she took a sip of a glass of wine she had by her side.

"Oh, you say that too?" Gojo questioned, somewhat surprised at her choice of vocabulary.

"Hm? Oh yeah, I picked it up a while ago while on a mission. Fun phrase~!" She cryptically said, chuckling to herself while Gojo just shrugged and continued watching.

"... What the hell is a 'Tsumiki Button'?" Gakuganji asked, completely unfamiliar with the choice in vernacular.

"You see, Megumi is what people call a 'Siscon'." Satoru explained cheerfully, taking almost perverse joy in the man's expression as he figured out what he meant.

"My poor students…" Utahime lamented, knowing that the one sided beatdown was about to begin.

"Incarnation: Max Elephant."

Megumi's eyes narrowed as he brought his hands up in the same pose that Kamo did just a minute ago before he slammed them together right after activating his Max Elephant Incarnation, water was formed and immediately compressed within his hands.

"Convergence: Piercing Aqua."

The Hypersonic projectile shot forwards with laser accuracy faster than anyone could even blink, it found its mark on the stunned form of Noritoshi Kamo and speared him right through his chest.

"KAMO-SAN!" Miwa cried out and moved to run towards him but was stopped by a firm grip on her shoulder.

"Give it a rest girl, this won't end well for you." Maki commanded, although she held a bit of sympathy for her opponent's circumstances, her loyalty towards Megumi held a higher precedent.

Noritoshi Kamo coughed blood before crumpling to the ground in agony, helpless to do anything as his opponent closed the distance. The crimson eyed man stared him down, he crouched down beside him before grabbing him by his hair and pulling him upwards.

"We are Not the Same, you worthless waste of Oxygen." He rejected Kamo's declaration entirely. 

"You can't even use your own technique without needing to rely on outside sources, hell it's not my ability but even I can use your best attack better than you can."

"Do not speak to me of shared failures when you don't even comprehend the difference between us." Megumi whispered into his ear, his rage transformed into a sense of sadistic satisfaction that caused him to grin with Malice, shortly afterwards his eyes gained Rings around his irises.

"But don't worry, despite how much you disgust me and your attempt at my own life, I won't kill you." He channelled his Reversed Cursed Technique and flowed it through his arm and into Kamo's body which mended his injured chest completely.

"No, I'm going to use you as a way to send a message. A message to those Filthy Rats you call 'Elders' and Higher Ups, it's about time they learned a lesson they should have known ages ago." Megumi's shadows bubbled over under his will as he summoned a Merged Beast to prove his point.

'Merger: Nue + Orochi.'

This Merger served a single purpose, Destruction and Brute Force in its Purest form. 

And so Megumi chose to use the same merger that Sukuna had summoned back in his previous life, taking inspiration in the sheer single minded brutality that the Curse had channelled. He had even overloaded the Merger with as much Cursed Energy as it could handle in order to power it up even further.

The Merged Beast used Nue as its base and is gargantuan in size, being large enough to perch on top of a skyscraper. Its face is much larger and more humanoid in appearance than Nue's regular form. It also possesses two arms, a snake-like tail and the same symbol as the Great Serpent on its forehead

"You all need to know your place in reality, and not try shit like this again."

The merger announced its presence with a loud shriek as it flew into the air with a flap of its gargantuan wings, just as it did so, bolts of lightning flowed down its form and striked down at the ground. The sheer power behind each lightning strike turned everything it touched into ashes.

"It's a simple concept isn't it? You're all Weak. In this world, none of you have a right to decide what happens in your lives, so don't act as if you do and stay the fuck out of my way." 

With another flap of its wings, the merger brought down Momo Nishimiya straight out of the skies and caused her to crashland in a smoking heap.

The Mechamaru puppets tried to get away from the range of the merger, however he was unable to escape the maelstrom as all 3 of the puppets were struck with lightning, overloading all the circuits and turning the metal keeping them together into slag.

The only one who remained standing was Kasumi Miwa who's body started shivering in fear as she looked up towards the lumbering monstrosity that was summoned from the Special Grade Sorcerer's Shadow.

Yet despite her fear and knowing that she was destined to lose, Miwa reached a shaking hand towards the grip of her Katana and struggled against her own survival instinct which told her to run in an effort to at the very least fall with her honour intact.


