
Jujutsu Kaisen: partners for life

I got ripped off! The ROB said that he can grant any three of my wishes, then when I speak he begins to reject everything cause the abilities are too op cause they break the balance or some crap. Well jokes on him, I just fooled him into gaining an equally strong ability, haha now I can break the can... wait what was that? I'm getting reincarnated into Jujutsu Kaisen? The one with the guy who can slice you too pieces with a simple gesture, a man that you can't touch? The world where one of the fucking main characters straight up dies? Well shit... *MC will be a hero and will work with others, so don't expect an evil mc solo'ing every cursed spirit. Enemies WILL get jumped.

smol_benis · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
14 Chs

School [edited]

Hello everyone, the name is Rei; Rei Tachibana.

I am 16 years old, and just a normal high schooler.

I was promised that I would be awakening a sta... I mean Cursed Spirit when I'm 14 years old, yet here we are. At least I still have my insane physical abilities. I mean, can Yuji run on water?



Where is my special grade cursed spirit, with cursed energy that surpasses Sukuna. Why can't I summon him

That damn ROB! Going on about how he would be interested in my journey or some shit.

Sigh... why must my life be like this. Well, I guess I should be happy that I still have Toji Fushiguro's abilities.

I can't even practice martial arts or make money by fighting.



(2 years ago)

Our protagonist, Rei Tachibana was one day walking home from the grocery store. He was carrying two bags that contained some food, and manga. He had sharp green eyes, long black hair, and a chiseled face. He was a handsome youth that could make anyone, girls or guys, fall for him. That is... if they ignored his shirt.

A skin tight black shirt, with a v-shaped collar that did nothing but outline his musculature. On the shirt was the images of different shonen protagonists that covered most of the shirt. It was because of this shirt, that he was not being flirted with.

Rei was a bit of a weeb, but could you blame the guy? He was in the world of a literal manga.

"Oshiete oshiete yo sono shikumi wo", Rei was singing to himself as he was going home. 'Man, that song hits so different when you actually understand the meaning'.

"Please stop.", the sound of sobbing and pleading echoed throughout the empty street, causing Rei to stop and look for the source of that noise. Thanks to his superhuman senses, Rei quickly made his way to a small, dark alleyway.

'Cliche much', Rei thought as he peeked inside, there he saw a group of tall, imposing men staring with eyes of lust at a girl who was cowering in fear. In between them, he saw a badly beaten teenager trying to stop the group of men.

'As expected of a manga world to also possess cliche moments like this.' Rei thought, while rubbing his chin. 'The guy looks like he's about to croak any minute, maybe I should help them. It'll be good fighting experience'.

With those thoughts, Rei made his presence known by nonchalantly walking into the alleyway, while whistling to a tune.

Immediately, the whole group turned their attention to the whistling figure, only to be met by a teenager wearing an anime shirt.

The beaten youth concentrated on Rei for a while, before muttering "Rei...is that..you?"

That got everyone's attention, including Rei's. Rei focused on the beaten individual, before a look of realization dawned on him.

"Oh its you, Naoto, and is that... Mayumi? Didn't know you guys were a thing", Rei laughed. This time the group of men became angry that the teen was ignoring them. A short, yet still muscular man with a scar over his mouth quickly spoke up.

"Hey, kid. You're a brave one, aren't ya. Get the hell out of here before we cut your dick off", the man laughed while the rest followed.

"I'm sorry sir, but I can't leave my two classmates injured like that".

"Rei... just...run. These.. guy.. are just gang members".

"Yea kid, you should listen to your friend there. We roughed him up real good, we just one a piece of that cake", the man said eyeing the highschool female, like a piece of meat.

'Dude, this is too cringe. I can't handle it anymore', Rei walked up to the short man, and punched him square in the face. Unfortunately, Rei had never actually directly punched anyone so what ended up happening was that Rei's fist completely crushed the man's face. A few of his teeth broke, and the man's nose was permanently caved in. The man was launched and crashed into the wall of a building.

Everything turned quiet, for no one could comprehend what had just happened. Just then, a group of grunts broke the silence, "He killed big brother Zed, let's kill him!".

"Yeah!", the men shouted in unison as they rushed to Rei and attempted to pummel. However the torrent of punches, came to Rei in slow motion

He simply swerved to the left when a punch came to his right side, and swerved to the right when there was a punch to his left side. Just like that, he didn't get even once by the brutes.

