

The light poured onto his eyes. He was dead exhausted. Killing millions of curses was not an easy thing to do even for the powerful cursed user like him. And despite his strength, time had also come to consume his soul.

He was a tired warrior of this world known as the first six-eyes bearer. Since birth, he has been hunted down by the shamans and cursed spirits for his incredible vision and power.

Now, for unknown reasons, he was waiting for something to happen. All his life, it is always been him who moved the tide of the world. He moved on instinct and with such free will.

' It is so bad. ' He thought, having no choice but to stare at the light. He didn't know where he was right now. Sitting in the endless place, he thought about his time.

' Perhaps, this is dead. Maybe Afterlife? ' He chuckled at the thought. ' But it is too peaceful. I thought the world would want to send me to hell. '

As he was wondering about the endless, powerful suction drawn him to the light. In reflex, he placed his hand and tried to perform a cursed technique. But there is no cursed energy to make up the technique.

So he was consumed by the light.

Time passed.


Satoru looked at the paper in confusion. He lifted up the sunglasses and stared his blue eyes at the caretaker of his family.

" What is this?" He asked.

The caretaker bowed and respectfully said a series of words. " Clan head order young master to take the successor of Sato under your care. He wishes you could take control over the brunch family using the successor. "

Satoru frowned. " I told my father before. And I will say that again. I have no wish to take over the gojo family. Beside, I don't want to take care of another brat. Megumi alone is already taxing on my metal state."

Caretaker remained static at the neagtive response. He already used to the young master attitude. And beside he didn't need that much energy to make the young master interest on the Sato's clan successor.

" Sato's clan successor had showed ​a great talent in using cursed technique. He had already killed grade one cursed spirits many times. Although he had not learnt domain expansion or any barrier technique due to the lack of resources, I think it is only a matter of time he create one."

Satoru raised an eyebrows." Seriously?" He exclaimed and went back to look at the paper.

In there explained the situation in great detailed. He even managed to pick up his father cursed energy from the ink. That old man must have released cursed energy due to excitement.

' Such a weak mind.' Satoru shooked his head and burned the paper using cursed energy.

' On the other hand, I got the training partner for the first year. I thought Megumi is the only student. Hehe. '

Satoru looked at the caretaker and nodded. " Tell father that I will take the kid as my student. And don't worry about the clan. He won't be able to live that long anyway."

The caretaker nodded and stepped out of Satoru's room.

Satoru stared at the ashes on his palm and sighed.


Sato Yun. A lone boy at the age of 15 stood on top of the large tree. His black eyes gazed down from the top to the village. He had escaped from the endless space. Yun had already learned the situation of the world.

The technology and the state of power. The law of strength had forgetten and replaced with connection. This era is trully the rise of weak people.

He never thought the non-sorcercr would rise to the state. Well, he guess the sorcerer would want to stay under the shadow and wanted to live in fewer cursed spirits.

" I guess they learned from my mistakes. Ruling the world with power is not a good thing. It can create the anomaly. " Yun whispered silently.

Yun didn't want people to view him as a weakling. That is why he dispalyed the talent of cursed energy to his family. He killed the grade one cursed spirits using his new cursed technique.

Although his new cursed technique is weak compare to the old one, he managed to create a bunch of interesting way to use his power.

Just as he was about to scan any interesting thing from the surrounding, he picked up a wave of immese cursed energy. He looked down immediately and stared at the man who came from nowhere.

The sliver haired man with a blindfold waved his hand at Yun. He seemed to speak something at him but the sound wave didn't reach at the top of the tree.

Yun stared at the sliver haired man for a breif moment. ' His overall cursed energy is great but not that great like me. But I can see the control of cursed energy smiliar to mine but a bit different. '

Yun jumped down from the tree and landed softly on the ground using his cursed technique. He put on the defensive position,sharpening the cursed energy around his body to the fullest.

Satoru looked at Yun with a smile." You are a insteresting kid."