Miwa's body was instantly beset with a deep mandate as her mental faculties slowed sluggishly, within the span of a few seconds, she began falling down onto the ground but was caught by Maki who laid her down gently and allowed her to sleep peacefully.

"Yeah, that was probably for the best Inumaki." Maki said, glad that at very least one of their opponents weren't going to be burned to a crisp by Megumi's summon.

"Sheesh, talk about an over reaction huh?" Nobara quipped, trying to lighten the mood after the sudden change of atmosphere.

"It looks like Fushigobro was set off by something, I hope he's alright." Yuji rubbed his neck passively to loosen up a tight muscle. "I couldn't really hear much of what he said over the sound of thunder though…"

"Wait, weren't you and Todo fighting to the death a few seconds before?" Panda questioned.

"It turns out that Itadobro has PERFECT TASTE in Women, so we obviously became Best Friends again!" Todo declared with an excited tone, happy to be Reunited with his Best Friend after so much time spent apart.

In actuality, this is the first time that Aoi Todo and Yuji Itadori had ever met prior to this day. Yet it seems, through Pure Delusion alone, Aoi Todo had memories of events that had never transpired to begin with.

"What about your classmates?"


"...You'll fit right in."

The Results of the 30th Annual Kyoto Sister-School Goodwill Event: A Completely One Sided Crush.

Inside the Innate Domain of Ryomen Sukuna.

The King of Curses sat on his throne built of the skulls of Oxes with his head resting on his right hand, he had a dubious smile on his face as he was listening into the words and happenings around him through his unwieldy vessel. His superior senses and cursed energy control allowed him to pick up on things that not even his vessel had sensed.

"'You're all Weak. None of you have a right to decide what happens in your lives', huh? How Very Intriguing. So there is someone in this Era who truly gets it?" He laughed out as he continued watching the sorcerer summon a gargantuan beast that crushed his competition without mercy.

"I must say, at first you had my Curiosity. But now? Now you have my Attention." 

Ryomen Sukuna paused as he sensed a high presence of Cursed Energy approaching the battlefield, he then grinned with malicious intent.

"It seems fate is on my side once more, new challengers approach 'Special Grade Sorcerer'. Keep showing me more, do not disappoint me!"

Megumi let go of Kamo Noritoshi's hair, letting the man crumple onto the ground. He looked towards the west of the forest, he felt 2 huge signatures of Cursed Energy approaching the area.

'About fucking time these bastards get here, I needed something to burn to the ground. Mahito should be infiltrating to grab Choso and his brothers, along with the Sukuna Fingers in the possession of the Jujutsu HQ Storehouse. Good, I will kill Hanami and Mahito will grab the fingers for Yuji, all is going according to plan.' 

"Although… That is an unexpected development, but not one out of the range of my expectations." He whispered under his breath, his words were hidden under the deafening sounds of the thunderous maelstrom summoned by his Shikigami.

"All of you, get ready. We have visitors." He called out before unsummoning his shikigami since it had served its purpose and he found it to be too inefficient and unwieldy to be worth using for much more than simple intimidation or mindless destruction.

"Visitors?" Yuji questioned, confused as to what he meant since he couldn't sense anything.

"No, he's right. Something's off.. The Earth, it's shaking!" Maki confirmed, she could feel a subtle quake deep underneath the ground.

Right after Maki spoke, the Subtle Tremors turned into a Catastrophic Rumble that echoed throughout the entire forest. The ground before them was torn asunder as it split apart, from the shattered earth grew a veritable tidal wave of Plant Growth that flooded around all of them, trapping everyone with a Huge Arena made of Rock and Greenery.

It was then that a Ginormous Curtain fell around the entirety of the Forest, trapping them all inside and painting the skies a dark grey. 

Then the two intruders showed themselves, they were both Cursed Spirits with a monumental concentration of cursed energy. They walked together in sync and stood far above everyone else atop a spire of Plant Growth, one of them then walked forwards and started speaking.

"Apologies in advance Children, but the Earth has finally reached its breaking point. It is time for Humanity to be wiped out to let it heal!" The curse spoke in a language that sounded like utter gibberish, however the meanings of each word was transmitted into the Student's Minds forcefully.

'Hanami is finally here, stronger than before to boot if that Cursed Energy signature is any tell. That is a new one however; a Curse born of Humanity's Fear of Landslides, Earthquakes and the like if his appearance is anything to go off of.' Megumi deduced, reaching into his Haori, he went to grab a weapon he hadn't used in a long time.