'Some gang they are', thought Rei. He formed his hand to a fist, and threw a punch to one of the brutes. Again, he put too much force, and his fist went clean through the man; coming out from the man's back.

"Yaaahh!", Rei screamed, and forced his hand out. In its place, was a bloody, gaping hole. The man fell down on the ground and died, a truly brutal death.

The other gang members were horrified at what just transpired, and seeing that some random kid was able to tear through a man like paper: they booked it out of there.

Rei quickly inspected his arm, which was now covered in foreign blood. Looking at the couple, who were now staring in shock at the dead body and Rei, he quickly ran away from the scene of the crime with his grocery bags.

Thankfully the incident happened at night, in the slums. No one would believe that some kid was tore a hole through a fully grown man, much less the son of two idols.

Although, Rei was relieved that the incident was push under the rug, he could still see the look of fear when he saw the two classmates.


Dammit, why did I have to be reminded of that incident again. I was too afraid to do martial arts or fight after that incident. Plus, I could just use my superhuman abilities to carry me.

"You fucking Otaku, stop ignoring me!",

Suddenly a book was slammed on my desk, startling me and snapping me away from my thoughts. Groaning, I looked up and glared at the culprit. There was a handsome Japanese teenager, he was wearing the black tailored uniform of our school. He had sharp, pretty eyes that seemed to hold a bit of cruelty as it glared me.

"What, what do you want", I ask quite rudely. He interrupted me in the middle of my important thoughts.

"Hey get me a sandwich. You gotta train your Naruto run for the convention in Akihabara don't you?", he says throwing me some money and laughing. A couple of students also join in on the nonexistent joke, most likely his friends.

Sometimes, I wonder why kids like this exist. Like I'm pretty sure they would have suffered some accident that caused them to rethink their life before they even started high school. Seriously, who was this kid? I don't even know his name, so why was he 'bullying' me.

Was he stronger than me? Yea... no. I'm pretty sure I can give him major brain damage if I flicked his forehead right now. Alright, I should stop having those thoughts.

Was he smarter than me? Definitely not, I had the best grades in class. I was already an adult with a six figure salary, in my past life. High school was basically just a breeze, and it helped that I had near perfect memory.

He was probably just trying to pick on me for being an otaku. Sigh where did that otaku business even come from. I got 'caught' reading manga once, and everybody was teasing me for being an otaku. Granted I did not deny any of the allegations, but still.

I can't lie, I was definitely an otaku. Thanks to the influence of curses and sorcerers, the manga ad anime in this world are out of this world. I fell down the rabbit hole.. HARD.

It also didn't help that I looked almost nothing like my parents or any of my siblings. When I asked for the physical abilities of Toji, the ROB really gave every physical aspect of him.

That's going to cause a lot of problems for me later down the line. Not only do I look like the infamous sorcerer killer, but I even have the same physical abilities as him! Those Jujutsu elders are going to be on my ass, I might even get executed!

Don't get me wrong Toji looks badass as hell, unfortunately he didn't have the soft idol-like features that were evident in the Watanabe clan.

Eventually, the kid grumbled to himself and walked away. I really should stop getting to these long tirades, I mean who am I even talking to? Why am I explaining everything about me to... myself?

"Hey Kanami, did you get the latest edition yet", asked some random kid.

"No man, when I went to buy it, it was already sold out", replied Kanami, a little frustrated. That was Kanami Sato, we were kind of like friends. He was the only one who didn't call me an Otaku behind my back, you know superhuman senses and whatnot.

"Dude, just ask Rei for one. I'm pretty sure he has a couple of copies", answered the random kid.

"Yea..but isn't kind of weird to ask him for his own sister's idol magazine?", Kanami asked a bit quietly. Of course I hear everything he said as clear as day.

"Nah man, he's cool like that. Two weeks ago he gave me a copy of last month's issue with his sister in it.", replied random kid. See.. why couldn't people remember me like for that. Sigh, no wonder why curses were so rampant in this world, there's so much goddamn toxicity.

Anyway enough of my rant. Seriously.. why did I just rant to myself for a full minute. I must be gong crazy from all the toxicity.


The bell rung at the usual time, signaling that it was time to leave.

Kanami asked me for a copy of the issue, which I accepted. I had like 10 of them, though I mainly used them to check on other idols. Kind of weird to ogle at your own sister, you know.

I edited this chapter, so that it would flow better with the next few chapters. Also, I realized that I never even gave the main character's name yet.

smol_beniscreators' thoughts