Hanami is a large tan cursed spirit with black lines running across their entire body. Hanami has a helmet-like head that doesn't cover their teeth, branches for where the eyes are supposed to be, and two black lines that zig zag down their face. 

Underneath the cloth that Hanami wears, Hanami's left arm is entirely black but the fingers are white while their right fingers are black. Hanami wears black baggy pants that are held up with a white sash, and a white cloth that covers their left arm.

"I don't suppose that the cowards that come to kill children have names do they?" Megumi asked the two curses. In truth, he didn't care in the slightest what the other curse was called since it would die anyways, but it gave the rest of his classmates a chance to strategise.

"Panda, go get the Kyoto students outta here. I have a feeling that there's gonna be a lot of property damage left and I'd rather they don't die in the crossfire." Maki commanded quietly, catching onto Megumi's plan immediately. 

"The rest of you, attack the curse that Megumi and I don't attack. You don't have to win, just stall them long enough for the two of us to finish up with our own battle." She walked forwards by Megumi's side and reached for Playful Cloud, ready to join him in obliterating the Intruders.

To this, Maki gained affirmations from everyone present, while Panda looked around to spot the locations of the fallen Kyoto school students. He started by picking up Miwa, before mapping out the route he planned to take to grab the rest of the students without endangering them.

"I do not see how this matters in the slightest, but considering the fact that you children will die today, I will accommodate. I am Seism, and this is my elder Sister Hanami." Contrary to his supposed 'Sister', Seism spoke in the same language as they did but his voice was uncannily chittering in an almost Insect like way.

Seism had a powerful, humanoid form with broad, muscular shoulders and long, sturdy limbs. His skin is rough and textured, resembling hardened scales made of stone. Spikes run along his back and head, giving him a fierce armoured appearance which also acted doubly as his clothing. 

Seism's face is angular with deep-set, glowing red eyes that radiate intensity His arms were long enough to reach the ground with claws, sharp and robust enough to tear through flesh and bone as if it was moving in thin air.

[Image (In Discord)]

"Panda, run to get the Broom girl after I make my move, the rest of you Jump the Insect looking one. Maki, with me." Megumi ordered after his finished preparations. 

In his right hand was the Dark Moon Greatsword which he had finally been able to use after so long; it had been ages since he had gotten an opponent that was actually worthy of him using it after so long. And on his left hand was Kage, however, it had been Reforged into the form of a Greatsword matching his other.

"Gotcha'." Maki simply said, brandishing her Special Grade weapon as she did so revealing a newly Honed and sharpened edge. 

Following the Incident with the 'Volcano Head' Curse, Maki had taken Playful Cloud to a Jujutsu Tech Blacksmith who had Reforged the weapon to include Masterfully crafted Sharpened Spiked Edges to both ends of the 3-sectioned staff.

Megumi disappeared from his place in a cloud of dust, shortly followed by Maki. They both appeared before Hanami who was barely able to raise her arms and block both attacks, but was thrown hundreds of metres backwards and away from her Brother.

"Sister!" Seism cried out, he reached a hand to grapple her attackers but was taken off guard when he disappeared from his place and reappeared elsewhere. 

Megumi and Maki both nodded towards their classmates before they shot forwards ahead to take care of the other curse as quickly as possible then come back to finish off the other one.

"Sorry curse, but your opponent is us!" Todo declared with a grin, happy to be able to fight alongside his brother.

When he looked around, Seism found himself to be completely surrounded by four different combatants, each ready to attack. This caused the Disaster Curse to growl and smash at the ground with his arms, sending out a shockwave followed by spikes made of rock shooting out of the ground at his enemies.

"I am going to Crush you Puny Humans for hurting my sister!" 

"Not if we kill you first, Rockhead!" Nobara snarked as she, along with her comrades, jumped over and avoided the spikes while shooting back a Nail at his head.




Author's Note:

600 Power Stones = Extra Chapter

We meet yet another Disaster Class Cursed Spirit, will our heroes be able to exorcise it or will they succumb to this Curse?

Find out next time on Potential Man Z!

That or you can get my Patreon and find out instantly :3

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Next Chapter Title: The Hot Wind is Blowing…

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